Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 150 Sabo: Is there a devil?

Tobu City.

A Legion meeting led by Sabo began.

Projection pictures appeared before their eyes.

Sabo said helplessly: The Lord of the City asked us to hold a meeting just now. He said it was to see this. In addition to the transformation of the legion, the other three legions need to draw hundreds of people to study the wonders manual. They will start to form the wonders legion next year. They will be responsible. The most basic tactical training, as well as the teaching of some practical skills.”

Sabo said as he threw the three pamphlets to the three legion commanders.

Sifu, the commander of the Apocalypse Legion, Eddie, the commander of the Storm Legion, and Badu, the commander of the Wucheng Legion, took the pamphlet and watched in silence.

On the screen, except for the thousands of confused players from other countries, the Chinese players began to erupt in this war with a fighting power that even the real legions were solemn about.

Garrit of the Whispering Legion was stunned: Master Financial Officer, what about me?

Sabo glanced at him. Suddenly, a terrifying aura flickered in the projection. The legion commanders all looked at the screen, their eyes filled with solemnity.

Sabo pointed at the screen: Rescue, let Miracle win this war. By the way, we will also test your transformation army's hunt for the strong. I will follow you.

You Garrett paused, but didn't say anything. He nodded, stood up and walked out: I understand, let's go now.

After Garrit left, Sabo looked at the other three people: Pay more attention to the fighting methods of Miracles, and then analyze, integrate, and create various tactics for Miracles to choose. What the City Lord means is that we are only responsible for training, not management, but They need to be able to exert their greatest fighting power.”


The three legion commanders answered and began to watch the projection seriously.

The solemnity in their eyes became deeper and deeper, and they could not see any fear in the spectacle. They either laughed, shouted, or with generous faces, charged wildly amidst a strange bugle.

They even gave up some of their own advantages just to hinder the enemy's killing.

But in some chaotic corners, there is a group of people who can always take away some enemies urgently but dangerously.

With this tactic, if the advantages brought by technology were removed, they would not be sure to win any war.

Although they are generally much better than this group of players.

Sabo also felt a little emotional. No wonder the White Epidemic paid so much attention to it. There were only 50,000 people in this conflict. If more than 200,000 people in the city went into battle, it would seem that the Wucheng Army would suffer heavy casualties, right?

After walking out of the conference room, Sabo's figure gradually faded and disappeared.

Follow up, keep up. Don't be afraid of death. Just kill anyone and you'll get several levels. If you die just once, you'll lose a level. You're going to be scared. Come on, come on, fuck that son of a bitch!

Who the fuck blew the charge horn? I'm the mage who's riding the horse, so don't push it.

Who's trying to steal my staff again? I'm a mage. Does the mage understand? Cover, cover!

Cut the devil's head with the big knife.

Bagayalu, who bastard is going to kill me? The enemy is in front! In front!

Sorry, I couldn't hold back the charge for a while. Please stop making any noise and look around.

The bleeding Sakura player covered his shoulders and looked at the group of eager players around him who fell silent.

Give him back his passion, bastard!

In the extremely chaotic battlefield, there were all kinds of shouts, curses, and slashing sounds, and the confused players from all over the world rushed forward one after another.

The players' large-scale pushback, led by a violent demon, gradually reached the entrance of the valley.

But the diameter of the valley is only one kilometer, and the charge of 50,000 players began to be blocked.

And as the oppressive aura deepened, a crimson-covered orc berserker suddenly rushed out of the valley. He ignored the enemy and himself, swung his huge ax, and the front was suddenly cleared.

It stepped on blood and flesh and moved forward step by step in the scarlet battlefield.


He let out a roar, and the huge battle ax over two meters in his hand glowed red and fell violently.


A strong sense of crisis enveloped the front.

The violent demon who was killing and eating crazily sensed the crisis and let out a loud roar. Thick scales suddenly appeared on his body as he turned around and crossed his hands to block the situation.


A huge explosion sounded, and the violent demon's hands were cut off directly. The entire demon's bones collapsed quickly and crashed into the group of players.

Wherever the sword light touched, there was blood and scars.

[Your summon was killed by the gold-level boss Crimson Madness. 】

Demacia, who followed the charge among the players, paused and his pupils shrank. Before he could say anything, some players who were injured in the aftermath of the boss shouted at the top of their lungs.

Brothers, that orc is the boss, kill him!!

As each player roared, almost all players stared at the big boss with green eyes.

If you kill monsters at level 20 or above, you may gain attribute points and skill points, as well as a lot of experience points.

And this boss is at least forty or even fifty levels higher than them. If it explodes, why don't you reach full level where you are and get another hidden profession?

The live broadcast rooms of Demacia, Wei Brigade, and other anchors also became excited.

[Anchor, kill him! ! ! 】

[Anchor on! 】

[Anchor, you need a human shield, please summon someone with a bigger body to carry it! 】

Demacia's expression turned bitter, and he showed off his skill. The three-day cooldown time was still counting down.

I wanted to kill him too, but didn't it cool down? It was a level 46 summon, and it was killed with just one slash!

Demacia couldn't help complaining: Also, who knows, I just heard the charge horn? I couldn't help it in that fierce battle atmosphere. I couldn't help it at all. I'm a summoner! What bastard blew it? Yes! Gan!

[An anchor named Xia Hou Fuxing was still shouting at the back for his comrades to rush, but his feet didn’t move at all! 】


[Hahaha, whose DNA was moved? There was a little Baga who was almost killed by an anchor. This charge number was poisonous. 】

[Made, it’s already in open beta, why is there a quota limit? I also want to kill Xiao Ba Ke, the big boss! 】

[The upstairs is exposed! But +1]

[Brothers, start the forum, I want a spot! 】

【plus one! 】×n

Demacia ignored the barrage and frantically sent a message to the Wei Brigade: [Help me, come quickly, I don’t want the staff to be exploded! 】


As a space wormhole was opened one after another, Demacia joined in the charge midway, and his position was relatively far back. The several hundred meters of backward movement brought him to the rear of the player.

He decisively went to the edge, and then tried to use some weaker summoning methods. This was a good opportunity to level up. In five days, he did not die even once. If nothing unexpected happened, after this wave, he might be able to reach the second level. Looks like level 13 or 4.


A loud roar sounded.

The Scarlet Crazy Battle directly slashed horizontally after the players got closer. Countless players were cut in half, and a lot of mosaics suddenly sprayed out.

If they hadn't turned on the purification mode not long after the battle, how many people could still be standing in a battlefield of this level?

In the eyes of the players, the blood is a golden mosaic, the internal organs are balls, the player's corpse is a scarecrow, and the monster's corpse has not changed much, but it is still a processed picture, which is acceptable.

Players come one after another.

But as the Crimson Crazy War began to move forward, some disaster soldiers quickly reorganized their defense lines.

The battle line was pushed out of the valley again.

Don't break the defense.

Wei Brigade reappeared, his eyes full of solemnity: Look at this.

[You used the poisonous dagger to backstab the Scarlet Warrior, causing 150% damage, and the Scarlet Warrior's HP was -0. 】

There is damage judgment, but it is zero. Wei Lu's eyes were filled with solemnity.

The Time and Space Assassin has a powerful harvesting ability on the chaotic battlefield, and with his eighty points of agility and over seventy points of intelligence, even with a silver-level dagger, he can't break through the defense.

As the player with the highest level present cannot break the defense, perhaps this battle cannot be fought at all.

Demacia, who was arranging the sacrifices, was stunned for a moment, and then murmured: It shouldn't be. Have you tried the weak points? The orcs also have the front and back of the crotch and the eyes.

Wei Brigade gestured to the front: How to stab?

Looking at Demacia, Crimson Crazy Battle jumped up and fell violently. Players within a hundred meters radius were instantly knocked away. Almost 90% of the players died immediately, and the remaining players' health was less than 30%.

Immediately afterwards, the boss rushed forward, rushing into the group of players at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and started a bloody massacre.

Some of the players' long-range attacks couldn't break through the defenses, and the warriors couldn't withstand it. This time the monsters couldn't be defeated at all.

Oh, it seems like there is really nothing to fight. Demacia was a little embarrassed. He looked around and suddenly saw a guy who was yelling crazily and starting to blow the bugle again.

Made, Guard Brigade, follow me and kill this guy first. What are you bragging about?

Demacia said angrily, picked up her staff and rushed towards Xiahou Fuxing.

But suddenly.

Shadows suddenly rushed into the battlefield, and the front line that had just advanced outside stopped instantly.

Reinforcements are coming, brothers, charge, beep beep beep.

Xiahou Fuxing shouted at the top of his lungs. After blowing for a while, he couldn't help but rush towards the valley. They would have the upper hand again.

boom! boom! boom!

The earth shook.

The players behind them all turned around and immediately saw more than a thousand muscular men over three meters tall and two muscular men over four meters tall running towards them at ridiculous speeds.

Behind them, a group of mechanical warriors with an average length of about two meters, like small fortresses, followed closely.

The ground began to tremble.

Scarlet Madness noticed this group of powerful men who had just arrived. Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly felt an extreme sense of crisis coming over him.

He looked towards the rear of the battlefield, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The mechanical warriors raised their right hands and aimed at him.


The mechanical warriors, who had reached 500, also used sniper rifles at the AI's command.

With the cooperation of the AI, this shot directly blocked all the evasive routes of the Scarlet Crazy Battle.

He crossed his hands and raised them. In an instant, bursts of blood burst out from his body, and his health dropped rapidly.


He let out a roar, and his body energy climbed crazily, reaching the golden center.

He looked at the battlefield with scarlet eyes.

He slammed his feet on the ground and violently began to collide, creating a bloody path among the players and crashing into the L-shaped transformed army at extremely fast speeds.

The two brothers Magath and Garit let out a loud roar, their muscles bulged, and they violently collided with the Scarlet Madness.

As the axes struck each other, Garrit's ax suddenly shattered. If he wanted to make a three-meter-long extraordinary axe, five days would not be enough time. However, without an extraordinary axe, it would simply break into pieces at a touch.


Magath's giant sword struck Scarlet Kuangzhan's back, and the blood suddenly began to sting his nose.

Scarlet Kuangzhan's eyes became scarier. He turned around and grabbed Magath's giant sword. With a click, the huge force caused the sword to shatter.

He punched out, and Magath's health suddenly dropped by 50%, and he flew backwards, hitting a group of L-shaped transformed warriors heavily.

[Mechanical warrior, turn on sniping, bombing the valley, and destroying the enemy's teleportation array. 】

[The L-shaped warrior acts as a human shield, holding up the front, don't let this gold rush to the rear. 】

[The M-type warrior retreats, interfering with the support, looking for opportunities to leave injuries on the enemy. 】

[Leave the frontal battlefield to Miracle, you guys are just here to test your golden combat power this time. 】

Some thin orders were given.

Suddenly, at the front of the battle formation, the frantically killing M-shaped warriors disappeared in an instant, and the players followed them directly to the gap and pushed crazily into the valley.

After being killed by M-type warriors for a while, coupled with the improvement in the morale of the reinforcements, the players were all killing each other like crazy.

Puff puff puff. Boom boom boom.

Tens of thousands of missiles took off and fell into the innermost part of the valley. The mountain suddenly collapsed, and the chaos in the war reached a new level.

Helicopters are still sending resurrected players over in a steady stream, and some players who have just come online are willing to spend ten silver coins to start a group tour.

The most important thing is that players who rent helicopters can even use this to make money. Ten copper coins per person can be earned back in a few trips.

Sabo stood above the valley. Behind him, a golden skeleton loomed, but after discovering that the gold could not directly break through the L-shaped transformation warrior, he stopped paying attention and just watched calmly.

Tobu City has top-level combat power, but its mid-level combat power is always blank. If every golden low-level or golden mid-level requires top-level combat power, then the enemy can send more than five gold high-level ones. Wucheng will be destroyed.

Because it is difficult for city defense artillery to keep up with the speed of the golden median, and intercontinental missiles cannot fire directly next to the city.

Therefore, the positioning of the Transformation Legion is to play the golden lower and middle positions.

This time it is directly the golden center position. As long as the center position cannot break through the siege of L-shaped warriors, then even if it is grinded, it can be grinded to death.

As the L-shaped soldier's rage and powerful self-healing were triggered, the Scarlet Crazy Battle, which could easily kill the L-shaped soldier, suddenly slowed down.

He was originally able to kill all but the two brothers with one strike, but now he could not kill more than two with one strike. Although it was still instantaneous, they all went crazy.

Even though half of his body was cut off, he still didn't die. His strength became stronger and stronger, and he seemed to be in some kind of rage.

Sabo glanced at the collapsed valley. The teleportation fluctuations in it had weakened a lot, but there was still one left.

He thought for a while and set up the teleportation array. As long as the stability of the teleportation array was destroyed by a small part, the body's energy would be too strong and he would fall directly into the turbulence of space if he tried to use this teleportation array.

After doing this, Sabo was completely free and looked at the two battlefields with a smile.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He sent a message to the city, and then his body was slowly engulfed by the extremely filthy atmosphere.

He seemed to feel the devil's breath!

He had been looking forward to it for a long time, but he didn't expect that he would be able to participate now.

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