Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 187 Angel Judgment Level 60

[The number of participants in the large-scale mission is now: 10694.

Now get experience value: 9624600.

Now get gold coins: 32082. 】

【Profiteers are taking away rewards.】

[The panel balance mechanism is triggered, and the reward deprivation of large-scale tasks by your professional profiteer is reduced by 90%. 】

[The compensation mechanism is triggered, and your profiteers are partially strengthened. 】

[Expertise: Profiteer: Up to 50% of rewards can be deducted from tasks posted by players, and up to 3% of rewards can be deducted from large tasks posted by players.

When selecting specialties, you can select one of the historical specialties and add it to the selection sequence.

Cooling time: 180 natural days. 】

[962460 experience and 3208.2 gold coins have been obtained. 】

[You have been upgraded and are now level 59. 】

[You have entered the city protection mecha, and your identity is being confirmed. Tobu City City Lord Bai Bian, city protection mecha 186-A, welcomes you to drive. 】

[Please choose, fully automatic mode, semi-automatic mode, or manual mode. 】

A series of prompts made Bai Bian a little dazed, and 90% of his rewards were inexplicably deducted from the panel.

However, the changes to the profiteer’s skill

White Blight suddenly thought of the extremely evil feat after the battle with Xersis.

[Note: Extremely evil specialties can only be selected by your dark side. If you switch back to the light side, the specialties will still be awakened in the dark side after selection. 】

[Extremely evil body: Your body is composed of evil thoughts, and you will have no fatal weaknesses. 】

This specialty, White Plague, has been on my mind for a long time. If I choose this, the survival rate of the dark side will be greatly enhanced, and even achieve a certain degree of immortality.

Because there is no fatal weakness, even if the head falls off, it will not die. In this way, the combat effectiveness of the dark side will be greatly enhanced.

Even the expertise of absorbing gods, when he grows to be stronger than gods, that expertise becomes the best expertise.

The extremely evil expertise may only be an option once, but now that profiteers exist, this option has become a must.

As for the experience value, it's just experience. The mission can be reissued, which is nothing compared to the choice of expertise.

There are still 8 million experience points stored in his panel.

Bai Bian looked at the virtual scene in front of him, feeling the continuous roar in the distance and the weakening of the powerful aura.

Decisively chose full automation.

He is now in the body of the city-protecting mecha, and he has little experience in playing Legend. It is better to trust the judgment of the alchemist sage.

[Fully automatic mode has been selected and is matching the energy attribute of the Lord of Tobu City. Matching attribute: Spirit. Your body shield will cover the entire city protection mecha and you will temporarily coexist with the mecha. 】

[Please select the target and mode. After selection, the city protection machinery will automatically carry out a devastating strike. 】

[Full viewing angle is turned on, energy detection is turned on. 】

In front of Bai Bian, a picture appeared in the void. The picture gradually zoomed out, and even the entire Tobu City could be vaguely seen, and the boundless sea of ​​fire two hundred kilometers away could be clearly seen.

[The target has been selected, a third-level legendary ghost. 】

[The killing mode is turned on, and the energy is automatically converted into restrained energy. The energy has been selected: Angel Holy Light. 】


After the scarlet text appeared on the screen, the sound of mechanical operation suddenly appeared in the surroundings.

The perspective gradually pulled back, and Bai Bian found that the perspective in front of him changed to the perspective of the eyes of the city guard machine, but there were countless split screens around him, and a circle around the city guard machine could be seen.

The huge machine flew into the sky, with several thrusters appearing behind it, and its eyes flashed with scarlet light.

The moment when the last cannonball fell in the distance.

The thruster suddenly opened, and a speed that was almost teleportation suddenly broke out. At the same time as the missile exploded, the armored mecha had already arrived in the sky above the center of the explosion.

The armor on its shoulders was opened one by one, and a red circle in its sight was aimed at a blurry figure below.

Countless missiles were ejected from the mecha's shoulders, flying towards the figure below from all directions.

It seemed that he felt a strong threat. The figure that was undergoing transformation and suffered heavy damage blurred for a moment. When it reappeared, it was not far away from the mecha.

This figure was in tatters, his blue eyes were a little tired, and his whole aura was a little unstable.

That's right

Just as he spoke, the missiles that were falling rapidly behind him suddenly turned around and exploded around him, and intense fire broke out in the sky.


As soon as the screams started to sound, the 300-meter-long huge body of the city protection mecha moved. It burst out at a speed that was unbelievable for its size, and stretched out its huge palm to grab the explosive energy and the legendary ghost.

The next moment, without any prelude, the holy light burst out in its hands, and the wings of an angel loomed in the holy light.

The power of the ghost seemed to have entered the fire, making an extremely strong hissing sound, and the seriously injured legendary ghost burst into hysterical shouts.


[Detecting target energy level and physical condition. 】

[Health: 30% 29%. 】


A strong buzzing sound erupted in the hand of steel, and Bai Bian only felt that his mental power was violently consumed for a moment.

The mecha connected with his mental power, allowing his mental shield to wrap around the mecha, so any damage the mecha suffered would be first resisted by his special mental protection.

And that buzz just now consumed at least 90% of the mental shield, which is 800 points of mental energy.

Is he worthy of being a Tier 3 legend?

[Target energy level: legendary third level.

Target power level: Legendary level one.

Target agility level: legendary third level.

Target defense level: Legendary level one. 】

[Target health value: 25% 24%]

[60% of the stored energy is about to be used to start the Angel Judgment. 】

[The shield value of Tobu City Lord White Plague: 10% 8% 7%. 】

[The suppression of Holy Light is expected to last for three seconds. 】

[Energy is being withdrawn. It has been decided to give up both hands. The legendary time is limited to ten seconds. The death rate and hit rate of the trial are both 100%. The trial is started. 】

A series of data appeared, the other hand of the giant mecha rested on the hand that restrained the ghost, and the two hands suddenly began to join together.

At the same time, the propulsion system behind the mecha was shut down, and the entire mecha quickly fell downwards, but a huge angel shadow appeared where it was just now.

Angels have no faces, but they can make people feel sacred and holy.

Under the moonlight, it slowly raised its blade, powerful energy gathering crazily.



In the palms of the mecha, the ghosts were banging against each other crazily. He was bombarded by 300 intercontinental missiles as soon as he appeared. Those were legendary powers, which directly caused him to be seriously injured.

Before he could figure out why he was targeted, the huge monster appeared and released holy light that had a large restraint effect on souls.

And his ultimate move didn't break the shield.

He was already very weak from a series of blows, but now an even more terrifying sense of crisis appeared. In the package of holy light, he seemed to see real death.

How is this possible? Even if he gives up his firm will, he has to leave here. Only by living can he continue to become stronger, and only by living can he possibly return to the Netherworld!

He was roaring, wildly hitting the surrounding steel walls filled with holy light.

Bump bump bump.

His netherworld power was unleashed crazily. He could feel the shattering of the mental shield around him. He could feel the deformation of machinery and the lack of smoothness with the holy light.

Just give him some more time, just a little time, he can get out of here, it will be possible!

[The simulated angel has been fully charged. The energy level of this trial is: Level 4 Legend. 】

[Countdown to Angel Judgment 1098]

The ghost in the machine was stunned. He felt the breath of an angel, and was it still an angel's judgment?

How could those guys created by the God of Light still exist?

The blue light in the ghost's eyes exploded crazily, and he hit the surrounding steel walls crazily. Although the surrounding holy light became more and more outrageous, it could not stop his impact.

He began to abandon the old king's body. A transparent blue shadow exuded an absolutely powerful aura, frantically bombarding the surrounding steel with energy.

He didn't know what the steel was made of, but he had never felt that technology was so annoying to ghosts.


The countdown is still going on, and the surrounding machinery has already been severely damaged. A trace of ecstasy flashed in the ghost's eyes. It's fast, it's fast, he will be able to get out within three seconds, and then he will dismantle this damn mecha.

The data in front of Bai Bian's eyes flashed crazily, and the angel's shadow in the sky had already raised his long sword.

The mecha also fell to the ground full of bright yellow crystals. The lava-like crystals shattered, causing the mecha to fall into the sea of ​​fire.

The hellish ground, the future mecha, the angel in the sky, and the bright moon behind the angel.

This beautiful picture seems to have been finalized.

[Arm damage degree: 70%, the ghost is expected to escape within two seconds. 】

[The hidden power of the ghost is turned on, its energy level is slightly increased, health value: 60% 59% 58%]

[The angel's judgment energy level is low, and 20% of the energy has been invested again. This time the judgment energy level is adjusted to the highest level: fifth-level legend. 】

[The accuracy rate of this trial has dropped rapidly to 80%, 60%, and 50%. The hit rate cannot be guaranteed before the ghost escapes. 】

[The filling mechanism is being activated. Use the body from other places to fill the arm area to ensure 100% hit in the trial. 】

Panel: [You drank the mental recovery potion and the soul protection potion, you invested 3.6 million experience points, and you upgraded to level 60. 】

Mecha: [The mental shield is charged, the strength is 10%, the filling mechanism is cancelled, the judgment accuracy is 100% at this time, and the judgment countdown is 321]

[Angel Judgment, Begin! 】


The moment the words fell, the angel in the sky suddenly emitted a strong holy light, and the sacred light illuminated the sky.

A huge mechanical buzz came from the mecha's wrist, and a ball formed by a pair of arms fell off the mecha's body. The strong holy light sent the mechanical ball that was about to be damaged into the sky.


There was a strong roar, and the mechanical ball that had just been sent into the sky suddenly exploded. Endless blue aura spurted out crazily, and an old figure emerged in the moonlight.

Roaring crazily with strong hatred and murderous intent.

Ahhhh, I'll kill you. You deserve to die.

His words stopped suddenly, and he turned his head sharply, and immediately saw a huge angel with a height of 100 meters, already swinging his sword.

The holy light suppressed the power of the netherworld in him until it only adhered to the surface of his body.

In the flaming earth below, a huge machine sunk a hundred meters into the magma raised its broken arm. Strong holy light was still gushing out. The angel's lock and the huge machine behind blocked all possibilities of his escape.

How could it be? How could it be possible? I obviously won, I beat him, Ivanovich! I hate it, I hate it.

In his hysterical roar, the divine judgment fell mercilessly.


The sword light cut through his body, but did not pass through it. Everything in the world seemed to freeze at this moment.

The huge angel in the sky flapped her white wings, and she flew into the sky with the help of the moonlight. She seemed to be moving slowly but was actually very quickly pointing her sword at the ghost.

The next moment, the whole world froze.

The angel was like a huge arrow, suddenly passing through his body in the moonlight, and all the holy light followed the angel and entered his body.

The holy light that shone thousands of miles disappeared instantly at this moment.

In the sky, the expression on the almost crazy ghost's face gradually disappeared, and the transparent body was annihilating and slowly falling downwards.

[Detecting target energy fluctuations, third-order legend, second-order legend, first-order legend.]

[Target health value: 55% 30% 10%]

[To confirm, the target: the third-level legendary ghost, death! 】

[The killing mission of city guard mecha 186-A is completed. 】

[City Guard Mecha 186-A starts self-examination. 】

[Guard Mecha 186-A.

Energy consumption level: 89%

Body damage: 100% on both hands, 0% on the rest. 】

[Natural recovery time of energy consumption: 3100 natural days. 】

[The power of extraordinary elements can help the core of the city guard mecha recover energy, and it is expected to swallow up 1,100 standard units of extraordinary energy. 】

[Arm recovery: 10 tons of gold essence, 3 tons of mithril, 3 tons of fine steel stone, 30 tons of super alloy. 】

[Super alloy manufacturing method: ordinary alloy, solar energy.]

A series of data appeared, and Bai Bian looked at it thoughtfully. This mecha was very strong, very strong.

Bai Bing's interest in mechas reached its peak at this time.

According to the current analysis of mechas, the defense of mechas should be between the second-level legend and the third-level legend.

The attack power can follow the target to switch the attribute of restraint, and the highest energy level has reached the fifth level legend.

The only limitation is that it cannot last long and consumes too much resources.

It was obvious that the legendary ghost had started the second stage just now, and then the initial prediction of the mecha shifted.

However, these small shortcomings cannot deny the power of this mecha. The Alchemy Sage seems to be a seventh-level legend now, but it can make this mecha fight against a fifth-level legend.

There was a feeling of eagerness in his eyes, and he recorded the super alloy manufacturing method given by the mecha. This alloy seemed to be the alloy for the outer armor of the mecha.

The intensity is very high, and White Plague feels like it seems that the legendary Barrett can also try it out.

Even the strength of intercontinental missiles can continue to increase.

Choose to leave the mecha.

Bai Bian looked at the ghost that was about to dissipate. The accumulated soul appeared, and a soul bullet flew towards the dead legend.

Let's see if we can grab monsters first.

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