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Chapter 175 Military Merit System

Colossus? You mean the ancient alchemist's taboo?

Is there a colossus hidden under Sin City? The kind of colossus that can compete with God?

The tone of the two prime ministers who just spoke was full of disbelief. Among the seventeen congressmen who came this time, they were the only two who were new to the office, so they were so shocked.

The other MPs had a mediocre response. Obviously, this news was not a secret to the MPs.

Bai Bian also thought of many things at this moment, things that would never happen again.

According to the timeline of his previous life, Sabo was aware of Rose of the Night's prying eyes, which eventually caused Rose of Night to backlash and kill him before he had grown up.

And obtained the knowledge of Colossus from him, and in the middle of 3.0, Luo Ning suddenly risked his death to accuse Night Rose, and was eventually killed.

These two points, coupled with the news about Colossus under Sin City, the real main plot of 3.0 seems to have come out.

However, White Blight quickly threw this thought out of his mind. The previous main line was meaningless, and now there were only two golden tops left in the entire Rose of the Night.

Without the Colossus, the Abomination is their target, and this target has now failed. Rose of the Night can be removed from the threat list.

No. Lot Zheng Quan said: That is only a part of the Colossus, or part of the body of the Colossus. It was defeated in the War of Gods and fell outside the Federation.

This body found a guardian in a short period of time, and this guardian can mobilize part of the power of the Colossus' body. Another old councilor continued: Even if the Colossus is just a fragment, it is very dangerous as long as it is conscious.

Misius sighed: Initially we released some news, otherwise how could Sin City be established? If those evil guys have the ability to get the Colossus fragments, it will be more difficult to get things from their hands than from the Colossus itself. It’s much simpler.”

There was clarity in the eyes of the two congressmen. No wonder sometimes the guys in Sin City were so arrogant that the Federation didn't respond. If that was the case, it would make sense.

Bai Bian's eyes were thoughtful, looking at part of the body of the colossus, and he had the manufacturing method to make the colossus, it seemed that there was room for manipulation.


Bai Bian thought of the wooden cart that the scavenger Sid was dragging that connected to an unknown dimension. He frowned and asked, Will the Colossus repair itself?

Michus paused and asked in surprise: What do you mean?

The reason why Scavenger Sid is called a Scavenger is because she spends half of every month scavenging. If she is a creature bound by the Colossus, then this kind of scavenging can only be the task of the Colossus, and Damage Colossus

There was some solemnity in Bai Bian's eyes: Do you know the origin of that colossus?

I don't know. It was very chaotic during the God War, and many records were destroyed. However, there were also a few great alchemist sages at the time, and there were only a few who came and went. Misius was a little helpless.

He thought for a while and said: But the recovery of the Colossus can only be a good thing. After all, when the Colossus was created, there was only one goal.

Others were also silent. Colossi were the supreme product of alchemy. Their first goal was only one, and that was God.

But even if the Colossus is recovering on its own, it doesn't make any sense. It will take tens of thousands of years for a creation of that level to recover. It's still early.

And early recovery requires a great sage of alchemy. At the peak of alchemy, sages are everywhere, but there are very few great sages. This also shows how difficult it is for a great sage of alchemy to appear.

That's right. It is said that the Great Sage of Alchemy needs to develop the entire alchemy system into a sage, create a product beyond the epic, and then transform his spirit into a forbidden legend.

The congressmen who were just about to start a discussion turned their attention to the white plague again, their eyes gradually became kind and bright.

It seems that this is how the White Epidemic develops. The mental strength in the battle just now was higher than any of them present. It seems that this era is not completely hopeless, right?

Seeing that Bai Bian was starting to feel uncomfortable, Michus smiled and smoothed things over: Okay, let's let it go in Sin City. Addis will be watching over there. If there is any change, we will know about it. Bai Bian told you to do it next proposal.

Bai Bing nodded: The last proposal is about wonders. The combat effectiveness of wonders is very strong, even surpassing 80% of the federation's legions. I plan to launch the legion function to wonders in January, that is, every city with wonders will form one. Two or three large legions.”

Boom, boom, boom.

excuse me.

Sherda Fore knocked on the table and asked: The wonders manual you published earlier mentioned that the existence time of wonders is very unstable, and they disappear for at least half of the day. This instability Thing, is it necessary to form an army?

Other council members nodded. Players are very powerful. Players are now involved in the construction of the Adventurer's Guild and the city.

It's just that some players who accepted the mission didn't even show up for several days, which greatly dampened the lawmakers' initial plans to form an undead army.

Bai Bian looked around, smiled and said, Don't interrupt me, thank you. If you have any comments, you can wait until I finish speaking.

Responding politely, Bai Bian continued the previous topic: The three legions need to establish thresholds. There is no need to pay them military salaries to enter the legion. Instead, they have to pay to join.

It's just that the legion's benefits must be provided, and that is the military merit exchange system.

In this military merit exchange system, we need to put some things that ordinary people cannot buy, such as those side effects medicines invented by my financial officer, or higher-end mechanical equipment and expensive professional skills.

Even some transformation quotas, M type, L type plus a mechanical transformation, the price of these things can be directly determined by the market price, but they can only be exchanged for military merit.

In this way, the three legions in each major city not only do not need to spend any military expenses, but they can also generate income and acquire an undead legion at the same time.

Bai Bian finished speaking his thoughts and asked with a smile: What do you think?

Sherda Fore asked calmly: It's still the same question as before. If they are needed during the war but they are not here, what is the point of this army?

Bai Bian spread his hands: What did you pay?

What? Sheda Foer was a little confused.

I asked, what did you pay to create this legion? Bai Bian explained calmly.

I will fix their military merit system. Killing an enemy in the lower bronze level will give you 2 military merit points, the middle level will have 4 military merit points, and the upper level will have 6 military merit points. The maximum for the silver level is only 20 military merit points. If the exchange ratio between military merit and gold coins is 10 Than 1.

At the end of the war, the soldiers only need to clean up the battlefield. Then the corpses of the extraordinary ones will be enough to make up for these military exploits, right?

Bai Bing asked: And even if they are all gone during the war, will you lose money by creating this kind of legion?

Sherda Fall was silent, and the other council members looked thoughtful.

But according to Bai Bian, ten points are equal to the purchasing power of one gold coin, and they can only buy the things they specify. Under this mechanism, they will not lose money.

Agreed. Michus smiled and raised his hand.

Other congressmen also raised their hands. They actually paid very little for this kind of thing, really very little, and they even made a profit in the early stage.

It’s just that you need to lose some money later, but is that a loss? Players hunt monsters and make things more peaceful around the Federation, which is nothing to invest in.

The start of any war can instantly pull back these investments.

Therefore, almost unanimously, including Sherda Fore, the White Plague proposal was approved.

Misius looked at these old men and said kindly to Bai Bian: That's troublesome. Just come up with a plan and we will follow you.

Okay, I will ask my financial officer to send you the detailed plan. Bai Bian nodded, stood up from the main seat and walked out.

He needs to go to the old sword master. The proposals in the council are all trivial matters. Even if other cities do not open the military merit system, Tobu City will open it, but this kind of move that can enhance the combat effectiveness of the entire federation still needs to be done.

It's a pity that the legend of the Dawn Federation is two warriors. If there is a mage legend, Bai Bian has long proposed to use the teleportation array to connect all the important cities.

In that case, the entire federation will be impregnable.

Zero: [The content of the parliament regarding the spectacle has been sent to Treasurer Sabo. 】

Zero: [Mr. Sabo responded: My dear City Lord, the plan has been made, but I am still struggling with the registration fee. What do you think of the registration fee of one hundred gold coins? 】

Zero: [Responded: one tenth. 】

Zero: [Mr. Saab responded: My friend, your proposal has cost us another eighteen million. 】

Ignoring Sabo anymore, she walked out of the parliament. The eldest lady sat on the steps boredly with her head in her hands. From behind, she looked a little lonely.

Bai Bian smiled and approached: I'm going to see the Juggernaut, do you want to go?

Diane came back to her senses and was a little speechless: You didn't say anything just now, I asked the Will family to start preparations.

As she said this, she stood up and took Bai Bie with her and flew towards the west of the city: I don't care about this little time. Let's go. If we don't have this chance, we don't know how long we have to wait.

Flying is actually prohibited in the capital. After all, mages have the ability to fly in bronze, while warriors and assassins can fly over walls in silver.

If people were allowed to fly around at will, this city with a population of four million and an average of extraordinary people per capita would be in chaos.

Of course, this prohibition is lifted after reaching gold. After all, gold has privileges everywhere.

When the people below saw the powerful men running around in the sky above the city, most of them had a look of awe and envy in their eyes.

Only some players are excited to chase these flying warriors. After all, being able to fly is a big deal. After a mission, they are not allowed to take off?

Bai Bian did not refuse and allowed the eldest lady to lead him. He also felt a little emotional about the prosperity of the capital: The capital is really prosperous.

There are four million extraordinary people in the capital, but there are less than 1.5 million extraordinary people in Tobu City. There is still a long way to go.

Moreover, the buildings in the capital are more luxurious, with technology, nature, and other buildings, and even some ultra-rare plants are not uncommon. Those are the estates of big families.

After all, there are hundreds of gold in the capital, and the Federation also encourages them to get married and start a business, and also takes care of the gold business.

For extraordinary beings in this world, the higher the level, the harder it is to obtain heirs. However, as long as they reach gold and their partner's talent is not weak, most of the heirs they will give birth to will have amazing potential.

There were originally five top potentials in the capital. Among these five potentials, three were direct members of the Councilor's family, and two were discovered and absorbed from the private sector into the Councilor's family.

This ratio already shows that the children born to the strong will not be any weaker no matter how weak they are.

Therefore, after Diane made it clear that she disliked Guan Xin, the Tifeng family did not explicitly prohibit that guy from getting close to Diane.

They actually like to see top prospects combine with each other.

Coming to the west of the city, there is a huge manor. This manor is about three kilometers in diameter, almost catching up with the size of some real county towns.

Generally, the development of relatively large families is similar. These are not just to show off, but there are many things in such a large area, such as extraordinary plants, family soldiers, and various heritages are all in this park.

The Tifeng family is bigger. The area to the east near the city wall is basically owned by the Tifeng family, and the capital city is much larger than Tobu City.

The two of them landed at the door, where a waiter from the Will family had already been waiting.

There is a no-fly formation over the big family's manor. This formation is even more common in the capital. When Diane took him flying just now, he also bypassed many buildings.

Most of those buildings smell of gold.

Let me tell you, some time ago, the head of the Will family took the two Kami sisters out to hunt a second-level legendary dragon and leopard. The meat of that thing plus some extraordinary recipes they added, this time will definitely be unforgettable for you. of.

Diane said excitedly. Judging from the sparkle at the corner of her mouth, she should be a frequent visitor to Will's house.

And why can the Will family hunt legends? The artifact is very strong. If Sirsis's pseudo-artifact hadn't been an ancient divine artifact, he wouldn't have even changed to an exclusive weapon.

Once recognized by the new divine weapon, level-up combat will no longer be a problem. Of course, it cannot be too outrageous. A level 76 swordsman can kill a level 82 monster. It is already very good.

The Will family can also support the huge Will family with this cultivation method.

Eh? Sister Kami, you're back. Are you ready? Diane asked excitedly.

Cammy still had red hair and looked a little cold, but when facing Diane, her coldness melted away, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Even the swordsman cannot resist the presence of the God of Wealth.

She looked at the hands held by the two of them, with a smile that was a little teasing: I'm ready, I'm waiting for you. You are here, Lord Baiyuan, long time no see.

Diane paused, then let go of Bai Bian naturally, stepped forward to hold Kami's arm, and said enthusiastically: Stop being polite, let's go for a walk and let this bumpkin have a taste of something good.

Well, let's go

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