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Chapter 174 Do you know the Colossus?

This duel was watched by many people. Although the picture on the Internet could not see the inside of the huge fireball, the flames always suppressed Scarlet.

Everyone is no exception to this result. After all, the eleventh-level gap is there. Everyone is managing money, and everyone is happily waiting for their wealth to double.

Of course, most people have not put their own wealth into it, but if Guanxin loses, the Adventurer's Guild will be full again, and the wages of extraordinary people will drop again and again, until they reach the bottom line of the law.

As time passed slowly, the collision inside became more and more intense, and it seemed that the battle circle was getting anxious.

Before anyone present could comment, suddenly, the flames suddenly dissipated.

Helen's huge protective shield also disappeared at this time.

There was some surprise in his eyes. He patted Yuan Tang on the shoulder and joked: Bad news, you lost money. Good news, your brother-in-law is very fierce.

Can he really win? Is Guan Xin that good at it? Yuan Tang was stunned, with shock in his eyes. Is there really someone who can jump so many levels to defeat someone with top potential?

Hey, what do you mean? Baker Lott was a little unhappy. He had lost to that official letter before: Don't you sense the almost perverted mental power of that white plague?

Yuan Tang nodded, reached out and touched Diane's head again, and said with a smile: Yes, but Xiao An has a good vision this time. Fortunately, he didn't kill that guy directly five years ago.

Diane's face felt a little hot as she listened to the teasing behind her. After all, other people's teasing was different from the teasing of acquaintances.

But she was also excited because she just made a bet of 800 million, and she earned 800 million with a snap of her fingers. Her pocket money doubled. How long would this money be enough for her to eat a legendary monster banquet?

As the flames gradually dissipated, the situation in the field was slowly exposed to everyone's sight.

A young man with a kind and handsome face was taking off a thumb-sized golden ball pendant from the chest of a young man with a dark face and cold sweat on his forehead lying on the ground.

Bai Bian looked at the Heart of the Fierce Sun in his hand, and joy appeared in his eyes. From today on, Praise to the Sun can officially become his trump card.

If given enough time, this would be a great gift he prepared for God.

However, the specialty of malicious deception is really useful. Although the clone will disappear after being attacked, at certain times, his deception is ridiculously strong.

And this is a specialty, which means there is no limit. As long as he is still growing, this kind of confusion will always be there. Even if he becomes a god, the aura of the clone will still be that of a god.

White Blight put away the Heart of the Fierce Sun, and looked at the mage who couldn't move because his heart and spine were wrapped in withering poison, and his brain was contaminated by the attachment curse, and he felt a little emotional.

Originally, he was ready for rescue, but he didn't expect this guy's vitality to be so tenacious.

Even a lifetime of research by the evil alchemist can't defeat him.

Thank you for your support. Remember your promise.

Bai Bian said with a smile and snapped his fingers.


The dragon's roar sounded, and Bai Bian's body was lifted up into the sky by his spiritual power. He looked at Diane and asked gently: Are you going together?

Diane nodded without hesitation, the space fluctuated slightly, and he came to Bai Bian's side in an instant. He hugged his arm and said excitedly: Come on, let's treat you to something delicious. I don't usually eat that kind of food. Why are you willing to eat, I will take you to have a luxurious time today!

Bai Bian was a little surprised: What is it? But I have to go to a meeting now, so I have to wait.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Waiting for you, it will take some time for them to do it.

As the dragon flies away.

The atmosphere in the field gradually became stagnant. Except for the four top geniuses who were still chatting and joking, they all looked at the man lying on the ground quietly.

Then about ten seconds later, a burst of purple flames shot up into the sky, with strong anger, cleaning out the three top poisons and hundreds of poisons in Guan Xin's body at the same time, and also eliminated all the poisons in his thoughts. Countless ill intentions were burned away.

Guan Xin stood up in unusual silence and touched his chest. The heart of the blazing sun that had greatly increased for him had disappeared. That also meant that he had lost, to a person whose level was much lower than his own. .

His eyes were very calm. He was obviously golden, but now there was no dazzling feeling.

The surrounding flames rolled back, gradually wrapping him up and disappearing with him.

Ogana looked thoughtful in her eyes and turned to leave. She did not need to do Guan Xin's ideological work. The Foer family cared about Guan Xin more than anyone else.

After watching this battle, she could destroy some of the illegal information that was still in Tobu City.

As members of these top families gradually left, the lower-tier families and the Internet exploded.

Even Sunu of the Alchemy Magic Network felt strong pressure. Too many people vented and shocked, and the magic network began to experience lags.

Many people are rational, because this time the gambling is from Tobu City, and Tobu City is unlikely to give them money, so most people will not go all-in when betting.

But the data comparison provided by Saab is too strong.

Transcendents are mainly at the Bronze level, while a normal human's salary is only thirty gold coins when he is at the lower level of Bronze. It is the middle of the month, and part of the salary is spent on training and various expenses.

Even those who were sensible had bet several gold coins, and even those who had a gambler's mentality went all-in. If the time had not been too short, they would have planned to sell their equipment to gamble this time.

These are all their hard-earned money, but they lost the game they were bound to win.

For a time, voices denouncing Guan Xin, cursing Guan Xin, hating Saab, and complaining filled all visible networks.

Even the players were wailing, berating themselves for not believing in the protagonist in the promotional video!

The rewards for many of their tasks were all gone.

The wailing on the Internet once made the people who managed the network want to shut down the network for a while, but the network was about to start charging, and the network must not collapse during this critical period.

A group of alchemists, including Sonu, all exploded into their own small universes, frantically stabilizing the alchemical magic network.

Even though hundreds of millions of people are wailing on the Internet, the network is still barely able to hold up, but it has become slightly laggy, and the cost is only their hair.

However, in addition to the wailing sounds, discussions about the strength of the White Plague and the combat effectiveness of the alchemist profession also gradually appeared on the Internet.

After all, there were very few battle scenes of White Plague, and even this time they couldn't see anything.

But being able to win the official letter is enough to explain some problems.

However, the complaints and condolences on the Internet could not affect people in real life. Bai Bian took Diane to the door of the parliament and asked Bone Dragon to squat on the city gate before walking towards the majestic parliament.

White plague.

Diane's voice sounded, Bai Bian turned around, and immediately saw a pair of shining eyes.

What's wrong? Bai Bian asked with some confusion.

If you can add these things to the bone dragon, can you add things to other undead creatures? Diane said eagerly.

Of course, how do you want to transform it? Bai Bian asked with a smile.

Transforming the undead is very simple, especially the mechanically transformed undead, which are still very powerful in combat.

I can now summon more than one million skeletons at my limit. Look at them all according to the standard of the bone dragon. Eh? Why are you leaving before I finish talking?

Fuck, bastard!

At the door of the parliament, two high-ranking soldiers from Baiyin respectfully helped Bai Bian open the door, and then walked into the parliament with Bai Bian expressionlessly.

Bai Bian doesn't want to pay attention to the eldest lady for the moment. He has done it for more than a million times. He has not yet gathered the 10,000 mechanical troops to transform the legion. After transforming these skeletons, his life will come to an end, right?

The layout of the parliament is very simple. This is the parliament hall of the original kingdom of the Federation when the Federation was founded.

It had only just been liberated from chaos for a long time, and the main thing was to achieve stability, so there were no new buildings.

Now the overall look is a bit old, but this is just a place for meetings, and not many people really care whether it is flashy or not.

After walking through several corridors, the soldier knocked respectfully on a wooden door and then pushed it open.

The seventeen old men inside turned their heads at the same time, looking at him with different expressions.

These old men also pressed money just now. Although not too much, they basically lost money.

After all, not all councilor families are as wealthy as Tifeng. When the Will family purchased the flesh and blood of the Scarlet Lord, three million gold coins was their limit. The same was true for some families without any property.

However, families such as Will, Hull, and Yongyi have little desire for worldly money, and they even need the federation to support them.

But their family's fighting power is really strong. For example, Will, the swordsman family, has an extremely strong inheritance and is even related to the New God.

Because their family's most precious treasure is the sword of the God of War, and it is also the phantom that Kami used when he defeated the Scarlet Sacrifice.

Anyone can laugh at them for being poor, but no family will look down on the Will family.

In the eyes of these old men, Bai Bian looked at them and finally walked towards the main seat.

Because it was he who convened this meeting and Heidinger was not here, he needed to preside over it.

Of course, other people can take over as host, but the last meeting of Bai Bing left two top potentials out. This time, no one wanted to help Bai Bing block the fire.

Bai Bian walked to the main seat and coughed slightly: Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.


These old men began to stare at him with strange eyes without saying a word.

Bai Ying paused and felt a little uncomfortable, but it did not affect his speech: I came to convene the parliament this time because I mainly want to say three things.

First, the war is about to begin. I believe you have also noticed that the ancient gods have an increasing influence on Shia. Many ancient gods' countries have appeared outside. This is very dangerous. The Federation should be vigilant.

And I took a trip to Sin City some time ago and developed a transformation in it.

Bai Bian stretched out his hand, and the magic power constructed a table in his hand. It contained the information on the X-type transformation, but it was not as detailed as the panel provided.

[Name: X-type transformation.

Attribute: Flesh Transformation.

Effect: Obtain stable and ultimate physical attributes, constant gold level for strength, constant silver level for agility, constant gold level for stamina, constant silver level for intelligence, and constant charm.

And gain talents: rage, powerful self-healing, and body dominance.

Modification requirements: Bronze mid.

Note: This transformation requires consuming all the potential of the person being transformed.

Introduction: It is led by the master of alchemy transformation, and the master of evil alchemy transformation is his deputy. The stable transformation produced unexpectedly. Perhaps it has reached the gold level. Although it has consumed its potential, it is undeniable that this is a powerful war weapon. 】

Seeing this, the MPs finally reacted.

An old man asked in a very irritable tone: Boy, is this thing stable? It's not in the experimental stage, just to make the old man happy.

Bai Bian looked at the small sign in front of the old man, Sheda Fore.

Immediately I understood why he spoke so hastily.

Before he could try to comfort him, a kind voice with a smile sounded out: Don't worry, he just lost money, but are there any restrictions on your transformation? Look, there is the word evil alchemist in your description.

Bai Bian glanced at the small sign in front of the old man: Michus Tifeng.

He smiled and said: The only limitation is that it is expensive. Other technologies are very mature. It takes about two million gold coins of materials to transform a soldier, and these materials are all gold-level.

This is all a minor problem. Are you sure there are no other side effects? Michus asked with a smile.

No, after the meeting is over, I will sort out the information on this transformation and send it to the council. Bai Bian said what he thought of, and then said: But there are no side effects, but it requires an alchemy transformation master to be the master of the surgery to complete it. It should be regarded as master-level alchemy knowledge.

As soon as he finished speaking, some of the excitement in the MPs' eyes suddenly disappeared.

Sure enough, there is no such perfect transformation.

And Misius, who was planning to recruit 10,000 soldiers first, also paused. He was a little helpless: I know, but your knowledge is still very useful. Many times, the federal army lacks the backbone. The rest is We will discuss it, and your goal should still be cultivation.

The council members basically stabilized their slightly shocked emotions just now through Bai Bing's transformation studies. After all, they didn't expect that someone could really fight through so many levels. As for evil thoughts.

That is transformation science, one of the methods of alchemists. In their eyes, Bai Biao is still a level 56 alchemist.

It’s just that I felt like an alchemist in the past, but now I feel like a full-scale alchemist.

Except for Sherda Fore who was still a little unhappy, the other congressmen looked at Bai Bian gradually with kind eyes.

Bai Bian nodded and said calmly: The second question is, what is under Sin City?

I walked around Sin City and found that the five council members in Sin City were probably fighting for something, and there was a scavenger named Sid who had legendary powers.

After the words fell, the congressmen fell silent, and some of them were a little shocked.

There is a legend out there? Why didn't I know?

Then what are you waiting for? Send someone to ask for it. That is a legend and should be reported to the Sword Master and the Master.

However, the two congressmen who spoke were both middle-aged, rarely spoke, and had no family members. They had only become congressmen in the past twenty years.

Michus was a little silent, and then sighed: That is the guardian. Do you know the Colossus?

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