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Chapter 166 A sudden decisive battle

And the other side.

Lilia, who was just about to follow Taylor into the dark night town, was stunned.

She looked around and suddenly said: Mr. Taylor, I seem to have received a message from my teammate. I will go find him first.

Taylor was a little disappointed: You really don't think about it? You can even ask your teammates to join us.

Thank you Mr. Taylor, but I'm still used to being with my original teammates. I'm sorry. Lilia bowed slightly, her figure gradually faded and disappeared.

At the same time, the mayor’s house.

A guy who was trembling all over raised his head. A mechanical mosquito flapped its wings slightly in his hand. He glanced around and felt a little regretful.

After three days of searching, he found no clues about the core.

But he had some guesses, and he didn't know if they were correct.

But it seems it's time to go now, the captain is calling.

His somewhat shy temperament disappeared, and he turned into a confident and sunny boy.

Goodbye, oh no, hope never again.

He said hello and gradually disappeared.

The chaos in the night town began. The members of the Dawn Team killed people when they saw them and destroyed buildings when they saw them.

Fires were burning everywhere in the dark night town, which was mostly made of wooden buildings.

The entire town collapsed from the edge.

Article 45 of the Night Town Law, those who damage buildings will be imprisoned, fined, and beaten with a cane!

Article 3 of the Dark Night Law, anyone who kills without reason shall be punished!

The atmosphere of rules is circulating, and the members of Dawn Team are being reduced one by one.

However, among the more than 130 members of the Dawn Team, there are more than 50 gold.

When dispersed, the power they can exert is terrifying.

The Night Cultists were also blocking the way, and the collision between the two sides was fierce.

However, the Dawn Squad had a numerical advantage and their cooperation was much better than that of the Night Cultists.

For a time, dawn overwhelmed the night, and the destruction of the town continued to intensify.

In the core of the town, Pu Sheng felt the various collisions and fluctuations around him and rubbed his temples.

It was too brain-burning. He still couldn't figure out why Charles suddenly launched a general attack. After all, he was already wanted. As long as there were night cultists guarding the area, it was impossible for him to bypass the rules and enter.

If Charles tries his best, the ultimate beneficiary will only be the white plague


The sound of steady footsteps came, and Pu Sheng looked up. In a burning house, an elegant young man pushed open the burning door and looked at him with a smile.

Pu Sheng instantly felt that several question marks appeared on his head.

what's the situation? Is Charles crazy? Actually came directly to find yourself?

This is what Pu Sheng thought and asked: Are you out of your mind?

Not far away from him, two golden superiors looked at Charles alertly, their strength building up.

Charles shrugged: Maybe, but the night town belongs to me today.

Pu Sheng was speechless. Just as he was about to say something, the terrifying sense of crisis made his face suddenly change.


He shouted without hesitation, his whole body was wrapped in an ethereal force, and he disappeared instantly.

Unfortunately it's still too late.

The terrifying power of rules came, and a big mouth appeared in the void and bit down fiercely.


There was a sound like a piece of cloth being torn apart, and the two golden superiors burst out with overwhelming power, defeating the big mouth of nothingness.

At the same time, Pu Sheng also fell out of the void and looked at Charles in surprise.

This seems a little bad.

He remembered one thing. When Charles came to him for the first time and planned to use the nightmare world to deceive other ancient gods, he seemed to be a shadow assassin!

And today's rule is that shadows cannot be stepped on.

shadow shadow

Plus those favored by the Lord of Darkness.

Pu Sheng's mouth twitched.

It seems that he has lost his temper. This rule is simply tailor-made for the guy in front of him. Why is it so coincidental?

Put away the shadow, he is the shadow assassin

Pu Sheng said with some difficulty, but he felt that it should be useless. For the shadow assassin who was enhanced by darkness, it couldn't be easier to create some darkness to connect with the other party.


Suddenly, another force of rules enveloped Charles. His aura suddenly began to decline, and his health points also dropped rapidly.

Charles, who was full of wantonness, straightened the corners of his mouth.

Again, who is targeting him?

Why did he break the rules for no apparent reason? He has obviously put his shadow into the shadow, who can step on his shadow?

Everything is simply not going well for him. At this point, he should have won.——

Sabah Royal Palace.

Bai Bian looked at the images of mechanical mosquitoes and flies high in the sky, his eyes full of thoughts.

It was too sudden. In his expectation, shouldn't Charles come to him first?

He was ready to fight a protracted war, but now there was a sudden decisive battle.

The questions in Bai Bian's eyes could hardly be suppressed. Is it really okay to ignore him like this?

Captain, can you retreat here?

Lilia's voice sounded, with some worry in it: Besides, Renne hasn't come out yet, should I go find him first?

Bai Bian came back to his senses and rubbed his brows. It was really hard to compete with these old yins.

That's almost it. I've already informed Ren about him, but his mission is different from yours. Just ensure your own safety. If nothing else happens, I will go find you in an hour.

Bai Bian said, cutting off communication with Lilia.

He rubbed his brows and decided not to think about it so much.

The power of Madness and Bloom was a bit unexpected. He couldn't even imagine a game with such power. How could he lose?

Bai Bian looked at the pictures captured by the mechanical mosquitoes. Even if he tried his best to avoid the strong ones, there would still be strong ones entering.

But the good thing is that everyone over there is in a mess, so they shouldn't worry about this little sense of peeping.

Wait a little longer, wait for the winner to be decided in the first stage, consume some of their power, and then decisively throw all the Madness and Bloom into it to detonate the Night Town.

As for the other three rule areas.

He was not sure whether all the rule areas would really burst into tears of rules. If Night Town also exploded, then the world would not be handed over to the panel until all the rule areas were cleared.

If it doesn't explode, he will create three more Madness Blooms and try in other rules areas.

If the explosion rate is too low, sell it to the panel.

Bai Bie noticed something and suddenly controlled a mechanical mosquito to fly towards the town.

There was solemnity in his eyes: The law department of the rules area?

The fugitive wanted criminal, Fudong, has violated many laws of the Night Town, and is now being forcibly taken.

The old voice sounded, and Charles, who was doubting his life, came back to his senses. He raised his leg and stepped down hard without even thinking about it.

With a bang, darkness spread.

The power of rules appeared in the sky, causing the mayor's movements to freeze suddenly.

There was a look of struggle in his dull eyes, and there was a creaking sound all over his body. The mayor who violated the rules would also be punished by the rules, but he himself was the rule, so the conflict between the rules began.

Pu Sheng looked a little helpless. This time the rules were indeed a bit tricked: Go ahead, kill him!


In the void, a monkey with scarlet eyes appeared, rushing toward Charles with a violent aura.

At the same time, curses followed.

Charles' breath began to fall again.


The sword light lit up, and the extremely sharp sword light also struck Charles.

At the same time, a six-pointed star formation appeared in the sky, covering the town and blocking the sunlight.

A scarlet eye seemed to come from another dimension, casting a scarlet gaze towards Charles.

The power of the three golden superiors came instantly, with unimaginable power, as if they wanted to kill with one blow.

The corners of Charles' mouth curved downward a little, and his body was wrapped in darkness, and at the same time, darkness began to spread.


The sword light cuts through the darkness, splitting it into two. The eyes in the sky are frantically eliminating the darkness, and the power of magic is being released.


The powerful power of rules covered the three golden tops including Pu Sheng, and the rules were inexplicably triggered, even though they had no shadow.

The rules of the town turned into a humanoid, multi-handed monster, grabbing the monkey that rushed into the darkness, using multiple arms at the same time.

Pu Sheng's summons were instantly terminated.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. It was like this every time. The summon he had cultivated for a long time was killed with one move.

This is also the reason why he crazily wants to get this divine creature, because this divine creature was created with the power of the abyss, and he is now transforming himself into the summoning system of the abyss.

With this divine evil, his power will make a qualitative leap.

But now it seems that it is a bit difficult.


The regular monster let out a loud roar and looked at the mage with its eyes.

He rushed towards the mage without hesitation.

Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished by the rules, and now it is the enforcer of this punishment, so its targets will only be these three guys who are supposed to be in the rule camp.

are you crazy.

Pu Sheng always felt that the lady of the night was a lunatic. What fun was there in such weird rules?

He cursed in a low voice, and at the same time as his figure disappeared, the aura of the multi-handed monster also began to decline.

Dark Night Law


The rules came again, the mayor's words were interrupted for the third time, and the conflict of rules continued.

From a macro perspective, the Dawn Team now has the absolute upper hand. The town's periphery has been completely broken through, and there are fewer and fewer strong people who can stop the team.

They are destroying every building in sight and killing every town citizen.

Even in the central battlefield, because Charles can let others trigger the rules at will, he has the upper hand and seems to have a sure chance of victory.

As time passed, the mage beside Pusheng had died in the battle, and the swordsman was also in danger.

The punishing rules monster is originally generated according to the strength of the punished, so it has the power to destroy three golden tops from the beginning of its birth.

Pu Sheng's face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: Are you crazy? If you continue to strengthen this monster, will you be able to run away? Also, the white plague is still in the dark, and you want to marry him Clothes?

Charles appeared from the darkness, stepped on the shadow of the old mayor again, and then said with a smile: Look, the invincible thing can't move now, white plague? Let him come, if he dares to come, today is his It’s time to die.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky shook violently, and an extremely violent space teleportation wave came directly to the center of the city.

Pu Sheng was delighted: Oh, this familiar teleportation wave is going to slap you in the face~

Charles' face froze and he couldn't help but look up. Why, does he still have the potential of a crow's mouth?


Hysterical roars sounded at this time, and an absolutely chaotic atmosphere of terror began to vent.

Pu Sheng's expression also froze: What's going on?

Charles was also a little confused, and the two of them subconsciously looked at the place where the teleportation fluctuations appeared.

There was a slave-like person there who was shouting and venting. His body was expanding crazily, just like the seemingly endless power that was piling up crazily.

Transform weapons?

The moment the two people's thoughts came to mind.






A series of hysterical shouts rang out, evenly surrounding the dark night town.

The desperate roar overwhelmed the restlessness and smoke of the town.

The remaining fifty or so people in Dawn's team couldn't help but shrink back, because the power of these slaves they were familiar with at this moment was terrifying to them.

And with such a large number of slaves, they have no idea of ​​​​colliding with each other.

Ahhhhh. Roar~

Almost instantly, a behemoth more than nine meters high appeared. His aura climbed crazily, his tentacles were waving continuously, and countless crazy eyes on his head were watching all living things.


Pu Sheng and Charles looked at each other and ran away without thinking.

When you come up, use a big move? What kind of play is this?

The eight huge monsters on the periphery began to vent their power.

Their fists, which were more than half a meter wide, slammed into some people.


The terrifying energy surrounded the entire town, and at the same time, the monster where they were originally had already waved its violent fist.


The entire dark night town shook violently, and an extremely terrifying energy frenzy was vented crazily.

Screams and roars resounded through the sky, and even a considerable part of the Dawn Team who were about to run away were involved in this disaster.

The nine mad blooms are destroying everything they can see indiscriminately.

The only person who can resist this kind of monster is the Golden One, but this kind of monster is completely unafraid of life and death. In the struggle between fighting for one's life and saving one's life, whoever is more afraid of death often has the upper hand.

The nine monsters showed absolute destructiveness at this moment.

Article 45 of the Night Town Law, those who damage buildings will be imprisoned, fined, and beaten with a cane!

Article 3 of the Dark Night Law, anyone who kills without reason shall be punished!

The old voice ignored all the chaos and resounded through the dark town.

Ahhhhh. Why? Die, let's all die together.

A Crazy Bloom suddenly froze, and then he burst into hysterical shouts, and the power in his body increased crazily.

In the released state, once such monsters are suppressed by a stronger force, even for just a moment, they will release a force beyond their own limits and fight to the death with that force.

For a time, the mayor's order was thwarted in a direct conflict for the first time.


The huge roar resounded throughout the battlefield and even spread beyond the battlefield.

Captain, did you do this?

Lilia's eyes were a little frightened, feeling the chaotic atmosphere dozens of kilometers away, and she asked with a trembling voice.

Bai Bing said calmly: It's just some regular monsters. Don't worry, let's go. These monsters won't last long.

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