Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 161 Release anger, release everything

Bai Bian carefully examined the soul of a slave.

Then he discovered some of the hidden mechanisms of madness.

If evil thoughts are original sin itself, this madness is the power of original sin when it is indulged in excess.

These tortured souls are extremely consistent with madness, like springs being compressed. The greater the force of compression, the greater the force of rebound.

Madness is happy to be suppressed by the numbness of the soul, and then burst out with more extreme power, because this is the truth of madness.

Release inhibitions, release anger, release everything.

The frantic creature with huge limbs on the bed was slowly transforming, its body gradually compressed, and finally became like that slave. Even its demeanor, breath, and dejection were exactly the same as those of the slaves around it.

Bai Bian was silent, looking at the lifeless slave on the ground, and then at the frantic creature lying quietly on the operating table.

A special feeling appeared in Bai Bian's heart, it seemed to be a kind of depression.

And in this kind of depression, Bai Bian can feel extreme danger, and Bai Bian can even feel that the attributes of this thing will occasionally increase, as if he is blowing up a balloon, always worrying that the next second will happen. explode.

Bai Bian thought for a moment and looked out the window at those heinous guys.

He hesitated a little, whether he wanted to make twelve of these bombs.

Because he can feel that if this thing is singled out, it doesn't seem to be any weaker than his dark side.

Not counting skills and combat intelligence, Frenzy is even stronger.

If there are twelve madnesses, the white plague will feel like it is carrying twelve bombs on its body. If it is not careful, it will detonate and even affect itself.

After thinking for about three seconds, Bai Bian's eyes revealed a sense of excitement: Come down and go to the corner.

Bai Bian tried to command, but on the test platform, Madman looked numb, just like the slave just now. He numbly got out of bed, numbly went to the corner, squatted down, held his head, and remained motionless.

Bai Bian no longer hesitated and decisively started to make more time bombs. Just kidding, this time he discovered the ultimate transformation.

Although this thing doesn't distinguish between friend and foe, and even kills them themselves, it doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't go around talking about the effects of madness, then who knows?

Human nuclear bomb, this thing is the real weapon of war in his imagination.

He can even start with severe depression, traumatized souls, Stockholm syndrome and other diseases. This crazy transformation is more interesting than he imagined.

White Blight is now very interested in this transformation.

However, the direction of his research is somewhat different from that of Maku. In Bai Bian's view, as long as this thing has any controllability, it will be a one-time transformation.

In other words, give up the possibility of perfection and regard it as a bomb to shape.

And when the white plague was causing madness.

The Dawn Team outside the Night Town has reached nearly a hundred people.

The arrival of twenty Dawn Teams is almost the limit of the kingdom of Sabah. After all, this kingdom is not big, and many Dawn Teams prefer to go to powerful kingdoms.

And a week of waiting has made many people impatient.

Charles looked at Lilia, who had always been with Taylor, and stopped delaying. He stood up with a smile, magic surging in his mouth, limiting his voice to this area.

We have almost the same number of people. This rules area is very dangerous. Some of them may ignore their own rules, so you should be careful.

“Everyone has a secret, and your secret cannot be discovered by others. If you discover someone else’s secret, please kill the other person immediately, or stay away from the other person quickly.

Don't refuse other people's requests.

Charles repeated the rules that had been determined, then glanced at Lilia and said loudly: Please keep this rule in mind, and there will be a new rule in this town every day. Before departure, we need to Someone is going to explore the new rules, which one of you is willing to go there?

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen people came out. After they looked at each other, the three strongest figures among them suddenly disappeared.

They are all extraordinary beings of the stealth system, and their profession is to explore the rules. Now is the time for them to take action.

Charles began to wait with calm eyes, and the other members of the Dawn Team also suppressed their anxiety. In the rules area, even beings like them who are naturally able to ignore the rules cannot really ignore the rules.

For example, on the day when the plague was still in the town, the rule was no communication.

If it's just communication between these special groups of people, it's nothing. Once you talk to any of them, or those people talk to them, then the rules will be triggered.

The indigenous people inside will be directly wiped out, and they will be marked by rules. Monsters that are difficult to resist will appear according to their strength and kill them.

So no matter what, if you clear the regular area, you must follow the rules of the regular area, otherwise more than a hundred people will be killed by the rules.

Time passed slowly, and when half an hour passed, people outside began to feel uneasy, and the captains of the three teams among them had begun to pace anxiously.

There has been no news for such a long time, so it is almost certain that their team seems to be attrition.

Charles closed his eyes and waited for something. Ten minutes later, one of the three Dawn teams suddenly broke out into some commotion.

I found the rule, you can't look into someone's eyes for more than three seconds!

A young man said loudly, feeling a little relaxed.

Although there were some surprises, his team seemed fine.

The expressions of others gradually relaxed. As long as they knew the rules, this rule area would no longer be so deadly and would become explorable.

Then what are you waiting for? We can't spend all our time here. After solving this rule area quickly, we can also solve other rule areas quickly.

Come on, that guy named Fudong still describes this place as so terrifying. It's a waste of time.

This place has been figured out, so we don't need so many people, right? Just destroy the core here within the rules. More people is not good.

Who cares? Who knows what the core of this rule area is? I have experienced a rule area, and the core is actually an ordinary resident. If there are many people, they can just push through. This rule area does not have too many constraints. Differential destruction is the safest method.

Wait a minute, doesn't that Fudong not know the meaning of the first one? What if this one is aimed at us?

Targeted? What do you mean, our secret is probably not bound by the rules?

It's not impossible. Didn't the person named Lilia say that? They started reducing their numbers not long after they entered, and the reduction of gold-level staff is not that simple.

Just follow what we discussed before and just push it forward. We have more than ten gold medals here. Even if there are punishments according to the rules, we can still resist it.

It's better to be safe. It would be a pity if there are too many casualties. There will only be fewer and fewer people like us.

Discussions began. Although they had discussed tactics countless times in the past few days, they were always controversial.

After all, the teams have different styles. Some are conservative and some are radical. It is difficult to unify their opinions.

Charles, on the other hand, did not stop them from talking and waited quietly.

The Dawn team has gradually reached unity. According to the rules currently in hand, it is definitely correct to push directly.

According to the rule [cannot refuse other people's requests], it is best for them to move forward separately according to the characteristics of their respective teams.

Because if you encounter someone who says please don't hurt me, others can decisively kill that person.

Even if you encounter a request like Please protect me, as long as your teammates are decisive enough, they can kill the person who made the request before the rules take effect.

It may be difficult to protect the living, but it is not a big problem to protect the dead.

Time continues to pass.

There was a team whose members mostly looked gloomy and were stunned.

Among them, the member of the team responsible for receiving information and contacting the team members took out the communicator and was surprised when he looked at the words on it.

Because their teammates who they originally thought were dead seemed to be still alive, and sent out almost the same message as the team just now, telling them that they could not look at others for more than three seconds inside.

The spread of this good news has greatly increased the confidence of the surrounding Dawn team. After all, if they are still alive after an hour, this time is enough for them to bulldoze the place.

The only thing that feels bad now is the last team that has no news.

It's just that this time the interval was very short, and a message also appeared in their contact device. This time the message was to report that they were safe, but said that the rules had to wait a little longer, and he hadn't discovered it yet.

But this is even more surprising, because none of the three members who entered have died so far.

The members of the Dawn Team immediately decided to enter the night town.

But at this moment, Charles, who had been closing his eyes to listen to the message, opened his eyes, and his words with magic enveloped the restless crowd.

The rules are not clear yet, your teammates are dead.

Charles stood up, looked at the more than a hundred people, and said quickly: As for how I came to the conclusion, do you still remember the information you saw in the Dawn Guild before coming here? There may be more here than I imagined. Danger.

The members of the Dawn Team looked at each other in confusion.

But soon, some quick thinkers thought of something.

A young man asked: Are you saying that the messages just now were sent out intentionally by people inside?

This is impossible! The team leader who first broke the news retorted directly: Our team has a very special code for communication. The message just now does have such a code. This text message is true.

The other two teams also nodded in agreement, and none of the Dawn Team were stupid enough to survive until now.

When they summoned people, they had special symbols that only their team knew, so they were afraid of being tricked.

These three teams all saw this symbol in the message, so they directly confirmed that their teammates were still alive.

The other Dawn teams are similar. When the Dawn team is formed, the Dawn Guild will give them a lot of precautions and many manuals. This information will tell them what to do to live safer.

As a professional Dawn Team, they still know these technologies very well.

Charles said helplessly: The situation is different now. There is a person here who can ignore the rules, but he is recognized by the rules. If you don't believe it, will you let those three people come out and try?

The three captains looked a little ugly and looked at the team member responsible for liaison.

The team members also moved quickly and directly started to contact the three people who entered.

But as they communicated, the faces of the three liaison officers gradually became serious.

Because they found that although their teammates still responded to their messages, they even used various secret codes very smoothly.


These three people seemed to be urging them to enter, consciously or unconsciously, and refusing to come out!

Looking at their expressions, the three captains' hearts suddenly began to sink.

The looks in the eyes of other members of the Dawn Team began to change. This rules area seemed scarier than they imagined!

When the sun began to set in the sky, the three liaison officers gave up contact with their teammates.

Because the other party no longer responds to their messages.

It's as if the other party found out that his trick was exposed, so he simply didn't bother to pretend.

If this was a normal rules area, I wouldn't use my high authority to call you over. Therefore, we still need to think carefully about the strategy for Night Town.

Charles said solemnly: And this requires you to listen to my arrangements. I have been in this rule area for half a month. I believe no one understands it better than me. How do you feel?

The members of the Dawn Team looked at their captain, waiting for their decision.

The place fell into silence for a while.

Lilia looked at Charles with solemnity in her eyes. White Plague did not tell her about Charles' danger, but just asked her not to leave the sight of the Dawn Team.

And now, she was glad that she listened to the captain.

At the same time, she was also a little worried, because in the rules area, she also had a teammate hiding in the mayor's house. If it was true as Charles said, that teammate might have been in danger.

After a brief silence, Taylor spoke first: I can listen to you, but when you make arrangements, we need to know the reasons for your arrangements, instead of letting us bury ourselves in it.

A smile appeared on Charles' face: Of course, what I want is to avenge my teammates, and I won't let you die.

No one else had any opinions.

Charles smiled and said: Then first we need to wait until the time passes twelve o'clock. It is already evening. If the rules are refreshed while we are inside, it will be very troublesome. Now let's recharge our batteries.

Suddenly, a golden high-ranking man walked out expressionlessly, with a terrifying aura flowing around him. He looked at Charles coldly, with a somewhat depressed tone: You are using my teammates as pathfinding stones?

The other two captains also walked out. They were both middle-aged and looked at Charles with dangerous eyes.

Charles had a headache: This is a necessary process. If you were asked to lead this exploration, you would do the same, wouldn't you? I didn't hide any information from you.

The three captains paused, and the danger in their eyes subsided a little.

Before they spoke, Charles waved his hand: However, since you have all come forward, I cannot remain silent.

After twelve o'clock, I will be the first to explore the rules. If we are arguing about these now, why not think more about the rules I mentioned.

After the words fell, the dissatisfaction in the eyes of the three captains slowly disappeared.

A conflict was quickly resolved.

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