Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 186 Third level legend, city protection mecha

The light beam became more and more massive, and more than 10,000 players here stared at the sky with their eyes wide open.

This copy is still too far away from the players, and too many players can't get there.

The beam of light became more and more exaggerated. The second full moon loomed in the sky, and a phantom of a mountain appeared in the beam of light.

It seemed to be sitting cross-legged, motionless.

But the unparalleled sense of pressure makes the player's blood flow rapidly.

Players, look at me and I look at you. This Ivanovich seems to be even more powerful than the previous two bosses.

Xiahou Fuxing felt the flow of blood, as if his body was in fear, and his sanity value of 100 had dropped by 30 points in a short period of time.

The body will soon be frightened to death.

Without thinking, he decisively took out Junlin and blew it hard.


A huge will suddenly passed through the player's heart.

The beep on the panel lights up again.

[Your morale +30%, your morale is like a rainbow, and you are temporarily exempt from the deduction of sanity points. 】

The players were breathing heavily, fear and fighting spirit blurred at this moment. As one player rushed over with a roar, almost all the players rushed in the direction of Ivanovich, shouting about killing the boss. words.

Wei Brigade looked at the boss with thoughtful eyes. He looked up at the sky. Under the connection of the light beam, reality and this town were about to merge.

The moonlight outside is getting brighter and brighter, but the original moonlight in this secret realm is gradually dimming.

The sun and moon in this world are very magical. In other words, because the world is so huge, the rules of the sun and moon are completely different from those of Blue Star.

For example, there are things like jet lag. Logically speaking, there is only one sun in this world, so most areas should be hidden in darkness for a long time.

But here, all corners can shine with sunlight during the day. The law of the sun sends sunlight to every corner during the day.

The diameter of the Federation is 80,000 kilometers, which is longer than the diameter of Blue Star.

However, the sunrise seen in Dongwu City is almost the same as the sunrise seen in Xiling City, but there is definitely only one sun and moon. No one has studied this miraculous phenomenon.

Of course, it is also possible that due to the majesty of the Sun God and the Moon God, the New God represents rules, and it is difficult for people to understand the rules.

The handwriting on the panel appeared in Wei Lu's eyes, and he kept recording some things among the players.

These are some of his thoughts about secret realms. Although he doesn't know if players are interested in the background of a copy, he is very interested.

Regardless of whether the player watches it or not, he will record it in the copy of his video, slowly turning the structure of this world into a history book unique to the player.


An extremely special wave exploded, and the bodies of those players who came close to a certain distance suddenly began to mutate, and their eyes turned scarlet.

The charging steps turned directly to attack the companions beside him.

At the same time, a series of videos filled the screen of Wei Brigade’s live broadcast room. These are mutated players. In the text description, they are already dead, and the ones attacking the players now are monsters.

Fuck! Brothers, you have experience in killing them! Cut him!

As the players on the field shouted, the war between normal players and mutated players began, or it could be said that this was players brushing corpses wearing player skins.

Wei Lu recorded these things and some of his conjectures, and approached the light pillar unhurriedly.

The war between players and ghouls ended not long after.

Because, at this moment, all the players except Wei Brigade froze for a moment, and then their eyes slowly turned scarlet.

In the pillar of light, the old figure had opened a pair of blue eyes.

It looked around with some confusion, as if it didn't understand why these people had no souls, which caused these corpses to be mentally retarded.

It slowly turned its head and cast its gaze on a guy who was not invaded by the aura of the netherworld.

It was a weak night elf. He walked towards him with graceful steps. Judging from the waves in the surrounding space, this person was hidden in another layer of space and escaped this. sub-mutation.

It stood up slowly, its old figure a little stiff. It believed that it could catch this weird little guy.

Wei Brig took a look at his mana. He was a hidden professional space-time assassin, but it also cost mana to enter the subspace. However, he had a lot of attribute points, which were basically added to agility and intelligence.

Now I can enter the space gap for two minutes.

That was enough time for him to ask something: Ivanovich.

The voice sounded from another dimension, and the old figure who was about to make a move paused. His blue eyes turned into gold at a certain moment, but then quickly turned into blue again.

A realization appeared in Wei Brig's eyes. He looked at the sky. The space will completely coincide with reality in two minutes. The missile may have been launched, right?

He felt like he didn't have that much time left.

He said quickly: Ivanovich, the king of Lingyang Kingdom two thousand years ago, do you still remember who you are?

do you know? Your kingdom is gone. Look around you. The corpses have invaded your kingdom. After your death, no one in Lingyang survived.

Your history is buried in that period. I believe you are great, but look at you now, where do you still look like a king?

I need your help and wait here quietly. The ghosts that you couldn't destroy at that time have now been solved. As long as you wait, your epic will be known to future generations.

Ivanovich was stunned, the golden light in his eyes intertwined with the blue light, he was struggling, it was suppressing.

The ghost and the king fought with each other in their old bodies.

The guard brigade continued to approach, and the player's camera recorded every frame of the king's expression, including pain, anger, and confusion.

For two thousand years, except for the short period of sleeping, they have been fighting, and there has never been a winner.

A trace of black smoke loomed in the old man's eyes, and at the same time, a faint blue light took over at this moment.

The golden color was gradually crushed by the blue color.

Wei Lu frowned fiercely and looked at the sky. The bright moon outside was still bright.

He didn't know what was going on. Judging from the records and the reaction just now, it only took words to make them continue the fight two thousand years ago.

Even if there is a winner, it cannot be decided in a short period of time.

Why did the king lose consciousness all of a sudden?

The ghost was also stunned.


An even bigger aura rose into the sky from the ghost's body, and the extremely terrifying aura illuminated the moonlight, making the world merge with the outside world faster and faster.

Ghost looked around, as if he didn't understand what just happened.

But what it knows is that it seems to be stronger.

A stream of memories appears in the ghost's mind, its power is undergoing transformation, and Ivanovich's extremely firm will is surrendering.

The ghost felt his body. At this moment, he felt more relaxed than he had ever felt before. Invading the old man's soul was the worst decision it had ever made in its life.

It turns out that there are really people in the world whose will is so strong.

It turns out that someone can really use the hatred of the entire kingdom to forcibly seal it and itself.

It turns out that the invasion of ghosts is not absolute.

He felt the baptism of the light beam and stretched out his hand.


A slight sound appeared, and Wei Lu calmly looked at a dry, old hand holding his heart.

His eyes were full of confusion: It shouldn't be. You shouldn't be able to get rid of Ivanovich's entanglement. What power helped you?


The old palm exerted force, Wei Lu's heart exploded, and his perspective turned gray.

At the same time, the bodies of surrounding players exploded, and countless amounts of blood and flesh converged on the ghosts.

More and more powerful forces are gathering.

Outside, the sky has completely darkened at this moment, and the bright moon has been blocked, allowing the earth to usher in its darkest moment.

The faint blue light was looming, as if a hint of the terrifying aura from another dimension was leaking out.

Bai Bian sat on the mechanical throne, holding Diane's hand tightly, with a solemn look in his eyes.


It is indeed a legend!

Tower of Souls

He heard Wei Lu's murmur before his death. That was originally what this copy would be like in the future, absolutely closed and appearing occasionally.

That king will constantly compete with the ghost to form a special copy.

When the king controls the body, this copy will disappear. When the ghost controls the body, this copy will appear, and players can go in to spawn monsters.

But when the ghost takes control of the body, it is breaking the seal set by the king. When it finally breaks free, the king will take control of the body again and seal it again.

In the previous life, this dungeon would appear, and if the players who entered it did not come out at a certain moment, they would be killed, and then the dungeon would disappear.

After waiting for a while, this dungeon will appear again. Although the monsters in it have changed greatly, if you look closely, you can still find that these are the spliced ​​player corpses.

This dungeon is quite disgusting. After all, the blame is on the player. The player spawns monsters, is then destroyed by the boss, and then repeats everything from that time.

However, now this balance has been broken, and the ghost is advancing to legend.

Diane held Bai Bian's hand on her waist, turned her head and kissed him on the lips, and said with a smile: Don't worry, it's just a first-order legend.

As soon as she finished speaking, the looming aura strengthened again. Diane's face froze, and he frowned and looked at the area two hundred kilometers away.

The second level legend!

Misius also had a solemn look in his eyes. He glanced at the two people's crooked postures and said calmly: The space over there is about to overlap with reality. You must be careful. You all know the characteristics of ghosts, right?


Bai Bian spoke calmly and rubbed Diane's soft neck. He placed Diane on the mechanical throne and stood up: He is a second-level legend. If it continues to strengthen, the missile may not be able to directly kill him. , wait a minute, Grandpa Michus, please take Diane away first.

No, it's so dangerous, how can I leave you here to face it alone! Diane frowned, with the energy of death surging in his purple pupils.

Don't worry, I can protect you. You're just a second-level legend. Wait for me.


Level 3 legend! This is a terrible level.

Diane shut up, a little aggrieved: Why can he break through as soon as I talk about his realm?

Bai Bian was helpless and reached out to touch her head: Don't worry, who said I am facing this alone? I am the lord of the border town.

Bai Bian looked at Michus and said calmly: The characteristic of the ghost is invasion. Although Diane is protected by the world of the dead, the ghost is not weaker than the dead. It is too dangerous for her to stay here.

Michus's eyes were full of solemnity, and just as he was about to ask something, a high-pitched voice rang out.

My dear friend, what you asked for has been delivered. I have to go back quickly. Without the East City Wall, I have no sense of security. Tobu City is my hard work. My dear City Lord, I must Bring me back my city gate.

Sabo's voice faded away as he spoke.

And in the sky, a behemoth more than three hundred meters tall suddenly descended.

The ground was shaking, and the huge tonnage caused some cracks to appear in the area.

Diane's eyes widened, looking at this high-tech Gundam, his eyes full of shock: What is this?

She turned to look at her grandfather. She didn't know much about the border city. In other words, she didn't care much about the federation until Bai Bian became the lord of Tobu City.

Many people are like this. Anyway, with professional people taking care of them, they just need to live their own lives.

The solemnity in Misius's eyes disappeared a little. Looking at his granddaughter's eyes, he explained: These are the things that Lord Sword Master brought back when he went to the Federation of Stars. There are four in total. They serve as external walls in the four major border cities. .

If you encounter an invincible character, the lord of the border city can use it to resist the legend, giving the capital time to support him.

As soon as Misius finished speaking, several projections appeared in front of him, those were the Dawn Councilors.

What's going on? Tobu City's armored armor has been activated?

what happened?

Misius, are you in Tobu City now?

Dense sounds rang out, and a strong hum in the sky overwhelmed the noise.

The moment meteors appeared in the sky, they fell directly into the mysterious town two hundred kilometers away that was about to coincide with reality.

Fire shot into the sky.

Bai Bian's eyes were thoughtful, he still cared about the Tower of Souls.

However, he will explore the Tower of Souls, but not now. He must first pass this so-called test.

Don't worry, this is the work of the Alchemy Sage from the Federation of Stars. You and Grandpa Michus go back first. When I go back, I will show you the city that belongs to you in the future. Be good and be obedient.

Bai Bian kissed her gently and flew towards the city protection mecha.

At the same time, the bone dragon flapped its wings, raised its protective shield, and disappeared instantly with Diane and Michus.

It was also at this moment that the mysterious town was completely connected to reality.

The speed of the missile in the sky at Mach 30 is already invisible to the naked eye.

The ground was shaking, the fire was spreading, and two hundred kilometers away, mushroom clouds were quickly destroyed and then rose again.

The flames lit up the entire night sky.

That unstoppable aura was also hindered in the baptism of missiles.

This kind of missile is aimed at the legend!

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