Everything here points to the direction of the moon. There are no screams or fishy smells in the laboratory this time.

In the natural fragrance, he watched Bai Bian gently explaining the medicine about life to some elves. Some of the precautions in his eyes were disappearing, replaced by a kind of determination.

Children who grow up in darkness will yearn for the beauty of light as long as they do not lose their minds.

Reaching the top level of silver within two years.

What he can do is not allowed to fail. He doesn't want to fall into the darkness again.

He likes it here.

[You created the source of life x 3, the experience value is +30000, and the additional experience value is +30000. 】

Is there anything else you don't understand?

Bai Bian's voice sounded, and he had three more bottles of medicine in his hand, looking at the elves with a smile.

Most of these elves are green-haired elves, because the life tribe is a natural tribe, and they are also the elves who are best at making potions.

The talents they awaken are either life priests or life-related professions, such as wood mage, life mage, or magic apothecary.

This tribe is very special, and Bai Bian is more patient with them.

The current production of the source of life has not wasted any flowers of life, and there are still five remaining in the white plague's space ring.

However, after returning this time, White Blight will apply to the Elf Church for the transplantation of some Trees of Life, which should not be difficult in a city with Irene.

No more. Lord Bai Yie described it very clearly.

A female elf smiled. Their character is very soft, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Bai Bian nodded: I will send the images I created three times to Dias. You can just ask him to get them.

Zero: [Diaz’s contact information has been found, and the Source of Life manufacturing video has been sent. 】

Thank you very much, Lord Bai Bian. The elf bowed slightly, looking very elegant.

Bai Bian nodded and said calmly: Go find some materials for me. Once you find them, just bring them here.

Bai Bian wrote three extremely poisonous materials on paper, calculated the price, then took out a Dawn Badge from the space ring and handed it to the elf.

Mr. White Plague, you have helped us find the inheritance of these two potions. There is no need for material fees. We still have some savings. The elf took the paper, but did not pick up the Daybreak Badge. He turned around and took the other ones. The elf walked outside.

Bai Bian was a little helpless: Why don't you check the price first?

The elf paused and subconsciously looked at the list in his hand. He was a little silent when he saw the total price column of the nearly one million materials.

Hurry up. Bai Bian threw the Dawn Badge to the elf. What he wanted this time was thirty portions, and the savings of several elves were completely insufficient.

This is the ultimate poison. If an ordinary gold warrior doesn't have any special expertise, any amount of it can kill gold.

The cost is as high as 20,000 to 40,000 gold coins per material.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to practice and slowly build up his proficiency. Otherwise, how could any alchemist be as lavish as him?


The elf took the Dawn Badge with a blushing face, covered her face and ran out quickly. She swore that when she helped a big shot buy something in the future, she would definitely check the price first!

Bai Bian took out a wooden box, put three bottles of medicine into it, and walked out: Come out with me first.

Yue Fang hurriedly followed, finally no longer bowing his head.

After they all left the laboratory, the street was still quiet. Official streets generally did not allow idlers to wander around. Only the first half of the street felt prosperous. Over there were places such as the Palace of Knowledge and the Adventurer's Guild.

This is not my city. Someone will arrange your place after you arrive in Dongwu City. Don't forget what you promised me.

After Bai Bian finished speaking calmly, he took out a wooden box that exuded black energy. This wooden box was engraved with a large number of alchemical inscriptions, which was a type of seal science.


The roar of the giant dragon rang out, and before Yue Fang could reply, the giant dragon in the sky began to swoop amidst the exclamations of the people in the distance.

The two wooden boxes in Bai Bian's hands were thrown away, and were caught by the dragon's mouth. The next moment, a strong wind flew up and disappeared in Nanling City with Yue Fang.

[Send a message to Sabo, saying that the evil god material he wants is in Bolton's mouth, and ask him to arrange Yue Fang, Yue Fang: SS-level flesh and blood transformer. 】

Zero: [Message has been sent. 】

Zero: [Mr. Sabo replied: Oh~ my friend, you are so efficient. I will also use the same method to bring you the Colossus information. 】

Bai Bian ignored it, turned around and walked back to the laboratory, taking out the Heart of Sin.

In just a short period of time, the life force on the wooden box containing the heart of the god began to decline, and the whole box had a dry meaning.

Abominations are things that should not exist and were born out of resentment. Their power is inherently evil, but the power of life is a benefit to most creatures except the undead.

And the evil spirits are also alive.

Bai Bing thought about it for a while. With the title of hunter, Bai Bing didn't need to make any equipment to track the medium.

What we need to do now is to create some extreme poison and prepare it on our body.

The high bonus of alchemy knowledge in the face of light should not take long to be filled up.

The most important thing now is to get started. Of course, trying to make it must be the faster way, so we still have to wait for the elves to come back.

Time passed slowly, and another three days passed.

There are now ten days left before the time that Charles said, and the white plague has also produced all three poisons.

[You have learned withering, attachment, and soul decay, and your alchemy and potion science has reached the master level. 】

[You created Alchemical Poison Blight 】

[You have become a master in alchemical pharmacy, alchemical technology, and alchemical transformation. You have obtained the five-star title: Master of Alchemy. 】

[Name: Master Alchemist.

Attribute: title.

Quality: ★★★★★.

Wearing effect: knowledge absorption rate 10%, charm +10.

Wearing requirements: Master of all alchemy series.

Introduction: The desire for knowledge is the most basic requirement for a qualified alchemist. Obviously, you are a qualified alchemist. 】

Bai Bian was stunned, but he didn't expect that there would be a surprise. This title was very good. It seemed that it was not limited to the system of alchemy, but that his understanding of all knowledge had reached a higher level.


Although Bai Bian didn't know how to calculate this, he had a good feeling before awakening the Alchemist Demon and after awakening the Alchemist Demon.

[Alchemy Demon - Alchemy Genius, your comprehension rate of alchemy knowledge +100%. 】

Knowledge that was originally difficult to understand will always be revealed after awakening to this expertise. Normal people will add zeros at the end of 1000×1000, but after awakening, the answer will appear directly the moment the question arises.

But the only bad thing is that it conflicts with the six-star title [Future Star].

[Name: Future Star.

Attribute: title.

Quality: ★★★★★★

Wearing effect: Charm +5, all NPCs with official positions will define their initial favorability towards you as friendly, you will have absolute confidence, and your understanding of alchemy knowledge will be +10%.

Wearing requirements: Legend level 80.

Introduction: The real star of the future, the hope of dawn. 】

However, you can bring the Heart of the Future in the Federation, and when you leave the Federation, you can bring the Master of Alchemy.

I wonder if there will be a title fusion function in the future. If so, these two titles would definitely be a perfect match.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian had already stood up, found the bone dragon, took out a small box from his mouth and put it away. Inside was the method of making the colossus.

After this incident is over, we need to study it carefully and find reliable players to pass the information to the legendary alchemist of the Federation of Stars.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian touched Bolton's metal jaw and turned to leave.

It's time for Bolton to be upgraded, at least in terms of weapons, otherwise he feels a little out of step with the rhythm.

The accumulation of one thing after another made White Blight want to steal Sabo's multitasking ability. Unfortunately, expertise cannot be taken away from him.

Taking out the Heart of Sin, the hunter's tracking ability is instantly activated.

Bai Bian's eyes were suddenly shrouded in scarlet, and a long thread spread from the heart of the god to the distance.

This direction is not a wild forest wetland!

Frowning, isn't it the scene in the game screen yet?

Bai Bian thought of something, rummaged through the forum, found the trailer video, and watched it carefully.

The key words were quickly found.

[We can’t be sure. It may be that the battlefield is not full of blood, the war above has not met the requirements, and the missile war is not the war we need. 】

Bai Bian looked at the direction of the desolate forest wetland and decisively headed towards the city lord's mansion.

When I came to the backyard, I didn't see Qin Xia this time. Only Dias looked at the tree of life quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

There may be a stronghold of Night Rose under the Desolate Forest Wetland. You should go and deal with it.

Bai Bian rubbed his brows: I'm going to leave first. If I have any questions, I will come to you.

Yeah, I know. Addis didn't look at the white plague, just stared at the big tree in a daze, and had no idea of ​​leaving immediately.

But a piece of ice crystal floated outside the city lord's palace.

The white plague didn't take any more care. If the city lord had to do everything, who would be willing to be the city lord?

Therefore, this kind of thing usually requires the army to encircle and suppress it. As a city of elves, Nanling City does not have only one gold like Tobu City.

Elves are immortal species. Five of the twenty-seven council members are elves. Together with Ogna and Dias from the law enforcement team, it can only be said that the elves are worthy of being the overlords they once were.

If the fertility rate had been higher, they would not have lost the original racial war.

However, the next generation of elven leaders has become half-elves, and the growth of pure-blood elves is still too slow.

The elves who merged with the human race not only inherited the elves' heritage, but also inherited their growth speed.

Among the five SSS-level potential beings in the capital, one is a half-elf.

After walking out of the city lord's mansion, Bai Bian thought about it and decided to take a helicopter there.

It’s been so long since he came to this world, and he hasn’t flown a plane yet.

I found a store that sold helicopters and bought a helicopter with a speed of 200 gold coins and a speed of 400 per hour. I got into the driver's seat and flew out of the city as the propellers rotated rapidly.

The four major border towns of the Federation have a tacit understanding to push the stability of the border a hundred kilometers away, and soldiers will occasionally patrol these places.

There was also one in Tobu City, but it was canceled by Bai Bie. After all, Bai Bie felt that this kind of small group of soldiers was just going to explore the road with their lives.

The White Blight takes the elite route, and adventurers can also take on the responsibility of exploring the path.

After five hours of flying at full speed, White Plague advanced nearly two thousand kilometers to the southeast. There was still no problem with the helicopter's endurance.

White Blight's eyes were gradually replaced by scarlet. The power of the title hunter covered his whole body. Coupled with the deliberate restraint of malicious threats, his dark side did not reveal any aura.

Taking out an empty space ring to load up the helicopter, and then putting the space ring away, Bai Bian looked around and slowly landed on a big tree.

This is an endless forest, and Bai Bian can feel the breath of Warcraft from it.

These monsters are beasts with powerful power. They are different from other races. They are extraordinary animals.

However, after continuous growth, spiritual intelligence may be born, and most of the beasts that grow up in the law of the jungle are violent and bloodthirsty even if they are spiritually intelligent.

That's why it's called Warcraft.

But in the eyes of the Federation, these are just meat and resources.

The kind of milk that White Plague likes the most is the product of crossing Warcraft and cows.

After looking around, a little confused, the hunter's tracking came here.

Is it underground again?

White Plague's huge spiritual power covered this area and extended downwards.

There was no sense of blank space even after it stretched for 10,000 meters. White Plague would even stab it with mental power every 100 meters, and there was no sign of any underground base.

This means that it is not underground this time.

The energy of the title continued to bless his eyes, and the heart of the god in Bai Bian's hand beat slowly.

dong dong

The subtle sound was very clear in this forest, but a scarlet color suddenly appeared in Bai Bie's eyes.

A red line suddenly extended to an area, and then lingered in that area.

Bai Bing was a little surprised, but then he realized that it should be a different space similar to a nightmare world, but it was also disguised, no wonder it was so hard to find.

Put the God's Heart back into the wooden box, then put the wooden box away, moved slightly on his toes, and the white plague instantly appeared in this area.

Close your eyes, and the powerful perception of evil thoughts slowly extends.

The beep on the panel suddenly lit up.

[Are you entering the ultra-high-risk area, the dark night town? 】

A white epidemic, a small town at night?

He turned the panel over, and there was the [World Management Section] over there. He flipped through it, except for the Black Death and Pathogen World, which was at 1% progress.

There is also some information about the recyclable small world. There are two blue words Include below the information. These two words should be the scanning window to see if it can be included in the panel.

If the panel wants the management rights of these small worlds, it will naturally identify the functions and even tasks of the small worlds.

Just when I thought of this, the prompt on the panel suddenly lit up.

[The small world [Night Town] is detected, triggering the world containment mission]

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