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Chapter 157 Entering the Identity Trap

[Mission: Containment in the dark.

Attribute: World containment mission.

Task description: You have discovered a weird world from the dimensional turbulence. This world has forcibly entered Shia and temporarily escaped from the dimensional turbulence. Please find the world core of Night Town and submit it to the small world management section.

Mission reward: Inscription of God ×1, attribute points +10, skill points +10, experience value +3 million.

Accept the reward: Open the world scan section.

Failure penalty: There is no benefit in the first stage of the Black Death and Pathogen World in the Nightmare World.

Introduction: Dark Night's plan failed, but He decided to perfect the order in his imagination in the dream, and gave a small punishment to the federation that destroyed his plan. There was just a small accident, but this did not affect Him. Investment of force.

Do you want to accept this task? 】

After a white epidemic, what is the inscription of God?

Thoughts appeared in his eyes, whether the inscription was the words of a tombstone or the words of an epic poem.

But that world scanning section is very interesting. Now the word containment is just for identification?

After thinking about it, Bai Bian still planned to accept the mission, because if he obtained the nightmare world, he would also know how to use that world, but Bai Bian did not know what the use was of obtaining these unknown worlds.

At most, it will only empty out the resources inside, and the rest will not be of much help.

The panel is also very interesting. From Bai Ying's point of view, it is like saying: This time I spend money to buy management qualifications.

[Mission: Containment in the Dark (Accepted.)]

[The world scanning section is open, and you can obtain the rules and background of some worlds through scanning. 】

[World scanning is on. 】

[World: Night Town.

Attributes: Order and rules.

World background: This is a strange town. People in the town know what they have to do every day. Their lives are depressing and painful. There are many rules that bind them. Once violated, terrible things will happen.

1. Everyone has a secret. Your secret cannot be discovered by others. If you discover someone else's secret, please kill the other person immediately or stay away from the other person quickly.

2. You have to listen to ‘him’. ‘He’ will tell you what you need to do every day.

3. You are all the same.

4. ‘He’ sometimes tells lies.

5. ‘He’ likes secrets.

6. Please do not refuse other people’s requests.

7. When you encounter people wearing masks, please don’t panic, just ignore them. They will only punish those who break the rules. 】

【Are you entering the dark night town? 】

Bai Yi paused for a moment, and thoughts appeared in his eyes.

It's really a strange story about rules, but this strange story seems to be a little different.

Bai Bian thought about it and realized that he didn't like Rules Monster Talk, but it didn't mean he couldn't go in and play, because Rules Monster Talk had a very good rule.

That is, as long as you do not violate the rules, you are safe.

There are four words to talk about rules and ghosts, but the most important ones are the first two words.

Bai Bian thought about it for a while and decided to go in and find out. If nothing else happened, the preliminary production of the godly evil would be in this world.

After the preparations are completed, the blood of war will be needed as the final assistance.

As for the danger of the white plague, I don't worry about it. God-level powers are not allowed to appear in Shia now. Any god-level who tries to invade Shia will be exiled and cut off.

This can be seen in the mission introduction. There was a little accident.

The Lady of the Night is already very powerful if she can control the Rose of the Night. If she can really exert her god-level power, then it is impossible for the White Plague to find so many members of the Rose of the Night.

The reason is very simple. God is indeed very powerful. Even most of the stars in the sky were created by God. Each star is a world.

Gods can play with those worlds unscrupulously, but Shia is different. This is the center of the world, and all gods were originally born from here.

The God of World Creation does not create a father for himself, but creates helpers that can help him grow. For example, every time the God grows a little, Shia will also grow and improve his own rules.

If those ancient gods hadn't backstabbed the world when they grew up to be equal to the rules, absorbing the rules of the world to grow themselves, how could there be such a thing as new gods?

As for the combat power of demigods in the nightmare world

That is a nightmare world, and the nightmare world has nothing to do with God. The nightmare world is the intertwined product of the despair of Shia's creatures and Shia's rules.

The power of gods can appear in the world, but other gods cannot come in. They can only extend part of their power.

For example, the power of the Lady of the Night mentioned in the introduction, or those ancient gods.

[I am about to enter the dark night town and am building my identity in the world of rules.]

[After entering the world, please do not reveal your identity. This is a secret that belongs only to you. 】


As the countdown ended, Bai Bian's eyes gradually lost light.

In the darkness, Bai Bian suddenly smelled a rotten smell.

Bai Bian slowly opened his eyes. This seemed to be a prison cell?


Just as Bai Bian was about to move, he immediately felt a strong sense of restraint. His hands and feet seemed to be restrained.

Is this the beginning of jail time?

Bai Bian was a little silent, and for a while he couldn't figure out what was going on in this world.

He was a little disappointed, because the world background of the panel seemed to be full of introductions of certain rules, and did not introduce the specific situation of this world.

As soon as he thought of this, a picture flashed before his eyes. This seemed to be his identity and the real background of this world!

At the beginning, this world was a normal world, somewhat like a federation, where people of all races lived and worked in peace and contentment.

It was only after some kingdoms began to prosper that everything changed.

A dark wave appeared in the sky above the world. This wave clearly told everyone that if they didn't listen to it, terrible things would happen.

However, at that time, the civilization of this continent called Tianling was at its peak, so naturally no one cared about these things.

Especially the Ruixin Kingdom, the overlord on the mainland at that time, the king took the lead and directly ignored this order. Even before night, a terrifying wave began to circulate.

In a large country with a population of tens of millions, half of its population died in that day.

This move frightened many countries. At that time, almost all existences knelt on the ground and surrendered to the wave.

Because this power was so majestic, they couldn't see any chance of resistance.

And from that time on, the world became a plaything of rules.

The tasks people receive every day may be to give food to someone, dance a dance, or become a steward of a certain place.

The entire continent adapted quickly.

People call the rules the night, because everyone goes to bed at night, and after falling asleep, they are not conscious, and no one can control their dreams, just like this weird game.

Every being who tried to resist died due to some strange force, perhaps killed by a monster, or perhaps disappeared inexplicably.

Tianling Continent has completely fallen into the game of some terrifying existence.

And this kind of total control lasted for a long time, so long that people were getting used to this kind of control.

But at a certain moment, this control changed, it began to become unstable, and there were some people in the world who could not be discovered by the rules. They were like players in the game, living a prosperous life in this world.

However, five years ago, the world changed again and rules began to envelope the entire world again.

Some special areas have also begun to appear. In these areas, the world seems to have returned to the way it was at the beginning, but their rules-ignoring characteristics are still retained.

Bai Bian's eyes were dazed for a moment before he came back to his senses. He was a little helpless. His current identity was really a prisoner, and the crime he committed was not small.

His identity is these teams that ignore the rules, these teams are inspired to save the world and restore the world to before the rules came into being.

They began to hunt in a team, collectively called the Dawn Team, which heralded the light that broke through the night and would eventually usher in the dawn.

There are more and more of these dawn teams, and they begin to come into contact with this special area. They find that some of the penalties that appear after the rules are triggered. It seems that they cannot be punished directly by the rules, but can only be killed by monsters and the like.

From hunting to containment, from triggering the rules to participating in the rules, in trial after trial, some secrets in the rule areas were unlocked, and the rules in the rule areas also disappeared because of their hunting.

They see more hope and try to become the saviors of this world.

Bai Bing's current identity is the captain of the Dawn Team who was trying to solve the problem of Night Town, but was arrested due to a teammate's mistake.

Now it seems that he is about to be executed.

Tap tap tap tap

The sound of unhurried footsteps sounded, and thoughts appeared in Bai Bian's eyes, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Tap tap tap tap

The footsteps were approaching, but they were not coming towards Bai Bie. Instead, they stopped at the cell not far from Bai Bie.

The sound of dragging chains sounded, and the surrounding area gradually became quiet.


A subtle sound sounded, and Bai Bian closed his eyes and continued to understand his identity.

Captain, how should I save you? Moser is already dead.

A low voice sounded, full of guilt.

Bai Yi paused for a moment. After the last scene was played, he opened his eyes speechlessly and looked at a girl with a guilty face squatting next to him.

This is Bai Bie’s teammate who was cheating on him.

Well, the one who was dragged out to be executed just now was also his teammate. There are now four left in the five-man team. Apart from this trick,

One of the more reliable teammates has stabilized in the Night Town, while the other did not enter the Night Town and became reinforcements to stay outside.

The rules they discovered will be given to him using the unique methods of this world to increase the winning rate.

However, although this is a trap, he is very capable. For example, he can sneak into a tightly guarded prison silently. For example, if he is very lucky, he can always avert danger in his memory.

It's just that she is a bit dull and occasionally loses her temper. Bai Bian suspects that this girl has the ability to attract people's luck.

If he hadn't replaced this person's original identity this time, the whole team would have been tricked to death by her again.

Yes, again.

Because the reason why White Blight found this guy and developed her into a teammate was because her previous team was wiped out.

After getting to know each other for a period of time, the Dawn team he is currently in is the sixth team she has been in.

Without exception, she was the only one left among the first four.


A slight vibration sounded, and after two clicks, the iron chains locking Bai Bie's hands and feet cracked.

He stood up, moved his hands and feet, and said calmly: It's okay, Lilia, you are still very useful. Let's go, we are out.

Lilia paused, widened her eyes, and asked: Captain, you can actually come out by yourself, then why just now?

Bai Bian glanced at her, and immediately the guy shut up and followed Bai Bian obediently.

Weren't you looking at the memory screen just now? Who knew that he was actually a teammate and was killed so quickly.

Well, Captain, let me take you out. There are many Night Cultists outside.

Lilia hesitated.

In this world, those rules are called the night, and the mysterious beings who uphold the rules are its believers. Beings like hunting teams need to be hunted down by these believers.

Because they have so many evasion methods, the rules have made it difficult to kill some powerful teams.

Just keep up. How did you complete your mission? Bai Bian raised his leg, boom!

There was an explosion, and the wooden prison exploded.

White Epidemic's identity is very good, so there is no need to think too much, it is best to just do it directly.

The worst case scenario is to kill all the Night Towns and find the core of the world.

It's okay, it's just that I found something strange. Lilia didn't say anything. Her captain Gula has always been in charge of force in the team, and has led the team out of desperate situations many times. She has a blindness towards Gula. of trust.

Even if the captain seems to be a little different now, it does not affect her reliance on the captain who pulls her out of despair.

Tap tap tap.

There were footsteps at the end of the prison. This prison had three floors, and the White Plague was on the third floor. There was only one way to get up, other than using the extremely powerful stealth ability, and that was to fight out.

What's weird? A dagger appeared in Bai Bian's hand and he walked forward calmly.

Lilia trotted to follow and whispered: I saw a resident disobeying the guidance of the night, and that person was not punished.

Furthermore, I suddenly fell asleep and Moser died. I suspect that someone was behind it. Normally I wouldn't have fallen asleep during a mission. According to the procedure, Moser's execution should not be until tomorrow.

Bai Bian paused, but the steps ahead were even faster, giving people a sense of urgency.

Is there a new Dawn Team coming? Bai Bian had a bad feeling in his heart.

There is no evidence, and the Dawn Team will not attack each other. Lilia was a little confused: And I followed the resident who broke the rules, but it seems to have been discovered. Captain, you know that you can't even notice my tracking. , how could an ordinary resident discover it?

The bad premonition in Bai Bian's heart reached its peak. It seemed that he had been tricked?

He grabbed Lilia's shoulders and said calmly: Take me out.

Um? Aren't you going to kill yourself and get out? Lilia was a little confused, but her body gradually turned transparent and disappeared into the prison together with Bai Bian's body.

Less than three seconds after they disappeared, a large group of people wearing faceless masks rushed in. With a cold look on their bodies, they quickly arrived at the innermost cell.

It's just that there's nothing here.

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