Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 184 The Tower of Soul is the enemy!

Lord City Lord.

Sifu greeted Bai Bian respectfully. His current residence is still a missile silo.

This place is very important. If someone infiltrates, deciphers the launch code, and baptizes Tobu City with three hundred rounds, Tobu City may be directly wiped out.

Of course, this is very difficult, unless the other party is an alchemist.

But just in case, Sifu basically lives here except when going on missions.

No need to be polite.

Bai Bian sat in front of the missile control instrument and started debugging. Soon the bone dragon's perspective appeared on the big screen.

The thruster just upgraded is the most powerful thruster that White Plague can currently achieve.

The Bone Dragon's speed reached Mach 7.

The ultimate speed of Mach 7 is close to 2.4 kilometers per second. At this speed, in a short period of time, it stopped over a wasteland.

Bai Ying checked the distance and found it was 2,380 kilometers.

Still within the missile's strike range, what he has to do now is very simple. Wait for the moment when the mysterious town overlaps with reality because of the appearance of the boss, and directly destroy the mysterious town.

It doesn't matter what kind of breakthroughs there are. If there are missiles, there will be truth. He still doesn't believe that a second Netherworld can appear here.

Bai Ying adjusts the missile to a state where it can be launched by pressing the launch button.

Then he looked at the strongest alchemist here, a silver-level mechanic: Wait for my order. No parameters here can be moved until my order arrives.

The alchemist nodded quickly: No problem, don't worry, Lord City Lord.

Bai Bian stood up, and the perspective of the bone dragon in the screen was cut off.

Players still need to maintain it. After all, it would not be good if they are suddenly bombarded by their own people. If there is a real mission, then it will be fine.

Players won't begrudge dying once, but they will be angry about being backstabbed by one of their own.

So he needs to publish a task and use profiteers to gain experience points, a win-win situation.

After all, as the Lord of Tobu City, his mission authority is much greater than before, but he has not tested the limit yet.

Arriving at the inner city wall, Bai Bian waited quietly for a while before a sonic boom sounded in the sky.

The rumbling sound quickly approached and finally stopped over the inner city.

Sitting on the Bone Dragon, the Bone Dragon flapped its wings, and as the propellers turned on, he flew out at a rapid speed with a bang.

Zero: [Miss Diane’s departure time is about to come, and she is about to fly out of the network coverage. 】

Before Bai Bian could give any orders, Zero said to himself: [The network has been connected through the AI ​​clone. The network computing speed has dropped significantly, but basic communication can still be maintained. The maximum range of this function is 4000 kilometers. Please Bai Bian. Mr. Epidemic upgrades to zero as soon as possible. 】

Bai Yi paused and ignored it. A wasteland appeared in front of him. There were no animals around this area, but the plants were very prosperous.

Because ghost energy only targets living creatures, after all, they are souls. Unless plants evolve souls, ghost energy will ignore plants.

When seeing some players, the Bone Dragon had slowly descended.

Bai Bian felt a little emotional. Players were still very good at running maps. After all, those motorcycles were very cheap and could be modified quickly, reaching speeds of four to five hundred per hour in minutes.

Many racing parties in reality are already having a great time in the game.

And the speed of reaching bronze is already very good, more than two thousand kilometers, plus the players' physical fitness can be restored by eating.

Therefore, only one steamed bun is needed for 100 kilometers, and players will not be stingy with these few copper coins.

What the hell! White Plague? He wants to come to fight the dungeon too?

What kind of dungeon? It's obviously some self-media nonsense on the Internet. This great master came over and turned off the dungeon manually.

There were many players discussing it, but more players gathered around and started asking questions, how can the game be played without missions?

Bai Bian sat on top of the lying giant dragon and said with a smile: Fantasy people, I want to ask you for a favor.

As soon as the words fell, the players immediately became excited.

Is there really a mission?

Mr. Bai Yifei said that everything can be done for you!

Mr. Bai Ying, you are so handsome. How about we have a baby? Don't worry, I won't tell Diane.

City Lord, City Lord, can the dragon sit down for me?

Ignoring those strange words, Bai Bian smiled and said: You guys discovered a mysterious town. After investigation, I found that it may come from a very scary plane called the Netherworld.

The characteristics of the Netherworld are very scary. Once it enters the city, it may bring disaster to Tobu City, and your wonder is immortal, so I would like to ask you to help me find it and hold it back to give the missile time to locate.

Don't worry, all the wonders killed by missiles will be rewarded with ten gold coins.

The players were stunned, and then burst into exclamations.

From this exclamation, Bai Bian could roughly tell that these dozens of players had triggered large-scale tasks.

At the same time, this kind of task, which was not a reward for him, also triggered his specialty [Profiteer] that he had not triggered for a long time.

[You issued a large-scale task to 23 players. Your specialty [Profiteer] was activated, and 30% of the players’ rewards upon completion have been deducted. 】

[The number of participants in the large-scale mission is now: 23.

Now gain experience points: 20700.

Now get gold coins: 69. 】

Bai Bian paused, and there was joy in his eyes: It seems that you have agreed. Don't worry, I will be waiting for you here. I hope you will tell more wonders about this news.

The noise among the players soon stopped. After greeting Bai Bing, they all walked happily to the mysterious town.

There were only a few unwilling guys left who tried to strike up a conversation with him.

However, as the Bone Dragon took off, the players could only look at him unwillingly, and then left unwillingly.

Bai Bian calculated the time it would take for the missile to get here.

The speed of the missile is Mach 30, which is ten kilometers per second, and it is nearly 2,400 kilometers away from the launch silo of Tobu City.

As long as you stick to the time, this mission will be quite easy.

As for why not just go in and kill the boss.

That would be very laborious. Although the ghost is restrained by evil thoughts, he is still a golden boss. If he just wants to escape, it will be difficult to catch him.

At the beginning, his arrangement for the mysterious town was just to go in and collect materials. When the value was almost extracted, he would directly send missiles away.

It's pretty much the same now.

As those players entered the mysterious town, the mission spread wildly. After the mission was received by big anchors such as Wei Brigade, the value of this copy suddenly increased greatly.

More players are coming here, and of course it will take them a long time.

Even at extreme speed, it would still take seven or eight hours of drawing time.

These times are the fundamental reason that prevents copies from becoming popular.

Bai Bian thought, now that the players' physical fitness has improved, maybe the teleportation array can also be arranged, such as those in the ancient god's kingdom.

If players have teleportation arrays, they may be able to attack proactively instead of waiting passively.

But it's a pity that there are too few stable teleportation arrays. I have to ask Heidinger if there is any way.

The teleportation array he currently masters is not good. After all, there is no accuracy beyond 10,000 kilometers, and the tearing of space is not something players can bear.

I took a look at the profiteer expertise.

[The number of participants in the large-scale mission is now: 709.

Now gain experience points: 638100.

Now get gold coins: 2127. 】

Originally, the player's mission was 3000 experience points + 10 gold coins, but now only 2100 experience points + 7 gold coins are left.

Of course, they just don't know.

During the waiting period, players gradually became more and more careful about the dungeon that was already at the end. After all, to be honest, many people felt that ten gold coins per life was not worth it.

But including the tasks, that's seventeen gold coins, and seventeen gold coins = 510 real currency.

Spending 500 yuan to buy a game life, apart from those anchors and rich people, many people are willing to sell it.

Moreover, their missions also require 2,100 experience points, and those below level 20 generally require 10,000 to 20,000 experience points to level up, and those below level 25 will not exceed 30,000 experience points.

This makes more people willing.

Of course, there are not all those who are unwilling. Those who are unwilling will not accept the mission, and then just leave the dungeon.

As time went by, when the sky gradually darkened, the heavy snow that finally stopped began to fall again.

At this time, Diane's retreat was completed.

In this month, the two of them were only in contact with each other in the first few days. If it weren't for waiting for Orr, she might have entered her exclusive plane to practice.

It was a large sub-space-time plane filled with undead creatures, and it was easier to contact the undead world from that world.

It is also easier to feel the rules of the undead world.

This is the foundation of the Tifeng family. Their family has an absurd amount of soul resources, and they use part of their resources to connect with some big bosses in the world of the dead.

Then use the power of the boss to throw this plane towards Shia, and finally locate the entrance to the world, making this world the exclusive world of Diane.

Bai Bing was shocked when he first heard about it. What is the difference between this model and buying a world?

However, the reason why the Tifeng family is so rich is because of an artifact that has similar properties to the soul lantern. It is an artifact of a plane god called the Soul Master, and it is a god about the soul.

However, no one knows where the Soul Master is, or even whether he is still alive. After all, there were no plane gods involved in the original war between gods, but his artifacts ended up in Shia.

The soul resources that this thing can produce account for 50% of the soul resource sales in the entire federation.

It can even be said that in the Federation, the current price of soul resources is set by the Tifeng family.

They believe that they can sell as much as they want without losing money, and no one can compete with them on price.

Diane: [I want to come find you.]

Bai Ying: [I'll come find you, but it will take two days. I'm busy now. 】

Diane: [Okay, I’ll wait for you. When you come, I’ll take you to my dimension. You have to help me transform some of my subordinates. Don’t refuse! 】

Bai Ying: [Um, do you want to pay me? I am very poor. 】

Diane: 【o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)】

Bai Ying: [Hey, I’m kidding, don’t worry, what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is still mine. How can I charge money for modifying my own things? 】

Diane: [That’s pretty much it. When you come, there will be a mysterious reward ( ̄︶ ̄)]

Bai Ying: [What reward? 】

Diane: [Secret! 】

White Plague: [Video.]

After connecting to the video, Bai Bian's eyes flashed with surprise. Diane became even more beautiful, and her pupils had turned deep purple, giving her a sense of déjà vu as a queen.

Diane was a little embarrassed to be stared at, and she asked with a blushing face: Why didn't you use this function earlier?

We are making equipment up front. I can't help but look at you when you are here. It will slow down my progress. Bai Bian said seriously.

Diane was immediately happy: You passed the test, where are you now?

Sent a mission to the Wonders, and we are waiting now. Bai Bian glanced at the forum. The players were making very rapid progress at this time. Bai Bian remembered that there was this dungeon, and he also remembered that the boss of this dungeon was very difficult to deal with.

But he didn't know how to revive the boss, but it didn't matter. Now, except for those who gave up the mission, all the high-level players in Tobu City are in it, and there are nearly 10,000 players participating in the mission. .

The experience value of this wave is quite rich, and it should be almost enough in a few hours.

Wizards. I have read the Miracles user manual you wrote, but every time I come into contact with the Miracles, I always have a very strange feeling. Diane thought for a while and said uncertainly: They seem to want to steal my things!

It doesn't matter. Just take action when you encounter a spectacle like that, because they won't hold grudges if you commit a spectacle of shameful death. Bai Yi paused slightly as he spoke, and his eyes became serious.

Because the task of the panel has already appeared at this time.

[Due to special reasons, Saint 2: Netherworld mission was forced to change. Felix, the person in charge of the Tower of Souls, noticed you, and the difficulty of the mission increased. 】

[Felix’s favorability -10. 】

[Mission: Ghost of the Netherworld.

Attributes: The second stage of the extreme mission.

Mission description: Survive for thirty days.

Mission reward: None.

Failure penalty: None.

Introduction: Perhaps the Saint should not have appeared again, and even the existence of the Saint has become disgusted with you. He, it, may not be a guide, but a blocker! 】

What's wrong? White plague? Diane called twice, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Bai Bian came back to his senses and responded with a smile: It's okay, there's a little situation here, but I can still solve it.

Diane breathed a long sigh of relief: If you have something to say, you must tell me~ The Federation is stronger than you think, and I will definitely help you.

Well, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who shows off his strength. Bai Bian responded, but his mind was no longer on Diane.

Instead, he focused on Wei Brigade's live broadcast room, while his thoughts kept wandering.

The panel is not with these stalwart beings. In other words, the hints given by the panel are unknown to these stalwart beings.

Without a panel, even if his soul reaches its limit and can no longer improve, he will work hard to upgrade and improve other things.

And in this case, the difficulty of the crisis suddenly increases.

This can only mean one thing, the Tower of Souls is the enemy.

I gave an order in my mind: [Let the alchemists of the Apocalypse Army move into action, and equip three hundred launch silos with flame missiles. 】

Zero: [Message has been sent.]

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