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Chapter 154 Give me your heart

[You created the source of life x 1, you created the sigh of life x 1. 】

[Name: Source of Life.

Level: Legend.

Effect: Greatly restore the body's vitality, replacing the consumption of body functions within a certain period of time.

Usage requirements: None.

Introduction: Life is passing by, but I can only keep you for a short time - Leng Ronghua. 】

[Name: Sigh of Life.

Quality: Legendary.

Effect: Recover 70% of health within one second and expel any negative effects on the body.

Usage requirements: None.

Introduction: Alas, the things given by the goddess cannot save the goddess after all. She has obviously achieved the ultimate goal-Marian. 】

Both potions are from the elves, but the elves of Daybreak do not have this part of the inheritance. The inheritance of this potion is in the Sun Federation.

It shouldn't be long before some truly great players emerge. They are exploring the world instead of treating it as a game.

Since the underlying parameters of the two worlds are different, many things that can be done in reality cannot be produced in this world.

Therefore, these great gods are looking for the differences between the two worlds. Their characteristic is to soak in the knowledge halls of the three federations and purchase a large amount of knowledge to study the differences between the two worlds.

Very few people watch this kind of live broadcast, which is similar to approaching science. Of course, those alchemists who are trying to gain knowledge for free do not count.

Because of the realism of this game, it is really possible to awaken skills in the panel by watching those live broadcasts.

After super-popular anchors like Wei Lv start to do this, many recipes can be easily restored, such as intercontinental missiles and the like.

Bai Bian put away the [Sigh of Life], and then walked out of the pharmaceutical room with Yue Fang, who was filled with admiration.

Bai Bing did not let E Fan follow him in to see. The Tree of Life is only available in the three major federations. If too many people master this manufacturing method, it may have a certain impact on Nanling City.

Sometimes it is better to avoid it as much as possible.

Handing the source of life to Efan, Bai Bian smiled and said, Try?

Efan just looked at it, turned around and left, his old steps staggering:

Just wait, I'll get you my research manual.

His tone was slightly excited. Although the alchemist has no physical limitations, his energy and blood have faded. If he cannot enter the legendary realm, this will be the end of his life for the human race.

You can only use the last bit of time to leave a legacy or find a way to enter the legend.

And this is life span. Although he feels that he has no chance to enter the legend, who knows?

It would be nice to live a few more years.

Bai Bian waited quietly. About ten minutes later, Efan limped back. He handed three books to Bai Bian, and his tone was calmer than before: These three books are mine. Every book contains tips on making poisons, and there is an extremely powerful poison in it.”

Bai Bian took the book and checked it, a little surprised.

[Name: Wither.

Attribute: Alchemical poison.

Effect: Curse part of the enemy's body, causing a rejection reaction in the opponent's body, reducing agility by 50% until the cursed flesh becomes necrotic or removed.

Requirements for use: Master of Alchemy and Pharmacy.

Introduction: It is better to cut off one finger than to injure ten of them. Are you sure you still want to be my enemy? --Efan. 】

[Name: Attachment.

Attribute: Alchemical Curse.

Effect: Distorts the enemy's flesh and blood tissue, and has extremely strong adhesion. Any energy, including the soul, will be attached to this curse and cause a large amount of curse damage.

Requirements for use: Master of Alchemy and Pharmacy.

Introduction: Have you ever heard of gangrene of the bone? This is scarier than it is - Efan. 】

[Name: Lost Soul.

Attribute: Curse.

Effect: pollutes the soul, weakens the soul, and even kills the soul.

Requirements for use: Master of Alchemy and Pharmacy.

Introduction: I once gave a weakened version, which was also a soul body, but unfortunately she was too powerful - Efan. 】

The three potions are very powerful. The curse called attachment should be a curse that wastes one of his soul crystals. It is indeed very difficult to deal with and can contaminate almost all energy substances, including the spirit.

If this kind of curse is hit during a battle, it can greatly increase the chance of winning. As for the third type, you can see from the introduction that Bai Bian was hit by this curse during the conflict with Ai Nuan a few hours ago.

I didn't expect the source of her curse to be here.

Thank you, I won't bother you.

Bai Bian bowed slightly and walked out with Yue Fang.

Basically, these people will not tell if it is fake, because they are all alchemists, and they can basically tell whether it is fake by just calculating the ingredients.

And the dark side of White Plague is the golden middle, which is much stronger than these alchemists.

They have a certain life guarantee in Sin City, but they are not immortal.

Boss, are we going to the mechanical councilman later? Yue Fang asked in a low voice, with some worry in his tone.

Although he admires White Plague now, the power of the congressmen is deeply ingrained in his heart, especially the mechanical congressman. Few people can see him, but all his enemies are dead without exception.

Even other congressmen didn't really want to provoke him, he was too difficult to deal with.

Bai Bian shook his head: No, find a fat sheep and stay at his house for a while. The mechanic will visit him before he leaves.

Yue Fang breathed a sigh of relief, but then he fell into deep thought. How can there be fat sheep in Sin City? A fat sheep will turn into a skinny sheep within a day of entering Sin City

He looked at Bai Bian and said bravely: Boss, I know the richest man here. Do you think it's okay?

lead the way.

This way.

The two came to a castle-like place, with some pink mist looming.

Bai Bian looked at Yue Fang with something strange in his eyes.

Why did this kid bring him to a place like this?

Seemingly understanding Bai Bian's thoughts, Yue Fang lowered his head and said: The five happy shops in the city are all opened by this succubus. She is very rich.

White plague:.

However, the succubus is a relatively stable demon in the abyss, and is a rare intelligent abyss demon.

I haven’t seen White Plague before, so I’m a little curious.

Just when he was about to knock on the door and see his true face, Bai Bian felt an appetite slowly rise in his heart.

It seems that succubi are also food for evil thoughts.

Bai Bian thought for a while, turned around, and walked towards a shop not far away. Yue Fang was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed him, lowering his head and not daring to speak.

Behind the door, a succubus with pink bat wings, a tail on her butt, and a heart on the tip of her tail let out a long sigh of relief.

She patted her chest, feeling lucky that she was almost eaten.

Bai Bian randomly found a fairly good shop, and then began to use other people's low-level materials to let Yue Fang practice. To learn transformation, he also had to learn pharmacy and technology.

And when he came out this time, except for the soul minerals, he brought very few other materials, otherwise there would be no need to find any fat sheep.

Of course, as a courtesy, Bai Bian started the malicious intimidation. He asked the owner of the store very respectfully and politely, and only started to use other people's materials after receiving unanimous support.

This is a gift, not a robbery.

In the following time, Vice City has been very quiet. The only thing that made some movement was the X-shaped monster. It was a behemoth more than six meters tall. It was a little flamboyant and did all kinds of evil. Then it was accepted into the law enforcement team to work.

Even White Plague can't be truly unscrupulous in Sin City. It's not bad for him, a modified creature, to have such an ending.

However, White Blight did not see the modified creature Madness, which must have been recycled by Maku.

In the quiet teaching, this Yuefang guy is very good, and he is making very smooth progress in the fields of pharmaceuticals and flesh and blood modification, especially flesh and blood modification.

He is only a junior reformer now, but some skilled reformers are no weaker than those in Tobu City. When the AI ​​clones were also arranged, the talent he revealed surprised Bai Bian.

Absolutely calm surgery, every step was almost perfect.

In just five days, he successfully reached level 20, and promoted the basic transformation science to the intermediate transformation science, and his medicine refining also improved a lot.

Of course, White Plague is similar. In the past few days, I have started using two skills, [Black Gaze] and [Heavenly Demonic Flash], and spent four skill points to complete them.

Originally, the skill [Heavenly Demon Flash] did not require so many skill points, but it is a professional skill of the Demon Swordsman. It is very difficult for others to learn and practice. The 1000 proficiency level just used up two skill points. Just finished studying.

Now, White Plague only has 20 skill points left, which is quite enough, but the three curses that intensify the poison require at least 8 skill points, and the current skill points are still somewhat lacking.

When the seventh day arrived, Bai Bian, who was flipping through the poisonous books, paused. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the exit of Sin City.

Over there, there was an aura that made him uneasy, approaching slowly but powerfully, like a legend?

But it's impossible.

He stood up, left the hive behind, and said calmly: Wait for me here, I'll go out and take a look.

Yes! Yue Fang paused, lowered his head, and responded respectfully.

When he raised his head again, the white plague had disappeared.

Dark and dirty.

There are no street lights outside the city, and the sun basically doesn't come down, making the place look like a garbage dump and stinking to the sky.

The white plague had just appeared, and he was immediately smoked. He frowned and felt it carefully, his eyes full of solemnity.

Not the breath of legend, but the breath of evil.

This scavenger Sid is an evil creature wandering in Shia!

How can it be

Bai Bian looked into the darkness with solemn eyes. In his eyes, a high-ranking creature that did not hide itself was slowly approaching.


Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click.

The sound of chains pulling the wooden cart sounded, and Bai Bian's muscles tightened suddenly. He felt the danger. This scavenger was more powerful than he imagined.

Boom, boom, boom.

The wooden wheels approached quickly, and the chain mopped the floor rhythmically.

Closer, closer.

White Plague can already see a short outline.

It was an old man wearing a black mage robe and a hood, with only a wrinkled nose visible.

She had a rusty chain in one hand, and the chain was dragging a small wooden cart, walking slowly towards the direction of the plague.

Occasionally she would stop along the way to pick up something on the ground, such as some discarded metal, some glass bottles, and some moldy food.

She put the things into the carriage of the wooden cart, and then continued walking forward with almost mechanical steps.

Bai Bian's whole body was tense, ready to activate the Demonic Flash and leave here at any time. This old woman was so weird.


When he got closer, Bai Bian could see clearly that the chain was not held by the old woman, but passed directly through her palm and penetrated deeply into her flesh and blood.

She seemed to have noticed the white plague and stopped. Her voice was dry and hollow: Young man, do you have any garbage for the old woman?

Bai Bian paused, and a sense of crisis hit him. His mental power surged, and he instantly pulled a cloth bag from a garbage dump not far away, filled it with a bunch of garbage, and brought it back.

Yes, here it is. Bai Bian handed the garbage over.

So much? Thank you, young man. Sid took the garbage, placed it on the ground, stretched out his hand that was not wrapped in chains, and kept rummaging through the garbage.

Not long after, she picked up a small piece of iron and threw it into the car behind her.

Young man, this old woman has nothing to repay you with, so why don't you give me your heart?

Bai Yi paused and became somewhat silent: I'm sorry, I only have one heart and I can't give it to you for free.

The old woman looked up and said with certainty in her hollow, dry tone: You have three hearts, you can give me one.

Bai Bian was silent for a long time. He thought of something and took out a wooden box that exuded some blood from the space ring: Can this one be okay?

The old woman nodded: This is what I want. The heart in your body now is too evil and I don't like it.

The old woman reached out and took the small box given by Bai Bian, opened it, and a half-dried human heart appeared inside.

This is the organ left behind when White Plague transformed the evil thoughts. The first step in transforming the evil thoughts is to replace it with the extremely evil heart, just like the first step in the transformation of the madness is to replace the violent demon heart.

The heart is still the core in reformology.

It's a pity that it withered.

There was some pity in the old woman's tone. She stretched out her hand that was pierced by the chain, and touched her heart with a clattering sound.

dong dong

The heartbeat sounded, and Bai Yi paused. He was surprised to see the dead heart beating slowly.

dong dong

As some blood on the chain entered the heart, it exuded unprecedented vitality.

Dong Dong Dong Dong

The beating sound of the heart became louder and louder, and gradually, a trace of life appeared on it.

It loves your heart

There was some satisfaction in her low murmur, and the old woman's hand holding her heart came close to her chest.



The beating of two hearts sounded. The old woman put her hand in and then stretched it out again. The living heart in her hand had become dry and weak.

But the breath of this scavenger is becoming more alive.

I will give my heart to you


The sound of the chains seemed to overwhelm the voice of the scavenger Sid, but she had no intention of saying it again, and walked around the White Plague towards Sin City.

Dong dong dong, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click.

The rhythm of the wheel has become faster, and Sid, the scavenger, seems to have become younger overall after replacing it with the heart of the dark side.

Bai Bian looked at the heart still stained with blood in his hand, feeling a little silent.

Boom, boom, boom.

The heartbeat sound at this time is not only Bai Bian's own heartbeat, but also the heart of God in his hand!

[You gain the heart of evil. 】

[Name: The Heart of Sin.

Properties: Heart.

Effect:? ? ?

Introduction: The heart of the evil being was dug out when it was still alive. It seems to want to find its body. If you are willing to replace it with his heart, maybe you will also become a divine creature? 】

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