The question Bai Bian asked God's Showcase was How can we find the evil being nurtured in Nanling City in advance?

The God's Showcase only talks about finding this scavenger, and nothing else is explained at all.

According to the fair transaction of God's Showcase, that is to say, there are two possibilities.

This scavenger Sid is a gestating evil. God's Showcase directly bypasses the answer of Rose of the Night and gives a clue to another evil.

But this heart has not been lost. The introduction has clearly stated that this heart was dug out of the evil god, or it was still a living evil god.

Then everything here is not in line with the evil being [breeding].

Because if it is replaced with the heart of a god, as long as it can withstand it and is not counterattacked by the power of the god, it will become a divine creature.

Divine creatures are not just evil beings. After the divinity in their bodies reaches a certain concentration, they are collectively called demigods.

Therefore, based on the fact that God’s Shop Window cannot give false news.

The most likely thing is that this heart has a lot to do with the evil that Rose of the Night is creating, and it is even the heart of that evil.

If this is the case, this Sid seems to be even more terrifying.

Thoughts appeared in Bai Bian's eyes, and he noticed something. Sid would put garbage into the trunk of the wooden cart, but there was nothing in the trunk, only darkness that could not be seen to the bottom.

It seems that the carriage is connected to some unknown place.

And what he heard clearly in Sid's murmur just now was: [It likes your heart]

Who is that?

Bai Bian took out a wooden box from the space ring, which was full of the breath of life.

He used two of the Flower of Life, which left two boxes free, and this kind of box was the most suitable box for storing flesh and blood.

Putting the Heart of Sin back into the space ring, Bai Bian followed Sid into the city in a hurry.

The moment he stepped into Sin City.

A scarlet mist flashed past, and a very charming voice sounded in the ear: Brother Bai Bian, how are you? Do you see anything?

Bai Bian ignored Ai Nuan, even though she was very close now.

He connected the things he discovered earlier with this Sid.

First of all, the establishment of Sin City was to compete for some kind of treasure, and the evil of Rose of the Night was something that only appeared in the past six months after the great purge.

And this Sid is obviously rational, but she is more like something that is regulated.

Fixed time to leave the city, the evil heart that appeared recently, the bottom of the carriage cannot be seen, and the arms are restrained

Sid was forced to stay here and became a scavenger!

'It' likes it very much

‘It’ bound Sid and made Sid a guardian in a sense.

Why are you ignoring sister? Tell me~ If you tell me, how about you let me taste my sister's red lips?

Ai Nuan got closer, almost the whole ghost was pressed against Bai Bian's back, but he never really touched.

When did this Sid appear? Bai Bian suddenly asked.

Ai Nuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled charmingly: It's indeed Brother Lu, but I don't know~ She was already there when we came.

Bai Bian's eyes became clear and he quickened his pace.

The things hidden in this sin city are more valuable than he imagined. It seems that this federal conference must be opened.

Sid is at least a legend. If her shackles can be released, the balance of Sin City will be broken, and the hidden things will be revealed.

Eh? Where is my brother going? Come on, let my sister taste whether my brother's mouth is sweet or not.

Ai Nuan instantly approached and came to the front of Bai Bian, and then moved towards Bai Bian's face with a smile.


There was a soft sound in the space, and Bai Bian's figure disappeared instantly, leaving Ai Nuan to kiss him.

She put her hands on her hips in displeasure: If you don't even kiss me when I'm so beautiful, are you blind?


The buzz of space sounded again, and Bai Bian appeared in Sin City. Looking at the straight line of action of the scavengers, Bai Bian looked at the innermost part of Sin City, which was the lowest place in the city.

None of the five council members live there. Now it seems that this road that runs through the whole city seems to have been deliberately shaped for Sid.

The scavengers are waiting, so are the MPs, even the Federation is waiting.

The Federation and the scavenger White Plague don't know it, but the Congressmen of Sin City are waiting for the legendary road!

Whoever reaches the legend first can reach into the innermost place first.

Bai Bing walked back to where Yue Fang was. The journey to Sin City was almost completed. Now it was time to find the place where the divine evil was, and at least he had to find the method of making the divine evil.

As for how to find it, the introduction to the Sinful Heart has already stated that it really wants to find its own body, so just take it to find its own body.

Yue Fang, let's go.


The two of them walked forward and headed outside the city.

Yue Fang was a little confused and reminded carefully: Boss, the mechanical alchemist hasn't gone there yet.

I'm not going, I'll take you to the Federation now. Bai Bian said, with thoughts in his eyes.

Forget it for the mechanical reformer. Among his mechanical knowledge, the only ones that can be related to the knowledge of gold are micro-machine groups and strategically powerful weapons such as missiles and Barretts.

If there was bound to be a conflict, he would not strengthen the mechanics.

When he walked out of the city, the terrifying power of Qi and blood around Bai Bian flashed, he grabbed Yue Fang with one hand, and the ground beneath his feet began to crack.


He leaped into the sky in an instant, and the power of evil thoughts exploded behind him, leading them over more than three thousand meters to the place where Sin City descended.

After setting up a teleportation array to return to the city, Bai Bian took Yue Fang and stood up with a glance at Sin City.


As the space trembled, an alchemical bomb was left in place before the white plague disappeared.

The scarlet mist shone.


After an explosion, the teleportation array was destroyed instantly, leaving only a pit.

The surrounding rocks fell down, but they were decomposed and faded by the black mist below.

Tsk, I'm really gone.

A low murmur sounded, and Ainuan's eyes flickered as she looked at the pit on the ground. The next moment, her body turned into a wisp of blood-colored smoke and disappeared from the top of the mountain.

And some eyes peering at the top of the mountain are also looking back.

Sin City has returned to its former peace.


Outside Nanling City.

Fluctuations in the space flashed, and Bai Bian appeared with the unconscious Yue Fang.

Although the three-thousand-kilometer teleportation array cannot kill the Bronze Median, it can seriously injure the Bronze Median.

When the white plague tricked players for the first time, they had to turn their bodies into illusions, otherwise their bodies wouldn't be able to hold on.

Give Yue Fang a bottle of health recovery potion and a spirit recovery potion.

Suddenly a faint light flashed across his body and he slowly opened his eyes.

Ugh~ Boss, are we being attacked? Ugh~

Yue Fang made a sound of retching violently, feeling that his brain had shrunk by two full circles and was still vibrating wildly, which made him very uncomfortable.

Bai Bian let him go, and the aura on his body gradually became gentle: Let's go, this is Nanling City, I will ask someone to take you to my city later.

Bai Bian said and walked towards the city.

Although Yue Fang felt very uncomfortable, he was not so pretentious after growing up in a place like Sin City. He forced himself to follow Bai Bing step by step.

Although his face was pale, his eyes were brighter than ever when he looked at the towering city walls and the bustle of people coming and going at the city gate.

This seems to be his future. He likes order.

But after he entered the city, his expression suddenly froze. Unlike the bustling scene at the gate, the scene in the city was something he did not expect.

In the low wooden house, people with numb expressions were cleaning the ground. Their eyes did not have the light that Yue Fang imagined, but they were calmer than the wanderers on the streets of Sin City.

This calm is...desperate.

When they got into a car they had never seen before, the desperate scene around them began to stretch.

This city is very clean, even in the civilian area. The wooden houses occasionally have some sprouts, but the vehicles have been gone for so long.

In those fleeting eyes, apart from numb despair, there was only a little bit of envy and self-deprecation.

But as the vehicle sped along an exclusive road, a first car and a second car appeared around it.

Da da da.

There was the sound of a propeller, and Yue Fang raised his head and looked out through the car window.

A large machine was flying over their heads, flying towards the center of the city.

There was some amazement in his eyes, and when he raised his head, he saw a huge stone building in the distance. That building was different from those numb wooden buildings.

Children as young as eight or nine and as old as him came in and out.

These people are different from the numb people outside. The hope in these children's eyes is what order looks like in his fantasy.

But without giving him a chance to continue observing, the vehicle drove past the school at high speed and began to slow down.

Some strange people also appeared in his eyes. The eyes of those people were something he had never seen before, like novelty and joy. Some of them also walked strangely, jumping suddenly as they walked.

Or suddenly roll forward, slide, try to run against the wall of the cabin at very fast speed, and then fall.

Yue Fang was a little surprised, is this a person from the Order? It's really strange.

As he passed a city wall, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and the shocking prosperity appeared in his eyes.

Neon lights illuminate the night sky, the large machines flying in the sky are parked in rows at exclusive locations, the streets are full of people, and shops can be seen everywhere.

Entertainment facilities are available everywhere.

The speed of the vehicle slowed down. When passing some taverns, the troubadour's poems seemed to be telling someone's epic story, which made the city suddenly sublime in his impression.

He looked back and saw a tall city wall through the car window. He was extremely convinced and certain that the scene inside this city wall was the order he heard a warm voice tell when he was very young. !

Very confused? Bai Bian asked softly.

Yue Fang paused and immediately lowered his head, but he felt something. Only when he woke up did he notice the changes in Bai Bian.

The ferociousness disappeared, and now the white plague gave him a warm feeling, no oppression at all, like an elegant brother, not a terrifying evil god.

Yes, the gap is a bit big. He whispered.

The White Plague is very peaceful. Players feel almost the same when they first come to the Federation. After all, if you don’t understand the background of the Federation, then most of the Federation’s systems are incomprehensible.

Everyone has talents and will grow. Those who can grow to a higher level are on the inside, and those who cannot grow are on the outside. Are there any doubts?

The vehicle stopped. Foreign vehicles were not allowed on the official streets. He took out a gold coin and threw it into the passenger seat. With the driver's surprise in his eyes, he got out of the car with Yue Fang.

No more. Yue Fang lowered his head and his heart began to beat violently. He seemed to understand the meaning of the pictures along the way.

Bai Bian smiled: Remember, it is November 7, 1937 in the Dawn Calendar. In 1940, I need you to reach the top of Silver. This is your value.

I know. Yue Fang's tone was completely calm, and there was a lot of confidence in it.

Well, let's go then. Bai Bian walked towards the city lord's mansion.

The two elves at the door did not stop him.

The people standing guard at the gate of the city lord's mansion are basically the city lord's personal guards, and since they are personal guards, they are basically the same race as the city lord.

Of course, those in Dongwu City don't count. The white plague doesn't matter to these people. The Apocalypse Legion will just take turns.

Walking all the way to the back garden, Dias and Qin Xia were sitting under a tree of life. One was standing and practicing, while the other was sitting on a chair and watching calmly, occasionally giving a few words of advice.

When the white plague brought Yue Fang closer, Diaz's cold voice sounded: Okay, stop first, a guest is coming.

The flames around Qin Xia were calming down. She glanced at Bai Bian and Yue Fang curiously, then trotted towards her master.

Thank you City Lord, this thing is still okay.

Bai Bian took out a rescue ice crystal, his mental power fluctuated, and sent it to Dias.

Dias didn't answer, but just asked: Have you finished your work?

Not that fast.

Then take it. When will you leave my Nanling City? When will you return it to me? It will be very troublesome for you to die here. Dias said coldly.

Bai Bian paused, thought for a while, and took out a blank booklet. His fingertips moved slightly, and some blue text appeared on the booklet.

The rescue ice crystal was brought back and a pamphlet was given.

Dias looked at the two potion formulas in his hands with a little surprise and satisfaction in his eyes.

This is something lost by the elves. Although we don’t know where the white plague came from, there are hundreds of trees of life, and each tree can produce more than a dozen flowers of life every spring.

If this potion is only supplied to the elderly gold, then Daybreak's peak strength will be delayed for several years.

It can also extend the growth time of those geniuses by a few years.

I need an alchemy laboratory, and I hope I can arrange it. Bai Bian said with a smile: If you have a life priest, or a life mage and an alchemist here, you can come to the laboratory to visit, and I will make a bottle of the source of life.

Dias looked at Qin Xia: Go and make arrangements.

Yes, Master.

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