Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 160 Transformation and Unexpected Fit

Outside the dark night town.

Lilia saw that five Dawn teams had arrived and walked in their direction through the gap in space.

There is no connection between the Dawn Squads, but there is the Dawn Guild, and many Dawn Squads will update some rules in the rules area.

It will also write the characteristics of the powerful rules area and requests for help, and even find new teammates.

Everyone's enemies are the same, and the update of these rules can be used by others to learn from. After all, the rules are all night, so it is normal for the same rules to appear.

The casualty rate of Dawn Team is very high. Since they want to save the world, there are few people who are afraid of death. In other words, those who are afraid of death and can evade the rules have entered some kingdoms or established their own kingdoms. Drunken life and dreaming of death.

In the end, he watched as the people around him were killed by the rules one by one, and became the playthings of the rules.

So Charles infiltrated the Dawn Guild and changed some things there, resulting in what he wanted to be published in both this kingdom and the Dawn Guild in nearby kingdoms.

This is how these Dawn Teams were attracted, and finally, under the inducement of Charles, they agreed to enter the Night Town together and solve the rules area here.

Now that the number of people has exceeded twenty, it's time for her to go out.


When she got closer to less than a hundred meters, Charles looked at her sharply.

After being reminded, more than twenty members of the Dawn Team all looked over, and their extremely sharp eyes made people shudder.

Lilia was stunned for a moment, and there was a flash of murderous intent in her eyes. She quickly returned to reality and said weakly: I am also from the Dawn Team.

The sharpness in the eyes of the more than 20 people quickly disappeared, and the eyes looking at Lilia softened. A strong person in the space system, this can give the team more fault tolerance, which is welcomed by all the Dawn Team.

Charles frowned slightly. He had seen Lilia on Lark's instrument and knew that she was a member of that team.

And Charles just killed Lark two days ago, and now seeing his teammates appear, he subconsciously felt that this woman could not stay!

Enemies are good enemies only when they are all dead.

But then he noticed the gazes of others, and the murderous intent in his eyes was hidden.

Just when a four-man team was about to speak, Charles asked: Where are your teammates?

Lilia's expression suddenly became sad. Recalling what the White Plague Sect had taught her, she said in a low voice: A week ago, we were attrition while exploring this rule area.

The eyes of other people were slightly bright. It was dangerous for a new rule area to appear, but the rules area that had been explored by others was relatively much safer.

This girl has actually entered this rules area, and since she is from the space system, her value will be very high in the eyes of the Dawn Team.

Before Charles could ask questions, the four-person team spoke first. A middle-aged middle-aged man with a golden beard came out. He tried to keep his expression as gentle as possible: Little girl, my name is Taylor. If you don't mind, we are here. We happen to be missing someone, do you want to come with us?

The other four teams all have five people. This is the most reasonable number of people that Dawn Guild found after a period of time.

Attack, stealth, intelligence, assistance, and finally add a functional talent.

If there are too many people, it will be easier to trigger the rules in the rule area, causing some irresistible terror to come.

Therefore, although the other four teams all wanted talents like Lilia, in the end they did not compete with the downsized team.

Lilia lowered her head, her eyes becoming even lower: No, my teammates are probably not dead yet. I have to find them, and I want to stay with different team members.

Taylor was stunned for a moment, a little confused: Why?

One of my teammates died. Outside the Night Town, the murderer took away everything on him. Before I found his body, the communicator tried to contact me. I suspect someone is trying to hunt Dawn. Team. There was a little fear in Lilia's voice.

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the five Dawn Teams suddenly changed. They looked at the surrounding teams with some suspicion, and the atmosphere gradually became depressed.

Behind these teams, Charles's eyes flickered. He instantly thought of Pusheng Zaizhong, and then the murderous intention in his heart became stronger.

Take the fire out of the cauldron.

His expression changed and he walked out: Everyone, it's best not to be suspicious of your teammates. You can check and verify each other's identities. Being here means that you have read what I posted in the guild. Since you have gone to the guild, then You should be able to check all the itineraries.”

It's not good for the Dawn Team to be suspicious of each other.

The five team captains' eyes lit up and they all picked up their communicators.

Lilia raised her head and said weakly: My name is Lilia, and I am a member of the Gula team. You can also check.

Don't be afraid. If what you say is confirmed to be true, we will help you find the murderer! Taylor said as gently as possible.

Lilia nodded, moved closer to Taylor, and then looked at Charles with some fear: If we can find out everything, how can we find out this gentleman's information?

The five teams were stunned for a moment, and they all looked at Charles, and something seemed wrong in their eyes.

Charles smiled and explained: Fudong, I have information. As I said, all my teammates died in Night Town, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you for help.

While speaking, he glanced at Lilia calmly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He was targeted! In Charles' eyes, there is a high probability that Pu Sheng Zaizhong is up to something!


Kingdom of Sabah, royal palace.

Bai Bian was sitting behind a booth. There were more than sixty bottles of medicine on the table in front of him. This was the antidote he promised. Today was the day of delivery. He had already prepared ten death row prisoners.

These ten death row prisoners will all turn into the most extreme frenzy. There are still eight days left, and the collision over there should begin soon.

Time is not urgent. After the production is completed, he may be able to explore other rule areas. He is a little curious whether the monsters strengthened by the rules can also become materials for some transformations.

As the time gradually reached night, each noble, including the king, appeared not far away.

Behind them, slaves were walking towards here carrying boxes one by one. The figures of these people were very stiff, and the numbness in their eyes was even more lifeless.

Just like a group of people who have been tortured to the point of collapse and are unable to resist, they only know how to obey and use up their energy to move forward.

The nobles of this world like to enslave weak extraordinary beings in this way, because the rules outside the rule area are not unsolvable for extraordinary beings.

They only need to complete the tasks for the day, and the rest of the time is the best labor.

As for human rights, laws, etc., the king has promulgated prostitution in daylight, how can other nobles be better?

In this world, except for the Dawn Squad, most nobles are extremely cruel, and nothing can restrain them.

Morality? Under the long-term rule rule, no one has that kind of thing.

This is the antidote. Remember clearly how many of your people I brought to the banquet at that time. There were sixty-three people. There are only sixty-three bottles of antidote here. You guys, please pay attention. Bai Bing said and looked at it. To the boxes: Now just let them put their stuff away.

The nobles waved their hands, and their slaves moved the boxes to the side of White Plague.

And they themselves also lowered their heads under the leadership of the king and lined up in an orderly manner to get the antidote.

Bai Bian didn't pay attention and stood up to check the materials.

Opening a box, a scarlet flower appeared. This was the legendary material Blood Grass. It was said that it could only grow in places where a large number of creatures died.

Because it seems to take the soul of a living being as a seed and plant it on the flesh and blood of a living being. The flower of flesh and blood that is finally produced is very rare and can replace many crazy transformation materials.

Bai Bing opened the next box, and there was nothing wrong with the materials inside.

It seems that these nobles are still very honest, at least they will not pass off inferior goods.

When Bai Bian saw the tenth box, he suddenly said: Oh, by the way, what you just drank is also highly poisonous.

Behind him, almost everyone froze for a moment, and some of the hands that had planned to make a sneak attack withdrew their hands, and their eyes were a little complicated for a moment.

Bai Bian could certainly expect the reaction of these people, but he was not surprised. Two days were enough for these people to do a lot of things.

For example, they asked their children to find the materials required by the White Plague, and they tried to detect poisons or detoxify them through various methods such as alchemy.

During these times, it is impossible for these people to be able to remove poisons and gold-eating bugs. Alchemists of all series are still very rare. Those who are proficient in technology cannot be proficient in potions, at least not at the same level.

But asking capital to give up their property would be better than killing them, so after being unable to remove the poison, they still want to try to regain their assets.

But just now they all lowered their heads in order to hide the killing intent in their eyes.

However, White Plague is in a state of evil thoughts and is very sensitive to any malicious intent. This wave is a professional counterpart.

You don't keep your word! The king said awkwardly, but he didn't dare to scold him, which seemed a little weird.

He basically has no prestige. These nobles are eager to move out of his kingdom overnight, so he has to take the lead in some matters.

It doesn't count. Bai Ying opened more boxes, checked the materials inside, and said casually: Haven't you ever heard of fighting poison with poison? There are many small bugs in your body, and they will come out on their own after the poison and poison are eliminated.

In terms of time, about half a month.

You all stand down. My affairs will continue to be kept secret. You have done a good job this time. I won't care about some curses and the like.

By the way, please stay with these slaves, I need some help. Bai Bie calmly ordered when he saw the thirtieth box.

The nobles and the king looked at each other, and finally turned around with reluctance due to some vibrations in their bodies and walked out of the palace.

The king turned back frequently, his eyes a little depressed. As a king, he could only sleep in a side hall of the palace. He was a king.

But they have no choice but to obey if they want to die.

After checking the last item, Bai Bian nodded with great satisfaction. Sure enough, people's potential is forced out. Now, haven't the twelve pieces of crazy transformation materials been collected?

Come with me, don't be nervous. Bai Bian looked back and saw that the nobles and the king were gone.

He took these puppets with their egos destroyed and led them towards the original king's room, which of course was now a research room.

Bai Bian grabbed a huge cage from outside a window in the room, grabbed a death row prisoner from the cage, and directly cut off the nerves that controlled the prisoner's body.

Some thoughtfully began the transformation.

He seems to know how to continue to perfect the crazy transformation.

Slaves are souls whose egos have been destroyed, feeling a bit like severe depression.

If the souls of these slaves are combined with the souls of Madness, is it possible for Madness to be controlled?

Or if Madness suffers from depression, will they neutralize each other and become a perfect transformation?

Just do what comes to mind, and Bai Yifei quickly starts the transformation with an extremely high level of proficiency.

The terrifying aura circulated in his hands, but even the frantic aura did not seem to make the eyes of these slaves waver at all.

This gave Bai Ying some hope of success.

The mental power grabbed a slave, and White Plague directly pulled out his soul.

However, this slave's soul was no different from his body, as muddy as if he had drank Meng Po soup.

The other slaves watched their companions fall to the ground and felt the frantic impact, but they still did not react at all.

How completely the minds of these people have been destroyed.

No need to worry, he is not here to be a righteous judge.

Stuffing the soul of the slave into the frantic body, the white plague began its final ending.

As time slowly passed, the first improved frenzy appeared in front of us.

[You created frenzy x1, gained experience value +80000, skill point +1, additional experience value +80000. 】

Bai Bian looked at the sluggish frantic monster and decisively started scanning.

[Comparing the charm attributes of both parties. 】

[Alchemy Demon's charm value is -7, Yu Yuan's charm value is -4. 】

[Since both parties have negative charm, the negative charm judgment is turned on. 】

[Your charm attribute is 175% of the opponent's, and you get 100% of the opponent's information. 】

[Name: Yu Yuan.

Race: Frenzy (modified creature)

Occupation: Frenzy (modified creature)

Level: 70.

Personal attributes: Strength 470, Speed ​​460, Endurance 483, Intelligence 407, Spirit 30, Charm -4, Luck 3.

Skill: Frenzy is not perfected and cannot learn skills.

Feat: Frenzy: The angrier you are, the higher the attributes increase.

Body of Chaos: A group of people who are irrational and doomed to chaos. Before death, their attributes will not be reduced by any curse or poison.

Storm Soul: A soul without self, but it is stirred up by madness. It is suppressed. When he is hurt, this expertise will collapse. The suffering of the soul will inspire the power of madness, allowing him to control the world. Filled with resentment and anger, he eventually destroys everyone and everything he sees, until he destroys himself.

Evaluation: The nobles are very eager to have slaves, and now the anger behind their numbness seems to be exploited. You'd better be careful and let it continue to be numb, otherwise it will be a disaster for you. 】

White plague:.

He seemed to have created an incredible time bomb.

However, judging from the introduction, these slaves should have suffered more than Bai Bian imagined, and their souls unexpectedly fit in with Madness.

It seems that he wants to use frenzy to shout out the injustice he has suffered.

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