Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 159 Don’t panic, I have the advantage

Kingdom, meeting hall.

King Wardle held a grand banquet, and all the nobles in the royal capital were summoned.

Everyone exchanged glasses, which seemed a bit lively in the depressing atmosphere.

The strength of this kingdom is very poor. There are no legends in the entire kingdom. Even the king is only a middle-ranking gold king. These nobles have a lot of gold, but there are no strong men with high gold positions.

There are not many such weak kingdoms in this world. The main reason is that the existence of the night prevents people in this world from having unified ambitions.

Because the foundation of the kingdom must be population, and ordinary people currently have no way to get rid of the rules. Even the slightest punishment is not something ordinary people can bear.

Therefore, before the rules covering the world are solved, the world will be quite scattered. Under the rules, ordinary people are really too fragile.

This situation is also a mixed bag for Bai Bian. The good thing is that he can control a kingdom unscrupulously and use the power of the whole country to support his plans.

The bad thing is that it is difficult for such a weak kingdom to gather the materials he needs, so this banquet was born.

The king alone cannot do it, but with the addition of nobles, it will definitely be possible. No matter what world it is in, 90% of the resources must be in the hands of nobles.

As the banquet passed halfway, Wardell smiled and raised his glass, and the laughter and laughter around him suddenly stopped. The nobles and their children all looked at their king, quietly waiting for the king's words.

In their opinion, the king was in his prime, and the sudden summons was probably to choose a partner for the prince, who was about the same age.

And in a parliament a month ago, the king also had this intention, so they also had relaxed looks on their faces.

Waddell looked at them, the smile on his face was a little forced, but he still said: The main purpose of calling everyone here this time is to introduce one person.

The nobles had some doubts in their eyes. Who needs the king to introduce him in such a scene?

Waddell did not give them time to think wildly. All he had to do this time was to gather the nobles together, and he did not need to take care of the rest.

Of course, he was not qualified to care. The strong man's aura made him have no intention of resisting.

There was a bit of unwillingness in Wardle's eyes. After a slight pause, the unwillingness disappeared. He said calmly: Mr. Gula, come in. Everyone is here.


Slight footsteps sounded at the door of the quiet banquet. The nobles looked out in confusion. They had begun to have a bad premonition in their hearts.

As the footsteps approached, a ferocious beast-like aura suddenly enveloped everyone's hearts, causing their bodies to react unconsciously and causing their hairs to stand on end.

Before they could do anything, a young man appeared at the door. He was playing with a dark scalpel in his hand. There was a cold light flashing on the blade, giving it a sharp feeling.

In particular, the boy's scarlet pupils and smiling expression made their senses go crazy and warn them of danger, extreme danger.

Some questioning words and movements to escape suddenly disappeared in this look. They subconsciously looked at their king, and a little anger began to appear in their eyes.

Bai Bing played with the extremely evil blade and walked into the parliament hall. He bowed slightly to the panicked crowd.

He said very politely: Sorry everyone, my name is Gula and I am the captain of the Dawn Team. I came to you this time because I encountered some troubles, so I need a little help from you.

As he spoke, pieces of white paper appeared, miraculously floating to all the powerful nobles: Without further ado, I need these materials, the more the better, I ask you to find them all within three days. ”

An elderly noble looked at the words on the paper and his face gradually darkened: Mr. Gula, do you know the price you have to pay for doing this?

These materials are very expensive. He can be regarded as the top noble in this kingdom, but he cannot afford even one third of them independently. This is simply a money grab.

Other nobles also stared at Bai Bie with ugly expressions. In the world of rules, they could not exploit the common people too much. Even minerals were still competed by many nobles.

If these materials are really taken out, this kingdom will be hollowed out in an instant.


Auras erupted, and the nobles' eyes gradually became terrifying. This was shaking their foundation. Even if this person looked very powerful, they wouldn't mind fighting to the death.

The palace began to tremble under the pressure of more than a dozen pieces of gold. Only the king sat calmly on the throne without saying anything, and there was no wave in his breath.

He had resisted, so he knew how terrifying this young man was. Even though they were of the same rank, he didn't even know how he lost.

Bai Bian still had a smile on his face: The price? I really don't know, but what I do know is that if you don't listen to me, you will die.


Bai Bian snapped his fingers, and the elderly noble's body trembled violently. His expression instantly became extremely painful, and the terrifying strength of the golden middle broke out.

The gold-eating bugs in his body are being quickly eliminated.

But the next moment, he couldn't move, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. A small roar erupted in his body, and his whole aura began to decline rapidly.

The expressions of the other nobles changed. They looked at each other and rushed towards Bai Bian instantly. A long knife appeared in the hand of a thin noble and he slashed him horizontally.

But the next moment, the aura on his body began to become unstable, the sharpness on the long knife suddenly disappeared, and the blade stopped less than one meter away from the white plague.

Bai Bian looked at the crazy changes in everyone's faces and explained warmly: In order to make it easier for you to do things, what you drank just now is called wine poison. It is a special drink made of more than 300 kinds of poisons. It has now developed to the top level. It tastes like fine wine.”

Seeing that everyone, including the king, looked panicked, Bai Bian comforted him: Don't worry, I know these poisons are very deadly, so I placed millions of little poisons in each of your bodies while you were drinking. insect.

They are very harmonious in your body and have reached a delicate balance. Your life will not be in danger for the time being.

As Bai Bian spoke, he walked towards the old noble whose face was gradually turning gray, took out a bottle of transparent liquid and poured it into his body.

Suddenly, the nobleman's expression gradually stabilized.

Those nobles stared at Bai Bie, wishing to kill him with their eyes, but they did not dare, because a strong intuition told them that if they moved again, they would die.

I just thought of this device not long ago. If you try to detoxify, the bugs will eat all your internal organs. If the bugs die, the poison will explode. Within three seconds, no. If it comes to my antidote, even the gold-level ones will die.

Bai Bian asked expressionlessly: Now, this antidote is the reward. Have you seen enough?

Fear appeared in the eyes of the nobles, and some dense and subtle vibrations appeared in their bodies, allowing them to clearly feel that many tiny individuals had indeed entered their bodies.

Some young ladies and gentlemen’s legs began to weaken. They had never been so desperate when facing the rules, but now...

The white plague paused for a moment, and the vibration in their bodies gradually disappeared. The gold-eating bug once again tightly blocked the outbreak of poison, keeping this mixed poison in a stable state.

A smile appeared on his face again: It seems that you don't have any objections, so it's settled, three days.

Forget it, I took a brief look at your information and found that your abilities are still outstanding, so I will only give you two days.

If the materials on the list are not gathered by the time the day after tomorrow, there will be no need for you to exist.

Bai Bian turned around and walked out. Suddenly he thought of something. He said easily: Also, please keep this matter secret. There are 63 people present. If the sixty-fourth knows about it,

When Bai Bing walked out of the parliament hall, a burst of chaotic voices suddenly broke out inside, including questions, curses, and all kinds of voices.

But this has little to do with the White Plague. This world is a world created by Lady Night, even if it is now neutralized by Shia's rules, some weirdness has been eliminated.

But the rules that cover the world are still very troublesome, so Bai Plague needs to get something that can make a comeback as quickly as possible.

If he really can't compete with those two, Bai Bing doesn't mind reopening the world and using these strong men and those weird lives to make up for the losses in his nightmare world.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian glanced at the panel and saw that there were only 9 points left in the skill point column.

White Blight has upgraded [Frenzy] to the full level.

The evil thoughts are too extreme and cannot be controlled at all, but the madness is better. At least the white plague can calm it down before entering the battle. This will be a good war weapon.

After reaching the maximum level of frenzy proficiency, White Blight's understanding of it directly surpassed that of Maku.

Moreover, his proficiency in evil thoughts was also at full level. With the mutual confirmation of the two, Bai Bian discovered many new things.

For example, you can use madness to make the body and let evil thoughts become the core.

Then there will be some conflict between madness and evil thoughts, which will eventually turn into a more extreme transformation.

And this kind of transformation is wandering between chaos and evil. They will have some consciousness. If there are too many, this kind of transformation will be quite terrifying, and even create monsters that the white plague cannot control.

Or it can be pure madness, but with the growth of evil thoughts added to it, then madness will directly turn into taboo knowledge and become a more violent transformation mode.

However, Bai Bian has no intention of manufacturing this newly discovered thing. Due to his madness, his transformation science has reached the master level of alchemical transformation (23080/50000).

He planned to wait until he became a master before studying this most extreme form of negative transformation.

Maybe there will be new insights then.

But what he needs now is just ordinary controlled madness. Walking towards the laboratory, Bai Bian's body gradually relaxed.

Don't panic, the advantage is tilting towards him.


Night town.

Pu Sheng, wearing a faceless mask, looked helplessly at a damaged cell.

He actually doesn't really want to see White Plague, but this world is a world created by Lady Night, and the rules for building the world are Lady Night's power.

Even the Abyss would like to get this top-notch creation rule.

And a few months ago, when he used the abyss to escape the control of the ancient gods, he brought a dangerous object into the abyss and attracted a powerful disaster.

Even the Abyss has a headache from that kind of disaster. Of course, the Abyss won't look kindly on those who can cause trouble for it.

Although Pu Sheng used Bai Bing's aura to pass the matter of the disaster to Bai Bing, he still could not completely get rid of his suspicion.

So in order to compensate for the abyss, he came to take in this world.

But now there are surprises and worries.

The surprise is that the Lady of the Night is still affecting the world, and is using the fear and despair of the creatures in the world to create evil.

The most important thing is that when he entered this world, an extremely terrifying existence ignored the rules of the Lady of the Night and took away an important material, the Heart of Sin.

This allowed Pu Sheng to see the opportunity to control a divine being, and with the growth rate of the divine being and his summoner-like attributes, this would give him a qualitative leap in strength.

Originally, he could recycle the world and control the world with one hand.

But now the trouble is coming. He can imagine that Charles will come. After all, he seems to be particularly interested in God's things. There is no reason why he can't come if there is a way to create divine evil.

But Pu Sheng didn't expect that another troublesome guy would actually come after him.

It obviously has nothing to do with Tobu City this time

Tap tap tap.

Rapid footsteps sounded, and another person wearing a faceless mask quickly approached.

It didn't say anything, just stared at Pu Sheng.

Because the rules of the Night Town today do not allow communication, and the Lady of the Night likes others to follow her rules, so the members of the Night Rose must abide by these rules, otherwise their death will be much easier than the death of others.

Pu Sheng glanced at him, turned around and walked quickly outside the prison.

He just came here to confirm some things this time. Now that it was confirmed that the white plague had entered the world, his plan needed to be adjusted.

At least the creation of divine evils needs to be accelerated. The worst plan is for him to give up the world and only take away the divine evils.

As the first person among the three to enter this world, he is still very confident about this.

After walking out of the prison, Pu Sheng quickly entered an underground base.

After entering a huge laboratory in the innermost part, a dark shield isolated the rules of the night town.

This is the place created by Lady of the Night for the gods. She wants the white plague to pay the price, so the creation of the gods cannot be disturbed. This place seems to be underground, but in fact it is more like another layer of space in this world.

Pu Sheng has been in the field for more than 20 days, and he has successfully joined the team that created the evil spirits, and has become a fairly important scientific researcher.

He quietly listened to the discussion of the Rose of the Night members and understood the current level of research and development.

The Heart of Divine Evil was taken away, and there was no second serving of the ancient god's flesh and blood prepared as a backup. In other words, there was a bottleneck in the creation of Divine Evil.

Pu Sheng thought for a while and suddenly said: Gods are not created only by ancient gods. I have a piece of the flesh and blood of the Abyss Lord here. Maybe I can try it.

The other scientific researchers paused and turned to look at him, after a strange silence.

A new round of discussion has begun.

Plane gods are also gods, no weaker than the ancient gods, but plane gods rarely create evil.

Because most plane gods need to obey the orders of the plane, such as abyss consciousness, hell rules and so on.

The gods are a group of unreasonable guys, and no one wants to create trouble for themselves.

So it seems that we can really try to use the flesh and blood of plane gods to create evil beings.

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