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Chapter 171 White Epidemic: She is mine

You're finally here. Come on, take me away. It's too painful here.

A voice of dissatisfaction sounded, and a girl appeared wearing a black robe with a golden belt and a silver pendant, holding a two-meter-long huge skull staff in her hand.

This is Diane, her originally dark pupils have a purple charm.

Bai Bian looked at the eldest lady and twitched the corner of his mouth.

Legendary robe, epic staff, legendary belt, legendary necklace, legendary earrings, two of the three rings reveal a legendary aura.

This is actually a legendary set

Bai Bian was a little silent. Seeing that Bone Dragon still couldn't control his body, a large number of magnetic mechanical bodies appeared in his space ring, spliced ​​into a throne, and took him to fly to a city.

Ever since he was transferred to an aristocratic school at the age of ten, Bai Bian would be shocked by the eldest lady's magnanimity every time he met her. Now that he is rich, he is still shocked.

The background of the Tifeng family is ridiculously strong.

Don't ignore me. Hey, are we still friends? I heard the news that you were coming and I'm waiting for you here. You can't just ignore it.

Diane gave up control of the bone dragon and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was sitting on the armrest of the mechanical throne, and his voice was very close.

White Plague:. Space-based ring!

Look at you, what's wrong with this life? Bai Bian felt helpless.

Dai An leaned back, his voice a little helpless: Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. The main thing is that since I got this so-called undead body, I have a lot of troubles around me, and there is a weirdo who pesters me all day long. It's annoying to death. , I don’t even have any friends of my own.”

With your status, who can force you? Bai Bian raised his hand, and the bone dragon behind him flapped its wings and slowly stopped on the wall of a short city amid the shocked eyes of the city below.

Although those soldiers were a little afraid of the coercion of the giant dragon, White Plague's legend level has now reached 94. It can be said that anyone who is an extraordinary person has heard of him, and the mechanical dragon has become a symbol of him. .

Therefore, in addition to fear, these extraordinary beings are more admired and curious.

No one can force him, but he can't drive him away either. It's very annoying. Dai An looked very depressed. Although he was wearing legendary equipment, he no longer had the heroic spirit he had when he went to Dongwu City.

White Plague's Mechanical Throne followed the Bone Dragon to the Lion Guard City. He smiled and said: Stand still.

After the words fell, the Mechanical Throne collapsed and turned into countless magnetic machines and entered the space ring.

He looked at this familiar but backward city and felt a little emotional.

The capital city is different from other cities.

One hundred kilometers away in eight directions outside the capital city, there is a small city that is not that big.

The names of these cities all end with the character Wei, such as Shiwei City, Zongwei City, and Anwei City.

The meaning of these eight cities is to protect the capital.

But it is actually the outer city area of ​​the eight capitals.

The combination of these nine cities is the real capital city, and 95% of the capital city is made up of extraordinary people, making it a veritable city of extraordinary people.

Bai Ying was originally an ordinary civilian born in Lion Guard City. He worked hard in school and entered the capital school with his talent when he was ten years old. Finally, he met Diane and reached the pinnacle of his life.

Although he did not get all the memories, the part of the memory that was left behind was somewhat unpleasant, but overall it was quite warm.

After all, Bai Bian, who started begging at the age of five, has experienced too many human relationships.

If the school were not all free and provided with free meals, he might not be able to survive.

As long as you don't kill me, then go for it. You are from the Tifeng family. What are you afraid of? Bai Bian thought it didn't matter. This kind of thing still requires violence.

The Tifeng family is the richest in the federation. Although Diane is not very smart, she is very beautiful. With her super potential and special career, there will definitely be no shortage of suitors.

As the second top potential of the Tifeng family, if other top potentials bother her, as long as she doesn't kill them, she doesn't need to bear any responsibility.

Diane was a little speechless. Just when she was about to say something, she was stunned for a moment, and then asked softly: Bai Bian, are we friends?

Of course, what's wrong? Bai Bian walked on the familiar streets, feeling a little emotional. Many people have remained the same, but the eyes they looked at him were unfamiliar.

The disgusted look before was gone, replaced by fear and panic.

After all, many people had bullied the weak Bai Bian, and the bullying didn't stop until he went to school in the capital.

Bai Bian's destination was clear, heading towards the edge of the city.

That's good.

At the same time as Diane's voice sounded, a soft feeling came over him. Bai Bian paused, turned his head, and looked at Diane, who was holding his arms and very close to him, a little confused.

Just as he was about to say something, a strong hostility came over him, which actually made Bai Bian feel in danger.

He understood something and felt a little helpless. He was using himself as a shield.

Bai Bian thought about it for a while, did not refuse, and headed towards his destination in a hurry.

Diane and him were childhood sweethearts after all, and solving some troubles was nothing.

According to the original game process, version 3.0 is the common death of the old sword master and the night rose. If you guessed correctly, the five young girls with SSS-level potential are the protagonists.

The person who can raise the banner of the Federation should not be too weak. Bai Bian also wants to know what is the gap between him and the real top geniuses.

As if feeling Bai Bian's indulgence, a nice curve appeared at the corner of Diane's mouth, and she leaned closer to him, and her voice was soft: I knew you were the best.


An extremely terrifying aura suddenly rose, and large swaths of fire clouds surged in from all directions in the sky.

The temperature of the entire city rose rapidly. At this moment, the whole city was in panic, as if the doomsday was coming, and people entered their rooms one after another, shivering.


Another powerful aura rose into the sky, and a golden old man flew into the sky. However, he was glanced at by the handsome young man with golden body, and quickly retreated back.

Obviously, he couldn't afford to mess with this person.

From the Ful family, my name is Guan Xin. He is a level 65 fire mage. He is very strong. Can you withstand it? Diane glanced at the slut, feeling the increasingly explosive aura, and couldn't help but stick to it. Bai Bian said in his ear: If you can't stand it anymore, tell me and I will protect you.

Her actions made the surrounding temperature rise even higher.

Boy, who are you? Do you know whose territory this is?

A somewhat arrogant voice sounded, with some gloominess in it, not hiding his murderous intent at all.

Bai Bian stopped and looked up at the mage: Whose?

Guan Xin paused, and there was a look of shock in his eyes: White plague? If you don't stay in your Dongwu City, why did you come to the capital?

But then a strong fighting spirit appeared in his eyes, and a golden staff appeared in his hand: It just so happens that the younger generation I have been invincible for a long time. Now, I won't bully you. I only use 30% of my strength. If you lose, you will lose. Leave Diane, and if you win, I will give you a chance to compete fairly!

He shook his blond hair, and his whole body exuded a golden glow in the sun. He suddenly smiled evilly and looked at Diane: My princess, as your knight, I will definitely win the opportunity to protect you.

White plague:.

He looked at Diane in shock, and four words clearly appeared in his eyes: Is this guy sick?

Diane, on the other hand, showed an expression of despair. The staff in her hand disappeared and she lifted up her sleeves. Goosebumps appeared on one of her fair arms.

Her eyes seemed to be able to speak at this moment, allowing Bai Bian to clearly see the meaning of escape at a glance.

Bai Bian also thought of the helpless words Diane said just now, and he expressed sympathy for Diane.

Bai Bian looked this guy up and down for a while, his eyes flashing slightly.

He suddenly reached out and hugged Diane's waist, then looked at Guan Xin, raised his eyebrows and said, Look, she is mine, why should I fight you?

Guan Xin's eyes widened and he looked at Bai Bian's hand around Diane's waist. The fire clouds in the sky suddenly began to descend and became extremely scarlet, as if the entire sky was on fire. The surrounding temperature became higher and higher. .

His eyes were burning with blazing flames, and he stared at Bai Bie: Impossible! It's fake, it's definitely fake! I want to duel with you!

A trace of solemnity flashed in Bai Bian's eyes. It was really outrageous that a single elemental mage could reach this level.

However, he did not show it, but said disdainfully: Why should I fight with you? If I lose, I will leave Diane. If I win, it will remain the same. You are so calculating, so shameless.

You Guan Xin's eyes widened and his whole face turned red.

Bai Bian didn't give him a chance to speak, and said casually: However, I can fight you. If I read it correctly, the thing hanging on your chest is the Heart of the Sun, right? Use that thing as a weapon. Bet, otherwise there is no need to discuss it.”

Guan Xin glanced at his chest subconsciously. The Heart of the Sun is a treasure. It can make the surrounding fire elements more active, enhance the damage of fire spells, and enhance the purity of many flames. For a fire mage, this is The greatest treasure among treasures.

But at this moment, he was overwhelmed by anger, and he didn't think he would lose. He shouted directly: Bet, bet, if you lose, you will never be able to step into the capital! You can't get within 100 meters of Diane!

Okay! Bai Bian said indifferently: You go out and wait. I will leave as soon as I finish the work here.

Bai Bian said as he hugged Diane and walked towards a house on the edge of the city. Then he said gently to Diane: Let the surrounding temperature drop. Any higher will be unfriendly to ordinary people.

Yes. Diane nodded obediently, and the aura of the undead emerged around him. In an instant, black mist began to spread throughout the city, and the temperature began to drop rapidly.

Guan Xin's hand holding the staff gradually turned white, and his eyes stared at Bai Bie angrily, revealing a bit of murderous intent.

He stared at them for a while, and seemed to feel that their postures were too dazzling. He turned around decisively and disappeared into the Lion Guard City.

After Bai Bian felt that the hostile sight disappeared, he naturally let go of Diane's waist, with a smile on his face and some emotion: It's really childish.

Diane looked at Bai Bian with a strange look in her eyes. She got closer and asked, I said Bai Bian, you don't really like me, do you?

She skipped the topic without waiting for Bai Bian's answer, patted Bai Bian on the shoulder, and said earnestly: But although that person is weird, he is still very powerful. You still have to be careful.

Bai Bian said in a good mood: It's okay, it's okay, but I've helped you solve a problem. How are you going to repay me?

Dai An waved his hand: If you can really win, then I will take care of your meals in the capital and treat you to the best meals every day!

I am the Lord of Dongwu City, how can I not afford food? Bai Bian raised his eyebrows and looked at her: I want something else.

Diane was stunned and followed Bai Bian's gaze. Suddenly, her eyes became a little erratic: Something else? What?

Bai Bian continued to look at it, and said thoughtfully: Can it be a little too much?

Diane was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became even more erratic: Then what do you want? Let me tell you first, I will agree to anything that is not too much.

Bai Bian smiled and asked, Really?

Of course. Diane felt inexplicably nervous: When did I stop keeping my word? Aren't you the one who always keeps your word?

Okay, then I'll do it. Bai Yi was hesitant. He seemed to feel that his request was too much and he was wondering whether to change it.

There was a somewhat complicated look in Diane's eyes, like entanglement and expectation.

The two walked quietly for a short distance, and Bai Bian still said: Ten soul crystal nuclei!

Diane was stunned, with some disbelief in his eyes: That's it?

White Plague: Oops, we need less!

Soul crystal cores are an ultra-rare mineral, and the total number in Tobu City does not exceed fifty. This thing is a reward in the federal pricing, not a real price.

There are crazy premiums on the black market, but they are bought as soon as they appear. The reason for this resource is not the price, but that it is too scarce.

So I feel like ten pills for White Plague is already too much.

He hesitated a little, and was shocked again by Diane's appearance, and silently added: I'm talking about the soul crystal core!

Diane glanced at him and said nothing. He stretched out a hand and smashed a palm-sized box over.

Bai Bian quickly reached out to take it and opened it. Thirteen crystals the size of a human head exuded a charming blue color.

Bai Bian put things away without leaving a trace, space equipment! There are still thirteen soul crystal cores, and the soul resources are completely full.

Excitement appeared in Bai Bian's eyes. He looked up and saw that the eldest lady had walked away, her steps a little heavy.

He quickly followed Diane and said cautiously: Well, you seem to have given too much.

Diane glanced at him and said coldly: I'll give it to you.

Bai Bian was a little silent: What? You went the wrong way, over here.

Diane was stunned, turned around, and walked forward quickly again, not wanting to deal with this guy at all.

Bai Ying: You're still on the wrong path!


She stopped and said coldly: You lead the way!

Bai Bian was frightened by the momentum and felt a little weak: Okay.

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