Chapter 151 Devil Faye: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

Blood, minced meat, mutilated limbs, and internal organs filled the battle circle.

Each of the L-shaped transformed warriors was brutally chopped to pieces, leaving the land filled with rotting flesh and blood.

[Frenzy: Entering a violent state, strength, agility, and endurance are greatly improved. The angrier the heart, the stronger the killing intent, and the higher the improvement, up to 70%.

Cooling: 3 natural days. 】

[Powerful self-healing: When the health value is lower than 10%, the endurance is +50, and 10% of the health value is restored every second, lasting for one hour.

Cooling: 3 natural days. 】

L-shaped warriors can awaken at least one specialty, or even two specialties. Whichever one is activated is a qualitative leap.

Coupled with the high military salary of five thousand gold coins per person per month for the Transformation Legion, their charge was simply unstoppable.

If they don't die this time, they will have very generous military pay. Even if they die, the military pay will be given to their descendants.

In this era when both men and women reach adulthood at the age of sixteen, these humans, with an average age of twenty-five, and orcs, dwarves and other races with an average age of about seventy, basically all have descendants.

With such good benefits and an AI watching from the sky, no one wants to take a step back.

The real bloody battle is still going on.

An L-shaped transformed warrior had half of his body chopped into pieces by a giant axe. His violent specialty burst out with incredible power, and his other hand desperately hugged Scarlet Crazy War's waist.


The sound of space breaking through was heard, and an M-shaped modified warrior stabbed Scarlet Madness in the eye.


Amid the vibrations in the space, the M-type warrior was instantly cut in half.

[Rapid: Activate stored power, increasing agility by 30%.

Cooling time: 5 hours. 】

[Ghost Quick Step: Transform the body into a phantom within thirty minutes, ignore most physical damage, and increase agility by 20% and intelligence by 10%.

Cooling time: 8 hours. 】

The Ghost Step of the M-type warrior is not immune to the golden mid-level slash at all, because the scarlet mad warrior's slash brings the power of the berserker and some scarlet power.

Even a warrior with dual specialties activated cannot block any blow.

Scarlet Battle lowered his head and stabbed down with his axe, instantly piercing the warrior's head and drawing blood.

But his move caused more warriors to rush forward, especially the warriors who were originally berserkers. Stimulated by the blood, they would not exhaust themselves until their health dropped to 1%.

And the power is getting stronger.

If calculated according to the game, they should be considered elite monsters, one thousand strength elite monsters, one thousand speed elite monsters, plus sniper assistance and laser assistance. The outcome of this battle has been decided.


Magath held the giant sword and rushed forward dragging his broken body. He was the deputy commander of the Whispering Legion. Even if he was seriously injured now, he could not retreat.

After taking some potion, he slashed at Scarlet Kuangzhan's neck with his sword.

A strong sound broke through the air.

Scarlet Crazy, who had just chopped up another M-type warrior, had no time to defend himself, and a large handful of blood spurted out from the back of his neck.


The berserker's violent skills were brought into full play. The crimson mad warrior's ax blade turned violently, and the scarlet light shone brightly.

This is a specialty he gained from believing in the Scarlet Lord. It can greatly improve his battery life and strength. This is also the reason why he can fight fiercely until now.

Scarlet is a god whose main focus is blood, and the gold level is enough to become a high-level person in the Scarlet Kingdom and receive the blessing of the true Lord of Scarlet.

That may only be an insignificant power to a god, but on a mortal battlefield, he is the God of War.

The Berserker's ultimate move was suddenly activated, and a scarlet ring spread rapidly.

Magath, the deputy commander of the army, had no time to dodge and was cut in half in an instant.

In this battle to encircle and suppress the big boss, he didn't even have time to let out a scream before he was suddenly crushed into minced meat by the frenzy of warriors who came one after another, and became one with the earth.

Brother! Kill!

Garrit's eyes instantly turned scarlet, and his intense rage infinitely inspired the power of his expertise, and a sense of gold suddenly rose.

Without his weapon, he raised his fists and rushed forward desperately.

The two behemoths collided violently.

boom! Boom boom boom.

The ground was trembling, and flesh and blood were flying everywhere. With the help of the propellers behind them, almost all the mechanical warriors in the distance flew up. The precise control of the AI ​​allowed lasers, snipers, and small missiles to all accurately hit the boss.

Gradually, this battlefield became a millstone of flesh and blood, and even the AI ​​of the mechanical warriors in the sky could no longer find an opening to attack.

I can only watch the bloody killings of the two LM teams.

Gold, in this intense battle, gradually fell into an absolute disadvantage. Scarlet Crazy Fighter's eyes were blinded by the M-type warrior's dagger.

His whole body was covered in scars, and his strength gradually weakened in this desperate charge. Scarlet's blood-sucking blood could no longer keep up with his energy consumption.


Behind the player in the distance, the Guard Brigade and Demacia no longer followed the player's army to kill. There was a long queue of helicopters in the sky, increasing the number of players.

The frontal battlefield has been pushed into the valley, and players are shouting, laughing, and cursing.

Xiahou Fuxing would occasionally blow the passionate charge horn and keep moving forward, continuously lowering the Scarlet Kingdom's winning rate.

Magic, big swords, and backstabbing are all happening all the time, and scenes make up this war led by the players.

Do you think we have a chance to enter this legion? Demacia gave up the idea of ​​grabbing monsters.

The battles in this legion were too fierce. If his summons dared to participate, they would be trampled into pulp by those three-meter-tall muscular men in minutes.

The Wei Brigade had this intention to stay here, and even some of the high-ranking players around them had some pity on their faces.

NPCs do not level up by killing monsters, and they originally wanted to try to grab the reward for killing the boss.

But now, it seems there is no need for that.

Ordinary professions simply cannot integrate into this battlefield, and even the space-time assassins of the Guard Brigade may not have a chance.

Difficult, this game is different from other games. In this kind of fully open game, the official will investigate us players. After all of us become extraordinary, they will definitely promulgate corresponding laws for the stability of the federation.

And some disorderly fun players will ruin our reputation. In addition, the time when we go online is uncertain, the regular army may not have a chance, but...

Listening to the explanation of the Guard Brigade, Demacia thought of something and asked: Guild mechanism? Or legion mechanism? Let players manage players?

The guard smiled: Why do you think they came? Do you think there are any big shots in Tobu City watching our battle?

He pointed at the battlefield like a millstone of flesh and blood and said calmly: This legion was only established two months ago, and its current number is only five thousand. This time, 2,500 people came directly, and regardless of The rest just focus on the boss.

Based on the realism of this game, this is military training, testing the new units' ability to encircle and suppress high-end combat capabilities, as well as the combat capabilities and growth abilities of our players. Obviously, now we and they are qualified.

Wei Brigade thought: This game must be based on its background and realistic factors. Basically, you can know the meaning behind each decree.

Just watch. It won't take long. There should be some land in the huge Tobu City that will be allocated to players.

Barrage: [Brother Wei is still so professional! 】


【It is indeed the most reliable high-level player.】

[If it were really a military training, would it be so bloody? Soldiers also have families, right? Can't it be more stable? 】

[Those upstairs, let’s take a look at the background of the world first, okay? 】

[Their opponents are gods, not mortals. When gods really come and they don't have the strength, they will all die. 】

After glancing at the barrage, although there was some quarrel, it was still within the normal range.

Tsk, you are more professional, legion. I'd better continue to level up as an adventurer. Tobu City doesn't pay military salaries, so it's boring.

Demacia said, commanding several twenty-level summons around her: Go, go, go, kill those monsters with red eyes. I summoned you to fight monsters, not to watch a show, go, go, go!

The surrounding high-level players also disappeared and rushed towards the front battlefield. Since there was no chance to grab monsters, it was better to kill some elite monsters.

Killing these monsters gives you a lot of experience points.

The guard glanced at them, thought for a moment, took off a necklace and a ring, and handed them to Demacia: Keep them safe for me, and I will bind the dagger. The binding system is too expensive.

After Demacia took it over, his figure slowly disappeared. Although it felt a bit impossible, the boss was almost exhausted during the siege by the Whispering Legion, so he still wanted to try.

The Space-Time Assassin is a super hidden profession. He can afford to lose just one life.


And at the same time, in another dimension.

Sabo looked at the dim environment around him and felt a little emotional.

Part of his heritage is from the devil, but this is the first time he has seen a projection of hell.

The scarlet full moon in the sky represented the rules of hell. It stared at him, seeming to be warning, but also seemed to be just shining normally.

He grinned at the sky and spread his hands to show that he meant no harm.



There was a slight sound of breaking through the air, and a scarlet-colored demon with strong malice and murderous intent incited its bat wings and rushed towards him without hesitation.

Sabo looked at this demon. This group was very interesting. They were called Hell Messengers, but they were not the Soul Seducers in death robes and holding scythes.

Rather, it is a little devil, the most basic creature in hell, and the first evolvable existence at the birth of that world.

It is something on the same level as the Abyss Worm in the Abyss Sea, the root of the abyss.

It is said that all the natives in hell and the abyss evolved from little devils and abyss worms, but the evolution routes are different.

The only difference is that these creatures have a high upper limit without evolving, and they all have psychic abilities. They are the most annoying creatures for fortune tellers and other prophecy professions.

Because the little devil can parasitize people's thoughts and become something like an inner demon. It can merge with people, turning the parasitized person into a hell creature and switching races.

According to records, the first batch of devils were elves and humans parasitized by little devils. Then during the reproduction process, the devils retained the evil appearance of humans and the appearance of elves, plus the wings of little devils, and finally became the devil family.

Sabo watched with a smile. When the little devil was less than ten meters away from him, a skeletal shadow appeared behind Sabo, reached out and grabbed the little devil, and then swallowed it in one bite.

A level 50 little devil disappeared into this world without causing any commotion.

Sabo glanced back, and the shadow of the golden skull slowly disappeared.

This thing is the time when the player was killed by the white plague, the final boss in the Tomb of the Undead, a level 70 undead lord, but because of the contract, he is now very obedient and acts as Sabo's bodyguard.

And after Sabo piled up a lot of resources, the bodyguard's abilities were still growing rapidly.

Sabo walked forward, the extremely filthy power making him flicker continuously, and almost instantly he came to a peach forest.

An extremely beautiful girl who looked like the big sister next door was sitting on a swing and swaying sadly, which made people feel aggrieved at the first sight.

But her somewhat transparent robe and innocent appearance revealed a hint of desire.

The contrast of the environment, the contrast of the characters, and the special flavor of the peach blossom fragrance all seem to induce depravity.

She seemed to notice Sabo, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but then she said in panic: Outsider, leave quickly, the devil from hell will come back at any time, and if he sees you, he will kill you.

Sabo grinned, and the yellow-orange teeth combined with the dwarf's ugly face made people feel sick: Beautiful Miss Devil, you broke the contract.

Fei was stunned: Breach of contract?

Why did she suddenly feel like something was wrong? Under normal circumstances, whether it is a strong person or a weak person who comes in, when encountering a situation like her, there are only three choices.

The first is that they feel weird and leave directly, but if the player continues to move forward, they will encounter this peach blossom forest a second, third, or even more times.

And every time we meet, she will say some seemingly caring words, but these words actually contain these rules of the game.

In the end, the devil's game starts directly without the player knowing it. No matter which way the player runs, he will see her. Once he violates the rules of the game, he loses.

Second, if you don’t talk to her and think she is weird, but attack her directly, then the player still violates the rules of the game and can be directly defeated and lose your soul.

The last step is to talk to her directly. No matter how the player answers, the game will begin, and then they will lose their soul without knowing it.

Thousands of years ago, basically no one could beat her using this trick because she would never mention the game at all.

And now.

Faye's eyes became even more confused, and the rules...


The scarlet moonlight shone in the sky, and a round of sweat clearly appeared on Sabo's forehead.

Sabo stretched out his hand and grabbed the scarlet moonlight with extremely filthy power. Looking at the rules of this round of the game, the fine sweat on his forehead was slowly disappearing.

[After listening to the rules of the game and responding to the devil, the game begins. 】

[Killing intentions and desires towards devils are not allowed in the game. 】

[Ignore any words and actions of the devil, and do not use words of approval. 】

[The player who does not violate the rules within twenty-four hours is the winner. 】

He looked at the rules and smiled and said: Look, your game has started before I even heard you tell me the rules of the game. You have violated the first rule. The game does not start until you hear the rules of the game.


She was a little confused. Just when she was about to ask something, her eyes widened. What happened? The first rule of the game had been slightly changed. How could it be possible?

It was supposed to be [the game begins after listening to the rules of the game or responding to the devil], but why has it changed now?

Or. How did it become a merger?

Although there is only one word difference, the content is very different. Why does that dwarf have the ability to change the rules of the game?

In other words, how can anyone change the rules of hell? In the end what happened?

When did the rules change, why didn't Hell not inform her?

How could a question maker not know what the rules are?

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