Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 193 Oh my god! Monster!


Deep surprise flashed in Noel's eyes, and he reached out to grab some photos and looked at them.

All kinds of words were transformed into the words of the Federation of Stars in his eyes, even the Daybreak text was no exception.

When the Sword Master came here to communicate, he brought the text of Dawn, and because the Sword Master was too powerful, both Noel and Chuao included this text into one of the federal texts.

At least the machines on the Star Federation's side can easily decipher the Dawn text.

It's the same at Daybreak. The White Epidemic knows the words of the Star Federation because the Palace of Knowledge, the City Guard Mecha, and a lot of alchemy knowledge all come from the Star Federation.

Their writing is also taken seriously by Daybreak, and many high-level officials will learn from it more or less.

Because everyone also looks forward to the day when the two distant federations will establish diplomatic relations.

Integration is the general trend of the Federation, and concentrating all advantages is the key to victory.

Not only the words, but also the alchemy inscriptions became easy to understand after Noel became serious.

The mage raised by Chu Ao, although his teachers were those high-ranking mage, he also knew a lot about alchemy.

After checking for a while, he was deeply surprised: War. Colossus?

Yes, the War Colossus of the Great Sage. My current technology is Sage, but the other two knowledge masters. With this, I have a goal. There are still more than three hundred years left. There is still hope. As long as If you can create a colossus, then all crises will be resolved.

Chuao said with a smile and continued to look at these photos. Above his head, every time he looked at a word, there would be an instrument that translated the words into the Star Federation's words.

And the original appearance of the Colossus data is arranged according to some special compositions.

Why is this called white plague?

Noel's words stopped, and there was a little pride in his eyes: I know, you are still the strongest alchemist in the two federations, and they can't handle it, so they want you to save the world!

Chu Ao paused and frowned: I told you, arrogance is the original sin that makes a person fail. No matter how powerful you are, you should maintain a humble and peaceful heart.

But this is a fact. Noel is a little indifferent. He is now an eighth-level legend. All the mutated areas within hundreds of thousands of kilometers outside the Federation have been hunted by him during his usual outings, leaving only some weak ones for the Federation. People exercise.

Being so powerful and having never experienced failure, he didn't think he needed to be humble.

Chuao sighed and reluctantly calmed down. He also knew what was wrong with this young half-elf.

He rummaged through the information, and when he saw a special picture, there was some contemplation in his eyes.

He continued to search for a while, and there were many special pictures, accounting for one-tenth of the photos.

Chu Ao was a little relieved, but also a little disappointed. This meant that the information on this colossus was incomplete. Fortunately, the level of alchemy there was not as low as expected.

The incompleteness of the Colossus also gave him more opportunities. Although this would continue to lower the success rate, not everyone could reach the top of the world like the Great Sage.

Pushing these pictures in front of Noel, he said calmly: See for yourself, strong people can be proud, but they should never be arrogant.

I need to sort out the information now. You should sort it out too. You can see what knowledge needs to be passed on. The other party has given the best. We can't be stingy here.

It will take a week, and everything that has been sorted out will be sent over in seven days.

Chuao said and took back the photo in Noel's hand. He stood up and walked towards the back of the palace with steady steps.

【Your lab preparation is done. 】

[The translation and typesetting of the knowledge has been completed. 】

[Top secret knowledge has been recorded: Dawn Colossus. 】

As the mechanical sound moved away, Noel frowned and picked up the knowledge left behind to check it. The slight disdain in his eyes quickly disappeared, and his brows furrowed deeply.

This is a more advanced network, with missile systems in the other direction.

It seems that Daybreak is not the kind of federation he imagined, a federation supported by a strong man.

Thoughts appeared in his eyes. After a long time, he put down this knowledge and excitement appeared in his eyes. The emergence of arcane magic will definitely have an impact on orthodox mages.

It is better to compile the core of arcane magic and the existing arcane magic into a volume and send it directly to the Dawn Federation. Use it as a pilot first. When we have the opportunity to contact you again in the future, we will see if the arcane magic can kill the original mage system. !

Faint spatial ripples appeared on his body, and the whole person disappeared.


Lord City Lord, the other party said that knowledge will be passed on in a few days.

Wei Lu and Wu Nuosi added friends. After understanding, he looked at the prompts on the panel and said with a smile.

[Mission: Distant Contact Completed.

Obtained: skill points +5, attribute points +5, experience points +5000. 】

A trace of tenderness flashed in Bai Bian's eyes: Thank you for your hard work, I'll send you to meet them.

The guard shook his head: No need, Lord City Lord, I don't think going on an adventure is of high value in helping you contact the Federation of Stars, so I will stay in Tobu City until the other party transmits knowledge, and you can call me at any time.

Bai Bian couldn't help but pat Wei Brigade on the shoulder. Which NPC wouldn't like this kind of player?

He thought for a while and said, Thank you for your hard work. I saw the traces of your purchases in the Palace of Knowledge. You like the history of the Federation very much, don't you?

Wei Lv nodded: Yes, I like the history of Shia. I can see the stories I want to see in it.

There is a department in Tobu City called the Scholars Department. If you are interested, I can let you join them. Their duty is to sort out history and study all incomprehensible phenomena. Bai Yi said with a smile.

Of course I'm interested, but that's the trouble, Lord City Lord. Wei Brigade was delighted. He had never paid attention to this department, but some of the signatures in the history books he purchased did have the scholar department.

You deserve it. Go over now. They are across from the city lord's mansion. I have already informed them.

When you are ready to deliver the news, you can just leave a message at any time. Bai Bian said and began to send messages to the Scholars Department and the Ministry of Finance.

He needs a lot of minerals to repair the city-protecting mechas, and at the same time, he also needs to open some privileges for the Guard Brigade. He likes to organize the background of the world, so let the Scholars Department give him permission to view a more authentic history for free.

Okay, I'll leave first. Wei Lu couldn't suppress the joy in his eyes, and he couldn't help but lighten his steps as he walked out. This wave of his material was really overwhelming.

After the guard left, Bai Bian walked outside. Luo Ning and Irene were muttering something to some green plants.

Judging from the greenery under the snow, they were practicing and planned to restore the City Lord's Mansion to spring in this harsh winter.

Suddenly there was some movement at the door not far away.

Bai Bian and the two of them turned their heads at the same time to see that Diane finally woke up at noon.

As I passed the threshold, my steps faltered.

Sister Diane, are you injured? Luo Ning said with some concern: Would you like sister Eileen to help you treat it?

No, no, no need. Diane's face instantly turned red. She glared at Bai Bian, her body was filled with magic power, and her body was pregnant: Don't come here, liar!

Bai Bian stopped, a little embarrassed: Um, okay, I'll go to the Whispering Legion first.

After saying that, he watched the live broadcast and walked out.

Looking at the two of them, Irene seemed to have thought of something, and her face suddenly turned red. She pulled Luo Ning and whispered something.

Diane quickly took out a bottle of gorgeously packaged drink from the space ring and drank it in one gulp.

Suddenly her complexion became obviously better. She stepped forward and interrupted the whispers of the two little girls. But looking at the rosy faces of the two little girls, she turned back and glanced at Bai Bian's back again.

Changing the subject decisively: Can you take me to visit Tobu City? I'm not familiar with this place.

Good × 2——

Really, I'm not that tired. That guy Er Shu is about to die just after he came out. How long do we have until we get there?

Demacia's face was full of despair: Is this higher than Everest?

Xiahou Fuxing is similar. One of them is a mage and the other is a summoner. They are both magic professions. After several hours of climbing, they are almost vomiting after eating steamed buns.

Stop complaining, you still have a mission, but I don't even have a mission. If you damage morale again, I will jump down and go back to the city. Xiahou Fuxing said weakly.

He shouldn't listen to Demacia's lies. He must be very popular.

The number of people in the live broadcast room was indeed quite large, but it was not lively. After watching it for a while, the audience left, which was not much higher than usual.

Well, no, no, no, hey, I will definitely help you with your next mission. Don't worry, I, Demacia, have always been trustworthy! Demacia said with a smile, somewhat flattering.

The summons can't help him now. If he is allowed to crawl slowly alone, he will be bored to death.

After finally catching a big grudge, how could we let him go?

Do you still have the magic recovery potion? I've finished the one Bai Bie gave me just now. Xiahou Fuxing was just joking and asked as he crawled hard for a while.

After all, mages of more than 20 levels can already learn the flying technique, but it is very expensive for them, not to mention that he still needs to release the flying technique twice, and the double mana consumption is simply unbearable.

Yes, yes, here. Demacia took out a bottle of potion from her pocket and handed it to Xiahou Fuxing, looking at him expectantly.

After drinking a bottle of blue medicine, Xiahou Fuxing waited for a while, pulled out the staff from a backpack on his back, and decisively released two spells.

This kind of tactical backpack is something made by players. In fact, it is made to hold weapons and supplies based on the characteristics of the profession.

After all, this crappy game doesn’t have space equipment, and if you don’t have a backpack, you won’t be able to pick up much loot.

The two of them quickly flew up the mountain. They only flew for about thirty seconds. They quickly approached the mountain. When they grabbed the mountain wall, his blue energy had just bottomed out.

Oh haha~ It's completely gone. Let's crawl. Let's see when we can climb there. Xiahou Fuxing put the staff back into his backpack and said helplessly.

It should be soon, after all, it has reached the clouds. Demacia glanced down, her voice trembling: Oh my god, don't look down, it will explode if you look down.

Xiahou Fuxing:.

You are the only one who can look around, okay? Huh? Look, what is that?

Xiahou Fuxing was excited: The cave in the clouds, is there any hidden plot?

Demacia felt a sudden surge of strength, but as the two climbed into the cave, their hopes were dashed.

This is said to be a cave, but it is more like a slightly larger groove, the kind where even sunlight can shine through.

Xiahou Fuxing sat down on the ground and looked at himself, who had recovered a little bit of blue.

He decisively took the backpack behind him, rummaged through it, and pulled out pots, pans, and some coal-like fuel. After firing the fireball technique, the surroundings gradually became warmer.

He took out a tightly wrapped piece of meat half a meter in diameter from the bottom of his backpack and started cooking decisively.

Demacia was dumbfounded by this series of operations: No, buddy, I only put potions and that shield in my backpack, why do you still put pots?

Xiahou Fuxing glanced at him: When you went to fight monsters, didn't you know that the meat of these monsters has special effects? No pot? Eat it raw?

No, shouldn't you drink medicine? Demacia was stunned: And what kind of meat is this? Don't tell me it's from orcs or goblins. I can't accept it.

Xiahou Fuxing paused, and an inexplicable fluctuation flashed in his eyes: Elf's! It's the most tender part of the body, absolutely delicious. If it weren't sour for people in this world, then maybe it would be delicious.

Demacia: Σ(°△°|||)︴

He shrank to the corner in an instant, pointed at Xiahou Fuxing with one hand, and trembled: You and me...not him. Does this have anything to do with tenderness? People... this, this, this...

At this time, he looked at the barrage and immediately saw some reassuring remarks.

Ha ha ha ha.

Have you taken a screenshot of the emoticon? I'm telling you, those who play high-end games don't know this kind of thing. Xiahou Fuxing chuckled and said, We were a food anchor before we encountered that hell mission!

Demacia's entire face turned dark. Looking at the barrage's ridicule and the guy who was about to become a bad friend, he asked, So is this really the meat of the wolf mentioned in the barrage?

No, we have finished eating the wolf meat, and the wolf meat is cooked to increase agility in a short period of time. This silver-level watery meat is blue-green, and the taste is amazing. Wait a minute, and I will show you what five-star status means. Chef, you will never get this kind of delicacy in Blue Star! Xiahou Fuxing explained with a smile.

After all, when he was on the inside, he looked at the freedom of this game and planned to develop from a real food blogger to a food blogger in the game, but it was a pity that fate changed him later.

He accidentally discovered a copy of Hell, and then was picked by White Plague, and took off immediately.

But after the transformation, he did not forget to collect other delicacies to continue his profession. After all, what do people in China like?

Besides money, it’s all about food!

In this game with a high degree of freedom, food definitely has a place.

Following Xiahou Fuxing's movements, a strong fragrance began to fill the air, and some of Demacia's original unhappiness gradually disappeared in this fragrance.

He came over excitedly and asked: But we originally planned to destroy Rose of the Night's conspiracy. Shouldn't you bring supplies such as potions? How did you think of bringing this?

Xiahou Fuxing glanced at him: I don't have any tasks. I originally planned to continue my live broadcast, but you called me over when I was preparing to cook.

As he spoke, he immediately swore: Don't even think about stealing your damn hand that just touched the stone! You are disrespecting the food. Go over there, sit down, and wait until I get out of the pot!

Demacia was stunned and felt a little aggrieved: Why are you so fierce? Have I never smelled something so fragrant?

Shut up, you don't have a summon now, be careful I'll beat you up! Xiahou Fuxing said fiercely.

Demacia shrank her neck: Okay, okay, it seems like a different person.

As the aroma became more intense, Demacia kept swallowing and couldn't help but urge: How long will it take? Two people can't eat that much, right?

Xiahou Fuxing flipped the ingredients and asked casually: Come on, in addition to frying the onions, I also plan to fry two steaks. How cooked do you want them to be? Eh? Is it getting dark?

Eight points.

Isn't it just afternoon? And it's not even eight minutes. Demacia said and was stunned.

He looked at Xiahou Fuxing and found that he also froze.

At the same time, countless barrages were frantically swiping the screen. He glanced at them and suddenly felt the hairs on his hair rising crazily.

He and Xiahou Fuxing slowly turned their heads. In the clouds, a huge black head was less than ten meters away from them, occupying their entire field of vision.

They hugged each other instantly: Oh my god! Monster ah ah ah ah.


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