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Chapter 181 The arrival of the new workshop director

The world of the dead.

A bright moon in the sky shines on the dark earth, and the atmosphere of loneliness spreads throughout the world.

This is a world of the dead, and they are always peeping at the living in all realms.

After the God of Death disappeared together with other gods, the order of this world has collapsed, and skeletons and evil spirits are everywhere.

The blue flames will occasionally spontaneously ignite in the air, and then extinguish very quickly, forming a unique scenery in the world of the dead.

In the center of a sea of ​​skeletons, there is a small city, which is the territory established by a golden lich.

The Golden Median is also a mid-range power in this world, while Liches are high-ranking. Just like their origins, only the strong can transform into Liches and occupy a place in the world of the dead.

In addition to powerful professions such as necromancers, lichs are the pinnacle of the legal system in the necromancy world.

In the center of the skeleton ocean, in a huge castle, the powerful Lich Lord who was observing souls in the laboratory received a call from Shia today.


The Lich, who was completely ruined and only skin and bones were left, pulled up his hood, and the soul fire hidden under the mage's robe flickered slightly.

Oshi has a younger brother. He remembers clearly that thousands of years ago when God was still there, he transformed into a lich because of his longevity and gained eternal life.

But he has always had an obsession, that is, his only relative, even if the lich will distort his mind and make him strip away his human identity.

But when his brother's life was coming to an end, he went to that small world, transformed his brother into a lich, and gave him the power of immortality.

However, undead creatures have no sense of time, and hundreds or even thousands of years may pass by in one of their retreats or in one sleep.

In the last moment, Al had sent him a message, saying that he was going to develop in Shia.

He hasn't even finished a single test, so why is there another message?

Oshie was a little irritated. He stopped observing the experiment of transforming evil spirits into ordinary souls and responded to his brother's call.

I don't know why, Oshi always feels that he can't refuse his stupid brother, even though he is really stupid!

My dear brother, there are many ancient gods in Shia now, and the one who summoned me is too strong. I need your help.

Al's voice was a bit complicated, and it seemed to be closeness and prayer.

This sound made Oshi stunned. He had not heard this sound for a long, long time.

Lich transformation can give mages eternal life, but few mages are willing to lich themselves. This is because the power of the undead can corrode people's minds.

Even if you are a strong person, under the invasion of your essence, you will distort some concepts and become evil creatures in the impression of orderly creatures.

And this voice seemed to slightly reverse his already transformed concept.

Some fragments appeared in his mind, which seemed to be scenes of two children hugging each other for warmth in a cramped and cramped room when he was very young.

It seemed that he had not thought of these images for a long time.

He subconsciously responded to his brother's call: How should I help you?

Shia seemed to be a very powerful plane. After becoming a lich, the inheritance of the dead told him that it was the place where the gods were born, and the creatures born there carried extremely small imprints of the world.

Soul, blood, despair, faith, everything is what all the worlds outside of Shia long for.

Because the imprint of that world is the highest rule in all heavens and worlds! Rules that have a fatal appeal to all powerful beings!

This plane fell into a state of self-protection after the disappearance of the god. Existences from other planes can only enter by invitation, and there is an upper limit on power.

Beings that are too powerful cannot enter it, including the ancient gods.

My brother, please take me back to the kingdom of the dead. It's too painful here.

When this intermittent voice appeared, a piece of dark parchment slowly emerged in the sky.

This is a contract from the world of the dead. The notary was originally the God of Death, but after the God of Death disappeared, the notary became some of the remaining ancient and powerful beings in the world of the dead.

Anyone who violates the above regulations will be erased from the thoughts of those majestic beings.

A bad premonition arose in his heart.

Oshi began to carefully perceive this contract. It did not feel the breath of a multi-layered contract. It was a simple pulling contract. As long as this was signed, the positions of both parties would be determined by the power of the notary.

Everything seemed normal, but he could smell something dangerous.

My brother, you are the only one I have left. Only you can take me away from here. I am willing to use what I have gained in this year to ask for your rescue.

The younger brother's somewhat anxious voice was full of despair, and an extremely alluring soul aura appeared, which seemed to be the soul of Shia's creature.

For beings from other planes who like to devour souls, this is the ultimate delicacy. He can even feel the breath of the extremely cherished soul crystal.

He was moved, but hesitant. He still needed some time to confirm this seemingly 'normal' contract.

My dear brother, take me away. I need your anchor and your traction. This contract is notarized by the vampire king Alyssa Watson. I need his power to get out of this damned place. Shia has returned, and I have been locating it for a long time before settling on the realm of the dead.

There were waves in his brother's anxious voice.

He looked at the moonlight that was about to set outside the castle window. The world of the dead lost the stability of God and began to wander in the void again.

It will devour the stars in the sky. Every time a star falls into the world of the dead, it is a carnival in the world of the dead.

And this kind of movement would break almost all positioning, and he knew he didn't have much time.

Brother, do you still remember the past? I am your younger brother.

Orr's voice became weaker and intermittent. Oshi checked for a while, but could not find any problems in the contract, and the vague uneasiness was suppressed.

He stretched out a withered palm. After thousands of years, no matter how twisted his mind was, it seemed that he still couldn't let go of the trace of family affection and pressed it.

Contract signed.

Brother, come.

Oshi's words stopped abruptly. In front of his eyes, the contract changed rapidly. A scarlet teleportation array appeared and enveloped him instantly.

This doesn't seem to be a traction contract, but a summoning contract!

And there are so many layers! ——

[You gained the third servant, the level 67 lich, Oshi. 】

Bai Bian retracted his hand with a smile, and the power of the contract dissipated slightly.

He looked at Orr's back as he walked away quickly, holding the Dawn Badge that carried his power.

Quietly waiting for the arrival of the new workshop director.

It's the end of November, and snowflakes finally begin to fall from the sky. This snowfall comes later than before, and it was heavy at the beginning.

The goose-feather heavy snow covered Orr's back until he could no longer see it, and the breath of the dead began to spurt out, filling the area outside Tobu City with the breath of the dead.

Some subtle vibrations occur in the surrounding land. When the corpse of the deceased encounters a powerful enough necromantic aura, it will unconsciously surrender to the powerful necromantic creature.

At this time, as long as the undead creature gives these corpses soul and power, they will turn into familiar skeleton soldiers.

Those are the most common things in the world of the dead.


The snow clouds in the sky were dyed black before much snow fell, and wisps of necromantic aura fell down instead of the snowflakes.

The being from another dimension raised one hand, seemingly still in a pressing state, and slowly descended from the world of the dead to the world of Shia.

Bai Yian smiled and said hello: Hello, my name is Bai Yian. I'll leave everything to you from now on. I don't think you need to try to struggle anymore, right?

Oshi was silent, looking at the world around him that had become dark because of his arrival, and feeling the completely different laws of the world. He asked calmly in an extremely hoarse voice: Is my stupid brother dead?

Bai Bian felt a sense of threat. It seemed that this lich was more powerful than he imagined.

He smiled and said: No, I signed a contract with him a year ago, and now, he uses you in exchange for his freedom.

Oshi was silent, and the soul fire under the hood suddenly turned scarlet.

Dark side, malicious threats.

[Your charm value is temporarily reduced to -17. 】


Oshi, who was about to explode, was stunned. He looked at this existence that had obviously not changed much, but gave him an unparalleled sense of oppression. The reason that had just disappeared quickly returned.

But another, more decisive feeling emerged.

As a lich who pursues the truth of magic, he is not the kind of being who can only survive. If he is enslaved by others, death is not completely unacceptable.

Fifty years. Bai Bian opened a hand: I will give you freedom in fifty years. Now your duty is to help me refine some alchemy materials. Of course, you are a relatively powerful lich, I can give you How about some freedom, provided you don't screw up what I told you?

Oshi, who was ready to fight, was silent for a moment, the scarlet soul fire swaying, he looked around, and his dead voice gradually became emotional.

It was a feeling of suppressed anger: Yes, but only if you hand over my rebellious and stupid brother. I need to let him know the consequences of betrayal.

I'm sorry. Bai Bian stretched out his hand, and Orr's aura appeared, and he quickly moved towards the west, already a very long distance away.

When we signed the contract, he had already left wisely. It seems that he recognized your strength.


The earth cracked, the clouds in the sky exploded, and a heavy snowfall that was about to form in this area was instantly destroyed.

Oshi looked at Bai Bian formally and said suppressedly: I just want to know, is it possible to see him again during this time?

Of course, maybe it won't take a few years? Bai Bian said and returned to the light side. He took out ten soul crystals (large) and a lot of alchemy knowledge and magic knowledge.

He said gently: These magical knowledge and soul crystals are your reward for these fifty years.

And that alchemy knowledge is auxiliary knowledge, and it is also your future work. I will open a workshop for you in this city. In the next fifty years, your workload may be slightly larger.

Oshi took these things, the soul fire in his eyes was still scarlet, but in the face of the extreme malice just now, he had no possibility of resisting.

In addition, fifty years is really a short time for the undead, as short as a snap of a finger.

He could afford to wait for this time.

Bai Bian breathed a sigh of relief. He was not worried about Oshi's resistance. Oshi's expertise was quite good, but he was still a little behind when it came to facing evil thoughts.

Although it is a bit troublesome to deal with, if it really comes to a fight, the white plague can end the long life of this lich in thirty seconds.

What's more, there are nearly a hundred layers of contract constraints.

It's just that his workshop will close down and there will be no one to help polish the materials, so his workload will increase, so the white epidemic will become more tempting.

Undead creatures have almost eternal life, and they generally cannot refuse time-limited servitude.

Especially the slavery within a thousand years. The shorter the time, the faster these undead creatures can accept it.

We don't have time, Mr. Oshie, please calm down. We need to move now, and then our work will begin.

As Bai Bian spoke, he began to set up the teleportation array. Oshi did not reply. Judging from his scarlet soul fire, his emotions had not yet calmed down.

But it doesn’t matter, time will pass day by day, and after half a year, the squeeze will continue to increase.

After all, after half a year of suffering, wouldn’t it be uneconomical to die because of resistance at this time?

Al was squeezed in this way at the beginning, so he should get used to it quickly.

When the light of the teleportation array flashed, the two of them returned to Dawn Pharmacy.

Luo Ning had already packed his things. When he saw the two people coming out of the laboratory, he asked with some reluctance: Boss, we are ready. We can leave at any time, but what kind of work should I do after moving? ?Can the housekeeper do it?

Luo Ning had also stayed at the City Lord's Mansion before, but he still liked it here better. Although she relied more on Bai Bian, she still had a lot of affection for this small shop. This was her first Home

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment by the question, but he quickly said: Well, you can manage the garden of the city lord's mansion, but your cultivation can't fall behind.

That's it, boss, don't worry, I can definitely do this job well! Luo Ning said confidently.

Well, you can learn from those waiters when you have some free time. Don't be in a hurry with your work. Bai Bing said and turned to the Lich: Mr. Oshi, let's get started. Everything here needs to be moved.

Those skeletons were left behind by Mr. Orr, and it is said that the remaining memories in them can help you integrate better.

Oshi was a little silent, and almost instantly took control of the skeletons in the flowing water. Memory fragments appeared one by one. These extremely fragile skeletons indeed taught him a lot.

But the content inside made his soul fire emit a temperature that didn't belong to it.

This shop is too small for the current workshop director. The white epidemic requires a larger workshop, and the City Lord's Mansion happens to be a large area.

Before summoning Oshi, White Plague had already planned the place. Now he only needed to move things there and expand the scale.

After everything was moved, Oshi looked at the underground workshop that couldn't even be fully illuminated by bright lights underground in the garden of the city lord's mansion.

Finally, he couldn't hold it back any longer and burst out madly.

Damn Al, just wait, I will definitely let you taste what greetings from my brother mean, and your soul will become a soul lamp, illuminating my laboratory forever!

Mr. Oshi, while you can still contact the world of the dead, summon more powerful skeletons. These skeletons may not be enough. Also, the Hellfire of the Hell Dog is a very good flame. I hope you can use it. stand up.

Al looked at a trembling hell dog that was thrown in and couldn't help but roared: Get out!

The hell dog Silen trembled, and silently retreated into the corner under the gaze of the powerful lich.

It's just a dog that no one wants, so why is it still being targeted?

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