In a dark town, in a house on the edge.

Bai Bian looked at this young girl with some surprise. This cheater was actually a space system user. No wonder it was so difficult to kill.

Take me to see that resident. Bai Bing still cared about that resident.

He had a strong feeling that he had definitely been tricked.

Lilia did not refuse. Her and Bai Bian's figures faded again, and when they came out again, they had already arrived at a more central area.

The residents here give people a strange feeling, and everyone is doing things with great purpose.

Although it is a backward town, it feels extremely busy.

That's the blacksmith from that blacksmith shop. Lilia and Bai Bian were hiding on a house. To be precise, they were observing the outside in the cracks of space. Few people could see the scene of another layer of space.

Some masked people were walking in and out of the blacksmith shop, seemingly searching for something.

Bai Bian looked at the town, a little confused, it was too quiet: What are the rules of the town today?

No communication is allowed. Everything else remains unchanged. Lilia answered quickly. Bai Bian and Mercer were arrested yesterday. One day was enough for her to figure out a lot of things and find the prison.

Bai Bing understands that the rules in these small towns are the strictest. If there were four words no escape in the prison just now, then Bai Bing has been punished by the rules now.

However, due to the identity of the Dawn Team, this punishment will turn some creatures into extremely powerful monsters to hunt him down.

Did you remind Ren?

Renne is the one with the strongest disguise ability among the four teammates, and he is usually responsible for infiltration.

Yes, he has now entered the work of the mayor's house, and the mayor has been completely eroded by the rules, which is very dangerous. Lilia replied quickly.

Bai Bian's eyes were full of solemnity. He thought for a while and then ordered: Go and ask Ren about the recent changes in the Night Cult. I have some bad guesses.

Lilia: Oh, okay, then be careful.

She said and left decisively, instantly disappearing from Bai Bie's perception.

White plague:.

His aura was constricted to the extreme, and he looked at the empty space beside him speechlessly. This guy was really unreliable. Fortunately, he still had potions, otherwise he would have been tricked again.

This is the center of the town.

After drinking the invisibility potion and adjusting the title of hunter with a malicious and threatening breath, the masked men who paused slowly began to move again.

The white plague moved swiftly across the roofs of houses.

Running outside this town, his premonition came true. Maybe others couldn't sense it, but the hunters of the White Plague had tracked Charles. There was a 90% probability that the blacksmith who dumped Lilia was Charles!

That guy actually said that he would start the so-called game in ten days. If the White Plague really found this place after ten days, he would definitely be deceived.

According to this idea, Lilia just said that Moser's execution was originally supposed to be tomorrow, but now it has suddenly been brought forward.

So can we guess that Pu Sheng, the final winner in the trailer, has also come in and has successfully sneaked into the Night Cult.

Although there is no evidence at all, it cannot be so certain, but Bai Bian has this kind of intuition, and his intuition is very strong.

Bai Bing looked at the underground of the town. If nothing else happened, the evil was conceived underground, and Pu Sheng had not succeeded yet. Charles seemed to have just entered the town.

So in this month, Pu Sheng found this place first and entered this world in a short period of time.

Then came Charles, who entered this world not long ago, and finally him

Thinking back to a month ago, the scavenger Sid went out and brought back the Heart of God three days ago.

It can be confirmed here that perhaps there have been more than one confrontation in the dark night town, but in the end it was the scavengers who won.

In the last confrontation, Bai Bian couldn't be sure whether Pu Sheng had arrived. If he arrived, it would be real trouble.

Based on the scheming that guy showed last time, if he is allowed to come in for more than a month, then this mission can be abandoned, at least the divine evil aspect will be out of the question.

If he was not there in the last confrontation, it means that it did not take long for him to enter this time. Twenty days was enough for him to enter the Night Cult, but it was not enough for him to ascend to a high position.

This way he still has time to prepare. As long as he is given time to prepare, there should be no problem in taking over the world.

Bai Bian had a headache. These Lao Yin Bi were very annoying, especially the Lao Yin Bi who entered before him.

The kick in the prison might have revealed something, but it didn't matter, Charles probably didn't know he was here yet.

So let them collide first.

Isn't Charles' purpose to let himself disrupt the situation after he collides with a disadvantage?

ten days

Within these ten days, he needs to have the power to take down the dark night town, and even the ability to rush in at any time within three days, otherwise he will be very uncomfortable this time.

Fortunately, he still has an advantage this time, at least he still has teammates!

While thinking about it, Bai Bian had already walked out of the confines of the dark night town. Looking back on the memory scene, Bai Bian's power slowly passed through with a special wave.


It was as if the sound of an eagle's cry resounded high in the sky and spread quickly.

Bai Yi waited calmly, one second, two seconds and ten seconds

Bai Bian's face changed slightly. His teammates seemed to be gone?

He continued to give himself a bottle of secret potion, and the aura on his body became even less. He sensed the earth with his mental power and began to search continuously.

When Bai Bian saw his teammates in his memory half an hour later in a cave, he immediately fell silent.

There is a middle-aged man in front of him, but he is no longer a lively middle-aged man, but a twisted thing.

Bai Bian silently rummaged through his clothes, and almost all his belongings were taken away, leaving nothing for him.

Bai Bian stretched out a hand and touched his knee which was placed with the back of his head. The cold, stiff touch on it showed that he had been dead for more than two hours.

And the information on various rules areas collected by their team was gone, and even the rules of this dark night town were taken away by an unknown person.

Bai Bian turned around and left, found a tree at random, sat down against the big tree and waited quietly.


As time passed, an eagle's cry sounded, almost exactly the same as the one issued by the white plague just now.

About a minute later Lilia appeared next to Plague.

Captain, I asked, and he said he didn't know, because he couldn't ask because of today's rules, but he said that starting four days ago, there are no more Night Cultists who patrol the mayor's house every day. Lilia said with some confusion. I looked around and found no familiar middle-aged man: Where's Luck?

Bai Bian looked thoughtful in his eyes and replied calmly: Dead.


She was a little silent, lowered her head and said indifferently: Is it because of me?

This was her sixth team, and the same was true for the previous ones. She was inexplicably the only one left in the team.

In fact, she also discovered that she had some bad physique, but the rules took away everything from her, and she didn't want to do nothing, so at the invitation of captain Gula, she still entered the new Dawn Team.

Unexpectedly, in the first regular area she encountered in just half a year, her team lost two more people in just two days.

No. Bai Bian said calmly: But I want to check now to see if you have been maliciously cursed by someone, or if you are simply unlucky.

Lilia nodded, a little depressed: Okay, captain, take a look.

Bai Bian looked at Lilia, and the panel's scanning skill was turned on. After a period of data comparison, Bai Bian obtained 70% of her data.

These data all look normal. Only the luck attribute is as high as 25 points, which is the highest luck Bai Yie has ever seen, even higher than Luo Ning's luck.

Logically speaking, this kind of luck value can only bring good luck to the team, and has nothing to do with bad luck at all.

Until White Plague saw a specialty.

[Blessing of Doom: Anyone who has ill will towards you will receive bad luck. The higher the malice value, the more powerful the misfortune will be. 】

There was clarity in Bai Bian's eyes, and he comforted decisively: You are not cursed, and their death is not the reason for you.

Bai Bian stood up and patted Lilia on the shoulder: Okay, there's no time to sigh. We have to cheer up. Don't forget that Ren is still waiting inside.

Lilia lowered her head and said in frustration: Captain, why don't I quit the team? I'm not suitable to join the Dawn Team.


Well, this is what's best for everyone. Lilia nodded even more depressed, turned around and walked away: Mr. Team Gula, take care of yourself.

Bai Bian thought for a moment and then ordered: Someone may be recruiting you during this period. Just be careful after entering.

Lilia paused, turned around suddenly, and looked at Bai Bian: What do you mean?

I have clues about the person who killed Lark. He will invite many members of the Dawn Team recently. As long as you don't leave this area, you will definitely be invited. If he asks you where you came from, just tell the truth. ”

A smile appeared on Bai Bian's face: Lilia, there is nothing wrong with you. I have seen your physique. Anyone who wants to harm you will die first.

Lilia was stunned, with disbelief in her eyes: Is that so?

Yes, and no one in our team has any ill intentions towards you. Their deaths were caused by others. I will avenge them. Are you willing to help me? Miss Lilia? Bai Bie asked with a smile. .


Kingdom of Sabah, capital.

Bai Bian looked at some behaviors on the street that were similar to those in a dark night town, and there was some joy in his eyes.

This world does not only have rules in the rule area, but there are rules in all places. However, the rules outside the rule area do not have much punishment, and the constraints on extraordinary people are also very low. Even gold can ignore them. Some rules.

It seems that Lady Night's power is too restricted by Shia, making her unable to completely affect the world.

The Kingdom of Sabah is the closest country to Night Town, or in other words, Night Town is within the borders of this kingdom.

Of course, in this kind of rule area, few people in the kingdom usually manage it.

First of all, not everyone can ignore the rules of area exploration.

Secondly, the rules in the rules area cannot be won by relying on the number of people.

Generally, members of the Dawn Team are at least silver level, and gold level is also common. In this world coming from dimensional turbulence, the devilish aura is very strong.

Level 50 is really not difficult. The only difficulty is understanding the rules.

People in this world are bound by rules since birth. It is too easy for people in this world to enter the gold level.

Bai Bian looked around and walked directly to the palace.

The purpose of his coming here this time is very simple. He wants soldiers, materials, workers, and some lives.

It was also Charles who killed Lark. He may have noticed that Pu Sheng was slowly controlling the Night Cult. Although he didn't know how he did it, he did it.

So Charles and he thought of going together.

There are many Dawn Teams in this world, but there is only one Night Town, and they are not outsiders. Who would have thought that this ordinary Night Town is the core of the world?

Therefore, Charles killed Lark and took away the Dawn Team's exclusive communication equipment and some information.

As long as enough Dawn Squads are gathered, these existences that ignore the rules can become powerful soldiers in this world who can fight against the rules.

As soon as there are more of these soldiers, Pu Sheng's advantage will definitely disappear.

So White Plague gave Charles a Lilia and asked her to join Charles's team when the Dawn team was crowded.

After that guy sees Lilia, his actions against her will definitely be very secretive.

But it doesn't matter, Lilia's passivity only requires you to be malicious.

After making Charles unlucky, the two of them will reach a relatively balanced state.

As for the reason why Bai Bian came to the royal capital, his current combat power is indeed not weak, but he doesn't want to expose himself yet, at least not until they fight completely.

The invisible sword is always the sharpest, and by the time they see the sword, the power of the sword is no longer something they can block.

Arriving at the gate of the kingdom, a group of soldiers looked over instantly, and the devil flashed!

Bai Bing's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already passed through the thick wall.

Bai Bian closed his eyes for a moment and walked towards the king's dormitory. Some of the silver-level guards he encountered on the road froze when they approached, then looked around in confusion and continued their patrol.

Yeah, ah

A cat-like meowing sounded. Bai Bian leaned against the door and waited quietly. After about three minutes, the sound inside disappeared.

Bai Bian opened the door directly and walked in.


How dare you break into the king's chamber? Come here!

Malicious threats.

[Your charm value briefly dropped to -17 points. 】

The king's angry face froze, his eyes gradually cleared, and the woman hidden in the quilt stopped screaming, revealing half of her head and trembling.

The king's thoughts suddenly changed, and he finally managed to calm down his anger: Why does this little brother come to me?

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