Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 183 Saint 2: Netherworld.

The Mysterious Town is completely different from the Dark Night Town. The Dark Night Town has weird rules, while the Mysterious Town is just a disgusting copy.

Because as long as someone enters it, it will be a large escape room, which incorporates many horror elements.

The most important point is that this town is the remnant of the Netherworld invasion.

The players were fine, at best they died inexplicably.

The NPC is different. The most powerful thing about ghosts is their intrusiveness. The parasitism level of ghosts is very high and it is difficult to detect them.

When it can defeat you, the ghost will massacre the city without hesitation, killing all soul-expelling creatures.

If there is power enough to kill him, they will become parasitic and hide in the human soul.

After the person's fate, soul and other things are digested, the ghost will leave quietly to find the next host.

What remains is a new species: ghouls.

Ghouls are similar to zombies. They both like to eat their original kind. For example, a ghoul transformed into an elf will only eat elves.

And they are contagious, and blood and saliva can turn more people into corpses.

The most terrifying thing is that the intelligence of these things has hardly changed, they just changed from being the same kind to predators.

Those with strong willpower can control their bloodthirsty desires, but they will eventually starve to death due to lack of food.

Bai Bian looked at the mysterious town that had been invaded by a large number of players during the live broadcast and felt a little pity.

When he was at God's Showcase, he deliberately left behind that extremely evil person just to bring about the birth of this town early, and then kill these guys directly to obtain some extremely rare resources.

But now, this resource is almost exhausted by players.

And the mysterious town won't be able to hold on for long. In two days, there may be only the last ghost boss left in that town.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian didn't pay too much attention. After all, although he was prepared last time, he still missed some things during this month's retreat, which was more gratifying.

Of the 30,000 reformed legions, only the last 500 have not been reformed.

The combat power of Dongwu City's legion has been greatly improved.

There are 180,000 extraordinary legions, and the reformed legion is still a gold-level existence per capita.

What else can be done to defeat him in this test of the Tower of Souls?

Walking out of the laboratory, Bai Bian saw Luo Ning, who had grown taller, building a snowman in the corner. Each snowman made the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion look cute.

The snow in the sky has been falling continuously for a month. If Heidinger hadn't occasionally cleared the snow clouds in the sky, this year's snow might have been a disaster.

But this is fine.

Bai Bian glanced at Irene who silently shrank behind a snowman.

Erin has reached level 34, and her growth rate is very good. The growth of the curse doctor is no different from that of the healing system. They are all about constant treatment and tempering of magic power.

It’s just that the curse doctor’s treatment comes with risks, such as a 50% mortality rate

Without further care, Bai Bian went to the Transformation Legion. After giving them the last five hundred mechanical exoskeletons, Bai Bian saw Yue Fang, whom he had not seen for a long time. Something seemed wrong with his state.

Lord City Lord.

When Bai Bian approached, Yue Fang adjusted his monocle and greeted him respectfully.

Bai Bian was a little silent: Where is your hand?

Yue Fang's arm at this time was a mechanical prosthetic limb, and both hands were mechanical prosthetic limbs. At the same time, his level seemed to have directly reached the upper bronze level, catching up with Luo Ning.

In fact, Bai Bian is not against mechanical transformation, but he always feels that any profession is good, and only himself is the most important. Try not to do anything to yourself unless necessary, unless he also has expertise in light and darkness.

Yue Fang smiled, her eyes no longer showing the submissiveness she had at the beginning, but filled with extreme confidence.

Yue Fang smiled and said: Lord City Lord, your city is more prosperous than I imagined, but in my plan, the most perfect shape should be like this. You see, my idea is.

A stream of data passed through his monocular eye, and a projection screen appeared. On it was a humanoid machine. The dense data marked various parts of the humanoid machine, and explained the upgrade from bronze to gold.

And Yue Fang’s own understanding.

Because the white epidemic allowed him to reach level 50 within two years, he actually didn't have many things arranged for him.

And there are also some permissions opened by Sabo. Within these permissions, he can purchase knowledge in the Palace of Knowledge at will, using the account of Tobu City's Ministry of Finance.

Therefore, he spent a month to determine the direction of his development, and used this time to plan his future. A pair of arms was the beginning of his transformation, and it was only the beginning.

This kind of authority is actually very common. SS level has a very high potential. No matter which force he joins, he will not worry about resources, especially knowledge resources.

Tobu Castle is certainly no exception.

Bai Bian listened to Yue Fang's explanation and summarized it in one sentence: flesh and blood are unstable, and machinery is the future.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ying denied: It cannot be fully mechanically transformed.

Yue Fang was stunned, a little disappointed, and asked: What if I add to my own underlying logic that it is not allowed to destroy Daybreak?

Bai Bian shook his head: Do you know why the Federation prohibits comprehensive mechanical transformation? Obviously it can give alchemists eternal life.

The data stream flashed on Yuefang's monocle, and he responded with a smile: Because of human desires and emotions, without the body, people will have no desires. The creativity of an alchemist without desires will be reduced, and his absolute rationality will be reduced. Not only will it erase people’s bad qualities, but it will also erase their good sides, thus bringing about disaster.”

Yue Fang vowed: But I can completely set goals for myself to replace my own desires. Even if I have one or more goals firmly, then I will achieve this goal in the most rational manner. I believe in disaster. It won’t be me who breaks out.”

It seems that you understand it very clearly, Bai Bian said with a headache: But have you ever thought about it, you can completely change your mind.

It's like artificial intelligence. Bai Yi raised his hand, and a projection of a diamond-shaped crystal appeared. This was his contact lens, which was Zero.

Artificial intelligence will absorb knowledge from the Internet and grow, and it will also grow with the growth of alchemists. I created this artificial intelligence less than a year ago, and now it has very complete wisdom, and even has a higher reserve of knowledge than me. A lot, if I gave him a body now.”

Then what's the difference between it and the final form you expected?

Desire is the core of creativity, and the method of independently creating desire like you mentioned has not been used by anyone. Maybe you can check it out.

That group of people is called the Cult of the Mechanicus. Bai Bian persuaded: There is even another group of people whose ideas are completely opposite to yours, called the Cult of the Flesh God, who believe in a powerful god called the God of Flesh.

And they all disappeared in Shia. Many of them even have top potential. This road is difficult to follow.

There were three such extreme organizations in Shia's history, but most of those people were killed in the end, and the remaining difficult ones were sealed into the dark world at the bottom of the abyss.

Any extreme transformation can easily plunge people into chaos and ultimately bring disaster to the world.

Yue Fang remained calm: City Lord, I still want to try.

The projection in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the mechanical body gradually split apart, revealing its core.

Yue Fang pointed here and said: If the Lord of the City does not believe in the writing of the underlying logic, I will implant an irreplaceable thing in the core reactor of my body and my brain, and replace this thing with an explosion. thing.

He looked at Bai Bian, smiled and said, I can give the remote control to you, Mr. Bai Bian.

Bai Bian was silent for a while, and then waved his hand helplessly: You still don't understand, so do it as you wish. You don't need the so-called explosives, but you can keep a copy of your current thoughts and flesh and blood and hand them over to the Armament Department for sealing. Maybe I’ll bring you back to life later.”

Yue Fang looked at Bai Bian's back in silence, with some inexplicable emotions appearing in his eyes, but then these emotions were replaced by machines.

He turned around and continued to help assemble the exoskeleton machine and learn the various structures of the exoskeleton machine.

Bai Bian walked out of the reformed army and walked forward in silence. It was a pity that a good seedling was lost.

It's okay to use goals to make up for creativity, because his brain is still his.

But when a person only has absolute rationality, then what happens will be beyond the control of Yue Fang now.

Any existence outside the goal will be regarded as an obstacle by absolute rationality. All kinds of fetters, such as family ties, friendships, etc., are meaningless in this kind of rationality.

Those guys who used to shout flesh and blood are weak, machines ascend are still struggling to survive in the dark world at the bottom of the abyss.

How ambitious are their goals? To transform all flesh and blood creatures in the world into machines

As for White Plague not wanting Yue Fang to make those bombs, that's because it's not necessary.

He is now level 58, while Yue Fang is only over 20 levels. If he can be surpassed, why would he be called a boss?

What's more, if he can really grow to the point where he threatens the White Plague, what a pity it would be if he exploded?

When he really loses control, just pull out his soul and let the artificial intelligence live in it. That way, you can also get a top-level mechanical body for free.

If you really want to then, you can wash his soul clean, and then pour his current thoughts and sealed flesh and blood into him. Maybe you can revive him?

While thinking about it, Bai Bian saw a huge figure walking towards the transformation room with an indifferent expression.

Garrit. Bai Bian called out and stopped the four-meter-tall giant.

Garrit turned around and saluted Bai Bian with some respect: Your Majesty the City Lord.

After some time, there will be a new transformation of yours. Also, in the battle merit exchange system, I asked someone to grant you permission. There is an ax that suits you very well. This can be regarded as your reward for hunting gold last time. Bai Bian said with a smile.

Garrit was stunned, and there was no excitement on his ferocious face. He just saluted respectfully again: Thank you, Lord City Lord.

During the hunt when the White Plague went to Sin City, the deputy commander of the army, Magath, also Garit's younger brother, died.

Bai Bian walked out. This was not actually compensation. After all, the pension had been given, but Bai Bian needed a more powerful legion commander.

Other corps commanders already have the intention to break through to gold, so the transformation corps commander cannot be too weak.

Come to the Mage Academy in the west.

He originally thought of it half a month ago, but he was still addicted to leveling up, so he was half a month late.

Walking into the principal's office, Heidinger looked at him with a smile: Your things are ready, here they are.

He placed the two bottles of potion and the soul lantern on the table, looking at Bai Bide with admiration.

Level fifty-eight, two levels a month. This growth rate is worthy of top potential.

Mr. Heidinger, I still want to trouble you with something. Bai Bian said respectfully: I see there are many no-fly formations in the capital. Do you think the City Lord's Mansion can also get one?

I know, it can be done within three days. Heidinger nodded and did not refuse.

In other words, as long as Bai Ying's request is not too excessive, he will not refuse.

Thank you, I won't bother you. Bai Bian hung the soul lantern on the lining of his clothes, picked up the potion and saluted Heidinger slightly, turned around and walked out, and checked the potion's information.

[Name: Soul Protector.

Level: Legend.

Effect: The soul's resistance and toughness are greatly improved, making the soul immune to curses and poisons of silver level and below.

Requirements: Spirit 300+

Introduction: The soul is fragile and unique. Only by protecting the soul can it become strong.

Price: 50,000 gold coins. 】

Take a deep breath, you have almost done what you need to do, now go and transform the bone dragon, you can relax after the transformation is completed.

Summoning the bone dragon to come to the city lord's mansion, White Plague began to upgrade the bone dragon.

This upgrade only upgrades the propulsion system, which is the speed of the bone dragon. There is no better replacement for the other modifications of the white plague. If it is a simple weapon conversion, it can wait until later.

During the renovation, a prompt suddenly appeared on the panel that had been silent for a long time.

[Saint 2: Netherworld. 】

Bai Bian's movements did not stop, and he continued to create the bone dragon's thruster core. When the prompt on the panel sounded again, he breathed a sigh of relief.

[You have created a spacecraft tail thruster x 1, and the experience value is +5000. Extra experience value +5000. 】

Sure enough, his hunch was right. The second stage of the extreme mission is here. Netherworld

Isn't that a mysterious town?

Will that town come here to fuck him?

I checked the mission. It was the same as last time. It was just a reminder that the mission could not be fully released until the danger was close at hand.

But it doesn't matter, maybe the Tower of Souls is unlucky, or maybe the danger is drawn from the surroundings.

He knew about this copy, and he was the one who released it.

Maybe try to kill the boss there in advance?

Thinking about the white epidemic, he opened the live broadcast room of the Wei Brigade. The town is now full of players.

And almost all the monsters in it were killed.

The screen is full of players, they are all looking for the last clue, reviving a golden Netherworld boss and waiting to be destroyed by the group.

After that, he cursed the game company Goubi and gave the game Rise of Dawn negative reviews.

There is no other way. Players using level 25 energy to kill those elite monsters are already pretty good, but dealing with the boss is still very difficult.

After thinking for a while, Bai Bian let the bone dragon fly to the mysterious town, and he walked towards the Apocalypse Legion station.

Maybe I can clear the level in seconds?

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