Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 173 The outcome is decided

Bai Bian smiled friendly and turned slightly to look at the other two.

Those two are both in the gold middle position. One is Baker, who belongs to the Lott family and once lost to Guan Xin.

There is also a female half-elf with very high potential.

Half-elves inherit the advantages of human race's rapid growth and immortality of elves. The upper limit of life span of ordinary half-elves is three hundred years, which is three times that of human race's longevity and one-third that of ordinary elves.

And this current level 68 glorious assassin is only twenty-four years old, and his name is Yuan Ming Yongyi.

According to the common age of half-elves, she is still underage. It is said that her master is Ogana, and she herself is biased towards elves, and is the future leader of the elves.

The SSS level is different from other potential geniuses. For those with top potential, gold is very simple, and now that the magic power is restored, it is only a matter of time before becoming legendary.

The other people who come here are all at the lowest SS level. They all want to watch the battle between the top players, which may bring some surprises to their understanding of the rules.

The determination of potential is actually easy to understand.

C level = will definitely be able to enter the extraordinary.

B level = you will definitely get silver.

Grade A = Silver is guaranteed to be high, and there is a chance of getting gold.

S level = you will definitely get gold, and there is a probability of getting gold.

SS level = must reach the gold level, there is a chance to reach the legendary level.

SSS=definitely legendary, with a chance of entering the taboo.

That's why White Plague is taken so seriously by the federation. The SS level is already the direct disciple of major city lords, such as Tobu City Mo Sen and Nanling City Qin Xia.

If a god comes now and wipes out this group of people, then Dawn can directly declare its disintegration.

Bai Ying even felt two very special eyes, which made Bai Ying feel like he was being seen through. However, these eyes were still very friendly, and Bai Ying was not repulsive.

Smelling the fragrance of the girl in his arms, Bai Bian still couldn't help but look at Yuan Tang, his eyes were too existential.

Do you want to place a bet?

A light screen appeared in front of Bai Ying's eyes, and the betting situation on it was a bit terrible. In just twenty minutes, the number of official bets reached 5 billion and was still rising, while Bai Ying's side was less than 100 million.

As for the 100 million gold coins, Bai Bian estimated that 90% of them were stolen by the wealthy businessmen and legionnaires in Dongbu City.

After all, the impression White Plague gave to the Federation was actually mainly civilians, such as the greatest mechanic.

In terms of fighting, the white plague rarely spreads to the Internet, and most of the fighting federations don't know much about it.

Coupled with the data difference between the eleventh level, everyone knows that if the gap reaches three levels, one can be suppressed, five levels are basically difficult to come back, and seven levels are crushing.

No matter how famous the white plague is, it doesn't stop them from making money.

Yuan Tang was silent, looked at it for a while, and then looked away.

After all, he would never be able to keep his sister when she got older, but he would keep an eye on these suitors. The official's harassment was always just words, and he never dared to use his hands or feet.

That's not because of the power of the Tifeng family. After all, the Fore family is also a family of senators.

The main reason for his rules is that he was beaten by Yuan Tang.

But now looking at the postures of Bai Bian and Diane, he always felt that the magic power of his staff was particularly full.

The others saw the light screen in front of Bai Bian's eyes and took out their mobile phones with great interest to watch the gambling game.

In an instant, Bai Bian saw that the bets on Yaguan Xin had soared from 5 billion to 5.5 billion, and were still rising at a very exaggerated speed.

Obviously, the children of these big families are also very optimistic about the geniuses around them. Again, the gap at level 11 is not so easy to make up, especially when they are all top-notch geniuses.

At least if their level exceeds level seven, there is basically no chance of winning.

Unless the profession is too restrained and unexpected.

When there were three minutes left for betting, Guan Xin opened his eyes, and the Flame Throne behind him collapsed.

Large swathes of flaming clouds appeared in the sky, and the golden staff in his hand exuded a scorching brilliance. This was only a legendary staff, but it matched his attributes very well, and its combat power bonus was higher than other epic equipment.

The foundation of the Federation is indeed very deep, and there is even more than one artifact. However, it is still difficult to find the right top-level equipment.

Only the Tifeng family's wealth and rich heritage could give Diane such luxurious equipment.

The energy of the Heart of the Fierce Sun blooms, causing the surrounding temperature to gradually rise.

He looked at the dazzling scene not far away and said coldly: I won't bully you. I allow you to make the first move, otherwise you will have no chance.

Bai Bian looked at the time. After Guan Xin exploded with power, his bet jumped up again from 5.5 billion, to a direct increase of 1 billion.

There are now more than 800 million people in the Federation, including more than 150 million extraordinary people, and about 120 million people playing online. Counting those who are not online and those who cannot get online, there are about 90 million people betting.

Counting the proportion of non-gambling and gamblers, seven billion should be an affordable limit.

He put the phone into Diane's arms and said in Diane's ear: You can place your bet.

As he spoke, he also stood up and raised his hand.

A cone about ten centimeters long appeared: You'd better hide faster, otherwise

He glanced at Ogeana, smiled and said: The law enforcement officer can't save you.

Hide? Ha Guan Xin said with a disdainful smile: Let you see what invincible power is.

The explosive fire clouds in the sky became even lower, and the surrounding fire elements were more active than ever before. Occasionally, some flames appeared in the air, but they were extinguished very quickly.

These are caused by the excessive concentration of natural fire elements. If it is a bronze-level mage, then every ball of flame that flickers on and off is a fireball that they need to chant a spell to release.

Everyone around them had solemnity and shock in their eyes, even the four of them.

Only at the scene can you feel the terrifying threat of the magic at this time, and the sense of oppression as if you are in a world of flames.

Bai Bian allowed him to gather momentum, and the bets on both sides were still rising crazily. When the countdown was about to reach zero, Guan Xin's amount had reached 7 billion, but his chips soared from 200 million to 700 million. .

The corner of Bai Bian's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but look back and saw that Diane was still clicking the screen frantically in excitement. Sure enough, the eldest lady will always be the eldest lady.


Guan Xin's power at this time has exceeded that of ordinary gold-level officials, and the shadows of the congressmen can even be faintly seen.

There were no longer burning clouds in the sky at this moment. The entire sky was wrapped in raging fire. The temperature in the air had exceeded 500 degrees, and the dry grass on the ground began to spontaneously ignite.

The flame element cheered crazily, seeming to celebrate the birth of the king.

When the countdown was completely cleared, the bets of both parties reached 73/10.

And the white plague also moved at this time.

Ding ding ding.

The metallic rhythm of death suddenly erupted in his hands, and every impact of the metal cone gave the gold-eating insect in front more kinetic energy.

Almost instantly, a storm formed and dispersed the surrounding heat and flames.

The pupils of the people watching around him shrank sharply.

A fatal sense of crisis struck, and Guan Xin's eyes became solemn.

The flames gathered and the blazing sun formed.

A golden sun appeared in front of him, and its extremely dazzling light even surpassed the sun in the sky.

Thousands of degrees of heat emerged, causing the onlookers to retreat quickly.

Ding ding ding.

The rhythm of the metal became roaring, leaving a trail of ultra-high-temperature air in the air like a mechanical roar.


A slight sound flashed past, and the huge blazing sun suddenly exploded. It could melt the gold-eating insects, but it was unable to digest the extremely powerful kinetic energy and devouring energy.

The surrounding temperature suddenly increased to a higher level. Under the scorching sun, the earth began to crystallize, and the area completely turned golden, making it difficult to see the scenes inside clearly.

There was some interest in Bai Bian's eyes. He seemed to have not changed at all, but his whole person quickly changed from gentle to violent and evil, as if he was full of malice towards the world.

A pitch-black scalpel appeared in his hand. There was a green light flashing on the scalpel. A pair of eyes turned scarlet and disappeared with the help of the exploding sun.

Poison smear, bloody backstab, extremely evil spirit, demon flash.

Guan Xin felt something, and the arrogance and contempt in his eyes disappeared. The golden light on his staff became more dazzling, and the muscles all over his body bulged slightly.

He grabbed one end of the staff and swung it back violently.



There was a roar, and a huge amount of blood suddenly began to spurt out. The extremely terrifying breath filled the temperature with blood.

Diane, who was sitting safely on the mechanical throne, frowned and couldn't help but waved her hand. A protective shield appeared and led her to her brother.

Yuan Tang reached out and touched her head, looking solemnly at the golden and red fireball ahead.

But after the solemnity, some of the rejection disappeared.

This white epidemic is really surprising.

Evil thoughts are copies of the most evil emotions in the world. They hate the Holy Light. Divine magic has some restraining effects.

A cold voice sounded, and Ogna explained calmly: Because faith is the expectation of good things, some evil thoughts have no fatal weakness, and 90% of their bodies need to be destroyed to kill them.

The people around him paused for a moment, and all of them had clear, well-known evil thoughts in their eyes. No wonder.

You are qualified to be my opponent. You have used your tricks. Now it's up to me.

In the golden flames, an even more terrifying high temperature rose. Guan Xin looked at Bai Bie's scarlet eyes, his fighting spirit gradually rising, and a hint of wantonness appeared in the corner of his mouth: Just a reminder, close proximity is not a mage's weakness!

The muscles on his body swelled even more, even holding up the robe slightly, giving people an ultimate sense of strength.


A white flame exploded, Guan Xin's speed suddenly increased, and he appeared in front of Bai Bian in an instant, slamming down the staff with absolute power.

The surrounding flames began to become thick and white like milk.

The devil flashes!



The earth stood still for a moment, and then a pure white flame beam shot up into the sky, rendering the sky full of flames into a blazing white color, and the flames began to spread.

The existence of the lower level Baiyin was no longer qualified to watch this battle. The extremely hot breath made the city ten kilometers away start to stir.

That is a fatal temperature. As long as it spreads, the people in a city, and the extraordinary people below the level of silver, will die immediately!

Helen stretched out her hand helplessly, and another huge aura suddenly rose, and a thin shield enveloped the battlefield, instantly blocking the heat.

Make the battlefield extremely safe.

The landing point of the White Plague Demonic Flash was still on the back of Guan Xin, because the weak point of the bloody backstab was there, but the surrounding temperature still made him feel the sting.

This is truly a monster.

The power just now was stronger than the evil thought, the speed was about the same as the evil thought, the endurance was unknown, and the intelligence could kill the evil thought instantly.

This is a strong enemy, a very strong one.

He discovered that not only the official letter, but also his heart looked down on these geniuses in their cradle.

But now it seems that their combat experience is not weak at all. With the Federation's top equipment and resources, they are not flowers in the greenhouse, but tigers being cultivated.

When he grows up, he will be the tiger, the king of beasts.

There was killing intent in Bai Bian's eyes. If he didn't fight with the determination to kill them, this time it would be a hard battle!

Guan Xin sensed the threat behind him and waved his staff without hesitation, trying to directly knock Bai Bie away and resolve the battle at the same time.

Mental stagnation!


The elements of the flames instantly stopped, including White Plague and Official Letter.

Save the soul!

A figure slowly condensed, and in Guan Xin's shocked eyes, he took out a dagger, and together with Bai Bian's dagger, slowly but firmly stabbed his spine.

And that's where his magic power is weak at this time!

There was horror in his eyes, and the muscles on his body bulged wildly, trying to break the shackles of this spiritual realm.

But with 800 points of spirit, even the golden Charles cannot escape, and of course he is no exception.

Bai Bian calculated the speed of his staff and his own speed, and at a certain moment lifted his mental stagnation.



Two piercing sounds sounded at the same time, and the dagger emitting green light stabbed Guan Xin's robe.


The solidification magic was triggered, and while a protective shield tried to deflect the white plague, it was also immune to this damage.

The power of the stored soul instantly caused the shield to crack, but it was only a crack.

Mage has the highest salary among all professions. This is enough to show how difficult it is to deal with a mage, especially a mage with all attributes developed, which is simply abnormal.

The alchemist has many machines, but the mage's solidification magic is even more troublesome.

But that doesn't matter.

Zero: [Has taken over the control of the micro-machine group. 】

The devil flashes and eats the golden cone.

Ding ding ding~

The rhythm of metal erupts at an extremely close distance, but for micron-level machinery, this distance is enough to maximize the speed.


Flames exploded.

White Blight has entered the subspace, his staff has been swung empty, and the ten gold-devouring cones have also exploded with tyrannical speed.

A trace of surprise flashed in Guan Xin's eyes. Everything happened too fast. Before he could react, the gold-devouring cone had already collided with his shield.


The solidified shield began to break.

A kind of blue flame erupted at this moment, and the gold-eating insect close to his body was instantly vaporized, but the huge impact made him groan and his body became slightly stiff.

Huge air pressure hit, and the rhythm of metal made people's scalp numb.

In his perception, a huge mechanical cone appeared in the sky at some point.

Gravity acceleration, conical impact propulsion, more than 300,000 magnetic mechanical bodies, and the looming figure protected by the mechanical body.

This slight stiffness caused him to miss the opportunity to dodge.

He stared intently at Bai Bie, who was holding a dagger in the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body, and the solemnity and fighting spirit in his eyes were undisguised.

This person is now a powerful enemy that he recognizes.

He held the staff with both hands, and the golden sun disk on the top and the heart of the sun on his chest shone with the brilliance of flames.

The purple flames flowed crazily, and the desperate high temperature vaporized the ground, compressing it with the flames.

A pillar of purple flame light tens of meters thick suddenly spurted out, colliding with the cone of the Wanci mechanical body above and the white plague in the center of the cone.

Strong confidence appeared in Guan Xin's eyes. With the collision of this blow, he would definitely win!


Wanci's mechanical body was melted the moment the flames approached. It seemed that everything was as he expected, and the flames gradually swallowed up the nasty white plague.

But the moment the ten thousand magnetic mechanical body surrounding the white plague disappeared, the white plague lost its protection and also vaporized.

There was a trace of doubt in his eyes, dead? It shouldn't be.

it's over.

Low murmurs appeared behind him, and the ultimate sense of crisis came. How could this be possible?

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