Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 182 Demacia: At least the poison has grown

Bai Bing was not angry even after being yelled at. Feeling the undead waves in the huge workshop, he smiled and said to the group of respectful mages: Thank you for your hard work. Let's all go and have a rest.

The fifty mages bowed slightly, turned and left with extremely respectful expressions.

The city lord's palace is one kilometer long and five hundred meters wide. In addition to the original underground treasure house, a square with a length of five hundred meters and a width of five hundred meters has been hollowed out. This is Oshi's studio.

With the existence of magic, it is not difficult to dig out the ground, but it is difficult to stabilize such a large open space and space.

Therefore, these mages not only have to dig holes, but also release magic to stabilize the ground of the City Lord's Mansion so that it will not collapse.

Of course, after Heidinger makes the bottle of soul potion half a month later, he will also be needed to arrange some formations here.

For example, it can be arranged to prevent prying eyes, reinforce it, and restrict airspace in the capital.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian walked towards a reception room at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion and began to renovate the room. He needed to arrange some item transmission devices so that he did not need to go through the underground passage to send items.

This will be more convenient.

Bai Bian believed that the workshop director in the middle position of Gold could not only serve him alone, but also help the alchemists of the Armaments Department complete some preparation work.

After installing these instruments, Bai Ying walked to his laboratory with satisfaction.

After all, he already has a girlfriend. Bai Bian separated the laboratory from the bedroom, but his bed was still placed in the laboratory.

Sometimes falling asleep is the romance of an alchemist. Making equipment and potions consumes energy, so even if you reach the legendary level, you still have to be mentally exhausted.

After sending a message to the people in the Munitions Department and the Finance Department, Bai Bian began preparations. He needed to arrange the moved laboratory into the most convenient state.

Of course, he didn't forget to reply to Diane's message.

The relationship between the two heated up very quickly. After all, they were both teenagers and girls. If they separated after what had just happened, both men and women would want to see each other.

When Bai Bing moved, the war outside was coming to an end.

Under the heavy snow, the smoke gradually subsided.

The Scarlet Kingdom has never been able to break through the players' lines. No matter they increase their troops or suddenly send strong men to raid, the steady stream of helicopters will bring soldiers again and again.

Let the number of player deaths and arrivals reach a balance.

Even when few players die, their numbers will increase.

Although the current resurrection rule for players is that the more people die, the longer the resurrection time will be.

But players from outside Tobu City, players from Tobu City itself come online, and players who are resurrected.

Three channels were used to frantically increase troops on four battlefields. Amidst this massacre, Han Buna of the Scarlet Kingdom gave up the idea of ​​recording and transforming the legion, and chose to unilaterally destroy the teleportation array.

So at the end of the war, after the player kills the last monster, the mission is completed.

In this war, almost all players made a lot of money.

Even when it was time to clean up the battlefield, both players who participated in the battle and players who had just arrived picked up a lot of equipment.

If there was no storage space, they wouldn't even leave the bodies behind.

Demacia looked at the huge number of people in the live broadcast room and smiled sincerely: Really, I have never fought such a tiring battle. These monsters are very impressive.

Barrage: [That’s right, you were one kilometer away from the monster the whole way, so tired.]

Demacia said confidently: Without my command, how could we win this time? I'm just tired!

Barrage: [Yes, you can only shout forward, the music is not as good as the music of other anchors, and you also grabbed a lot of equipment, I am really tired.]


He raised his head unnaturally: I can also contribute, okay? Summoning system, do you know what the summoning system is? Full level is my best military achievement!

As he said that, he let out a long sigh of relief: But this time the war can be considered successfully completed. Although it is still a day where I didn't win the boss, I have already thought about the next live broadcast.

Demacia said proudly: I am now level 25, it's time to compete in the Legion Arena!

Barrage: [You? Legion Arena? Xiao Mo must not be scared to death? The two rats must not be roasted? 】


What's going on with this generation of netizens? Can they still have fun? He collapsed a little: I don't know why I'm so unlucky, Mad. Forget it if I draw a coward, this crappy bat is useless!


A voice of dissatisfaction sounded, and the bat stood up to two meters high. It spread its wings as hard as it could, making itself larger. The nearly three-meter wingspan looked very intimidating.

Demacia glanced at him: What? Are you not convinced? Do you want to have a fight with your summoner? I will let you do it with one hand?


The big bat's eyes were full of fighting intent, and it waved its wings, and its mouse-like head faced Demacia in provocation.

Demacia felt a # sign appear on her forehead.

He pulled all the equipment on the ground aside, stood up, took a stance, and rushed over.

Bang bang bang.

I don’t know how many times the date started in the live broadcast room, which caused a burst of barrage hahaha

In response to inquiries from some new viewers who were not aware of the problem, the old viewers shared information about the bat.

[Name: Errat.

Race: Rat.

Level: 13.

Personal attributes: Strength 10, Agility 60, Endurance 8, Intelligence 8, Spirit 30, Charisma 13, Luck 18.

Skills: None.

Rank: Lower Bronze.

Expertise: Gold Hunting: You are extremely sensitive to treasures and can always feel the breath of treasures in distant places.

Introduction: A bat from a distant world, but it is not a bat that represents bad luck, but a messenger of good luck. Wherever it is, there must be treasures, but their treasures will always be taken away, because this race is not only lucky but also lucky. Apart from that, it is useless. 】


Look, you lost again, don't resist. Every time I fight you, I feel terribly strong! Demacia pressed her summon to the ground and said with some sadness and anger.

Zhi Zhi Zhi

Er Shu's eyes were still very dissatisfied, as if he was saying: If you dare, let me go and let's fight again!

Demacia looked at the increasingly popular live broadcast room and reluctantly started the summons.


A piranha that was more than three meters tall and looked very vicious appeared. It exuded an extremely dangerous aura.

But as soon as they appeared, they were shocked along with Er Shu.

The two rats squealed and ran ten meters away on all fours even though they had wings.

And this extremely vicious piranha was even more exaggerated. It swooped behind Demacia, wrapped its roots around his body, and swallowed half of his body in one bite.

It makes a sound that's almost like a whoosh.

Uh, uh, it's too big, let go, let go

Demacia frantically pulled herself out, gasping for air.

[You are attacked by your summons and are slightly poisoned, with 1% of your health deducted every second. 】

He looked at the piranha who wanted to bite his shoulder crazily, but was too big to bite only his shoulder.

He looked again and saw that Fu Shu, who was only brave to himself but as timid as a mouse to everyone, was a little silent for a moment.

Amidst the barrage of hahaha, he reluctantly showed the prompts on the panel to the audience.

At least Xiao Mo's toxins are growing, right?


As soon as he finished speaking, a huge tongue licked his robe wet, and the prompt on the panel sounded again.

[Your toxins are neutralized. 】

Looking at the hahaha and some questions on the barrage, Demacia waited for the show to be almost effective before selecting questions to answer.

When will Xiao Mo evolve?

This is not a Pokémon, brothers. It is called an adult. This Pokémon has now reached the juvenile stage. It will be almost ready after feeding it for a few more months. It makes me cry if I talk about it too much. Without those temporary summoning skills, this profession is simply I can’t play a little bit.”

Are you going to set up a stall next?

In this war, 70% of the players in Tobu City participated. Everyone is not short of equipment. Of course, it is sold to NPCs. They are very willing to accept it.

Gold coins? Oh, I have to feed these two idiots. I'm really afraid that these two losers will starve to death when I have no money.


Um, Xiao Mo is not talking about you, don't cry, that big bat is a partner, don't be afraid.

With the chat, the popularity of the live broadcast room was slowly declining. Seeing that several other live broadcast rooms were closed, Demacia smiled and said: Very good, these two guys are hungry again. See you next time. Let's go buy food next time.

The live broadcast was turned off, and Demacia also removed Xiao Mo from the summons.

It still can't see strangers, so in order to avoid being frightened to death, it's better to let it go back to the wood spirit world.


The voice of a private message lit up. It was his friend Bianhuahuakai, a master operator, who was the group who tracked down Rose of the Night during the closed beta period.

Bianhuahuakai: [I heard that you have a high affinity with Bai Yie? 】

Demacia: [Of course, I’m not bragging. Among all the players, except for that guy from the Guard Brigade, I have the highest favorability. 】

Flowers bloom on the other side: [Picture. 】

[Name: Secret Invitation.

Attributes: Special tasks.

Mission description: A special force activates the mysterious town, and the secrets in it are revived one after another. In the memory of the dead evil person, Tobu City has exposed its position.

Weirdness will invade Tobu City in the future. Please go to the mysterious town to prevent this disaster from happening.

Mission Difficulty: Hell.

Mission rewards: attribute points +10, skill points +10, special profession ×1, gold coins +300.

Failure penalty: None.

Introduction: Mysteries, ghosts, monsters under conflict of rules, maybe you have been targeted? 】

Demacia: [Holy shit? When did this happen? Have you told the Wei Brigade? 】

Flowers bloom on the other side: [Wei Brigade is busy and has not replied to the message yet. 】

Demacia: [Um, but why did you tell White Plague? This is obviously a copy, right? Why don't you go take a look first? 】

Flowers bloom on the other side: [Picture, picture, picture]

[You enter the special dungeon Mysterious Town and you die. 】

[You enter the special dungeon Mysterious Town and you die. 】

【You enter】

[Blooming flowers on the other side level: 10. 】

Demacia: [6, died twelve times, but don’t panic. This game can indeed tell the NPC everything. It is indeed very simple to rely on the power of the NPC, but we can’t rely on the NPC for everything, right? 】

[When I find someone to go with you, I won’t believe that a group of high-level players can’t even play a dungeon. 】

Flowers bloom on the other side: [Resurrection time: 11 hours and 56 minutes. 】


[Wait for me, I’ll go find the Wei Brigade right now, Brother Huakai, trust me for once! 】

Flowers bloom on the other side: [Hurry up.]

[Oh, don’t panic, it’s coming now. 】

He said with excitement in his eyes, picked up all the things, and shouted: Second Rat, Second Uncle Emad, I should have known that I couldn't afford this name.

After grunting, he waited for the big bat to fly over, then mounted the bat and flew directly towards the direction of the Guard Brigade.

This dungeon must be played by players first. If the players cannot defeat it, then NPCs will be allowed to participate!

While they were discussing in Demacia, the Legion had already begun to clean up the battlefield. The reason was very simple. Plague would occur if corpses were piled up for a long time.

Players cannot sell unprocessed corpses as materials. This wave of biological materials in Dongwu City is directly full.

Most of these materials also flow into the Arms Department. Many materials for flesh and blood transformation can be replaced by these things, and the corpses can also be made into some medicines.

It’s also thanks to the fact that the players have no storage space, otherwise where would they get their turn?

Time has come quickly to the end of December. This month is a time of peace, but also a time of tension.

Because the activities of the Ancient God Kingdom have been discovered in the four major border towns and many sub-level border towns.

The entire federation quickly moved into action, and every city was in preparation for war. Even the player's military merit system was almost ready in this tense atmosphere.

As soon as Tobu City goes online first, other cities will be launched along the way, igniting the player network.

In one month, the number of players in the four major border towns reached 700,000, of which Tobu City had the largest number, reaching 800,000.

Counting players, Tobu City now has a population of close to six million, which is terrifying. You know, the capital city is only four million.

Tobu City can already be called the largest city.

At the same time, all the 20,000 transformation warriors of the Transformation Legion were completed during this time, and the number of people in the Mechanical Legion has reached 8,000.

The more the population, the more alchemists, and the more alchemists, it is also very helpful to the development of the city.

The financial officer who disappeared for a month finally returned to Tobu City. Financial Officer Sabo said that no matter how many people there were, Tobu City could feed them.

At the same time, the number of schools in Tobu City was still increasing, and Sabo also built Tobu City as his own city.

Various buildings have been renovated, and various technologies have flowed into the Arms Department. Nearly a thousand alchemists and many apprentices have made the inner city of Tobu City more prosperous.

At this time, Bai Bian finally put down the last exoskeleton device.

[You have created an exoskeleton mechanical device, the experience value is +480, and the additional experience value is +480. 】

[You have upgraded and reached level 57. 】

[You have created an exoskeleton mechanical device, experience +450, additional experience value +450. 】

[You have upgraded and reached level 58. 】

After taking a look at the panel, Bai Bian came out of seclusion, casually glanced at the player forum, and was stunned for a moment.

Is that a mysterious town?

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