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Chapter 176 It can only be you

Chapter 176 It can only be you

[You eat legendary dishes, your body will be improved, strength +5, agility +5, endurance +5, intelligence +1. 】

[When you drink the legendary drink, your intelligence +1. 】

[When you eat the flesh and blood of dragon creatures, your strength will be +5, your agility will be +5, and your endurance will be +5. 】

[You eat the legendary dinner and get a one-star title: taster. 】

[Name: Tastemaker.

Attribute: title.

Quality: ★.

Wearing effect: After wearing it, your taste buds will be more sensitive and you can taste more flavors.

Wearing requirements: None.

Introduction: The ultimate delicious food stimulates your taste buds, maybe you should pursue the desire of your tongue? 】

Zero: [The Will Family Legendary Dinner has several places released every year, each with a fee of five million gold coins. 】

After the dinner, the sun set in the sky and the moonlight slowly rose.

Bai Bian and Diane were walking on the streets of the capital, and they had not yet recovered from the series of shocks just now.

Sure enough, poverty limited his imagination. The capital's heritage was not comparable to that of a border town. Ingredients for extraordinary people were also available in Tobu City's restaurants, but in small quantities.

Looks like I should go back.

Bai Bian thought of Eric's executed Rose of the Night cook. Sure enough, he was not a qualified city lord. When he was a player, he was reluctant to let it go. Now that he is the city lord, he has to find some cooks.

But Kami seems to be very good, but unfortunately, he is the heir, so it is impossible to recruit him to cook for him.

During the stroll, Diane hesitated for a moment, then asked: Will you come to me again tomorrow?

I went back to Dongwu City after I found Lord Sword Master. The war is about to start, and I have to go back. Bai Bian said subconsciously.

Diane paused slightly. She looked at Bai Bian, some emotions surging in her eyes. After a long time, she lowered her head, lightly kicked a stone on the ground, and asked in a casual tone: Can you take me away?

Bai Bian was silent, his thoughts a little blank.

But Diane quickly walked forward: Forget it, it's impossible even if you think about it. Those old men have been staring at our practice all day long. Even if that weirdo comes to harass me, he can only come out after a period of seclusion. Yes, if he loses today, he may not be able to come out in the next two years, I feel happy just thinking about it.

Bai Bian followed silently, and his thoughts gradually began to move. Thinking about some of the actions of the eldest lady, he became a little silent.

The road was almost at the end. In the center of the city, there were only two huge buildings surrounded by soldiers. One was the Sword Master's mansion and the other was Luomen's mansion.

The Sword Master basically does not leave his manor now, but Luomen often goes out of the Dawn. Berserkers and swordsmen alike need to use battles to hone their rules.

And every time Luo Men returns is a carnival in the capital, fifth-level legendary berserkers, hunting materials and other things are very rare for gold.

Whether it's flesh, blood or anything else, it will be put into the federation's treasury to add to the federation's heritage.

Then I'm leaving. Seeing that Bai Bian didn't answer, Diane turned and left. As the eldest lady of the Tifeng family, she has her own pride. Some things are just a matter of time and she won't take any more steps forward. .

Okay. Bai Bian suddenly said.

Diane was stunned and turned around: What can I do?

There were many emotions in her eyes under the moonlight, the most obvious of which was panic.

Take you away, but not now. Bai Bian said seriously: I need some preparation time. Within five years, if I am not dead, I will come and take you away.

Diane lowered her head. The eldest lady, who didn't react much when being stared at by everyone in the federation, blushed a little. She muttered for a while and asked in a low voice: Um?

Diane's eyes widened, looking at the face so close, his pupils trembling crazily.

How could he? It was too sudden.

Bai Bian let go of the eldest lady's lips, put his forehead against hers and asked seriously: Dian, are you willing to become the hostess of Tobu City in the future?

In many cases, he could actually feel Diane's affection, perhaps from the scenes in the memory fragments, or something else.

In the silence just now, he could feel Diane's anxiety and his own heartbeat.

He is not stupid, but he has always had some scruples. As mentioned just now, the threat of the Tower of Soul has always been there in the past five years, and more than once, and there will be no shortage of existences like Charles and Pu Sheng in this world.

Plus war, and other threats.

These scruples eventually turned into a five-year period. With his current level of growth, five years was a safe statute of limitations.

Once the three crises have passed, his mental power can continue to grow, and when he reaches the golden level, he will truly have the ability to not be threatened.

Although Dai An is also very strong, it is different in the capital and in Tobu City.

If Bai Bian goes to some more dangerous places, Irene and Luoning will not be able to follow him, and he can control these two.

But Diane is different. If you want to marry the eldest lady home, you must first be able to deal with all dangers.

Therefore, keeping Diane in the capital is the best choice.

Diane's face is now very rosy, and her eyes are constantly wandering: That. That

She looked a little flustered. He looked around and said, Oh, please go in quickly. Let me think about it. It's not so sudden.

She said, turning Bai Bian around and pushing him towards the Juggernaut's mansion.

Just as the two soldiers were about to stop them, a special wave flashed through them. The soldiers stood motionless at the door again, completely ignoring the two men.

If you don't refuse, I will treat it as a promise. I will definitely come and take you away within five years or even less. Bai Bian said with certainty.

Okay, okay, go quickly, Grandpa Sword Master doesn't have that much time.

Dai An pushed Bai Bian over, and even gave him a kick, allowing Bai Bian to directly knock open the door of the mansion with his body, then ran to the corner and squatted down, covering his red face.

It's just that her eyes are very bright now, as if there are stars in them. After all, can the young lady of the Tifeng family really be deceived more than seventy times?

Looking back, she saw that the door of the mansion had been closed. She reached out and fanned her hot face, touched her lips again, and covered her face again not knowing what she was thinking.

Bai Bian, on the other hand, rubbed his butt. Oh, Diane really did it.

With an endurance of 123, he almost failed to prevent this kick.

There was some joy in his eyes. He looked around and felt a guidance. He walked towards the backyard of the mansion with a smile.

The layout here is very similar to the main palace of Tobu City, both of which are based on natural elements.

What is more advanced than the main palace of Tobu City is that the natural elements here are extremely rich. Some naughty flame elements will occasionally flash a scorching light, but they will be quickly beaten by the water element and quickly dispersed.

Breathing casually, Bai Bian felt the abundance of elemental power.

Walking forward, you will soon find yourself under a tree of life, where the wood element and life energy surround an old man with white hair and beard.

This old man is not kind, but gives people a strong sense of aggression, as if he is not facing a person now, but a restrained but extremely sharp sword.

He approached slowly and unhurriedly. The wooden elements over there seemed to know that a guest was coming. They quickly swarmed towards a tree root and spawned a branch that looked like a chair.

Bai Bian sat up obediently and said gently: Master Sword Master.

His opening seemed to break some kind of tranquility. The elemental power around the Juggernaut quickly dissipated, and he slowly opened his cloudy eyes.


A crisp sword cry seemed to resound in another dimension, and the world suddenly darkened in Bai Bie's eyes, and then quickly returned to light.

[Your dark side maliciousness has been cut off, and it will not be able to corrode your soul within 30 natural days. 】

White plague:.

Your path seems a little different.

The sword master spoke, his old voice a bit stern, and it sounded like a normal chat, giving people the feeling of a stern old man.

Don't blindly pursue the speed of promotion. The promotion speeds outside are too fast. This is not good. Too fast means that the limit cannot be reached. If a mortal cannot reach the limit, he will not be able to enter the taboo, and ultimately his talents will be wasted.

Bai Bian smiled: It's okay, Lord Sword Master, I know what I should do.

The sword master stared at him for a while and nodded: You can come to me when your evil thoughts are about to come back, and try not to leave the federation when you can't control your evil thoughts.

I understand. Bai Yie's space ring flashed slightly, and suddenly a transparent ball appeared, exuding the power of rules.

The Sword Master's eyes condensed, his sense of sharpness flickering, and the Tears of Rules in his hand suddenly disappeared, floating quietly in front of the Sword Master.

The surrounding elemental power has also become more active because of the appearance of this drop of rules. They seem to be curious and know this thing, and they are constantly rotating around this crystal.


Dimensional turbulence, Ms. Night. White Blight quickly replied.

The Sword Master was silent for a while, then threw the things back to Bai Yi. His tone seemed to be gentler, but still a bit harsh: Pay more attention to your cultivation, these things are of no use to me.

Bai Bian was silent for a moment and asked calmly: Is there no other way?

No. Sword Master said concisely: Is there anything else?

Bai Bian lowered his head for a long time and asked, What if it's the Origin Stone?

The sword master still shook his head: It was okay a hundred years ago, but I have entered the dying stage now. According to the folk saying, I am dead. Leaving this manor is the beginning of my recovery.


The sword master was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled: While I am still here, try to consolidate your foundation as much as possible. Don't worry, I left a sword mark in the gap in space. Those who are in contact with the ancient god are in the sword mark. I don’t dare to do anything until it disappears.”

You still have thirty years.

Bai Bian was silent for a moment, stood up, put his right hand on his left chest, made a slight salute, and turned around to leave.

His eyes were full of solemnity, the Juggernaut was worse than he imagined.

This is the reason why warriors and assassins are inferior to mages and alchemists. Warriors and assassins rely on the body. Once their energy and blood subside, it means that their cultivation will stagnate.

When the energy and blood reaches the level of the Sword Master, even a treasure like the Origin Stone cannot save him.

If mages and alchemists are in the same situation, Tears of Rules should be able to play a greater role.

Bai Bian walked out of the Juggernaut's mansion, feeling a sense of urgency in his heart.

Originally, he thought that the Juggernaut, like Eric, could attack normally during the period when his energy and blood were fading.

But now, not only can he not slow down his pace, he has to continue to speed up. He never feels safe in this world.

Looking left and right, Bai Bian saw a girl squatting on the ground covering her face. The negative emotions in his eyes dissipated and he approached with a smile.

Where are the ants? He squatted down and asked softly.

Uh? Diane was frightened, her face was still red, and she asked a little nonchalantly: Why are you so fast?

There is nothing to talk about. Bai Bian was a little helpless: Master Sword Master's health is worse than I imagined.

Diane looked around and whispered: Everyone knows, so everyone is working hard. If you hadn't come, I would still be practicing.

Bai Bian looked at her for a while, smiled and extended his hand.

Diane was a little confused and her face turned red again. However, she struggled for less than three seconds before she reached out and hugged Bai Bian.

Bai Bian closed his eyes and quietly felt the tranquility he had never experienced before under the moonlight.

Wait for me here.

A low murmur sounded, causing Diane's hand to tighten suddenly, and the blush on her face disappeared at this sentence.

Some shyness turned into reluctance, and she asked in a low voice: Can you stay with me?


You know, two years ago, you suddenly disappeared. I was sad for a long time. I thought you were dead, but finally came the news that you had researched so many things. At that time, I really very angry.

I originally wanted to beat you up when I met you, but unfortunately you ran away.

Diane and Bai Bian flew to a house, looked at the beautiful night in the capital, and said seriously: So, you can't leave without saying goodbye anymore. You have to contact me often and tell me where you are and what you are doing.

Okay. Bai Bian looked at Diane under the moonlight and answered seriously.

The two looked at each other and saw something they wanted to see in each other's eyes. The two got closer and kissed under the moonlight.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Diane was a little out of breath, leaning on Bai Bian's shoulder, looking at the scenery with particularly bright eyes: It seems that we climbed so high once four years ago, it was also night, and it was so beautiful, but you seemed to be busy all the time.

Bai Bian looked at Diane's side face and responded with a smile: It is indeed beautiful.

Diane felt the gaze, and the shyness that she had finally suppressed surged up again, but her eyes became brighter: Are you talking about me or the scenery?

Both are beautiful. Bai Bian responded with a smile: But you are more beautiful, both before and now.

Diane was happy and said with a red face: That's right, if I dare to be called second, no one dares to be called first!

Just a little stupid.

As soon as the scandalous words came out, Diane was stunned. She immediately retorted: Where is the stupidity? I just made 800 million! How can I be stupid?

Bai Bian looked up and down and concluded seriously: I don't know, but I feel so stupid!

Damn it, you don't have any feelings. You have to give me an example. I have been praised for being smart since I was a child. For example, I have never lost money on my investments in the capital.

Emmm, it's like believing that a ten-year-old alchemist has a great invention.

Humph, that's the pocket money I give you because I feel sorry for you, okay? And that's...


It can only be you

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