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Chapter 172: Holding a sister in your arms is a lot of pressure

Bai Bian took Diane to a wooden building at the edge, opened the door and walked in.

This is a three-bedroom and one-living room. There is a table at the end of the hall with two earthen pots on the table. The overall feeling is very dilapidated.

The dust in the living room was quickly cleared away with a sweep of mental power.

Diane followed indifferently, but after seeing something familiar, the indifference in his eyes also disappeared.

She watched Bai Bian pull out three sticks of incense from the space ring and insert them in front of the two earthen jars. After about half of the incense was burned, he actually put the earthen jars directly into the space ring.

She couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. Sure enough, Bai Bian had not changed at all. Whether he only liked money or she was very familiar with this kind of behavior.

She still remembers that she and Bai Bian met not long ago. At that time, she was excited about her first investment, so she became friends with Bai Bian.

In class one day, the teacher talked about the undead world and said that most undead creatures have the ability to turn corpses into monsters to fight.

So Xiao Bai Bing went with her to dig up his parents' graves, burned the bodies to ashes, put them in these two earthen jars and brought them back.

The reason given by the white plague at that time was: Although they haven't raised me much, if there are enemies, I still may not be able to attack them. Burning them and taking the ashes back can be considered as a memory. 】

She also asked if it would hurt to burn the corpse, and then she was given a serious explanation by Bai Bian for a while, and finally burned the corpse with one of her bronze-level magic scrolls.

Although she felt that the white plague had tricked her, after all, she was only nine years old at the time, so she bought all the magic scrolls secretly, and there were only a few of them. She was still distressed for a long time at that time.

Thinking about these things, a smile gradually appeared on Diane's lips.

What's wrong? Bai Bian looked at Diane, who was angry and giggling inexplicably, and asked, I plan to go to the school here now, are you going?

The smile on Diane's face disappeared, she glanced at him, and said coldly: Of course, I'm waiting for you to be beaten to the ground by that weirdo.

Then I'm afraid you won't be able to see it. Let's go.

White Plague took Diane into the school in Lion Guard City, causing a sensation in the school.

After all, Bai Bian came out of this school. After he became the sixth SSS-level genius, his deeds were circulated, and as his alma mater, of course his deeds would be told here.

Although the junior students in shabby clothes did not dare to watch, they secretly watched him from a distance.

Bai Bian came to the school for no purpose. After poaching three teachers who were kind-hearted, honest and of high teaching quality, he walked out of the school under the resentful eyes of the principal and the speechless eyes of Diane.

Asking Bolton to send the three teachers and their families to Tobu City, Bai Bian walked out of the city with satisfaction.

You Diane didn't know what to say for a while. Sure enough, this was a weird thing, but it was okay if she didn't hate it.

What's wrong with me? A long time ago, they gave me a small job, and now I give them a promotion and a salary increase. This is fair. Bai Bian said happily.

Dai An stepped forward silently, grabbed Bai Bian's sleeve, and the two walked out of the city, arriving ten kilometers away based on Guan Xin's aura.

Suddenly, a series of eyes fell on the two of them.

Diane slowly lowered his head, feeling a little embarrassed, because although the owner of these sights was not here, there was someone familiar.

Bai Bian also felt these sights, and subconsciously looked at the Internet through Zero, and then fell silent.

Ah, the scene of their confrontation just now has been posted, and the title is very familiar.

【Shock! Bai Ying of Tobu City and Guan Xin of the Fore family are actually jealous of Dai An of the Tifeng family and are about to fight to the death! 】

Zero: [The person who posted the message has been traced to a man called Big News. 】

Bai Bian's mouth twitched. Sure enough, players would always come up with something that he couldn't understand. Now someone has been able to bring the panel's recording video to reality.

Players directly play two networks for gold coins and the game is booming.

After a casual inspection, players have already turned to marketing accounts, and they are spending a lot of time playing online.

And because of players' reposts, the Internet has now exploded. Half of them are discussing White Plague and Diane, and the other half are arguing about who is stronger and who is weaker.

Zero: [Mr. Sabo’s message: My dear City Lord, first of all, congratulations on finding your wife. Secondly, please start this duel half an hour later. Thank you. 】

White plague:.

He looked at the impatient golden guy who had been waiting for a long time, smiled and said, Have you been waiting for a long time?

Seeing what Guan Xin was about to say, he raised his hand: Then wait a little longer and look at your phone.

Guan Xin's face was gloomy, and he took out his mobile phone to check it with depression. After seeing the messages flying all over the place, the anger in his eyes faded a little.

He looked at Bai Bian with some mockery in his eyes: What? Are you scared?

Bai Bian was silent, not because he was afraid, but because an official Tobu City account posted an update.

[White epidemic vs official letter, who do you support? Come and place your bets, the official guarantee is that there is no fraud on the Internet. 】

Clicking in, the information of the two people immediately appeared.

[White plague, nineteen years old.

Fifty-fourth level alchemist, current honors: the second to last top genius, the Lord of Tobu City, developed a series of honors such as the alchemy magic network, intercontinental missiles, Barrett energy gun, helicopters, steam trains, etc. .

The odds are 1:1. 】

[Guan Xin, twenty-one years old.

Sixty-five level fire mage, current honor: top genius, once defeated Baker Lott, who was also a top genius, at the age of thirteen he could leapfrog and kill monsters ten levels beyond himself, and he jumped twenty in the monster test. Fighting at Level 5 without losing, and a series of other honors.

The odds are 1:1. 】

[The minimum bet starts at one gold coin, and the deadline for bets is 29 minutes and 35 seconds. 】

[To watch the live broadcast, please click the link below. 】

Player: [Forward. 】

Player: [Forward. 】

Get away if you're afraid. Miss Diane should have a better choice instead of being eaten by a coward. Guan Xin saw that Bai Bian remained silent, and the contempt in his tone was undisguised.

Bai Bian ignored it and controlled Zero Point to enter the link. Suddenly, Guan Xin's words were transmitted into Bai Bian's mind through the live broadcast, and the picture in the live broadcast was actually 360 degrees with no blind spots.

He looked around and immediately saw some small metal balls floating seven or eight kilometers away.

Guan Xin also noticed these small balls, anger flashed in his eyes, and flames flashed around him, as if he wanted to clean them away.

When did someone dare to take secret photos of him? Are you afraid that you are seeking death?

This is a live broadcast device, don't you dare show it to others? Bai Bian suddenly said, attracting Guan Xin's attention.

He turned on Zero's projection function, and an illusory light screen suddenly appeared in front of him: If you are scared, I can also let people turn off this live broadcast.

No need. Guan Xin said disdainfully. In his eyes, Bai Bian was just a guy who had just emerged for a year, and he was still more than ten levels ahead.

If he still loses at this level, he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill him.

I don't mind letting your Tobu City go bankrupt. Then if you ask me, maybe I will help you a little out of humanitarianism.

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and started to place bets for himself. He had no reason not to place bets on a game that was bound to win.

There is nothing more satisfying than beating up your love rival, embarrassing your love rival, and taking money from your love rival.

Due to the surrounding cameras, Diane had already pulled up her hood, placed her head on Bai Bian's back, took out her mobile phone with one hand, and was excitedly preparing to place a bet.

Just like many times before, when Bai Ying said he could win, she believed it, and she was prepared to spend all her pocket money on Bai Ying to win.

But before she could place her bet, the phone was taken away by a hand.


She raised her head in confusion and looked at Bai Bian, her big eyes full of doubts.

Bai Bian raised his hand, and the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body appeared and formed a throne. He sat down with Diane and whispered in Diane's ear: Wait, wait until the last moment before placing your bet.

Diane felt that he was getting a little closer, but when she saw the anger in the eyes of that slutty guy, and thought of how she had been harassed by this guy these days, she lay half-down in Bai Bing's arms and said softly: Everyone. Listen to you.


A crack appeared on the ground. Guan Xin sat down expressionlessly. The Flame Throne emerged, and the surrounding temperature gradually increased.

The Internet also exploded because of Diane's move. After all, this kind of top genius has attracted a lot of attention. In the past, except for the relatively high-profile White Epidemic, other top geniuses were rarely seen on the Internet.

After all, it is easy to detect people filming on camera, and no one would want to offend a top genius. Therefore, even if the white epidemic often appears on the Internet at dawn, it is mostly in the form of text, not pictures.

Now, it’s okay to see three top geniuses at once. It’s not right that a bloody love triangle happened between the top geniuses. It was Guan Xin who wanted to steal someone’s girlfriend, and he also started an online gambling game because of this incident. .

This is an official account, there will be no scams!

The entire Internet went into a climax with the spread of this incident. There were links to this gambling game everywhere, and people's discussions could be seen everywhere.

There are even many players in the capital who want to come over to watch.

Meanwhile, Parliament.

Michus Tifeng twitched his lips as he looked at the projection in front of him. As Diane's grandfather, he was very happy to see his granddaughter find an excellent partner.


He looked around, looking at a dozen congressmen with strange looks, and said somewhat speechlessly: So, he asked us to come to a meeting, and then ran off to fight on his own?

Just have fun secretly. If Bai Bian and your granddaughter really get married, then your Tifeng family will only have three SSS levels. How will you, an old man, be dissatisfied? Lott Zheng Quan said with some displeasure.

He lost Aisha, the most powerful fortune teller, and he is still a little heartbroken. Now when he heard a guy speaking in Versailles, he wanted to go up and slap him, but because he couldn't beat him, he forgot about it.

But old guy, you have to remember, don't let Diane go to Dongwu City with this kid. If you let that kid come over and run a genius to Dongwu City, then the parliament will be divided. There are already three people there. That’s it.”

The curse doctor doesn't count, right? She's too unstable, and that's a curse anyway.

With Luo Ning by her side, she is the strongest healer and powerful curser. Why doesn't it count?

That's right, Tifeng, remember, old guy Luo Wa is right. Putting three top geniuses in a border town is too much. If Diane goes there again, we have to go half way, otherwise no one will be relieved. of.

Michus reluctantly began to change the subject: When the white epidemic comes, you can decide for yourself, but who do you think will win?

Does this need to be said? Of course it is an official letter. Among geniuses of the same level, level 11 is an insurmountable level difference.

There is no eleventh level. If you feel it carefully, the current wave energy level of the White Plague should be fifty-six, not fifty-four.

The gap of level nine is insurmountable, but White Plague should not be defeated so easily. Can we let the other four boys see this battle? Maybe it will inspire them?

Michus smiled and said: They have arrived. The White Plague is very famous, and they are also very curious.

Eh? You see, this guy Bai Bian actually opened a gambling game, but the current situation seems to be a bit unfavorable to him. Almost no one is betting that he can win.

Well, Ogana has also passed by, but it's good to have her watching. At least it will be safer.

Michus: Helen is here too, so there wouldn't be any trouble.

Hey, old guy Ful, are you so confident? You put so much pressure on your grandson, and you're not afraid of dying?

Loose? Then when I get back, I'll beat that kid to death.

In addition to the discussions among the congressmen, many people in the capital focused their attention here, but those who came to watch were also young people.

For example, there are card secrets that have reached gold level, and there are some silver level but very young guys.

There are four people who make Bai Bian care a little, and none of them feel weaker than Guan Xin. Two of them are even much stronger than him, even comparable to Charles.

Both of them were men, and they felt his gaze, and one of them had some curiosity and softness in his eyes.

This one has the strongest sense of threat and is also the strongest one in the field. Even White Plague is not sure of victory.

Bai Bian could guess the identity of this person: Helen, a level 75 mage from the Renchu ​​family, only twenty-four years old, and the most genius in the entire federation.

Even White Epidemic's panel may not necessarily be confident that he will catch up to his level within five years, which is hailed as the third legend of Breaking Dawn.

The other one had a cold gaze, and Bai Bian could feel the hostility and the stiffness of the girl in his arms.

The identity is already obvious, Dai An’s biological brother, Yuantang Tifeng!

Bai Bian was also a little uncomfortable being stared at by this gaze. After all, someone else's brother was right next to him, and he was holding someone else's sister in his arms. This was indeed not good.


Bai Bian whispered something, and suddenly his sharp gaze became more solid.

Unable to resist the pressure of blood, Diane turned around and buried her head directly in Bai Bing's arms.

Suddenly, all the pressure was on Bai Bing.

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