Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 170 The Inscription of God

Is it almost done, little sister Luoning?

Sabo asked helplessly. More than a week ago, the little sister's master found the old city lord, and then the old city lord found him again and asked him to take over the affairs of the legion.

At Luo Ning's request, almost all members of the legion were dispatched, and they have been making arrangements and adjustments, and have been busy until now.

Originally, in Sabo's eyes, these didn't need to be taken care of at all.

Tobu City now has three hundred launch silos, and each missile covers a seven-kilometer circle. As long as those invaders dare to appear in large numbers, they will be bombed directly.

In addition, the intercontinental missiles in the four cities to the east can support each other, with nearly 500 silos. What enemy can survive this kind of firepower?

Therefore, in Saab's eyes, this is a waste of time, and he might as well earn another 100 million.

Luo Ning smiled and said: That's enough, that's enough. There is no danger in Dongwu City now.

Sabo breathed a sigh of relief: Okay, I'll leave first. If you have anything to do, contact the old city lord and tell him that I'm out and not in Tobu City.

Sabo said and left decisively. Staying for another second would be disrespectful to money.

This was the first time since he became the financial officer that he was in jail in the city, and the world outside was a sea of ​​stars.

He now has evil god materials and devil materials. There are a lot of materials. He needs to strengthen himself and then make money, instead of doing something here that only a high-level person can do.

Luo Ning didn't stop her. She closed her eyes, and the fluctuations of fate flickered before her eyes.

In each picture, the future is changing. A very scary monster that was supposed to appear no longer appears, and even the war has moved on for a long time.

She breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile: Master, let's go back. Sister Eileen is still waiting for me.

Aisha smiled and nodded, flying up with Luo Ning: Why do you want them to just sit around and not move?

Luo Ning grew up very fast. After having a master, her current level has reached level 28. Basically, all the resources Elsa has will be given to her. Even if Elsa doesn't have them, she can apply to the Federation or Tobu City.

With SSS level potential, she doesn't have to do anything, and the federation will give her enough resources.

These are hopes, hopes written into the law.

Luo Ning thought: I don't know either. I only know that doing this can prevent Dongwu City from falling into war.

Aisha touched Luo Ning's head with some pride and some distress: You can be bolder and predict the whole situation instead of using this roundabout way. Dawn will be your backing and there will be no danger. of.

Luo Ning nodded, a little confused: What I know is that my intuition tells me that this way I won't cause trouble to others.

Aisha took her and flew into Tobu City, flying straight towards Dawn Pharmacy.

She said helplessly: That's okay, but you can tell Master anything you want. The city lord has his own way to go. He won't be in the city most of the time. Don't do it like last time.

Oh, I understand, Master. Luo Ning lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

In her perception, everything around her became beautiful, but when she encountered a problem, she still wanted to find Bai Bing as soon as possible.

Because before she became the seventh top potential, the neighbors, extraordinary people, and even beggars around her were full of malice.

These malicious intentions frightened her, and on the day her mother froze to death, her precognition was activated. She could predict God, but she could not find a way to survive for her mother in the cold outer city.

After that, she lived more carefully and became more numb.

She was afraid of all malice, until that day when she went to buy knowledge, that rare being who didn't have any malice towards her appeared.

Therefore, she was very dependent on the White Blight. When she found out that there was a war in Tobu City and that it might endanger the city, her first reaction was to find the White Blight.

But by that time, the white plague had entered the night town, so of course she couldn't contact her. In the end, it was Aisha who discovered her abnormality and asked about it.

Thinking of something, her face turned slightly rosy, and she followed her master into Liming Pharmacy with her head lowered.

Ah, little Luoning is back. Although I'm sorry, I don't want to see you.

Eileen said with some despair.

Luo Ning's appearance meant the end of her short vacation.

Irene, who has reached the lower level of silver, still doesn't want to work. Although it is rich, only Luoning can endure working sixteen hours a day.

Um, Sister Eileen, you are now proficient and don't need to practice. I remember what I told you when I left. Luo Ning widened his eyes and said with some doubts.

Irene paused, and there was some doubt in her big eyes: When did you say that? Didn't you say you wouldn't let me treat you when you were away?

Of course not, it won't be needed in the future. We have treated at least 20,000 people during this period. Our cooperation has been very good and has fully met the boss's requirements. Luo Ning said seriously.

Eileen's eyes were a little moist. She stood up, hugged Luo Ning and rubbed her hard: Ah, ah, finally, finally, my hard days are finally over. I love you so much, Luo Ning, muma ~”

Luo Ning was a little helpless. She always felt that she couldn't keep up with Irene's brain.

Just as she was about to say something, the special ringtone of the mobile phone in her pocket rang. Surprise appeared in her eyes, and she quickly broke away from Irene's arms and took out the mobile phone.

He said with some surprise: Huh? The boss replied to the message. He said he would be back in a while!

Erin's excited eyes froze and became a little wandering. She turned to look at her master and asked carefully: Master, can we go out and play for a few days? Just a month!

Mina smiled: Of course, but you can't leave Tobu City.

Okay! Eileen was immediately excited. She turned to look at Luo Ning and asked, Do you want to come with Luo Ning?

No, I'll wait for the boss here. Luo Ning shook her head. She was very satisfied with her current fulfilling life and didn't want to change it.

Uh, okay, bye. Master, hurry up, hurry up. When the capitalist comes back, I will definitely be arrested. I feel that I owe the capitalist a lot of money now. He will definitely charge interest on the money for the knowledge.


Outside Nanling City.

[Mission: Containment in the dark (completed). 】

[You get God's Inscription × 1, attribute points +10, skill points +10, and experience points +3 million. 】

[You have been upgraded and reached level 56. 】

[Your world has been added, the number of existing worlds: 2. 】

Bai Bian looked at a simple inscription in his hand and fell into deep thought.

All three rule areas were exploded, but there was no such thing as a tear of rules.

There are five mutation zones in one kingdom, and the other small kingdoms are similar. If the explosion rate is 25%, it would be okay, but I am afraid that he was just too lucky to explode one at that time.

In that case, he will have a lot of time to be trapped in it. With the existence of the player forum, he knows a lot about Tobu City.

Now that the war is about to break out, he cannot give up Tobu City for the Tears of Rules that may not appear.

Tobu City is the basic base.

Bai Bian checked the information on the God's Tablet.

[Name: Inscription of God.

Attributes:? ? ?

Effect:? ? ?

Introduction: The things of the New Gods have the power of destiny on them and contain words that only gods can understand. 】

The attributes and introduction are very simple, Bai Bian's eyes are thoughtful, the power of fate. The Lord of the Gods.

Although I don’t know what its use is now, it’s always right to keep something of destiny.

But why is the destiny thing there on the panel?

Bai Bian thought about it for a long time, then shook his head, intending to press down on these things that burned his brain but could not get an accurate answer. He would understand everything when he reaches the god level.

The thing now is to grow, not to dig up secrets.

Zero: [Connected to the Bone Dragon network. Bone Dragon is on the way here. I received a message from Luo Ning: Boss, it seems that there is going to be a war. What should I do? 】

Bai Bian paused and smiled, Luo Ning, I really miss you after not seeing you for a long time.

[Tell her I will go back after a while. 】

Zero: [Sent. 】


In the sky, dragon power filled the air, and the familiar dragon roar sounded.

Bai Bian's spiritual power lifted him up and sent him onto the dragon's back.

The dragon flapped its wings, traveling at Mach 5 speed, and the distance of two thousand kilometers flew by in an instant.

There is still no change in Nanling City. Under the governance of the elves, it is difficult to change here. It will always be so clean, tidy and backward.

The development of a city requires economy, and elves are not suitable for economy.

In addition, this race is generally arrogant, and in cities run by elves, all the major officials are elves.

The four major border towns all followed Sabo and took a sip of the soup, and the one who drank the least was Nanling City.

However, Nanling City is a city of elves. It doesn’t matter if the economy is underdeveloped. The cohesion of elves is stronger than that of humans. The pure elves’ army is invincible in the entire federation, because no other city can be like Nanling City, with 30,000 people. Silver Legion.

With this legion and the level 79 boss Addis, Nanling City is the strongest border city, even the current Tobu City cannot compare.

Unless all members of the transformation army are present.

Arrive at the city lord's palace.

The place was still the same as before leaving. There were only Addis and Qin Xia under the Tree of Life. Seeing his return, neither of them expressed anything.

White Plague did not get off the dragon. An ice card appeared in his hand and was sent to Addis under the control of his mental power.

Lord Addis, let Nanling City prepare. The war is about to begin. The opponent will be the kingdom of the ancient gods. You need more soldiers.

Bai Bian reminded: The number of elves is too small.

Addis paused and nodded: I understand.

Bai Bian didn't say anything more and kicked the Bone Dragon.

Suddenly, the dragon's power was wanton, and the speed of Mach 5 suddenly exploded. The extreme speed of 1,700 meters per second left a long-lasting trace on the clouds.

Addis looked at Bai Bian's back, his eyes flickered, and he looked at his disciple: Go and prepare. When the war breaks out, you will be the vanguard.

Yes, Master. Qin Xia's eyes were full of excitement and fighting spirit.

The elves are a matriarchal society. In their society, the ones who go to the battlefield are all female elves, and the most militant ones are the Flame tribe. She has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Although the Elf Flame tribe likes peace, they are never afraid of war!

On top of the bone dragon, Bai Bian quickly browsed the recent events.

In fact, not much has changed. He has only been in the dark night town for thirteen days, which is not enough time to do anything.

However, Tobu City's legion action still attracted a lot of attention. Judging from the response given by Tobu City's official account, the entire federal network was a little depressed.

Because the recovery of magic power is no secret. The deterrence given by the old sword master is still there, but it is no longer absolute.

Without further intervention, Bai Bian ordered: [Tell the council that I will be in the capital in seven hours and a meeting will be needed then. 】

Zero: [Message has been sent. 】

Bai Bian stopped talking. He still felt a little emotional. It had been two years since he left the capital, and he didn't expect to come back here again.

But this time when he came back, he was no longer the frightened and weak alchemist, but a city lord who could influence the federation.

Although he didn't care so much about the past things, in his memory, some of the favors he had received had to be repaid.

He thought of something and checked a task on his body.

[Task: The boss’s ambition.

Task characteristics: Position tasks.

Task description: Get at least one promotion and greater rights within the specified time.

Task time limit: 46 days and 13 hours.

Fixed rewards: boss expertise ×1, legend ×5, skill points ×10, free attribute points ×10.

Additional rewards: Additional rewards are given based on position and power.

Additional rewards are now available: skill points × 20, special skill points × 3, random eight-star title × 1, experience points + 8 million, random rewards × 1.

Failure penalty: No reward.

Introduction: Can a single person be called a boss? After all, even God is not alone. 】

White Plague seldom pays attention to this task, but it is not completely unconcerned.

When he became the city lord, he had seen that this task could not be submitted in advance, and he was originally very disappointed.

But the additional rewards at that time were only skill points x 10, a random eight-star title x 1, and three million experience points.

As Tobu City develops, additional rewards become more and more abundant.

This made Bai Bian understand the meaning of extra rewards based on position and power.

The position of City Lord has not changed, but the power is not certain.

The more populous Tobu City is, the more people it has to manage. The stronger Tobu City is, the stronger its influence on the federation is.

Therefore, after understanding that the rewards would continue to rise, he stopped taking care of this task. Now, looking at it, the rewards of this task are already ridiculously high.

There are still more than forty days, and I don’t know what else will change.

However, Bai Bian still has ideas about random rewards and random titles.

Don't forget, there is a girl of destiny beside him.

Regarding luck, when to smoke and what posture to use are all a science.

Bai Bian sat in a daze on the mechanical throne, and the city under the dragon appeared more and more frequently.

The closer to the Federation, the denser the cities.

When Bai Bian could see the huge city wall more than thirty meters high.

A sense of crisis suddenly came over.

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment. This is the core of the Federation. Who dares to attack him here? Are you afraid that you are seeking death?

But the next moment, when the endless undead aura erupted, and the bone dragon beneath him began to fly around uncontrollably, he understood something.

Boss, I am being controlled. The power of control is very strong and I cannot resist.

Bai Bian looked forward helplessly: Miss, this way of greeting is not that friendly.

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