Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 185 Diane’s Arrival

Tower of Souls, Saints of Souls, come from ancient hostility.

Bai Bian waited quietly. He looked at the progress of the players. The advanced players were about to discover the real secret of the dungeon, which was the origin of the ghost boss.

Ghosts came to Shia during the period of the Ancient Gods, which is where the soul-purifying potion came from. However, during the alternation between the Ancient Gods and the New Gods, the Netherworld attacked Shia again, and then the New Gods knocked out Shia.

They even came during the New God Civil War, but at that time the gods themselves were red-eyed, and that Netherworld suffered the heaviest losses.

Three invasions have left ghost ghosts lingering in this world, and the mysterious town is this kind of remnant.

But this boss is only at the top level of gold. Even if the ghost is more difficult to deal with, it will never be able to kill him.

And this task.

It seems that the Tower of Soul wants to strengthen this boss!

Bai Bian, are you still listening? Diane's tone was a little worried: How about I come to you now?

If you're listening, don't come here. I'm contacting other people right now. A ghost town has appeared near Tobu City. I'm going to clean it up. Bai Bing responded, preparing to contact Heidinger and Eric.

When there is power, righteous beating is the best way to deal with it.

Ghost? Diane's eyes lit up: Wait for me, I'll be there soon. In fact, I have always felt that there is no difference between ghosts and evil spirits. Let me see if I can control ghosts!

Bai Bian paused, his eyes thoughtful, the necromancer's body was very powerful.

This kind of physique can be called the natural king of the undead. When the god of death is still there, even the powerful necromancer can communicate with God.

It's just that the conditions for the formation of a necromancer are very harsh, and there are only two methods, natural and divine.

Other necromancers who have become necromancers through practice are all pseudo-necromancers, and their natural disasters of the undead are just imitations.

And Diane's undead body is a god-given physique.

However, ghosts cannot be controlled by necromancers. Ghosts and evil spirits have only one thing in common, they are both phantoms.

Others are fundamentally different. Ghosts are a special race. Evil spirits are things born from the souls of the dead. Things that target evil spirits do not have such a high restraint effect on ghosts.

Before Bai Bian could say anything, Diane took the initiative to cut off the communication, leaving only one sentence: Wait for me.

Bai Bian thought for a while and gave up the idea of ​​stopping her from coming. Diane had never been a burden.

Let’s not talk about the power of the Necromancer profession. Simply because of the endless scrolls, skipping battles is not a problem.

About ten minutes later, Bai Yi felt the flickering of space fluctuations.

The next moment, Diane and a powerful old man appeared next to Bai Bian.

This old man is a congressman whom Bai Bian knows, Michus Tifeng.

White Plague!

A bright smile appeared on Diane's face: Let me introduce you, this is my grandfather, you should be familiar with him.

Bai Bian thought for a moment and said hello: Misius

The smile on Diane's face faded slightly, and her big eyes stared at him resentfully.

Michus looked at him quietly with a smile on his face.

The four words Mr. Congressman came to his lips and he was a little unable to pronounce them. Bai Bian's voice changed slightly and he still said: Grandpa.

After the words fell, both the old and the young were satisfied.

Michus said with a smile: No need to be polite. I heard that you collect soul crystal cores on the black market. These are just a few gifts as a meeting gift. I have no objection to you and Diane. Come and sit at home more often when you have time.

As Misius spoke, a small box appeared in his hand and floated in front of Bai Bian.

Bai Bian took the box and opened it. The three large soul crystal nuclei inside were quietly emitting purple light.

Bai Bian suddenly became sincere, put away the soul crystal core, and said sincerely, Thank you, Grandpa Michus.

Michus nodded with satisfaction and stroked his beard, feeling very comfortable with this title.

Although he is already the most watched congressman now, he is still very happy to have another top potential as his grandson. The most important thing is that Diane also likes it.

In this world where adults reach adulthood at the age of fifteen, there is no taboo about marriage, and there is not much difference between men and women.

After all, there are many matriarchal races in this world, such as elves, cat people, succubus and other races.

It’s really not certain who will marry whom.

Diane landed on top of the bone dragon hovering in mid-air, hugged Bai Bian's arm and said, Where is the ghost? I don't have a real subordinate yet.

Bai Bian pointed in the direction of the mysterious town: In a different space.

Bai Bian looked at the player's progress, made an estimate and said, It will be out in about two hours.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's go for a walk. After we are captured, we will go to Tobu City. I have heard that Tobu City has changed a lot now. I have wanted to visit it a long time ago.

Dai An said enthusiastically, grabbing the white plague and planning to rush.

However, he was stopped by Bai Bian: This ghost may be legendary and is a bit dangerous. Don't go there rashly.

I don’t know how the strengthening of the Soul Tower will come, but it doesn’t matter. Three hundred missiles, as long as the time is controlled well, it will be directly reduced to ashes under the third-level legend.

A fifth-level legend would not feel well if he was hit by these missiles. If it was higher, he would hide in the Federation and wait for Luomen's support.

Legend? Misius' eyes flashed: What level is it?

Not sure, but there is a high probability that he made me feel the threat. My perception is usually very accurate. Bai Bian thought for a while and said seriously: Wait a minute, now the intercontinental missiles in Tobu City are all Aiming at this place, no matter what, it’s definitely right to level it first.”

There was a trace of confusion in Dai An's eyes, and he asked: As expected of the person I like, he is meticulous in his actions, but what if my subordinate is destroyed?

Bai Bian was a little helpless: That's a legend. I remember that the subordinates of the Necromancer can't go beyond level 20, right? Those who are over level 20 seem to be called

Really? Diane interrupted Bai Bian and winked at Bai Bian with a somewhat erratic look: Why didn't I know.

White plague:.


Both of them seemed to know Diane's purpose, and there was a smile in Bai Bian's eyes: Well, you don't know anything, but since you're here, how about spending a few days in Dongwu City? Michus grandfather?

Mi Xiu felt that he had been deceived by his granddaughter. However, he was also a little excited when Bai Bian called him grandpa.

He glared at his granddaughter, who had buried her head in Bai Bian's chest, and nodded helplessly: I haven't seen Heidinger for a long time, so let's stay for three days!

Diane raised her head sharply, her big eyes filled with disbelief. Ah, he actually agreed?

Bai Bian was a little helpless and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pinch Diane's face and said softly: You are not a prisoner. As long as you can ensure that you don't fall behind in your cultivation, it's okay to come over and play or I can go to your place to play for a few days.

Diane blushed, feeling as if her secret had been revealed. She said bravely: Of course I know, I just really want the ghost to be subordinate!

Bai Bian couldn't help but joke: No wonder I always feel you are stupid.

Nonsense. Diane fumed, interrupting Bai Bian's words directly: Where...are you stupid?

Bai Bian couldn't help but kiss her forehead: But she's cute when she's stupid.

Diane's eyes wandered for a moment, and the corners of her mouth curled up, but she still said seriously: You're cute and you're not stupid either!

Okay, okay, you're not stupid.


Was he deceived by this thing?

He looked into the distance silently, with some doubts about life in his eyes. Sure enough, he still needs to study more knowledge as he continues to learn.

Time passed quickly in boredom, and Bai Bian's peripheral vision was always staring at the progress of the Wei Brigade and the others. When the sunlight in the sky completely disappeared, the moon came out.

White Plague taps his feet lightly.

The bone dragon took the three people into the sky and flew high into the sky.

At the same time in the mysterious town.

I see.

Wei Lu looked at the mural in front of him with deep thoughts in his eyes.

What's wrong, what's wrong? What's wrong with these murals? Is our mission about to be completed?

Demacia has lifted the summons of all summons. After all, he is immortal, but if his summons die, then they are really dead.

As a summoner, after the death of the summoned object, the cooling period of the summoning position is ridiculously long, a full ten years!

This was also the reason why he didn't kill Xiao Mo from the beginning.

It wasn't that he couldn't be killed and summoned again, but that he couldn't be summoned at all. In addition, Xiao Mo and Er Shu were very popular, so he tolerated it.

The only high-level players around him were Wei Brigade, Demacia, Xiahou Fuxing and Bianhuahuakai.

Other high-level players feel that dying once is not worth it. Although many players dig a hole and bury their equipment and wait to pick it up after resurrecting, if they want to level up after reaching level 20, it will take at least ten days or even longer to level up. class.

This was enough to make them give up on the mission, which was not very rewarding.

In this game, reaching the full level is the beginning of exploration.

Wei Brigade pointed at the mural: The mural here was left by a ghoul. With some notes and clues we found, the general formation process of this place has been revealed. It was probably the period after the alternation of the new god and the old god. Over time, the Netherworld invaded this land.”

But when the New God destroyed the ghosts and drove them out of Shia, some of the ghosts who were hiding were hiding in Shia.

They rely on possession to grow. When passing through this area, a ghost was hidden in this small kingdom.

After a long time, there are more and more ghouls in the kingdom, and repeated purges cannot completely clean up these ghouls.

At a certain moment, the people of this kingdom finally discovered that it was their king who had been creating ghouls, and the ghosts were hiding and growing in their king's soul.

But the ghost's parasitism is difficult to detect, and the reason they can find it is that the ghost has grown to the point where they can't stop it.

After a war to destroy the country, the ghosts became too powerful, and with the endless supply of corpses, the kingdom was about to be destroyed.

But it was also at that time that the consciousness of the king, who was supposed to have been dead for a long time, suddenly revived. He took the ghost with him and used the few remaining royal blood as a sacrifice to decisively merge himself with the ghost.

In the struggle for consciousness, the kingdom was still destroyed. In the end, the ghost's power was too powerful, and when it conflicted with the king's will, a special energy burst out, and finally formed a powerful seal, which is now the mysterious little town.

The guard's eyes were full of interest: In other words, the ghost here is still the ancient king, but he only allowed his consciousness to forcibly merge with the ghost, but was unable to control the ghost, so he finally sealed himself.

This story is an epic. Unfortunately, the battle was too tragic and the entire kingdom was almost destroyed, so there are not many records.

Wei Brig looked around and said with interest: It turns out that the ghouls know that they are ghouls, but they cannot eat anything except their own kind, and can only watch in pain as they degenerate into demons.

Those we have been hunting are actually the king's guards. They are the first batch of people to be transformed into ghouls, and they are also the most powerful group of ghouls. The king has always used the flesh of criminals to feed them.

Hiss. I really want to see the late period of this kingdom, the conflict between despair and hope.

Then what are we going to do now? Should we withdraw first? Demacia said thoughtfully in her eyes: But if you want to withdraw, it will be you who withdraw. I'm at full level anyway, and the worst I can do is to level up again.

Xiahou Fuxing said: It doesn't matter to me. All my equipment is bound. I can die casually.

You are so rich! Demacia teased: How about you lend me some? I can help you spend it?

Go away, that's the evil behind my hard-earned live broadcast. Bah, hard-earned money! Xiahou Fuxing's eyes wandered.

Flowers bloom on the other side: Bright level [9. 】

Demacia was a little embarrassed: It's okay. After you complete the mission, you will have a hidden profession. It is very profitable. Look at that guy from the Guard Brigade. Although he looks like an archaeologist, the entire player group can beat him. Besides a few perverts from the Federation of the Sun and the Federation of Stars, who else is there?

Xiahou Fuxing added: Those who can't beat him can't they? I feel that Wei Brigade is the number one player.

Demacia was a little helpless: I know, but go find out. The pervert of the Sun Federation and the hidden profession of the God Envoy are simply bugs. If he has faith, he can be a level 50 boss. It's outrageous.

The one from the Federation of Stars is even more perverted. He actually succeeded in building his own spaceship and equipped it with various missiles. I can’t even imagine how they did it!

Xiahou Fuxing was stunned and his eyes widened: True or false? Eh? Wei Brigade, where are you going?

She let me infect her. But she is my angel. How could I. But there is no one here anymore. I seem to be unable to protect her.

Ivanovich Ivanovich. Just wait, the source of everything is you. I will use my most extreme hatred to prevent you from reincarnation forever!

Wei Brigade muttered some ancient handwriting and headed towards an unremarkable plain.

There were more than just a few people from Demacia beside him, and more players followed the Wei Brigade forward. Some of the players were laughing and joking, but most of them were still staring at the Wei Brigade live broadcast room in the forum.

Listening to him telling the story here, they were like playing an escape room, gradually sinking into the ancient stories.

The moment when Wei Brigade was in an open space and stretched his hand into a different space.

The whole mysterious town trembled violently.

An absolutely fatal sense of crisis struck. In the sky, a blue beam of light entered the ruins, causing the blue mist to continue to spread around.

Ivanovich! Ivanovich!

Hysterical roars exploded in the sky, and an unwilling shadow tried to grab something, but was annihilated into nothingness in an increasingly vast pillar of blue light.

The players' panels lit up with dazzling lights.

[When you enter the netherworld, you will lose 10 points of sanity every second. If your sanity reaches zero, you will die and your body will mutate into a ghoul.]

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