Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 177 National Invasion

In the early morning, Bai Bian looked at the girl next to him with a complicated look in his eyes. He still didn't leave last night.

Kissed Diane on the forehead and whispered: Wait for me.

He stood up and left the room. This was Difeng's house, which belonged to Diane's territory and was a very large manor.

When it gets light, the waiters have already gotten up to work.

Without a second look or a look back, the white plague disappeared from the manor.

In the room, the girl shrank slightly under the quilt, opened a pair of eyes full of water mist, and looked at the closed door. There were many emotions in her eyes, which were very confusing, but they were mainly shy and happy.

After all, it had been nine years. She had only seen her heart when the white plague suddenly disappeared. Now it was considered complete.


As if in response, she slowly closed her eyes.

In front of Tifeng's house.

The bone dragon descended, and Bai Bian sat on the mechanical throne. The complexity in his eyes disappeared, and he looked at the half figure in the corner. It was Yuan Tang. The two looked at each other, but neither spoke.

The bone dragon flapped its wings and flew to Dongwu City in an instant.

[You submitted the Tears of Rules and received a special skill point x 1. 】

Eric no longer needs this rule. It is very difficult for a body with weakened energy and blood to break through the legend.

As for the golden position, Bai Bian still feels that it is better to strengthen himself.

After thinking about it for a while, the skills that Bai Bian likes the most are: Demon Flash, Mental Stasis, Soul Storage, and Malicious Intimidation.

These four skills have greatly enhanced him. Malicious intimidation is the control of one's own aura. Whether it is to activate the ultimate malice or to be restrained, it is all a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Bai Plague, who has the specialty of [Malicious Deception]. Great enhancement.

For example, in the battle with Guan Xin, in a gold-level battle, it was impossible to know immediately that he had malicious intentions to deceive this special event, which meant that the outcome was already decided.

But he wanted to try the poison [Blight] again.

What will happen if special attribute points are used for the extremely toxic formula?

Bai Bian thought about it, and finally used the special skill points on the Demon Flash.

He lacks space ability, and uses this skill most in battle. If he can increase the time he can stay in the subspace, his combat power will be greatly improved.

The moment the skill point was triggered, Bai Bian's eyes slowly closed.

In his mind, a figure was constantly using the Demon Flash. That person used his blood energy to break through the space, entered the subspace in the short time it took for the space to heal, and then quickly appeared in another place.

The speed of his release was getting faster and faster, even making it difficult for Bai Bie's mental power to catch him. His mental protection specialty was trembling, which was because his mental power was being consumed rapidly.

Whether it is ordinary skill points or special skill points, everything he learns is deduced using his mental power.

The skill points on the panel are to teach him this skill, rather than forcefully instilling it.

This model is very good, at least White Plague can feel its true growth.

There are only afterimages left in the picture, and the space no longer heals under the continuous rapid penetration. Potholes appear one after another, and the gaps in the subspace are broken almost instantly.

When the frequency of using the Demon Flash reached a limit, the phantom suddenly rushed towards Bai Bian and disappeared in front of him.


A kind of enlightenment appeared in Bai Yian's heart, and he slowly opened his eyes. He looked at his hand, a slight shock appeared, and the space in Bai Yian's hand had a texture similar to silk.

At a speed of Mach 5, a long trace was drawn in the sky in an instant.

[Your Demonic Flash has successfully transformed. 】

[Name: Unnamed.

Attributes: Active skills.

Effect: Can forcefully enter the gap in space for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: None.

Introduction: A very advanced spatial technique. You know the texture of space well, but don't stay in the cracks for too long, because you may get lost in the cracks and eventually fall into the turbulence of space. 】

[Named: Space Penetration. 】

There was a thoughtful look in Bai Bian's eyes. This special skill point is very useful. It is to deduce to a deeper level and acquire more advanced skills based on skills.

Tian Mo Shan's skills are still there, but based on Bai Bian's current understanding of space, Tian Mo Shan's skills are too low-level.

In countless simulations of the Demonic Flash, Bai Bian's understanding of space has greatly improved.

At least, he has a very high understanding of how people can enter the space gap and how to maintain the space inside without compressing the body.

His hand disappeared, crossing a large area of ​​the sky in the dragon's rapidity, but the trace just now was gone, because Bai Bian's hand was now in another dimension.

This special skill point is very strong and is a perfect development tool.

His eyes flashed slightly. If it was this kind of development, then it would not be the development of combat power that was most profitable now, but alchemy.

For example, Praise to the Sun, or simply the further development of intercontinental missiles.

The city-defending weapon seems to be much more useful than these skills.

Even the Colossus!

As he was thinking about it, Bai Bian's eyes showed an eagerness to try. There were still three special skill points in the job mission, and it seemed that he could try them all when the time came.

He took out the information on the Colossus and looked at it. This thing was the supreme knowledge of alchemy. Bai Bian was a little confused when he looked at it.

It seems like I can't understand it.

It's not that I can't understand the text. I can recognize the words when they are taken apart, but when they are put together, it seems a bit unfamiliar to Bai Bian at his current level.

I forced myself to try to understand the first sentence, and even muttered these awkward ancient words in a low voice.

About five minutes later, Bai Bian closed the book with a bang and threw it into the space ring.

This thing is like a foreigner reading classical Chinese. He is confused and a bit brain-burning. He needs to calm down.

Zero: [Miss Diane asked: Where are you? 】

Zero: [Coordinates sent. 】

Zero: [Miss Diane asked: Will I have children? 】

Zero: [The probability of becoming a gold-level transcendent five times is 0.036%. 】

White plague:.

[Chatting with Diane does not require you to do extra calculations and pay attention to other things. 】

Zero: [Instruction received. 】

Bai Bian was speechless. A light screen appeared in front of him. While replying to Diane, he began to pay attention to the situation in Tobu City, because the preparations for the war by the players there had reached the final stage.


Outside Tobu City.

The live broadcast of Wei Brigade has also started.

Yesterday, while the entire Internet was filled with news about the White Epidemic, the player forums were particularly lively because anchors from Wei Brigade, Demacia, Xiahou Fuxing, and some Tobu City started broadcasting at the same time.

Start gathering players.

Now Tobu City's 110,000 troops are divided into four areas, surrounding three valleys and a plain.

The anchors connected one after another, forming four split screens, broadcasting live in these four places.

Are you ready? Wei Brigade asked in a low voice.

The densely packed players in the back were unusually quiet. Their expressions were all excited, and they rushed into the live broadcast room to refresh their screens.

【Ready. 】×n.

The anchors suppressed their excited replies and kept their voices low.

The Guard Brigade nodded: There are only 50,000 players in each war zone now, so we should be at a disadvantage, but it's not a big problem. Others will rush to the four war zones when they come online. Those who don't go online are not forced to do so.

Wait and see if there are any quests. If there are, then accept the quests and rush forward. If not, it doesn't matter. Whoever grabs the equipment and monsters will belong to him.

There are more than 200,000 players in Tobu City now, and the players basically know about the war because of the promotional video.

Players who are looking for excitement are running to the border towns, while some players who are not interested in fighting and killing are running to the interior.

Of course, the majority of players who come to play games are those who participate in the main line, so the number of players in Tobu City has now reached 450,000, and it continues to increase.

The other three border towns are similar, which is why Bai Bian didn't feel there were many players when he went to the capital.

After all, although the capital is prosperous, it is also too stable and peaceful, so there is not much to do in the capital.

There are tens of thousands of players in the capital now who don't want to run away from the map, and there are also players who are waiting for a big incident to happen.

It is already good that the anchors can recruit nearly half of the players. After all, who will listen to the instructions when playing games?

If the Wei Brigade hadn't told them clearly that they would die if they went into that valley, how could they have waited here obediently?

There was also a hint of excitement in Wei Brigade's tone: Listen to me now, continue to be secretive, and wait for me to play a war song first.

Wei Lu said that he searched in the forum, and some poems about this world recorded by players appeared. Those were all songs created by bards, and several of them were very popular in Blue Star and were called masterpieces across the ages.

When the exciting music started playing, Wei Brigade waved.


Huge explosions suddenly sounded in the four major areas in the south, west and north directions of Tobu City.

These explosives were prepared by the players themselves and were the fruits of a streamer's labor. In this large-scale mission, a wave of traffic was used to spread the free explosives.

The ground began to shake and the valleys shook.

The Wei Brigade and the players looked excitedly at the depths of the valley, quietly waiting for something.

As time passed slowly, in the valley, at the end of the cleared road, a faint figure gradually appeared in the endless smoke.

The soldiers of the Scarlet Kingdom never expected that half of the teleportation arrays they were preparing to attack Tobu City would be suddenly attacked.

They are still a little confused now, but they have not received the order and can only protect the teleportation array. That is their responsibility.

At the same time, tens of thousands of players in the player camp became increasingly excited and stared into the valley.

As time passed, some players could no longer bear it. Listening to the extremely exciting music in the forum live broadcast, they picked up their weapons and rushed into the valley without hesitation.

And as one player rushed, the remaining players couldn't hold back anymore.

Kill them to death, the blame is mine! Ula!


The players shouted everything, and finally formed a roar belonging to the fourth natural disaster. The momentum was deafening in the early morning at this time!

Hundreds of scarlet soldiers who came out to check the situation were stunned when faced with the sudden appearance of many enemies.

The Federation is calling. Go and report to His Majesty!

Our plan has been exposed, hurry up, stop them and don't let them go to our country!

They roared some weird words, some of them rushed towards the players, and some of them directly entered the teleportation array.

Fireball! Ula!

As a mage player excitedly released his skills, a fireball about one meter slowly fell to the ground, erupting with a loud noise.

This sound also means that the players' second team battle has completely begun.

[You triggered the multiplayer main mission: Kingdom Invasion. 】

[Name: Kingdom Invasion.

Attributes: Multiplayer main mission.

Mission description: The kingdom belonging to the ancient gods is eyeing the Federation. You discovered their teleportation point and broke their plan to sneak attack.

Please destroy the enemy's teleportation array and destroy this invasion.

Mission reward: skill point +2, attribute point +1, gold coin +5, experience value +300.

Continuous rewards: Every time an enemy unit is killed, there is an additional reward.

Failure penalty: None.

Introduction: Victory will eventually belong to order, and God will tremble under your feet. 】

As soon as this mission came out, the players' eyes suddenly turned green. They rushed faster and faster. What is it now? The stage of grabbing monsters!

Some players even target the people in front of them because there are too few monsters here.

The guard brigade in the rear also received this mission. His eyes brightened and he shouted anxiously: In front, this is the spot for spawning monsters. Don't push the crystals. Start spawning monsters! Those are all gold coins!

The other anchors and union presidents were similar, shouting at the top of their lungs and rushing very fast themselves.

I'm afraid that the animals at the front will be randomly demolished, and then the opportunity for the players will be gone.

But it was obvious that they were overthinking it. Dozens of scarlet soldiers in the valley were instantly swallowed up, but behind them, groups of soldiers suddenly appeared.

Scarlet light shimmered on their bodies, giving people a sense of evil and wantonness.

This kind of soldiers instantly filled the valley and pushed outwards in an instant. The players' momentum was instantly blocked, and a large number of players were directly hacked to death.

Both sides fell into anxiety, and the player was still the weak side.

The siege of Tobu City is not very secretive, and the king of the Scarlet Kingdom suffered a big loss last time. Now this time is actually a test. He wants to see first how much strength Tobu City has.

If it can be bulldozed in one wave, then use all your strength to take away Tobu City. If it is discovered again like last time, then Tobu City's effective strength will be consumed.

Anyway, for the ancient god, he could afford to grab a lot of soldiers outside and consume them.

And those soulless guys and mutated guys are what they need to observe.

For example, some soldiers who are not powerful at the top of the valley are recording the data of this war to observe the gap between the two sides.

This is also the reason why Dongwu City is not in danger after Luo Ning arranged it like this. The plan there has changed, from war to test.

When the real invasion war starts next time, this test will be the Scarlet Kingdom's assessment of Tobu City. By then, the decisive battle will be overwhelming.

And not just the valley, these four enclosed war zones were all abandoned by the Scarlet Kingdom.

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