Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 152 Can you at least leave me some clothes?

According to Article 5 of the Hell Game Regulations, if the devil violates the rules of the game, the player has the right to decide whether to end the devil's game.

And I decided not to end the game and start up to three games.

According to Article 13 of the Hell Game Regulations, the devil will bet first, but players can choose to raise their bets.

Sabo said with a smile: Miss Devil, I choose to raise the bet! Please start our first round of the game.


She was still in a state of disbelief, looking at Sabo and then at the sky.

Wait a minute, I'm a little confused now. She stood up, the bat's wings flashed behind her, and she disappeared into the peach blossom forest in an instant.

When she reached the depths of the peach blossom forest, she quickly communicated with the rules of hell.

But when Hell really responded to her, her eyes became even more incredible.

[The player Alaska was killed because he stole the rules and regulations of hell and tried to change them. 】

[Devil Faye Beatrice Macmillan proposed that the rules were maliciously changed and are undergoing self-examination. The rules have not been changed. 】

[You were the first to violate the rules of the game and were judged to have violated the rules. Player Sabo made a request and the game was changed to a three-round system. 】

[Saab proposes to raise the bet, please respond as soon as possible. The maximum response time is 59 minutes and 31 seconds. If no response is given by the expiration date, the player Saab will be directly judged as the winner, and the items he requested or have the same value as the bet will be forcibly deducted from your value. If it is not enough, all your assets will be deducted. 】


She felt that the world was a little magical, and she inexplicably thought of Eugene, who had no hair left on his body. Could it be that this was what he encountered?

This ugly dwarf is hunting the devil?

On the other side, Saab calmly summoned the value scale and raised frantically on one end of the scale.

Just kidding, a clone of him died this time, and raising a clone requires a lot of resources and time. For this reason, he even temporarily gave up establishing diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of the Ancient Gods.

He forcibly summoned the clone back. If he didn't make this devil lose his pants within three rounds, what would he do if he lost money?

As for how to change the rules, it is actually not difficult for him.

All you need to do is temporarily separate the clone from the main body, and then decisively let the clone use the power of the evil god to steal the underlying rules of the hell game.

After being discovered in hell, he used his clone to attract attention, and when he was about to be wiped out by the rules, he used the source of extreme filth to pollute some of the rules of hell.

When the rules of hell completely erase his clone and start to clean up himself, the power of the rules will erase the power of the evil god hidden under the words written by the devil, and the words left after being erased are the new words. the rule of.

While two players are participating at the same time, one player has died and brought new rules.

In the new rules, he, a player who knows nothing, is already in the game, so doesn’t the devil violate the rules?

The price he has to pay is a clone, plus a small amount of the source of extreme filth.

And that thing

Sabo's eyes were filled with joy as he recalled the manufacturing method of the Absolute Filth he sold to the Federation.

After estimating that the value of the first round was almost exhausted, he stopped and continued to increase his chips and waited quietly.

In the rules of the hell game he interpreted, the devil still had forty minutes. After forty minutes, the value of the items he put on the scale would double.

It doesn't matter whether the devil is willing or not, as long as she is the master of this game.

Sabo took out a bowl that seemed moldy, poured some unknown liquid into the bowl, and began to taste it in the peach blossom forest.

The surrounding peach blossoms were slowly withering under this smell, as if they were poisoned.

As time passed slowly, there was a subtle rustling sound in the peach blossom forest.

Fei, who had been struggling for half an hour, came out with a distorted face. She looked at Sabo with eyes filled with the urge to kill, but she couldn't use violence in the game.

She looked at some of the games she had prepared, trying her best to stabilize herself, but every time she came close, her extremely beautiful face fell into endless tangles.

She didn't want to go back naked, so she wouldn't be laughed to death by that guy Eugene?

She could already imagine that guy must be waiting for him at the return point!

Damn it, Eugene, who usually lies a lot, why did he suddenly tell the truth?

After a period of confusion, Faye began to add bets to another scale. She didn't believe that this dwarf could keep changing the rules. If anyone could change the rules, then hell wouldn't be called hell at all, but the wealth-giving plane.

She kept taking things out of her own space. When 90% of the treasures accumulated in the space for thousands of years disappeared, the scales from hell slowly reached balance.

She said expressionlessly: Then let's go to the first round. Gambler, you need to win 10 million chips in a casino without using supernatural powers, and take the chips out of the casino.

Sabo said with a wicked smile: No problem, leave it to me.

It's just a trap game. Isn't it because the casino is a scammer's casino, and if you win, you will be beaten by a bunch of strong men at level 10? Simple.

Ten minutes later, Faye, who was outside the game, watched numbly as Sabo used the five million chips he had won to bribe the croupier and the thugs with evil faces who were ready to take action at any time.

And met the owner of the casino, and successfully became the casino's croupier with his skills that were much better than the casino's. Then he used his identity as a croupier and the casino's crook to quickly get 10 million chips.

In the end, the casino owner had 60 million chips. Sabo took 20 million chips and waved goodbye to the boss with a smile. He also agreed to continue coming here to make money tomorrow and will definitely promote the casino.

The boss believes that special talents must be attracted, and since he has the majority and the other party also makes money, it is impossible for them to run away.

After successfully getting Saab out of the casino, the casino owner even tried to ask the bodyguard to send Saab back. Saab readily agreed and paid 10 million chips as bodyguard fees, and deployed 90% of the casino's thugs to follow him.

In the end, dozens of level 10 bodyguards fought with several extraordinary beings who were ambushing not far from the door. Sabo successfully escaped and ended the incident.

She never thought that her game would be so simple, and that no matter how she played, she would be dead.

Hi, beautiful Miss Devil, I'm sorry, it seems that I won, so I choose to raise my bet!

Sabo's devilish voice sounded, and Fey, who was still in a numb state, trembled, suddenly came to her senses, and took several steps back.

She put her hands on her chest, her voice trembled a little, and the whole devil looked weak and helpless: I don't have enough to stake.

Sabo rubbed his hands, and the smile on his face became more and more charming.


At least leave some clothes for me, I'm a girl!

Half an hour later, Sabo walked out of the projection of hell with satisfaction, dragging a large group of hellish creatures with frightened eyes but unable to struggle due to the constraints of the devil's power.

Looking at the war weapons requested by White Plague behind him and feeling the treasures in the filthy space, the whole dwarf's face wrinkled with laughter.

Sure enough, it's a devil's game that lives up to its name.



Huh? Why do you still have clothes left? This doesn't make sense. How did you avoid bankruptcy liquidation?

Eugene stared at Faye with wide eyes.

Faye now wears a set of coarse linen clothes, which are the most common things worn by ordinary people. Even the things that bind her hair are withered peach branches, which barely maintains the appearance.

You and I will kill you!

A dark color instantly appeared in Fei's eyes, and the terrifying legendary power flowed crazily, causing all the busy hell creatures around to tremble and avoid.

Level 3 Legend, this is already an extremely powerful level, and he is not considered a weakling in hell.

A smile appeared on Eugene's face: Hey, aren't you laughing at me? Are you comfortable? That kid is definitely the most cunning human race I have ever seen!

Fei's anger froze: Human race?

Eugene said with a smile: A somewhat handsome human race, but he will turn into a very evil creature, very strange, but very smart.

Faye was silent, with fear in her eyes.

Eugene also realized something was wrong. Just as he was about to ask something, he suddenly felt the aura of another devil approaching.

Eh? Who is this? Baby Faye? What's wrong with you?

Eugene and Fey looked at each other, then turned to look at a young devil, with helplessness on their faces: Didn't you laugh at me a few days ago? I told you not to go to a place called the Dawn Federation, but she didn't believe it. Going, that’s what it’s going to be like, isn’t it, Faye?”

There was a hint of vague surprise in Fei's eyes, then she nodded expressionlessly and said, Go away, I don't want to see you now.

Ji Man's eyes were full of shock: Really or not? Win the devil? Isn't it that you can't do it?

Both Eugene and Faye looked at him expressionlessly, saying nothing.

I know, I know, don't worry. We, the devil master of Luoying City, are asking for advice. If you don't want to go, don't go. Aren't there three major federations that are qualified to give hell marks? We can just go to the other two.

Jiman asked doubtfully: But I'm curious, how did you lose? In the hell game, the devil's winning rate is always over 99%.

He was very confused: Even if you can beat the devil, it is only the price you can bear to win the first round. Generally, the devil who is defeated does not start the second round, right?


He is here because of greed. After all, with a winning rate of 99%+, what can players say? Of course they all agreed.

Faye, on the other hand, glanced at her expressionlessly, turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia. She also wanted to know.

Eugene followed directly, his body full of the aura of keeping strangers away.

Only Jiman was left thinking, among the three major federations, will they fail, the Federation of the Sun or the Federation of Stars?

As for listening to them

It is possible for a devil to tell the truth, but two devils, and the slight fluctuation in Faye's eyes, all indicate that these two guys were ridiculed by them, wanted revenge, and deliberately helped them rule out a wrong answer. .

Then their probability of selecting the Abnormal Federation will change from 33% to 50%.

Really vicious!

However, reverse thinking is not ruled out. I deliberately want him to think this way and eliminate the correct answers first.

Hiss Ji Man took a breath, feeling that this multiple-choice question was more difficult than the devil's game, but where the two devils were sure, he might look at the choices of other devils.

My cousin seems a little eager to get the rules, let him try it first?

Or is it really that evil? Can all paradoxes be solved? As long as you are not greedy and firmly do not agree to play the Duolun game, you will come back after losing once.

It should be fine, right? Try it? ——

Sin City.

Bai Bian walked out of the fourth gold alchemist's shop with some disappointment in his eyes.

Except for Kasu, the first one, the remaining three reformers did not have anything too eye-catching, far worse than Maku, and two of them were very low-sane reformers, and were eventually beaten by the White Plague. After a pause, it became quiet.

As for killing, among the five golden tops, one is a black dragonborn, so there is no need to kill him at all.

The Federation's knowledge palace is too perfect. Hundreds of years ago, after the old sword master visited the Federation of Stars, he brought back too many things, including city defense cannons, some technologies, and a lot of knowledge.

Correspondingly, he also left a lot of things in the Federation of Stars.

This allows the two federations to have a certain degree of interoperability, and the system of mages and alchemists has been greatly improved.

It is indeed difficult to find something innovative in this.

Although evil alchemists generally look down on normal alchemists of order, it is undeniable that normal alchemists have more opportunities for trial and error and a broader path.

The evil alchemist has only one way to go to the dark side. No one knows whether the end of the road will be strong or fallen until the result comes out.

Now White Blight has communicated with five alchemists. Apart from [Frenzy] and [Black Gaze], White Blight has not seen any knowledge that the Federation does not have.

I took a look at Wei Brigade's live broadcast room and saw that the screen was gray and full of pity.

After looking for Demacia's live broadcast room, Bai Bian roughly knew what was going on in the barrage.

The Wei Brigade tried to grab the monster, but was stopped by the boss's counterattack.

At the same time, the war has ended. The Whispering Legion has killed the boss and is returning to the city.

The players have also reached the innermost part of the valley and are fighting against the last catastrophic creatures. It is expected that this war will be completely won within half a day.

Boss, the next one is the last flesh and blood transformer. It is said that it is a phantom body transformation, but I am not sure about this. Yue Fang said carefully.

He has fallen into a blind worship of White Plague. With more than thirty gold in Sin City, this group of alchemists occupy a very high position.

But they were put away in a few strokes, and the clear eyes of those alchemists did not have any aura of strong men at the end.

In just half a day, he seemed to have seen what it meant to not take Sin City seriously.

Lead the way.

Bai Bian was a little careless, and he was a little disappointed with the flesh and blood transformers in the wild. The transformation of the phantom body was to transform himself into an evil spirit state with ghost abilities.

But what kind of reformer is he even without a physical body?

Even if you can obtain powerful power, it will be like that. It will be restrained by a large number of systems. Unless you have the ability of ghosts, the evil spirit Ainuan can beat these phantom transformers at will.

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