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Chapter 163 Law and Order System

Night town.

Under the moonlight, the town is extremely quiet at night. No one will come out at night, because the night always represents danger. Before the morning sun shines on the town, the rules for the residents of the dark night town have actually been refreshed. , just not displayed.

The things that the residents of this world need to do and cannot do every day can only be fully seen during the day.

Therefore, no one will leave their house at night. As long as they don't come out, they will not violate the rules that have not yet been formed.

Tap tap tap tap

Some mechanical footsteps sounded, and an old man with dull eyes slowly walked through an alley.

This is the mayor of the Night Town. As a product of rules, the laws of the town are his rules, and the mayor has the obligation to protect the city under the law.

So, after receiving word that someone was going to attack the town tonight, he went on patrol.

For a product of rules, the rules will always lead him to those who try to violate them.

Tap tap tap.

As the footsteps disappeared, under the moonlight, some people wearing faceless masks walked in another direction. Although the Night Cultists also had to abide by the rules of this town, they still had their own privileges.

For example, creating an underground shielded space for divine evil, or maintaining order in a small town and punishing those who violate the rules.

And tonight, the patrols of the Night Cultists were particularly intensive.

After both waves of people disappeared, a darkness squirmed in the corner, where the moonlight could not shine.

Then, in a residential building with some air leakage, Charles appeared in the corner with an ugly expression.

Although the mayor's appearance was conceivable, the actual appearance of such a monster still made him feel a little stressed.

Regularized monsters represent invincibility in this kind of rules area, and few beings can kill them.

Even for Dawn Team's hunting, most of them bypass this kind of boss, find the core of the regular area, and then destroy the core, so that this kind of boss disappears.

Charles' eyes were a little depressed. He was just about to go to the owner of this room to learn about today's rules, when there was a soft sound at his feet.


There was a sound of wood cracking. Charles paused and looked subconsciously.

The foundation of the house seems to be unstable. How is this possible?

As soon as this idea came to his mind, there was a loud bang, with him as the center, and a wooden floor around him collapsed.

A huge sound broke the quiet night.


The screams rose from the direction of the bedroom, like a siren, making Charles' heart sink.

Article 97 of the Night Town Law prohibits making noise after 11 o'clock at night.

Some old voices sounded, and a terrifying power suddenly erupted in the bedroom. The fear-filled screams stopped abruptly, followed by the pungent smell of blood.

Charles turned his head sharply and immediately saw the old man who had already walked away holding a thick book with a black cover in his hand and slowly turning his head towards him.

Shet! Charles cursed in a low voice. It was extremely unlucky for him to encounter such a bad thing!

Darkness Sneaks!


Charles' figure rapidly darkened, blending into the surrounding darkness.

Article 126 of the Dark Night Town Law. Sneaking into another person's residence without authorization will require you to be detained for forty-eight hours and fined. Blacksmith, you have violated the law!

An old voice sounded, and the mayor's words seemed to turn into a rule that instantly froze the darkness, preventing Charles from escaping.

Mader, a law-based monster!

Charles had the urge to curse. No wonder Pusheng, the butcher, asked the Night Cultists to patrol the mayor's house almost every day.

It turns out that the information is blocked!

Article 35 of the Dark Night Law. Anyone who insults a strong person, if the circumstances are minor, will be punished with thirty rods.

The mayor stared into the darkness, the black book in his hand flashing with black light, showing a mysterious halo under the moonlight.


Charles felt a powerful force tear open the darkness instantly and fall on him instantly.


Charles spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath began to wane.

The blood floated in the air, quickly turning dark, and the next moment, they burst out with powerful divine light.


The mayor's somewhat stiff body paused, and the book in his hand began to turn pages, finally settling on the ninth page of the book.

Article 9 of the Dark Night Law: Prison escapees shall be marked, wanted, and executed!


The mayor reached out and closed the book, turned around, and walked in the other direction with mechanical steps.

At the same time, an extremely special wave swept through the entire dark night town.

Pu Sheng on the other side was stunned for a moment, then smiled, waved his hand, and the black-robed figures wearing faceless masks quickly started running, spreading in all directions.

Tap tap tap.

The sound of rapid footsteps spread irregularly throughout the dark night town.

Red Notice: All attributes of the law enforcer +10%, all attributes of the wanted criminal -10%. If the law enforcer is within ten meters of the wanted criminal, the rules will give an early warning.


Whispered curses sounded, and Charles's eyes were full of gloom. How could that ground collapse?

But he didn't feel any energy fluctuations. It seemed to be something on the level of fate. He only knew that he was being targeted, but he didn't know who was being targeted.

He took out a bottle of pure black potion and drank it, and the aura on his body suddenly began to rise.

The Night Town is the core of the world. The rules here can be said to be the most powerful rules in the world, and the mayor can activate the power of the laws according to the laws, thus using the power of the rules.

This caused the mayor's combat effectiveness to rise rapidly, even exerting his world-limiting power.

Even if Charles had grown up, it would be difficult for him to get any advantage from the old mayor.

He even suspected that if Sirsis in the nightmare world violated the laws here, he would be suppressed by the rules.

Because he felt that he could challenge Sirsis at that time.

After looking around, I saw that this was a tavern. This kind of entertainment venue was very popular no matter what era it was.

Unfortunately, this is a world of rules. Unless someone's mission is to come to the tavern to drink, the tavern will not be able to open.

This is also true. A thick layer of dust has accumulated on the tables, chairs and benches here. Only the two benches and the bar are less dusty.

Charles didn't look much, quickly went up to the second floor, and pushed open a door with the power of his spirit.

Da da da.


This is the sound of chattering teeth and low whimpering. The owner here is shivering in the quilt. It is obvious that the fluctuation of the law makes these extraordinary people who live in despair feel despair.

Charles stretched out his hand, and the dark power fluctuated. In an instant, the space quickly shifted, and he led two residents to a dilapidated house.

As long as residents leave their rooms, it means they have given up the protection they had before the rules were revealed.

Charles looked at the two quiet humans, a man and a woman, and stretched out a hand. The subtle dark fluctuations looked a little permeable in the moonlight.

The two humans also stood up under the shroud of fluctuations. Their eyes were completely dark at this time, without any trace of white.

Charles moved his fingertips slightly, and the two people began to move quickly. Sometimes they put their hands together, held hands, and touched the ground. Sometimes they said some nonsensical words inexplicably.

Charles needs to quickly test out the latest rules, which can avoid a lot of trouble.

There is only one mayor, and as long as more than a hundred members of the Dawn Squad are spread out, it shouldn't be a problem to get the core of the town.

Tap tap tap.

The footsteps outside the door quickly crossed the eaves and walked into the distance.

Charles, who was instantly hidden in the darkness, calmly continued to control the two residents.

Hurry up, hurry up.

The bodies of the two residents began to twitch, and some excessively fast movements caused their bones to begin to dislocate, causing a slight clicking sound.

However, Charles was not kind enough to think about human rights. The fate of these two people was already doomed from the moment he randomly selected their house.

As time passed slowly, Charles' expression became a little complicated, looking relaxed and solemn.

Because these two people tried all the easily triggered rules, but the rules did not come, this shows that the rules of the Night Town today have a lot of flexibility.

Their entry will be safer.

As for Ning Zheng, it seemed that no footsteps had passed by for a long time.

this means.


Suddenly, a rule came, the twisted man's head disappeared, and a huge, smelly mouth slowly disappeared in the void.

Today's rule seems to be: be called by name, and then say yes!


The soft words rang in his ears, and Charles' hair stood on end. He turned his head sharply, and a group of people wearing faceless masks had surrounded the place without knowing it.

At the same time, waves of energy from another dimension descended on him, and his breath began to weaken rapidly.

Counting the restrictions of the law, his strength was directly weakened by 30%.

Universal slaughter of species!

Darkness descended around Charles, taking him with him as he tried to leave.


Waves of terrifying power descended, and more than thirty Night Cultists began to move around.

They were all geniuses at dawn. Restrictions, locks, and space restrictions enveloped this area, blocking all of Charles's escape routes.

At the same time, he heard a familiar voice: Mayor, the wanted criminal has been found, but he is still resisting.

Charles's heart sank fiercely. The mayor with seven or eight golden positions + the weakening of Pusheng + the nearly invincible law department seemed to have failed?

Charles stared at Pu Sheng and said expressionlessly: You're fine. Are you going to start a decisive battle directly?

There was a cheerful smile on the face under Pu Sheng's mask. What did he say?

Be a grandson first and then a father.

In the nightmare world, he fell to his knees, but in the night world, he stood upright.

The home field advantage is so domineering!

Without answering Charles' words, Pu Sheng whispered: The mayor will be here soon, don't give him a chance to delay, come on!


Charles' figure disappeared instantly.

The sword light flashed, and the feeling of extreme sharpness circulated, and the dilapidated house was split into two in an instant.


In the collapse of the collapsed building, the six-pointed star formation instantly frozen the smoke and dust, and also captured a ray of darkness.


A roar of struggle sounded, and a cultist of the night, whose black robe was bulging, grabbed the darkness, and the power of the rules forcibly dragged Charles.

No member of Rose of the Night is weak as long as they reach the gold level.

Many geniuses who have appeared in the Dawn Federation have died unexpectedly, but the places where these geniuses died, apart from those that really died accidentally, also have some traces of coincidence.

Because the Dawn Federation could not trace the source of these traces but felt something was wrong, it began to implement the policy of centralizing geniuses for protection.

After all, Night Rose was too vigilant while hiding.

When they first met Bai Bing, Bai Bing was at the top level of Bronze, so they sent two people with low level of Silver level to contain them.

It's so hard to fail.

Article 15 of the Dark Night Law, anyone who resists arrest will be punished!

An old voice sounded, and the power of rules was gathering.


A strong roar sounded, and the darkness instantly collapsed. Charles, who was about to forcefully escape, vomited blood and fell to the ground, his health value declining rapidly.

The Curse of Puseng followed.

An extreme sense of crisis enveloped Charles's heart. He looked around with some embarrassment, as the power of rules continued to erase his vitality.

No matter how you look at it, this seems to be a certain death ending.


Suddenly, he chuckled and relaxed his body.

Pu Sheng, who was behind the crowd, felt his heart skip a beat, and he quickly said: Mayor, he just killed two townspeople!

Arrest, escape from prison, insult the strong, break into people's houses, kill, punish several crimes together, and execute them by force!

The old voice became stern, and the book in the old mayor's hand began to turn pages. There was a clattering sound, and the power of rules came.

Charles suddenly became distorted, his health dropped rapidly, and dark blood appeared at the corners of his mouth and eyes.

But his state was still relaxed, and his eyes slowly turned to Pu Sheng, staring at the black-robed figure behind the crowd.

Without thinking, Pu Sheng trotted directly to the old mayor and stared at Charles with a smile. He had a big father here, so he didn't panic at all.


When Charles's health dropped to a limit, all negative states on his body suddenly disappeared, an extremely terrifying power circulated, and the night sky was instantly shrouded in darkness.

The aura that makes people feel hairy is rising, causing the surrounding Night Cultists to take a step back unconsciously.

The smile in Pu Sheng's eyes gradually disappeared, and he shrank behind the old mayor. He felt that something was wrong. Charles had grown stronger than he imagined.

No wonder you have the confidence to come in.

Unlike his solemn look, Charles's face turned completely gloomy, because he found that his aura seemed to be a little unstable, and something was blocking some of his abilities on another level.

It's like an extreme kind of bad luck.


There should be no problem in solving the problem of slaughtering the common people.

But suddenly, his expression changed slightly.

The aura on Charles's body rose crazily, and he tapped his toes.


The earth suddenly cracked, and he took his figure and ran through the obstacles of the Night Cultists and ran out of the town.

The golden fighter stood in front of Charles. His muscles continued to bulge, and he punched out without hesitation.


A violent roar sounded, the fighter's fist suddenly exploded, and the power of darkness invaded his body crazily.


A crushing pain came, and he was sweating crazily on his forehead. He couldn't imagine why the person he had crushed just now was crushing him again.

The other members of the cult were shocked by this scene, and by the time they reacted, Charles had disappeared.

The atmosphere in the venue became somewhat depressing.

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