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Chapter 167 Long time no see, you two

Chapter 167 Long time no see. You two

boom! boom! boom!

Forced execution.

clank clank.


Don't come here, you monsters. How did these slaves become so strong?

Protect the laboratory, don't let monsters in, give up the encirclement and suppression of those people and retreat.

Forced execution.

Why why? Why!!! Why are we born humble? We have become extraordinary through our own efforts. Why do you want to destroy everything about me? Ahhhh.

Kill kill kill

Blood and fire, chaos and order, roar and violence.

At this moment, the dark night town was like a purgatory on earth. Some extraordinary people were constantly baptized by the aura of madness, and extremely tragic scenes appeared in their minds.

These scenes gradually caused their emotions to get a little out of control. The weaker Transcendents rushed towards the frantic monsters as if they had lost their minds, and more direct collision sounds were heard.

In the entire town, the only calm person was Mayor Night, who quickly spliced ​​his body back into the cage.

He quickly flipped through the black-covered book in his hand, his cold voice carrying the unique majesty of the rules.

The law is enforced at night, killing and arson, destroying buildings, killing law enforcement officers, endangering public safety, organizing terrorist attacks, massacres, punished for several crimes, and forced execution!


The power of the rules collided with a Crazy Bloom, and suddenly the Bloom's body began to be erased. His bones were being crushed, as if destroyed, and his body was shrinking visibly to the naked eye.


But it was also at this time that Bloom burst into hysterical shouts.

The impact of frenzied power spread wildly, knocking away the Dawn Team who wanted to step forward and kill this big guy.

The slave releases his inhibitions and fights with the powerful rules of this world with strong unwillingness.

Release is absolutely opposite to the rules.


The terrifying rules were ejected at this moment, and a terrifying aura erupted from the huge monster that expanded to thirteen meters.

He raised his fists high and slammed them down with unparalleled madness.


A layer of transparent rules appeared above the mayor's head.

He scolded unhurriedly: Assaulting the mayor will be punished with an additional penalty and forcibly executed!


The rules that were stretched just now come again, trying to erase the final burst of madness and bloom.

You can't resist, why can't I resist? Since I can't resist, why should I be born into this world? Die, die with me, this world will be buried with you, you all have to be buried with you, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Hysterical roars stirred up the ground, the wild and blooming body was still expanding, and its power was still rising endlessly.

It does not allow its last resistance to be hindered in any way.

Click click click.

In this extremely powerful force, the rules above the mayor's head are shattered.

He raised his head numbly and looked at the madness of this monster, his eyes still calm: Force execution, force execution

The low murmurs combined with the turning of the pages continued to reinforce the rules.

But the cracks in the rules have reached a certain limit. The monster's hundreds of eyes are already bright red, and its eyeballs are staring to burst one by one, and the expansion of the whole body has also reached a limit.


There was a buzzing pause, and then with the mayor as the center, a wave of air formed a ball and spread crazily in all directions.

The buildings, the earth, everything was turned into powder under this blow.

Even some of the Dawn team who were preparing to rush forward could only retreat in this shock wave.

Taylor pulled his teammates and ran wildly out of the town.

His eyes were scarlet, and now only two of his four teammates were left. These monsters were too powerful, and every attack was an irresistible madness.

They launched every attack as the last blow. As a golden man, he could clearly defeat the monsters, but he was intimidated by their momentum and hesitated time and time again.

Isn't the captain of the team... not going in?

What a bullshit. These monsters are not with the town. They will beat whoever they catch. Let's leave before those monsters are targeting us. We will talk about other things when the place stabilizes.

Taylor said and ran away frantically. Almost all the members of the Dawn Team, after seeing the power of the wild bloom, no longer thought of confronting the enemy and fled quickly.

The Dawn Team in Taylor's direction had good luck. They used the wildly blooming shock wave as cover and left the town in an instant and walked into the distance.

Those in other directions were not so lucky.

A running Dawn team felt a strong sense of peeping.

As soon as the team leader turned his head, his heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

A nine-meter-tall monster had arrived behind them at some point, raising its fists high and slamming them down.


Captain Dawn's last thought was also a bit confusing. Why is this monster so powerful and faster than expected?


The night town has disappeared, and the only six monsters left in the field are roaring crazily. They need to vent, and they will kill all living things.

One monster approached another monster because it was chasing the Dawn Team. Suddenly, the two monsters looked at each other with hundreds of eyes.

In an instant, a vigorous roar erupted, and the two monsters collided violently.

They have no distinction between friends and foes. Whether they are both members of the Crazy Bloom or the Dawn Squad, even if the White Plague appears within their range of perception, they will kill all creatures they perceive equally.


The collision between the two caused the violent wind to vent. In a huge pit among a pile of monster fragments, the power of rules was flowing.

The mayor, who had been smashed to pieces by the suicide attack, slowly recovered his body.

His old face is still empty, and the damaged books in his hands are being repaired by rules.

He stared blankly at the large pit hundreds of meters deep, chose a direction at random, and walked unhurriedly towards the place where the two monsters collided.

As the mayor, he has the right to punish any creature that breaks the law in the town. No matter how strong the creature is, it will still die within the law.

Made, what kind of monster is this?


A huge monster slowly fell down, and the only two remaining golden tops of Rose of the Night asked questions.

There are a total of six golden tops among the Night Cultists here. Two died in Charles's wave, and one died in a collision with the Dawn Team in the chaos. Just now, a companion took away a frantic monster, but he also died in the hands of the monster in the end. .

Now there are only a fighter and a mage left who were injured and did not rush too fast.

But now in the distance, the power of rules is colliding with two monsters. The two monsters chasing the people of Dawn Team have run away and are colliding outside the town.

Now that they had just finished dealing with a frantic monster, they were targeted by the last monster again.

The madness in those hundreds of eyes made people shudder, and the unparalleled sense of oppression made the Night Cultists feel tremendous pressure.

The face under the fighter's mask was extremely pale. He was staring at the monster and accumulating strength.


The monster rushed forward, hitting the two of them at a speed that was not suitable for its size.

Golden flames erupted from the fighter's body, and he charged up and punched hard.


Time seemed to stand still for a moment, and then an extremely strong airflow erupted between the two, and the monster's attack was blocked.

The already severely collapsed ground suddenly began to sink at this time, and an underground building complex began to be exposed to the air.

In the center of the building complex, a group of people wearing robes and faceless masks were surrounding something. They were chanting spells, and the fluctuations of magic power were flowing, but no breath was released.

The gravel fell and energy flew everywhere.

They seemed to have no entity. The powerful energy fluctuations and the falling gravel all passed through these buildings without disturbing the mages inside.


The fighter coughed lightly, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked at the monster that was knocked back by the heavy blow.

He bent his knees and was about to jump up for a combo when he was suddenly stopped by a burst of energy.

In the sky, a magic spear more than a hundred meters long was formed at some point. It was spinning and falling with powerful magic fluctuations.

The moment the monster fell, the arrow hit the monster's chest directly.

boom! Buzz~

Magical air surged out, and the monster covered in tentacles was instantly blasted into the ground, causing shuddering magic fluctuations to circulate.

The fighter took a step forward, preparing to pursue the victory and deal with the monster directly.

But being stopped again, he looked at the mage with a weak but murderous look: What are you doing?

Thoughts appeared in the mage's eyes: We have to go in to protect the gods. We really don't have many people, and these monsters are irrational. As long as they can't sense our breath, they won't chase us in.

The mage said, regardless of whether the fighter agreed or not, the terrifying magic wave directly enveloped the two of them, forcing them to escape into the illusion of the building complex.

What else does the fighter want to say.

But the frustrated Crazy Bloom had already stood up. It was looking around with red eyes, and instantly stared at a multi-handed rule monster.

That one was brought out by Charles. He was blasted by a frantic hammer just now and is now slowly recovering.

Die, all die, and be buried with me, ah ah ah

Violent roars resounded across the sky.


The extreme speed caused smoke and dust to fly all over the sky, and the sonic boom brought a powerful impact, destroying the ground as it advanced.

Its body continued to expand. When the monster looked at it, it jumped high and raised its hands above its head. Incomparably terrifying power was gathering.

When the power reached a peak, it suddenly began to fall, like a meteor, hitting the regular monster hard.


The ground of the dark night town also began to disappear, and there was no longer any building in the field.


The monster's roar echoed through the sky, and in just five minutes, there were only four Crazy Bloom and two regular monsters left on the field.

Everything else was reduced to rubble, and even the entire ground sank hundreds of meters, truly being wiped off the map.

This huge pit has also been reduced to a colosseum. Powerful fluctuations erupted in this huge pit that was more than ten kilometers long, and the pit continued to expand.

This this.

Lilia looked at the scene in front of her in stunned silence. Before she even got close, she could feel the collision of auras that frightened her.

There was a strange look in Bai Bian's eyes. The core of the rules of the taboo college was destroyed before it reached this level.

And now that there is nothing left in the Night Town, why are those rule monsters still alive and well?

Could it be that the law system is the core of this rule area?

Captain, what is this?

Lilia finally asked her question: Where did Ren go? Is he dead too?

Bai Bian shook his head: He's not dead, don't worry.

The numerous mechanical mosquitoes and flies in his eyes conveyed every picture of the scene. Not far from the small town that looked like a huge pit in the sky, some members of the Dawn Team looked at the huge pit with lingering fear.

They did not leave directly, perhaps because they were unwilling to do so, or perhaps because of something else.

Everyone is waiting for a result.

However, the white plague did not see Charles and Puseng, and it was unclear whether they would die inside.

Charles' terrifying expertise ensures that he will not fall so easily.

He and Pu Sheng definitely ran away immediately. As for where they went, he didn't know yet.

But there’s no need to know.

Everyone's advantage is gone. He has Lilia beside him. If Charles still dares to let those people from the Dawn Team come over, then it's really not sure who the Dawn Team will listen to.

As for Pu Sheng, how much power will he still have after this wave?

The last wave of madness and blooming attacks began to be released, the earth was shaking, and the blood was spreading.

Let's go over and take a look.

Bai Bian said, grabbing Lilia's arm and lowering his body. 580's agility gave him a sense of speed, and the sonic boom sounded far away.

Pairs of eyes looked at him, revealing shock and fear.

This speed has reached the level of gold.

In this world, there are very few top existences and legends.

When Bai Bian and Lilia approached the giant pit, all the roars in it stopped.

At this moment, the whole world was extremely quiet.

The members of the Dawn Team in the distance approached hesitantly, but did not dare to get too close. During this trip to the regular area, nearly twenty members of the Dawn Team died.

This is a terrifying figure, one that the Kingdom of Sabah will not be able to recover for at least fifty years.

Bai Bing looked at the bottom of the pit.

There are rules being nurtured there, and an old man and a huge monster are recovering quickly under the influence of the rules.

Above them is a peaceful construction area. This building is very magical. It is floating, and the original underground base has become an aerial base.

Judging from the radiance reflected above, this should be located in another space.

Among them, there are night cultists who are busy. Two cultists are at the top of the space, looking calmly outside.

Lilia looked around and suddenly felt something. She hid behind Bai Bian and looked to the left with a somewhat fearful look.

Bai Bian smiled: Long time no see, you two.

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