Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 180 Al: I have an older brother

[You kill the level 63 golden boss, the experience value is +40,000, and the additional experience value is +40,000. 】

[You obtain gold-level equipment, Shadow Blade. 】

Returning to Dongwu City, Bolton descended on the inner city wall and lay down on the wall tiredly.


Just as White Blight was about to fly into the city, Bolton's voice rang out.

What's wrong?

The thrusters on my wings seem to be a bit old. Its energy core cannot support extreme speed flight and is starting to drain my magic power.

Bolton's voice was very tired and very careful.

In just one day, it sent the three teachers back, flew back to the capital overnight to pick up the white plague, and finally returned to Dongwu City. A total of 120,000 kilometers in a straight line, the bone dragon would be tired.

White Blight walked towards Bolton and checked the mechanical armor on the wings. There was indeed something wrong with the energy core of the thruster.

I understand, wait for me to call you after a while.

Bai Bian said, turning around and flying towards the quartermaster's office area.

There is no rush to upgrade Bolton. Its main purpose is to serve as a transportation tool. It is not too late to upgrade after finding suitable materials to cover this point with firepower.

Arrive at the military quarters office area.

Under the respectful gaze of Quartermaster Stith, White Plague left behind a lot of equipment and turned towards the Hall of Knowledge.

These equipments are the equipment of Rose of the Night members, and they are also the golden equipment obtained just now.

The legion has a battle merit system, which can inspire soldiers to fight.

Because of federal policies, the lower class actually had no sense of belonging to the federation, so the White Plague never tried to boost the morale of soldiers.

Because that's useless. Ordinary civilians and ordinary extraordinary people actually hate the Federation most.

Only those with talent above level B will have a sense of belonging to the Federation.

Because they are the beneficiaries, their treatment is not bad everywhere. Even the four major legions in Tobu City, Bai Bian said, it is purely based on their strength.

But the selection of the legion still depends on age. For example, for Bai Yin who is under twenty years old, they only need to register to enter. There is no need for any competition, and they will not even enter the knockout round.

As for what smart person can figure out the federation’s intentions and change his views on the federation?

This is impossible!

So what if you can figure it out? If you are not talented enough, you can only be the one who is squeezed. There is no possibility of turning around this fundamental interest.

Therefore, the White Plague is an inducement of real money to the Legion, rather than a mere frivolity.

As long as you are strong, you can have higher treatment!

Leaving the Quartermaster's Mansion, Bai Bian thought for a while. Things outside did not require too much attention. Now that the war was temporarily resolved, the players and the legion could cope with those wars.

He needs to continue to enhance the combat effectiveness of the modified legion, and only after the completion of manufacturing 10,000 exoskeleton mechanical devices will he consider other developments.

Because he had a premonition that the second test from the Tower of Souls was coming soon.

Enter the palace of knowledge.

A mechanical life form ran over very diligently: Dear Mr. Bai Bian, do you want to buy knowledge or sell knowledge?

Purchase, search, alchemy and potion about the soul, mage's potion, and how to use soul energy.

OK, just a second.

Garbled codes flashed on the screen above the mechanical lifeform's head, and all the spiritual information recorded by the Federation appeared before his eyes.

Bai Bian rummaged around for a few times. He had already seen the alchemy knowledge when making the soul-purifying potion, and no new potion science had been added during these times.

But the knowledge of the mage is different. The mage's system is larger than that of the alchemist.

The profession of mage is the oldest profession, and it is also the most fundamental profession in the continent of Shia.

The title Magician has been around since the birth of the ancient gods. It was originally used to describe the ancient gods of the elemental system.

But later, these ancient gods became more and more powerful and felt that this title was no longer worthy of them, so they called themselves the Lord of a certain person, or a monarch, or even a god.

And this title has become those strong people who can use the power of elements.

Later, when the world became more and more prosperous, with more and more creatures, and all the major planes appeared, it was divided into five major occupational systems and many smaller occupational classifications.

This also prevents future generations from taking a wrong path and allows them to reach the strongest level in one profession.

Because when the profession is not clear, there are many mages who just throw a lighting spell and go to melee combat, and their talents are wasted in the wrong place.

Therefore, the mage's system is much larger than that of the alchemist.

The mage's research on the soul is also better than that of the alchemist. Many of the soul potions above are very effective.

Bai Bing purchased some knowledge about the use of souls, as well as a magic potion formula with very miraculous effects. This formula is very ancient and its function is to enhance the toughness of the soul.

That is, the soul's resistance, there are very few such medicines.

The effect of this mage's potion is better than the alchemical formula with the same effect. If Heidinger helps make it, it can save some time and let White Plague do its own thing.

Retrieve, God's Inscription.

Bai Bian continued to issue orders, and the garbled characters on the face of the machine appeared again. Soon, some information appeared on the face of the machine.

Bai Yifei checked it carefully and was a little disappointed. Although these materials were all about the inscription of God, this inscription was obviously not the same as the inscription that Bai Yide had obtained.

He thought for a while and continued: Search, God's Text.

There was a lot of information this time, and Bai Bian looked at it carefully.

The human race has human writing, and the elves have elven writing.

In the continent of Shia, there are many kinds of writing, among which the writings of gods have always been studied by scholars.

The words they use are the oldest words, and these words contain some power of rules. For example, the word fire carries warmth in God's words.

It's amazing.

There are two hidden professions called Rune Master and Taoist Priest. These two professions are derived from this kind of rule writing.

However, this kind of profession is very rare. Fortunately, Taoist priests use words to stir up the magic power between heaven and earth to release power. There are also such professions in Daybreak, but the number is very small.

The inheritance of rune masters has been broken, and the three major federations basically have no rune masters anymore.

As for Bai Bian's search for God's words, he mainly wanted to translate the words on the God's inscription.

It may be useful, or it may not be useful, but as long as you have time, it is good to learn more than one language.

After purchasing this knowledge, Bai Bian turned around and left the palace of knowledge.

We arrived at the Mage Academy in the west of the inner city.

The current schools in the inner city are basically vocational schools, where mages teach mages and warriors teach warriors.

This division has greatly improved the quality of teaching. Of course, schools in the inner city mainly accept the children of extraordinary people. From ordinary schools in the outer city, only the outstanding ones can be selected into the inner city.

Amidst the respectful calls, Bai Bian found Heidinger who had become somewhat energetic.

At first, White Plague made three bottles of the Source of Life, one each for Heidinger, Eric, and Elsa.

But the only bad thing about this thing is that it cannot be drunk twice, otherwise these strong men of the older generation can continue to be at their peak.

[Source of Life Effect: Restore the vitality of the body to a large extent, replacing the consumption of body functions within a certain period of time. 】

I saw your battle. It was very good. It was beyond imagination. Heidinger no longer had any worries about the White Plague, and his mentality gradually moved closer to Eric.

After all, he originally came from the capital, and he knew very well that Guan Xin's combat effectiveness was no worse than that of some weak congressmen.

If Bai Bian can defeat Guan Xin, he will have enough power to protect himself in the Federation. Although he still does not recommend Bai Bian to take risks, he will not be too worried about him going out.

Mr. Heidinger, I came to you this time mainly because I want you to help me make a bottle of potion. Bai Bing did not mince words. He directly took out the formula he just bought and handed it to Heidinger, and took it from the lining of the Death Robe. The Lieutenant General took off the soul lantern as big as his thumb.

The current soul lantern is already filled with purple energy. This is the brilliance of the soul crystal core (large), which represents the limit of the soul lantern that can reach the quality and energy of the soul crystal core (large).

But this is not surprising. There are more than twenty golden strongman souls contained in the soul lantern. Taking into account the killings of White Plague, the soul energy in it is amazing.

Heidinger took over the soul lantern and potion formula with some surprise. After carefully observing the energy in the soul lantern, he smiled and nodded: It can be done, but it will take some time. Come and get it in half a month. Some accessories need to be found. .”

Bai Bian bowed slightly: I'm sorry.

After saying that, he turned around and quickly returned to Dawn Pharmacy.

He could take it easy outside, but after coming back, Bai Bian found that there were many things he needed to do.

Boss, you're back!

There was a sound of surprise. Luo Ning was smiling and her eyes were shining. It could be seen that she was really happy.

Her eyes kept looking behind Bai Bian, as if she was looking for someone.

Bronze has reached the top? Do you want any reward? Bai Bian praised first, and then asked: What are you looking for?

Luo Ning is only thirteen years old now. He was a junior high school student in Blue Star. Even if he is still just a child, he is still very happy to grow up so quickly.

For example, the war that is still going on outside Tobu City. If it were not for Luo Ning, this war would have spread to Tobu City.

When Luoning grows to gold, any threatening actions and enemy plans may be revealed, and Tobu City will be basically foolproof.

No reward, I'm very satisfied now, but boss, where's the boss's wife? Didn't you bring it back? Luo Ning asked with bright eyes, as if he was looking forward to it.

She can't come, maybe in a few years. Bai Bian was a little helpless. Seeing what Luo Ning wanted to ask, he changed the subject: Where's Irene?

Sister Eileen is out, saying she is on vacation for a month, but boss, our cooperation has met your requirements and we are not lazy. Luo Ning said seriously.

Bai Bian didn't say anything. The elf had a purely worker mentality, but there was nothing wrong with it. With Mina watching, there shouldn't be any problems.

I understand, but you still have to have your rewards. You did a great job in the Wonders Battlefield outside. Save the rewards first. When you want something, you can tell me and I will try my best to satisfy you.

Okay. Luo Ning did not refuse anymore. She took out a bottle of milk from the drawer and handed it to Bai Bian. She asked with a smile: Boss, do you want to drink it?

He took the milk and took a sip. Although this five-silver-coin-a-bottle milk seemed a bit cheap now, it still tasted like Bai Zhi's taste. At least when Bai Zhi was still poor, this was his favorite thing. .

Practice well. If anything happens, just contact me directly. Bai Bian turned around and walked towards the laboratory.

Now is the time to make the exoskeleton. Two thousand mechanically modified warriors have already gone to the battlefield, and the remaining eight thousand are still waiting for their spots.

White Plague.

The cold breath stopped White Plague, and Orr, who was hidden by the hood, appeared behind him. Its voice was a bit complicated. It has only been a year and a half, and the cunning capitalist has surpassed it by a lot.

Al didn't know what he felt like with this mixed feeling of anger, awe, and disgust.

But what it knows is that it cannot go on like this, and it needs to change. Otherwise, what will greet him may no longer be squeezed, but ruthlessly erased and replaced by a stronger worker.

He had a hunch that he would do that when he could no longer help the capitalist.

Bai Bian turned around and asked with a smile: Mr. Orr, what's the matter?

I want to leave. Orr said bluntly. He had nothing to hide when facing a strong man: I can't keep up with you now. I believe it won't be difficult for you to find a replacement.

But I haven't found a replacement yet, and you should be at the workstation now. We are ready to continue making the exoskeleton. I need materials. Bai Ying said with a smile.

Orr was silent, the soul fire under his hood flickering. When Bai Bing was about to leave again, he said in a barely calm tone: Let's make a deal, Bai Bing.

Say. Bai Bian smiled. Liches are generally very old and difficult to deceive.

Because most lichs are casters whose lifespan is coming to an end, and they take the initiative to turn their bodies into necromancy, eventually becoming necromancy casters.

Orr probably became a lich not long before he was deceived by White Plague's contract.

Because the contract level of White Plague was indeed not particularly high at that time.

Orr's soul fire beat faster and faster, it seemed to be hesitating, red and blue flashing under the hood.

After about ten seconds, he took a deep breath, and his hoarse, unpleasant voice was full of entanglements: I feel the breath of the Necromancer in you, and I want to follow her temporarily in exchange for leaving.

Al paused again and was entangled again, but he soon relaxed. He didn't want to be treated as waste: My brother should be a very good employee, and he also wants to come to Shia.

Bai Bian paused, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face. He looked at Orr with eyes filled with admiration. He was indeed a lich!

Brother? Please tell me in detail!

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