Kingdom of Sabah, royal palace.

Bai Bian looked at the trace of fish belly white in the sky and felt a little disappointed.

Sure enough, there was still no fight.

But it’s not without good news. According to the news from the mechanical mosquito left on Lilia’s body, there was indeed a collision in the dark night town last night. Charles’s condition seems to be very abnormal. During the discussion, everyone’s attitude towards him They were all very respectful.

And in this world, it seems that the only thing that can make such a big change in the attitude of so many members of the Dawn Team is strength.

This reminded White Blight of one of Charles' specialties.

[Dark Release: A power that does not belong to him is accumulating. When the health value is lower than 20%, the health value is locked for three seconds, and the strength +99, agility +99, endurance +99, and intelligence +99 continue until the power of darkness Disappears, cooling time is 30 natural days. 】

If true, then it would be equivalent to consuming Charles' life.

But no matter how many times he thought about it, Bai Bian always felt that Charles's expertise was ridiculously strong.

If the attribute points exceed 30 points, it will be crushed. This specialty is definitely a weapon for turning the tables.

But now Charles doesn't have this, and his threat is greatly reduced.

This world cannot exist for another month, at least the White Plague will not allow this to happen.

Bai Bian thought about it, but when Charles went to investigate the information, he was directly forced to use his trump card.

This illustrates three things.

1: The level of Lilia’s specialty [Blessing of Doom] is stronger than he imagined.

2: Pu Sheng’s control over the Night Cult is much higher than he expected.

3: The natives of Night Town are ridiculously strong.

This is good and bad. Lilia still listens to him, and others cannot detect this expertise. This is a great advantage.

[Blessing of Doom: Anyone who has ill will towards you will receive bad luck. The higher the malice value, the more powerful the misfortune will be. 】

As long as he shows up with Lilia, both Pu Sheng and Charles will be in bad luck.

And according to the law that weakening the enemy is one's own strengthening, this wave seems to be somewhat stable.

Bai Bian was a little happy, but he still needed to know more news.

Charles still needs the Dawn Team, so he can't kill Lilia in front of the Dawn Team, but if he can see Lilia, then his bad luck will continue.

Maybe Lilia is the real breaking point.

Checked the growth rate of the Evil Blade.

[Growth: 78%]

Pulling out the Extremely Evil Blade, Bai Bie put away the box containing the blood pool with some regret.

If it can reach 90%, White Plague will bite the bullet and use soul resources and blood essence to beat it to gold.

If it's 78%, forget it. The completion of the blood essence transformation has greater value.

But it is indeed a bit slow, and I have to find a way to speed up its transformation.

Putting away the Extremely Evil Blade, Bai Bian began to wait quietly. Charles might find a way to contact him, but it didn't matter. At present, the nobles of the Kingdom of Sabah were still under control, and even if the news was leaked, it would not be that fast.

He can continue to study [Frenzy·Blooming].

He planned to continue developing this kind of transformation, as well as the explosive [Praise to the Sun], but he suddenly thought that he might not be able to do anything with the real Sun.

But the small world is different. The world created by Lady of the Night, then the sun rules of this world are the sun understood by Lady of the Night.

And this kind of sun is quite different from the real sun.

If you can intercept a copy of the sun in the small world and make it into a solar tribute, then this can also be regarded as a nuclear weapon in the extraordinary world, right?

Even merge this ultimate version of Praise to the Sun with an intercontinental launch silo.

There was a hint of excitement in Bai Bian's eyes, that was the real art of explosion!

Time passes quickly, and the day passes quickly.

During this day, Night Town was still the same small town, and the number of people outside the town also reached its peak, more than 130 people.

This means that nearly thirty Dawn squads have gathered under Charles' command, which is a terrifying number.

If Bai Bian encountered an encirclement and suppression team of this level now, he would have no choice but to turn around and run away, with no chance of winning.

After all, it’s true that the boss template is very strong, but how many of the ones that can enter gold are weak?

Especially when it comes to gold level, if you take it seriously, White Plague can't kill it directly.

Bai Bie arranged the fourth teleportation array and told Zero to pay attention to the changes in the mechanical mosquitoes and flies.

He decisively walked into a teleportation array.


There was a buzzing sound in his mind, and the picture in his eyes was shaking rapidly. When it stabilized again, he had arrived in a wilderness.

This is the mithril mine.

The material Mithril is really important. All equipment and mecha from silver level to legendary level need this material.

Gold essence is a metal with extremely high density, which can greatly increase the durability of any equipment. It is called a golden shield.

The reason why gold-eating bugs can form three million cones is that 80% of their bodies are made of gold.

Therefore, the more of these two materials, the better. Even if you can obtain tens of millions of tons of white plague at one time, it will not be too much.

Looking around, Bai Bian saw a mine that was surrounded by an official agency.

He walked over.

Malicious threats.

After a warm and friendly exchange.

[You get 3 tons of mithril. 】

Set up a teleportation array, and after it starts, drop a bomb to destroy the teleportation array.

Bai Bian happily walked towards another teleportation array.

[You get 7 tons of gold essence. 】

Back at the palace, after Bai Bian dismantled the two teleportation arrays in the mine, he looked at the third teleportation array.

This is the teleportation array leading to the forbidden university.

In the scene of mosquitoes and flies, the shops in this city are all buried in dust, the streets are messy, and the smell of decay is everywhere.

It can be seen that this city is prosperous, but after it became a regular area, the people in it ran away if they could, and those who couldn't ran died.

It soon became the abandoned city it is now.

Only a school in the center of the city and some residents who are bound by rules are running the last bit of life.

Among the information on forbidden colleges, the rules of that school are the most terrifying. There are more than one rule monsters in it, and there are also rule monsters wandering in the city.

There are two ways for these monsters to appear.

Punishment and assimilation.

Some people who break the rules are not killed directly by the rules, but by powerful monsters created by the rules.

These monsters will not disappear directly after killing the target, but will hide in certain cracks. Once someone violates the rules, they will appear again.

After a certain number of times, they will coincide with reality and finally come to this world.

Assimilation means that some people violate certain coincidental rules, and their thoughts are erased by the rules, but their bodies are given extremely powerful power, and they become people who only know how to act according to the rules.

Either way, they are both very powerful.

The White Epidemic's test this time is to accurately launch Madness and Bloom to test the strength of Bloom.

Yu Yuan, come here.

The White Plague beckoned to the first Frenzy Bloom.

The slave who was squatting and shivering in the corner slowly got up and walked towards Bai Bian with dull and depressed eyes.

Stand up and open your mouth.

Bai Bie ordered, and many mechanical mosquitoes and flies appeared in his hands.

Yu Yuan obeyed the instructions very obediently. The soul that dominated him now was the soul of the slave. These slaves were used to being obedient.

Standing on top of the teleportation array, he opened his mouth.

Bai Bie stuffed a handful of mosquitoes and flies into his mouth. The transmission of space was not something that these fragile micro-machines could bear.

And you can survive part of it in the mouth of Frantic·Blooming, and you only need to survive some when the transmission is over.

Because the guy who sent the mechanical mosquito to the Devil's High School was eaten by the monster when he got close to the high school.

It doesn't matter if he was eaten, but 90% of the white plague's mechanical mosquitoes were lost. The current mosquitoes are no longer enough to fully observe a gold-level battle.

Shut up.

Yu Yuan slowly closed his mouth at Bai Bian's command.

[Control the mechanical mosquitoes to stay away from Yu Yuan as soon as the space fluctuation disappears. 】

Zero: [Has taken over control of mosquitoes and flies. 】

White Plague began to input magic power into the teleportation array.


The vibrations in the space rose, and suddenly, there seemed to be some fluctuations in Yu Yuan's numb eyes.

A terrifying aura slowly appeared, rising at a speed that even White Plague could not understand.


As the charging of the teleportation array was completed, the shock in the space disappeared instantly, and at the same time, an extremely angry howl sounded in Bai Bie's mind.


From his perspective, countless split screens instantly went dark. These were damaged mechanical mosquitoes.

The other pictures were quickly combined and zoomed out to form a single picture.

In the dilapidated city, the ground of the school was full of cracks, and a weak human race with a twisted body was roaring hysterically.

From the voice, the sense of unwillingness and explosion was very strong.

Waves of red fluctuations spread around him, and cracks in the surrounding earth spread.

The extremely terrifying breath disturbed the peaceful school.

In the corner of the screen, students quickly moved away with fear in their eyes, while a few stiff-bodied people walked towards the collapsed slave unhurriedly.


The hysterical roars continued, and as those people approached, Yu Yuan's body also mutated.

On his back, the death row prisoner's clothes suddenly exploded, muscles bulged high, and the veins were dyed bright red, exploding on his body, turning into scarlet tentacles that were waving continuously.

The blood began to spread.

Distortion, rapid formation.


When those stiff people were still thirty meters away from Yu Yuan, he had already swelled into a monster over nine meters tall, covered in scarlet, with dense eyes on his head, and tentacles all over his body.

He roared fiercely, and the sky in the forbidden high school began to turn scarlet with such powerful force.

The cracks in the ground beneath his feet have spread to the teaching buildings, and some buildings have begun to collapse.

Right in front of his roar, a stiff man was blown to a halt by the strong airflow. Behind him, buildings rose from the ground and collapsed crazily.

Classmate, the school is still making a lot of noise!

An extremely hollow voice sounded. It was a person who looked like a teacher. He took a ruler and slapped Yu Yuan fiercely.


The ruler hit one of Yu Yuan's tentacles. Scarlet color exploded instantly, blood spread, and Yu Yuan's body staggered forward.


A violent roar sounded, and Yu Yuan turned around angrily, raised his fists high, and then slammed them down.

The fist with a diameter of half a meter flashed with a frantic aura and stirred up strong winds, but you can tell how terrifying this blow is just by looking at the momentum.


There was silence for a moment, and then, a powerful sound raged, the ground suddenly began to crack, and all the buildings in this forbidden school were collapsing.

Half of the screen of the mechanical mosquito filmed at an altitude of several hundred meters went completely black, while the remaining mechanical mosquitoes continued to zoom out under Zero's control.


As soon as the endless smoke and dust rose, Yu Yuan punched down with all his strength for the second time.

The ground like a spider web turned into powder under the second hammer blow, and the earth began to collapse.

Classmates, please do not destroy the school.

An extremely hollow voice sounded, and a monster who looked like a kitchen aunt walked behind Yu Yuan, took out a butcher's knife in his hand, and swung it down.


Miso miso miso.

The tentacles behind Yu Yuan were cut off in an instant, and a bone-deep scar appeared on his back, and an extremely bloody aura spread crazily.


On Yu Yuan's face, hundreds of eyes showed extreme cruelty.

He raised his hands high, turned around, and slammed them down.


Houses farther away began to collapse.

Madness and release brought everything together in this battle.

Yu Yuan just wants to release everything about himself now, without caring about the consequences.



Boom, boom, boom.

The third and fourth, a total of five regular monsters came, but were instantly smashed into the ground by Yu Yuan.

He roared and hammered wildly, and the ground turned into powder was tamped under the hammer, but was turned into powder by even more violent hammer blows.

The violent body energy is constantly venting, and his hundreds of eyes are getting more and more angry, and his anger brings the bonus of [Frenzy] expertise.

The scarlet aura of violence circulated around him.

The bodies of the five rule monsters were broken rapidly, but they were constantly reorganized by the power of certain rules.

But as the hammering became more and more violent, it became more and more crazy.

Their recovery speed is slowing down, but Yu Yuan's power is getting stronger and stronger, as if there is no end, rising infinitely.

Even through the screen, Bai Bian seemed to be able to feel the instability in him.

It was really like a living bomb that would explode at any time. He could only rely on more wild venting to barely maintain the increase in power brought about by his anger.

Maybe the movement here is too huge.

In the distance, a lizard-like monster of more than thirty meters slowly came towards this side.

Yu Yuan noticed this monster. He jumped up high and fell sharply.


His huge feet slammed the five monsters into the ground, and with the help of the force of the fall, he exerted his body's strength to the extreme.

Then he jumped up suddenly, and while the ground sank instantly, he pulled himself into a straight line in an instant, almost flying at low altitude, smashing everything in the way, and collided with the huge lizard.


Yu Yuan's extremely angry roar sounded. He opened his bloody mouth and bit the lizard's eyeball fiercely.


Green blood exploded directly.


The giant beast was in pain and began to shake its head violently, but Yu Yuan clung to him, biting and tearing crazily.

The giant beast began to roll, roar and roar.

Its claws tore off Yu Yuan's flesh and blood, but it could not pat Yu Yuan off.

The nine-meter-tall giant frenzy started a real flesh-and-blood fight with the giant lizard more than thirty meters tall.

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