The battle was bloody and brutal.

The beasts are wailing and the monsters are roaring.

A lot of blood dyed the ground red, but it was directly turned into powder by the monster's hammer.

In the school, the five regular monsters slowly returned to their human form, but some of their bones were still twisted, and they staggered towards the giant beast battlefield.

Regular monsters are generally extremely difficult to kill, and they don't have any weaknesses.

There are only three ways to kill them.

1. Create rules that allow them to violate their own rules, eventually forming a conflict of rules.

2. Violent killing. Every time they recover themselves, they need some rule power in the rules area. If you keep killing them, you may be able to really kill them after hundreds of kills.

3. Find the core of the rule area and destroy it. Then the rule area will disappear, and the rule creatures in it will also disappear.

Other than these three methods, they are invincible.


Yu Yuan roared with all his strength. He finally tore open the giant beast's head, grabbed the beast's brain and crushed it into pieces.

The body of the frantically struggling giant stiffened suddenly, and its long tail finally drooped, motionless.

Classmate, the school does not allow destruction of buildings.

Classmate, no loud noise is allowed in school

Classmate, you are tired. I will cook for you.

It's wrong for classmates to beat teachers.

A hoarse, numb, and weird sound sounded.

The five twisted people, who were only as high as Yu Yuan's ankles, raised their hands one after another.

An even weirder power came suddenly.

Yu Yuan's hundreds of eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and the scarlet tentacles on his body exploded and quickly recovered.


He roared, turned around, and slammed down his huge fists.


A regular force blocked his blow and restrained his huge fist in the air. The giant beast's brain on it was wiped away by a force as soon as it dripped.

At the same time, his internal organs were rupturing, his bones were dislocating, and hundreds of eyes on his head were exploding one by one.

Yu Yuan's eyes stared to the limit, as if his anger had reached a new limit after being blocked from venting, and each eye was completely dyed red with bloodshot eyes.


A loud roar sounded, and his body expanded again, exceeding ten meters.

Endless blood spread crazily.


There was a sound like breaking glass, and the rules were gradually destroyed by this extreme power and blood.

The huge fist fell violently.


A thundering sound erupted, and the collapse of the earth continued to spread to the edge.

Centered on Yu Yuan, buildings within a radius of five thousand meters collapsed, and buildings further away began to shake.

Thousands of meters high in the sky, mechanical mosquitoes and flies were flashing with electric sparks as they fell downwards.

Ho~ho~ho~ Why, why, why? I will bury you all with me and die!

A human cry came out of the monster's mouth. It was a kind of release after being extremely aggrieved. With unparalleled strength and belief, it gave out the cry of a little person.

From birth, these slaves are bound by rules and live like puppets on strings every day.

After finally reaching transcendence, the rules were weakened again, and it seemed that the days of numbness were coming to an end.

As a result, what greeted him was not the elegance of an extraordinary person, but the aloof attitude of the nobles, and that attitude crushed him into dust.

With daily whipping and humiliation, the nobles destroyed his self-esteem and personality, but he could not resist. Every time he resisted, one or more friends and relatives would be tortured to death in front of them.

He couldn't even die, because if he died, everything related to him would die with him.

Everything about him was wiped away, leaving only numbness.

So when the madness was summoned, his soul merged crazily into it. He could feel that as long as he became one with the madness, he would have a chance to vent.

An opportunity to shout out all the unwillingness of this life.

He can speak his mind to the world and vent his grievances about every injustice.

At this moment, Yu Yuan is himself, even though he relies on other people's means.

Madness and Bloom exerted its most extreme power, which was infinitely close to the limit of the golden boss.

The city is collapsing, the tall buildings are disappearing, and the taboo city is coming to an end.

When violent force destroys a house on the edge of the city.

Around Madness, the old monster who had finally recovered himself froze. His empty eyes controlled by the rules now had some vivid colors.

He was the principal of a forbidden college, but he personally killed many children in the school.

He was in pain but could do nothing. Now everything was finally over.

A tear belonging to the rules slowly fell to the ground.


A bell sounded like it came from the soul, the city's last vestige of life, death.

Bai Bing looked at the frenzied bloom of the body, as well as the ruins and dead cities all over the city, with some shock in his eyes.

His understanding of blooming seems to be deeper, and his emotions

Zero: [The energy level of the transformed body is at least level 70 and can reach up to level 79. It has been listed as taboo transformation knowledge. 】

Bai Bian thought for a while and stood on the teleportation array.


The vibrations in space resounded, and the teleportation of thousands of kilometers made his brain dizzy for a moment, but his endurance of 530 made this dizziness disappear quickly.

He felt the remaining fluctuations in the air, his eyes thoughtful.

This is the other extreme of insanity.

Abandoning the possibility of control, only the ultimate catharsis is retained. In this catharsis, the material, carrier, and soul are all things that affect its upper limit.

Madness and blooming can no longer be called flesh and blood transformation.

But biological weapons.

Real biological weapons are disposable.

Bai Bian squatted down and touched the powdered ground. He raised his hand and the remaining dozen mechanical mosquitoes in the sky flew down and entered his space ring.

Bai Bian slowly walked towards the remaining remains of Yu Yuan.

After inspecting it, Bai Bian felt a little emotional. The bloom this time was perfect. The body of extraordinary creatures should have extraordinary attributes even after death.

For example, a corpse with an endurance of 100 is much harder than an ordinary corpse.

But the remaining limbs after the crazy explosion were completely ordinary flesh and blood.

No extraordinary attributes at all.

White Blight looked at the huge lizard, whose body was still melting.

Monsters created in the rule area will have their rules dissolved after the rule area is destroyed, and they are not real creatures after all.

Turning around, White Blight began to set up the teleportation array. It was just here to confirm the corpse of Crazy Bloom. As a researcher, he needed some data to make better improvements.

But now it seems that everything is perfect. If the core of this world is found, then these slaves don't know if they can be refreshed.

If possible, this transformation would be completely reduced to a weapon.

The only limit is the materials. After all, the materials for crazy transformation are not cabbage. There are some things that even money can't buy.


After setting up the teleportation array, Bai Bian felt something as soon as he stood up.

He bent down and picked up a transparent crystal among the powder.

[You get Tears of Rules x 1. 】

[Tears of Rules: The crystallization of rules, perhaps it contains the power of some rules. 】

[Tip: Submit the rule crystal to the panel and you will receive a special skill point. 】

[Special skill points: Skills with full proficiency can be upgraded once. 】

Bai Bian was stunned. He had never heard of such a special skill point?

But looking at the literal meaning, it seems that the power of the panel is used to develop skills?

Like Madness and Madness·Bloom?

Or is it an upgrade of skills?

Bai Bian looked at the crystal in his hand, his eyes thoughtful, he even wanted the panel, it seemed to be a good thing.

Upgrade skills. The power of rules.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian gave up submitting it to the panel.

The reward was very tempting, but Bai Bian had an idea.

This world is a world created by Lady of the Night with rules, so can this tear of rules understand some of the rules of becoming Lady of the Night?

Maybe his current strength is too low to understand the use of this thing, but the urgency of the panel shows its value.

Therefore, rather than upgrading a skill, White Plague is still more inclined to use it in a better place.

For example, Peace of the Federation, Level 90 Sword Master.

Take it back and show it to him first. If it can help Juggernaut break through, Daybreak's development can go in a radical direction.

Although the Forbidden Legend does not increase the lifespan, it is still relative. The increase in strength will increase the lifespan by ten or twenty years.

Combined with the original thirty-year life span, the protection he can get is much more than upgrading a skill.

And the power possessed by the Forbidden Legend is of the same quality as that of a god.

As long as there is a forbidden legend, then the federation can create forbidden equipment.

The enhancement of ordinary legends by forbidden equipment is terrifying. In short, as long as the sword master breaks through the first level, the federation will no longer be trembling.

With Bai Bian's growth rate, he is confident that he will enter the legendary realm in fifty years.

And if the old sword master doesn't need it, then it won't be a loss if he exchanges it for a skill point.

The spiritual power surged out and instantly enveloped the entire battlefield. There was no warning from this thing. What if something was missed?

The investigation of mental power was completed almost instantly, but unfortunately, no similar crystals were found.

A little disappointed, but he soon cheered up.

Regular monsters can explode such good things, so why don’t we also throw in two frenzy and blooms in the other regular areas?

Anyway, there are still nine frenzy left, you can try more

Thinking about it, Bai Bian was a little eager to try. The power of Madness and Bloom was stronger than he expected.

Night Town doesn't need that many. Even with Charles and the others, five of them should be able to almost wipe out their advantage.

Standing on the teleportation array, fluctuations in space flashed by, leaving only an explosive in place.

With a bang, the teleportation array was destroyed.

Bai Bian shook his somewhat groggy head, walked out of the laboratory, and prepared to go find the king.

In addition to the Night Town, this kingdom also has three regular areas, and he needs the accurate coordinates of these regular areas.

But at this moment, Zero's reminder appeared.

Zero: [Conflict breaks out in the dark night town, and the new rules of the town today are: shadows cannot be stepped on. 】

Bai Bian paused slightly and frowned, how could it be now?

How could it be now?

Pu Sheng looked at the midday sun and frowned deeply.

It had only been one day, and he had clearly informed Charles of the white plague.

And now that the white plague has not appeared, Charles will launch a general attack now unless he is crazy.


Wave after wave of powerful fluctuations dispersed widely, entering the night town in different positions.

The killing and destruction spread.

Those people are coming in, gather together and kill them.

A somewhat indifferent voice sounded, and Pu Sheng turned his head. The one who spoke was a somewhat weak golden man.

The fighter whose fist was directly smashed by Charles early yesterday morning.

The aura on his body was a little unstable at this time, but he could still see its murderous intent and displeasure.

The golden one is considered to be the absolute top among Rose of the Night.

He has never been run over by anyone, and the one yesterday was the most aggrieved time for him.

Okay, spread out. Today's rules are not suitable for collective combat. Pu Sheng nodded in response, turned around, and disappeared instantly.

He is going to find the mayor. Charles is too dangerous. He needs the protection of a big daddy. The mayor who represents the rules of the night is obviously the best one.

While sneaking quickly, Pu Sheng was suddenly stunned for a moment, turned around and walked towards the center of the town.

It suddenly occurred to him that Charles would not be that stupid.

First of all, there are only three goals for everyone: the world core of the small world, the abominations that are being nurtured, and the method of creating the abominations.

And none of the three seem to need a head-on collision.

It would be fine if Charles's purpose was the core of the world. To find this thing, he would need to waste some effort and even destroy this town, but the other two would need to do so.

Now that there are so many members of the Dawn Team, Charles can completely rely on his own stealth to bypass the direct conflict and go straight to the base camp of the Night Cult.

Pu Sheng quickly came to the center of the town, and then began to summon his teammates in the way of the Night Cult.

He couldn't call the old mayor. He was currently busy cleaning up the members of the Dawn Team and wanted to stop Charles.

There are a total of six golden tops among the Night Cultists, and he needs at least four to be sure of victory.

About thirty seconds passed.

Two beings wearing masks and robes arrived.

They all looked at Pusheng with some confusion, wondering why they had to gather in this situation. Shouldn't they go to kill the enemy?

The creation of the Abomination is now at a critical moment. We only need to ensure the normal birth of the Abomination. The core is the most important, and right now, there is no protection here.

The two Night Cultists looked at each other, nodded, and obeyed Pu Sheng's arrangement.

For them, Lady Night's mission comes first.

The rules of this world are daily. The task is to create the evil beings and put them into the Dawn Federation.

When both need to be followed, there is a sequence.

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