Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 178 Our boss is here!

Scarlet and the players collided instantly. Everyone had their own purposes, but these things behind the scenes did not affect the players' charge.

After they discovered that there were more and more enemies, the emotions in their eyes exploded. Weird, these are all weird!

When did this crap game have so many monsters?



Mader, those mages are right when they throw magic. No teammate in this crappy game can avoid injury!

Made, these damn mages, use the healing system, they are out of health!

Don't block the road, damn, that health bar is my fault!

Is it still reasonable for you to beat up your teammates?

Hot Chicken Mage!


Damn it, the Xiahou Si trumpet has started blowing the charge horn. Brothers, charge with me and fuck him first!

The passionate music that was about to reach its climax and the trumpet sound in the blood ignited the plain battlefield at this moment.

The topography of the valleys and plains means that the plains are definitely harder to fight than the valleys, and Xiahou Fuxing, who has the war artifact, is in the plains in this wave.

The valley is crowded, and it is a direct contact battle. Although the NPCs are much stronger than the players on average, they have no way to move and can only fight with the players.

Are players afraid of spending money? What they are afraid of is just not being able to hit and not breaking the defense.

The plains are different. Although these NPCs need to protect their teleportation arrays, they can extend the battle line longer.

Take advantage of being faster than players and being more proficient in your abilities than players to kite players or kill players from a distance.

But it has not yet fallen into the plains theater of this kind of war, because this charge has wiped out the kite tactic.

The players' eyes were scarlet and they kept rushing forward. The 30% morale made the players' bodies boil with blood. They rushed towards the enemy's teleportation array with howls.

Some scarlet soldiers who had escaped the player's attack had no choice but to directly start a head-on battle with the player.

A scene of blood and flesh appears almost instantly. As long as the number of people exceeds 10,000, it is basically impossible to see the edge at a glance, and a war between 50,000 players and a similar number of scarlet soldiers seems very huge.

The four anchors all turned off the sounds of other war zones and tried to give instructions hysterically, but the effect of the instructions was not very great. Only those players in the guild and studio would obey, but it was enough.

Only Xiahou Fuxing is the easiest. He doesn't need to say anything, he just blows the bugle from the ancient times vigorously, and the players will spontaneously and endlessly rush forward.

The whole plain was full of people, and the shouts of killing resounded in the sky.

Not far away, in a tent between the battlefield and Tobu City, the commanders of the four legions looked at the broadcast on the screen and marveled.

The players' fighting style is very special, and they cannot achieve that kind of fighting style that combines madness and order.

In the three valley battle zones, the main force moved forward crazily. The mages consciously stepped aside and allowed the soldiers and assassins to move forward. They used the floating technique to make themselves fly, and then began to throw fireballs, ice arrows and other spells inside very regularly.

The micro-management of those players at the forefront even made the eyes of these battle-experienced legion commanders shine.

The only bad thing is that the accuracy of those mages or alchemists is not good enough. Even though some monsters are almost dead, their spells or gun bullets will still fall on these monsters.

He doesn't even hesitate to affect his comrades.

If it were their legion and they encountered something like this that killed their comrades, they would have taken them out and chopped them down long ago.

What shocked them the most was the plain battlefield. When the urgent and rapid trumpet sound sounded, this group of wonders seemed to have received some kind of summons and rushed forward desperately.

Fortunately, this charge was not as exaggerated as last time. Mages, alchemists and even some rare magicians still knew how to attack from a distance.

This is actually easy to understand. The last time was a fierce battle for several days. The players were already brought into the war, so they were crazy like last time. But this time, the charge trumpet was blown just after the war started. The emotion was not enough, so Even Chinese players will still have a lot of sense left.

In fact, not only the commanders of these four corps, Sabo also synchronized the live broadcast to the parliament to let them know the combat effectiveness of the players, so that the emergence of the military merit system will get more support.

As long as the Federation pays enough attention to the combat effectiveness of players, then the soldiers of Daybreak will really kill many fewer people.

Fuck! Why is it so difficult to fight this time?

Made, aren't these monsters afraid of pain? Why do the soldiers look like fakes this time?

Wisdom, this is fake, just a game, stop talking nonsense and look at the health bar!

The most outrageous thing is this health bar. Brothers, I was cut to pieces by a corpse!

Just treat it as a self-destructing buff. Brothers, charge at me and chop them to death. If that doesn't work, chop off their hands and feet first and let me do the finishing touches!

Oh, I miss the Charge. I knew I would have gone to Xiahou Fuxing. Listening to the Charge kill monsters, the killing was particularly smooth.

The anchor changes the song and turns up the sound!

In the war zone in the valley, the frontline players have begun to complain.

This time the scarlet warriors are much stronger than last time. They all have a strange red light on their bodies, and they seem to have no pain. Players will cut into their necks with swords, and those soldiers will take away one with a backhand sword. batch of players.

Although the level gap is no longer as high as expected, it is still a difficult battle.

The Guards Brigade carefully observed the soldier this time. He disappeared. When he reappeared, the silver-level dagger had been inserted into the neck of a monster and he pulled hard.

[If you kill a level 26 scarlet soldier, your experience value will be +380. 】

The monster's head took off instantly, blood spurting out crazily.

But with such a headless body, he actually tried to punch, but because he had no head, the punch was empty, and the scarlet soldier slowly fell to the ground.

Became a mosaic.

Wei Brig looked at the red light on the monster. He appeared behind a monster again, and the dagger sank into his back.

But the monster didn't seem to notice it and rushed forward crazily. It wasn't until a fireball appeared from nowhere and knocked him down that he was truly dead.

The Wei brigade looked at the mage player suspended in mid-air, eager to grab monsters, but said nothing.

The monsters this time have a death delay. They should all be elite units. Please avoid them.

He said, noticing the barrage.

Searched in the music library, increased the volume of the live broadcast, and clicked on the music.

The players who were still in the live broadcast room were shocked.

I feel the awakening of a powerful will! The anchor knows how to play.

Sickle, Hammer, Big Brother Revival, Ula!

Just when pear blossoms are blooming all over the Tianya River, soft gauze is floating on the Tianya River. Ula!

Don't sing nonsense, it should be in Russian.

Made, don't you know about automatic translation? You can't adjust automatic translation yourself.

What the hell, come and feel it, Ulla!

The sudden music immediately excited the players. There was no war in the real world in the Great Celestial Empire, but now such a real war paired with the tragic music suddenly made them feel like it was coming.

They began to charge one after another and started killing impatiently.

As for the red light that makes it difficult to defeat elite monsters, Mang is right.

The war became more and more fierce, and all those who were paying attention to this war fell silent.

Flesh millstone, this is a real flesh millstone.

The corpses of players and soldiers were quickly trampled into pulp, and helicopters lined up to transport more players to the battlefield. They listened to the exciting music and joined the battle without fear of death.

On the one hand, they will not die, but on the other hand, they are not afraid of death. The war has gradually entered a fever pitch.

In the country after the teleportation array, a woman wearing a scarlet robe and a scarlet crown sat on the throne. In front of her were the scenes of the four war zones.

Da da da.

Some too pale fingers tapped on the armrest, looking at the constant battle on the battlefield, eyes full of thoughts.

These wonders are really interesting. Have you ever experienced them? Hambuna asked with great interest.

Your Majesty, we have already roped them in. They are very willing to join any organization, but after death, they will return to Tobu City and cannot be killed. A middle-aged man replied calmly.

The influence of the ancient gods on the kingdom of the ancient gods is increasing, and these powers have given birth to more golden warriors.

Of course, there are also some golds that grew up in the wild, but because their potential was exhausted and they wanted to reach a higher level, they turned to the ancient gods.

These people did gain greater power, but at the same time they also lost their freedom.

Han Buna nodded: Would it be useful if we let them cause trouble in Tobu City?

I've tried it. It's okay to cause trouble, but not to kill people, because they are somewhat afraid of the laws of the Federation. If they kill people in the city, their strength will be reduced to the minimum.

The interest in Hambuna's eyes dissipated a little: How are the data records of these wonders going?

Powerful immortality, currently there is no way to kill, strong obedience, they will agree to whatever you ask them to do, and will complete it seriously, but they will refuse to kill people in the city.

In the end, the wonders can communicate with each other, so if a secret is known by one wonder, it is no different than being known by the entire federation.

These are some of the characteristics of the war just recorded. This is a very terrifying legion. It seems that the wonders will grow through killing.

The middle-aged man said and handed Han Buna the small book that his subordinates had just given him.

Hambuna took it and looked at it, her eyes thoughtful, and she tapped the armrest with her fingertips.

Her eyes turned to an orc, two humans, and a night elf sitting on her left.

He said in a calm tone: Then we can't let them continue to grow. You four can go ahead. I want the combat data of the transformed legion now.

The four of them stood up, with a powerful golden middle aura appearing on their bodies, and their eyes flashed scarlet. After saluting Hambuna, they turned around and walked towards the densely packed soldiers in the distance.

The players had been fighting for five hours at this time, and the players changed batch after batch, but this could not stop their excitement at all.

Because low-level players can advance to a level by killing three or four monsters. As long as they are lucky, even if they die, they will still make money this time.

Players with higher levels are less likely to die. Players who have reached level 20 are no longer the group that is completely suppressed on the battlefield.

They kill more efficiently and are far ahead of other players in accumulating rewards.

Watching the gold coins in the task accumulation area increase by one from time to time, they seemed to hear the sound of a certain treasure arriving at 30 yuan.

Because of the current transactions between players, one gold coin can be sold for thirty yuan, and the supply exceeds demand.

In a short period of time, hundreds of dollars were made.

This makes the excitement of the players continue to rise. Coupled with the atmosphere of the battlefield and the increasingly exciting music, the players become stronger and stronger as they fight, and gradually gain the upper hand.

But also in this moment.

A roar rang out in the valley and plains. All the players paused for a moment, and then became even more excited. The same situation occurred as last time.

[Warning: A gold-level boss appears, please avoid it. 】

The sudden appearance of the enemy boss made the players even more excited. The already excited players were now shouting and rushing forward crazily.

Thousands of mages stopped their despicable behavior of grabbing monsters at the same time, planning to throw all their few mana to the boss that was about to appear.

As the sky turned scarlet, bosses appeared on the four battlefields at the same time, which meant fighting and upgrading!


With an incomparable tacit understanding, the player's magician, alchemist, and mage simultaneously used their own long-range attack methods.

There were flashes of divine magic and spells, mixed with some potion bottles and bullets.

The extremely huge torrent of spells stunned the four golds for a moment, but then they also ignored these attacks in sync.

A swordsman, a magic swordsman, and two berserkers burst out with their golden mid-level power and rushed into the group of players in an instant.

Damn it! Didn't you break the defense?

Fuck, miss!

Made, you still don't have to fight, right? We've all been upgraded!

The level gap is too big, Madhu, my equipment!

It's a rubbish game. It kills the plot every time you play. Isn't it because you don't want us to reach the level so quickly?

The killing of the boss is unstoppable, and players currently have no power to resist when facing the golden center.

Even players with almost full level cannot break the defense.

After all, the level gap is there. How can a level 25 player defeat monsters above level 60?

The players suddenly fell into a passive position, and the Whispering Legion not far away was ready to move. They had hunted the lower gold positions, and this time it was the middle gold positions.

Although they were a little scared, they were looking forward to the reward from the last hunt. It was a reward of three thousand gold coins per person. The real money was enough for them to take some risks.

The extremely generous death pension also gave them nothing to worry about. Not for the sake of protecting their home and country, the simple reward made their fighting spirit continue to rise.


The captain's voice appeared on the intercom of each Whispering team leader, but the voice disappeared before it could completely fall down.

Because a dragon roar exploded at this time, and the endless dragon power pressed down crazily, surprising the players in this area of ​​the plain.

Our boss is here!

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