Chapter 162 Madness·Blooming

And in the dark night town.

Pu Sheng looked at the three communicators with some pity.

Today's rule is not about looking at each other for three seconds, but about not looking at each other.

These three people who came in were bound by the rules at the first moment, and then a set of extremely weak buffs were superimposed, and the rules easily took away the three golden mid-level players.

Although it was a pity, Pu Sheng did not feel surprised.

If Charles really led someone to rush in, that would be what really surprised him.

Tonight is the official confrontation.

He looked at the ground and said calmly: The creation of God's Evil has reached a critical moment. You have also seen that there are many Dawn Teams gathered outside. We cannot let them disturb the stability of God's Evil in the past few days. We need to recruit manpower.

The notification has been sent out, but we don't know the rules for tomorrow. The Night Cultist wearing a faceless mask stopped abruptly, and then said in a different voice: Everything is for the supreme order.

The Night Cultists are actually members of the Night Rose, and the Cultists are just what people in this small world call them.

The members of Night Rose are all a mysterious team formed by the geniuses of Daybreak.

They actually have a lot of complaints against Lady Night, but they cannot speak out. The seeds rooted deep in their souls bind their souls.

Let them only act according to the guidance of the night.

Therefore, after Pu Sheng evaded the detection mechanism set by Lady of the Night, he was not suspected and could use his power freely.

Because the power of each Dark Night cultist is different, and for geniuses, it is common to awaken some special powers.

Pu Sheng nodded: You should pay more attention, but it is best not to have too many people come. I suspect that those outside are not all.

Pu Sheng paused and continued: I need to go to the mayor's house. The mayor is very powerful. We may need his support.

This is something outside the rules. The Night Cultist reminded.

In the rules area, when some people comply with certain rules, they will be eroded by the rules and become a strange and powerful monster.

In this town, the most powerful rule creature is the mayor. If this place is regarded as a dungeon, the mayor is the big boss of this dungeon.

The boss acts absolutely according to the rules. As Night Cultists, they cannot change any rules.

They can only capture the opponent if they violate some specific rules. Only when they encounter resistance during the capture can they kill these rule monsters.

It's troublesome, but this is how the Lady of the Night likes it. Their lives are under the control of the Lady of the Night, and they can only abide by it.

I know, but as the mayor, he has the obligation to protect his own townspeople. This is also the rule. Pu Sheng said and turned around and walked quickly into the city.

Compared to the White Plague, Charles is the person most feared by ordinary people, but now the White Plague has not appeared for a long time.

Pu Sheng began to feel a little uneasy. The invisible sword was the sharpest, so he needed to preserve some ability to deal with unexpected situations, otherwise he always felt that he would be in trouble this time.


[You created frenzy x9, experience value +930000, free attribute points +5, skill points +3, additional experience value +930000. 】

[Your light side level reaches 55. 】

[Based on the transformation of madness, you have created a new transformation, which has been named: madness and blooming. 】

[Name: Frantic·Blooming.

Attribute: Flesh transformation.

Effect: Strength, agility, endurance, and intelligence are greatly improved, with a minimum of 400+, depending on the modified experimental body and materials.

Negative effects: Madness and blooming will not give birth to reason. His tranquility is just accumulating power. This power will surely bloom and destroy all living things that can be seen and sensed, including itself.

Transformation requirements: Transformed body Silver is at the lowest level, and the Transformer's frenzy proficiency is at full value.

Introduction: This is really a crazy and extreme transformation. He is suppressing it, like the calm before the storm, which will always give people the most extreme shock - white plague. 】

Bai Bing breathed a sigh of relief, having failed twice, because this kind of crazy transformation was a mutation, and Bai Bing didn't have that deep grasp of it.

If it weren't for the new transformation skills that appeared on the panel midway, perhaps his failure rate would be even higher.

Fortunately, after three skill points, White Plague's understanding of frenzy is almost greater than that of evil thoughts. This transformation is very malleable.

Taking a look at the panel, he now had more than 3.7 million stored experience points, and now it only took 3 million experience points to upgrade to a level.

However, White Plague still plans to keep it, and he will gain more energy when upgrading. He wants to wait until the extreme mission is over before using these extra experience points.

But now, it’s just natural to upgrade.

He piled all his free attribute points on intelligence, and his current intelligence on the light side reached 465, and his level was only fifty-five.

Although it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain free attribute points, it is almost certain that one can reach 800 points before level 80.

And the most important thing is that although the light side has a low level, the dark side has a high level.

Although the level is not displayed, according to the comparison of various data, Charles has surpassed level 65 and should be able to reach around level 68.

[Host: Alchemy Demon.

Race: evil thoughts.

Template: Absolutely evil creature.

Level: There is no level display for extremely evil creatures. (Can only be improved by absorbing blood and negative power.)

Rank: golden middle.

Personal attributes: Strength 525, Agility 580, Endurance 530, Intelligence 200, Spirit 800, Charm -7, Luck 1.

Legend level: 6.

Titles: Hunter: ★★★★★, God Hunter: ★★★★★★★, Hell Hunter: ★★★★★.

Exclusive weapon: The Evil Blade.

Skills: Demon Flash, bloody backstab, malicious intimidation, extremely evil spirit, black gaze, stored soul, mental stagnation.

Specialties: Spiritual growth, spiritual defense, soul gourmet, light and darkness (unique), demon soul blood, collection of evil thoughts, extremely evil creatures, malicious deception.

Evaluation: He actually hunted gods! It actually absorbed the blood of God and evolved into a living being. Perhaps it shouldn't be called a living being. It has a better name: Abomination! 】

Bai Bing is still very satisfied with the current growth progress, but he still has to limit the growth of the dark side in the future.

He estimated that after the dark side's highest attribute points broke through to 650, there would be a risk of losing control, and he didn't know when all the tests of the Tower of Souls would be completed.

Therefore, the white plague will try its best to let the evil blade absorb the malice, blood, and soul caused by the killing.

Only after the Blade of Evil breaks through to gold will this weapon truly reveal its power.

After taking a look at the skill points that had returned to ten points again, Bai Bian stretched out, his bones making a crackling sound.

[Is there a fight over there? 】

Zero: [We are still waiting, but it is expected that the first head-on conflict will occur tonight. 】

At the same time as Zero reported, pictures appeared in front of Bai Bie's eyes. Those were pictures of mechanical mosquitoes and flies. At present, auxiliary work such as surveillance is done by Zero.

AI like Zero was originally positioned as an assistant to the alchemist, mainly to help the alchemist control the machinery, record experimental data, and control the direction of the experiment.

After all, when the alchemist created the AI, there was no Internet at Daybreak.

In the scenes transmitted by mechanical mosquitoes and flies, the dark night town is still so depressing.

Mechanical Mosquito did not go directly to take pictures of Charles and the Dawn Team. After all, strong men have very keen eyesight.

The exposure of a camera will arouse the vigilance of powerful people and even destroy the camera.

In a place where there is no order, the average alchemist will not look at others randomly.

In addition to the picture, there was also some conversational sound. This sound was quickly debugged and came to a noisy sound.

Bai Bian analyzed it carefully and roughly figured out the key from it.

The dispute arose when members of the Dawn Squad entered Night Town and announced today's rules, but later Charles said it was a trick of Night Town.

Strong people are very sensitive to sight, but they don't respond much to ears, especially when there are many people.

So Lilia has a mechanical mosquito on her body, and her current role is to weaken Charles and act as an eye.

After listening for a while, Bai Bian turned off the screen and looked at ten Crazy Blooms.

After thinking for a while, Bai Bian did not take them with him, but walked towards the king's new bedroom.

There will be no winner or lose in the battle between Charles and Pu Sheng tonight. 90% of the battles between the two will end because Pu Sheng reveals the existence of the white plague.

At least if the white plague is common, when Charles attacks with all his strength, it is absolutely possible to guess that Charles does not know that he has entered.

Because Pu Sheng didn't dare to use all his strength, why did Charles dare?

And if White Plague is Charles, after hearing this news, he will definitely withdraw first, and then rearrange his plan, and then there will be a small period of peace.

So White Blight plans to test some operations on Frenzy and Bloom first.

However, Bai Bian couldn't be sure that they would follow his own ideas. He was just trying to save others by himself.

And even if it is a test, Bai Bing will still keep his eyes on the Night Town. If they really turn the encounter into a decisive battle, Bai Bing will have enough time to participate.

In short, he has more choices in the dark.

Yeah. Yeah.

As soon as Bai Bian walked to the king's bedroom, he heard a familiar sound.

He looked at the sunset at the end of the horizon and was speechless.

The king's life was still in his hands, yet he still had the heart to think about this.

Bai Bian released some of his aura slightly, and the screams inside suddenly stopped.

About thirty seconds later, a force pushed open the door, and Wardle, who had already put on the royal robe, walked out with a suppressed look and a polite voice: Mr. Gula, do you have any instructions?

Gather up a copy of your kingdom's rules area information and give it to me. I'll need it in two hours. Bai Bian finished his instructions and asked, Also, are there any mithril and gold essence minerals in your kingdom?

White Blight did not ask about soul mines. The conditions for the birth of soul mines are extremely harsh. Even in a world created by God, it will take a long time for the development of soul mines to be possible.

One-tenth of the stars in the sky is a world created by God to cultivate soul minerals. Therefore, according to normal procedures, even if there is a vein of soul minerals in this world, it will be mined by Lady Night in advance.

No one will refuse soul resources, even if they are the terrifying existence of dimensional turbulence.

But gold crystals and mithril are different. Although these materials are very precious, gods do not look down on these things. Things that do not carry rules can be created by gods with divine power.

There are two, Waddell said with some difficulty. He knew what it meant, but he had no choice. This is the tragedy of the weak.

Put it in the information in the rules area and send it over together. Bai Bian nodded, turned around and walked back to the laboratory, and began to set up the teleportation array.

Now he still has to look at the dark night town. There are precise positioning of mechanical mosquitoes. He can go back at any time.

Bai Bian still hopes that he can guess wrong. If Charles really gets hit on the head, then he can safely accept the victory this time.

After the arrangement of the teleportation array was completed, Bai Bian took out the extremely evil blade, took out the blood pool he won from the devil, opened a little gap in the wooden box, and directly inserted the scalpel into it.

White Plague has been busy in the past, and there is always the risk of fighting, so the matter of Absolute Evil Blade absorbing the blood pool has been delayed.

The current growth rate of the Evil Blade is 7%. I hope it won't be too different after absorbing the blood.

After all, the breakthrough from silver to gold is different from the breakthrough from ordinary to bronze. Rapid growth is now impossible.

At nine o'clock in the evening, there are still three hours left before the rules are refreshed.

The king finally arrived with a two-hour deadline.

Bai Bian took the two documents, opened the one in the rules area and started watching.

Wardle did not leave directly, mainly because he did not dare.

Bai Bian quickly read the information on the five rule areas of the kingdom. His space ring flickered slightly, and several flies flew towards Wardell: Help me put this in the forbidden college.

Waddell paused, without raising any questions, caught the mechanical mosquito and turned around to leave.

Bai Bian was very satisfied with these workers. He ordered in his mind: [Always pay attention to the movements of the night town. 】

After giving the instructions, he looked at the Crazy Blooms who were all squatting in the corner.

The test he mentioned is actually very simple.

The characteristic of Frenzy·Blooming is that after being attacked, the [Storm Soul] skill will break into pieces and become a blooming power.

The teleportation array can cause concussion, which is also considered a space attack.

If the two are combined, it will be a big boss directly and accurately launched, or a boss who is using a big move. This is so refreshing, whoever faces it will know it.

Moreover, the various attributes of Frenzy and Bloom will continue to increase during the battle, and any weakening ability cannot weaken its attributes.

Although life must be short, this is the most perfect war weapon envisioned by White Plague, and even surpasses the deterrence of intercontinental missiles to some extent.

Because the power of missiles is fixed, but the big boss is different. Once it is teleported, it goes berserk and hits whoever it catches.

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