Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 149 Warning: The gold-level boss is about to appear

[Alchemical transformation: frenzy (1/3000). 】

Sure enough, this kind of transformation is on the same level as evil thoughts. Unfortunately, the flaws are too big, but it can greatly enhance the level of transformation, which is a good gain.

This transaction is very good. The evil alchemist has several things he is good at. If he learns them all and uses the skills to improve them, it will be of great help to him.

How many alchemists' residences do you know?

Bai Bian looked at the streets with people coming and going again, and felt a little emotional. Order is order. No matter how evil the order is, there will still be many people. After all, humans are social animals, and other intelligent creatures can hardly tolerate loneliness.

A little order is enough to attract many beings to come and settle.

Basically, we all know that the strongest one is my master, Mr. Maku, followed by an alchemy machine reformer, and there are four middle-level gold alchemists and two low-level gold alchemists. Two of these six One is a pharmacist, and the others are transformers.

Yue Fang answered immediately and told everything he knew.

Bai Bian was a little surprised. There was so much gold in this small city?

But he was not surprised by the number of alchemist reformers. In the dangerous wilderness, only combat power was the way to survive.

Among them, flesh and blood transformation is the most common, and technicians are the least common.

Without order, it is difficult to build a huge knowledge treasure trove, and without a knowledge treasure trove of technicians, everything needs independent research and development. If there is no stable order, this profession will only be replaced by mechanical transformation engineers.

Take me there, we have a week now, we need to visit them all, and finally the golden mechanical transformer.

Bai Bian thought for a while and decided on an order.

Because all-round transformation of mechanical transformation engineers is very dangerous, very dangerous. They are absolutely rational and have no fear of such things.

As long as their AI calculation winning rate exceeds 60%, then as long as there is something about you that attracts them enough, a battle will begin, and your chance of winning will gradually decrease under the precise control of AI.

Okay boss, please come with me. Yue Fang did not hesitate.

Yue Fang actually wanted to dissuade them. Those two pharmacists were really dangerous, but he didn't say it.

In his rule of survival, if you don't know the strong person well, you should never try to use your own vision and knowledge to question the decision of the strong person. The weak person only needs to obey orders.

The two of them walked together, and under the -7 charm of White Plague, no one would come to trouble them.

They soon came to another street with a lot of people.

This is an alchemy pharmacist named Gasu. She is female. She is in the golden middle and is good at using poison. Mr. Maku once commented that if you are an enemy, don't stand in the same air with her for more than three seconds. Yue Fang whispered. said.

Bai Bian nodded and walked directly to the store called [Guangming Pharmacy].

With Yue Fang, he pushed the door open and walked in.

Welcome to Guangming Pharmacy, distinguished guest, what do you want?

A clear female voice appeared, which seemed a little out of place in Sin City.

Behind the counter is an elf woman with green hair, representing the Life Tribe.

However, the aura on her body was very weak and she was not the target of the white plague.

Looking for Ms. Kasu, I plan to have some academic exchanges with her.

Bai Bian was still polite, but a pressure was slowly released, and he pushed Yue Fang further away, letting him stand by the door.


The elf's expression changed. Before she could say anything, a loud noise rang out from behind the shop, and thick green smoke spread over, but stopped suddenly when it was about to reach the elf.

Who is so unethical? Why do you have nothing to do to scare the elderly?

A hoarse, unpleasant voice sounded, and an old woman wearing a robe walked over with her hands behind her back. She immediately stared at Bai Bian, with a smile on her lips: Young man, are you here to cause trouble?

Bai Yian smiled and said very politely: Hello, Ms. Kasu, I am here mainly to have some academic exchanges with you. You can try this red wine first.

Bai Yie's space ring flashed slightly, and a bottle of red wine and two cups appeared. Bai Yie filled one cup with half of the red wine and held it up with the power of his evil thoughts.

Kasu was a little surprised when she looked at the glass of red wine, but as someone who used poisons and had a place in Sin City, she was not afraid of anyone poisoning her.

She stretched out an almost dry hand, took the red wine glass, and shook it before her eyes.

She seemed to be surprised to notice something, so she drank it in one gulp and savored it carefully.

Suddenly there seemed to be an evil spirit roaring on her body, and her aura dropped crazily, but then suddenly picked up again at a certain extreme.

There was some enjoyment on her old face, and she said with appreciation: The poison of alcohol? It's interesting. Boy, you used evil thoughts to transform yourself, and you can also use poison to this extent. You are very talented.

Bai Bian smiled and sent another wine glass to her side: Please enlighten me.

I don't have anything that fancy. Don't worry, I didn't touch that little guy.

The old voice fell, and the prompt on the panel suddenly lit up.

[You have been hit by 485 kinds of alchemical poisons and 76 kinds of curses. You will lose 300% of your health every second. 】

[Your plague doctor suit is immune to 36 kinds of curses, and evil thoughts reduce the effects of 40 kinds of curses by 70%. You used mental self-examination to capture 479 kinds of alchemical poisons, and you were hit by 6 kinds of poisons. Your health points every 5% off in seconds. 】

[You drank the soul poison immunity potion, your evil power broke 40 kinds of curses, and your health stopped deducting. 】

Bai Bian was a little surprised. He sniffed the air, thought for a while, and asked: Does mental power, sight, air and skin spread the poison at the same time? I can understand the other things, but how can sight spread the poison? ?This is not a curse.”

Bai Bian looked at the elf and Yue Fang. With such precision in controlling poison, it seems that even in Tobu City, one can fight with alchemical poison without restraint.

Kasu was even more surprised. Some of the admiration in her eyes disappeared and became solemn. She did not answer Bai Bian's words but asked instead: You specialize in poison? But you have perfected evil thoughts? You

Bai Bing adheres to the principle that if others ignore his own problems, he must also ignore his own problems and go back. The space ring flashes slightly.

Immediately, the alchemical poison around him was quickly neutralized, and at the same time, Kasu's expression suddenly changed.

She couldn't help but take out some potion and drink it, and the poison in her body was immediately detoxified again.

Ms. Kasu, look, I can basically do what you know, but I don't know about sight transmission yet. Let's exchange. I'll give you the method of making this kind of alcohol poison. How about you give me that method? ?”

Bai Bian seemed to have thought of something as he spoke. He raised his hand, and bottles and cans appeared on the spot: This method can be made with only minor adjustments. The milk-flavored one is highly toxic, the coffee-flavored one is highly toxic, and the tea-flavored one is highly toxic. , you won’t lose anything.”

Kasu was silent for a while, and looked at Bai Bian with an increasingly solemn look. This young man was too scary.

She nodded, stretched out her hand, and a weak mental power surged out, and soon a pamphlet flew over and was thrown to Bai Bian.

Bai Bian took a look at the panel first.

[Name: Black Gaze.

Attributes: Active skills.

Effect: Your sight becomes an anchor, changing the ordering of trace elements.

Learning requirements: Mental strength 100+.

Introduction: Poison, poison, how do I let it get to you? Is the gaze okay? ——Kasu. 】

Bai Bian smiled, put a lot of things in his hands into the space ring, threw a pamphlet out, and then turned around and left.

When he walked to the door, he smiled and said: Oh, by the way, for your previous question, I am a full-scale alchemist.

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

Yue Fang, whose eyes were full of admiration, quickly followed. He felt as if he was following a real boss.

Which one is next?

The Flesh Transformer, Xei Kang, is good at something that Master has not mentioned. Please come with me.


At the same time, Tobu City, the valley.

In five days, more and more players have gathered, and at the same time, there are more and more monsters in this stronghold. The creatures affected by the disaster and the players in a small team battle seem to be turning into a big one. A conflict of scale.

Because there are more than 40,000 players in this valley a thousand kilometers away from Tobu City, and the shouts of killing are constantly ringing out, and the blood is spreading crazily!

Ula~ Brothers, chop him! He's got no health left!

Up, up, up, follow up.

Bagaya road!

The guard held the silver-level dagger behind his back and suddenly appeared behind a human race. The dagger instantly sank into the back of the cataclysmic human race's head.

Immediately a fatal injury appeared.

[You kill a level 35 cataclysmic warrior, and you gain 1,000 experience points. 】

[You have been upgraded and your level has reached level 20. 】

[You have awakened the professional skill, Space Wormhole. 】

[Name: Space Wormhole.

Attributes: Space-time assassin’s exclusive skills.

Effect: Spend part of the magic power to open a wormhole no more than ten meters away. You can freely shuttle between the wormholes.

Learning requirements: Time and Space Assassin level reaches 20.

Introduction: The secret of space seems to have been mastered. 】

Wei Brig took a look at his skill points and decisively filled up this skill. Then he waved his hand. After reading the message for a few tenths of a second, a tiny hole appeared in front of his eyes. He rushed forward and the whole person disappeared.


With the sound of the blade breaking through the air, a berserker who was trying to hit the player with an ax died.

[If you kill a level 33 berserker, your experience value will be +800. 】

Looking up, tens of thousands of players were fighting against nearly ten thousand disaster creatures, but after five days of fierce battle, the players still gained the upper hand by virtue of their immortality.

Although most of them don't even reach bronze, the health bar in this game is just a support. As long as there is no special expertise, the blade inserted into the brain will kill them with one blow.

For players, as long as they can break the defense, everything is easy.

New players can just pick up a weapon on the ground and charge, and no one will have to worry about their equipment being exploded.

Because the players are still very confident in taking this pre-war position, they can just look for it slowly when the time comes.

And any piece of equipment you pick up is better than those of new players.

The space wormhole of the Wei Brigade was opened crazily, and he carried the corpses behind a small mound.

Demacia looked at the Guard Brigade with interest: That's enough, that's enough, it's up to me.

Demacia has a staff of about 1.3 meters in hand, which was given to her by White Plague.

His body began to mutter, and from his perspective, a skill bar was slowly occupied by light blue.

When the countdown on the skill bar ended, a black hole appeared, containing full of violent energy.

Hehehe, this is my first time using this thing. I hope it can be more powerful. Come out, little baby from the abyss!


A powerful aura suddenly began to emerge. The night sky had darkened without knowing when, and the terrifying aura was circulating crazily.

The disaster creatures who were fighting the players were stunned and looked at the small mound.

Demacia was full of excitement, because the prompt on the panel gave him a surprise.

[You sacrificed fifteen silver-level corpses, and the level 46 abyss violent demon has responded to your call. 】


With a roar, a terrifying existence four meters high and covered in blood-red suddenly descended.

Demacia was full of excitement: Oh oh oh oh. Go up, go up, go kill those catastrophic creatures.

Anyone who noticed this scene and the guys in the live broadcast room were stunned. Ah, is this really the power that players can have?

The guards were stunned. No, how could the summoner summon a summoned object ten levels higher than itself? Isn't this illegal? Where is the balance?

The terrifying violent demon lowered his head and looked down at Demacia with his scarlet eyes.

Demacia paused and had a bad premonition in his heart. He asked tentatively: Brother, I gave you the things. Those guys are enemies. can eat their souls. I will return them next time. Summoning you.


The violent demon roared fiercely at Demacia, then turned around and stared at a silver-level orc who was slaughtering a group of players crazily.

The body was slightly lowered, the ground suddenly cracked, and the violent demon dived at low altitude towards the enemy that the player could not deal with.


After a loud noise, the silver-level berserker and the silver-level violent demon suddenly collided, and terrifying power flowed crazily.

In the collision of flesh and blood, the surrounding players were directly crushed, and the two strongest men began a bloody fight on this battlefield.

[You are roared by your summon at close range, the air of the abyss erodes your skin, and your health is reduced by 80%. 】

[You are attacked by air waves, and your hearing is -99%. 】

Demacia, who was blown away by the roar of the violent demon, stood up in confusion. He felt that everything around him was so quiet, and the guard brigade was saying something anxiously.

He was even more confused: I seem to be deafened by the yelling.

Wei Brigade:.

He stepped forward, took out a bottle of recovery potion and poured it into Demacia's mouth. Demacia's health bar slowly recovered.

But the hearing still seems not to have recovered.

Just as he was about to type something, a powerful force suddenly appeared in his body.

[If your summon kills a level 48 cataclysmic berserker, the experience value will be +10,000. If you kill monsters at level 20, you will gain free attribute points +2 and skill points +2. 】

[Your level rises to 20, opening the second permanent summoning slot. You can form a fixed covenant with a random creature in the starry sky and countless dimensions.

Note: The initial level of this creature will not exceed level 10. 】

Demacia started to get excited and excited, and this time he took off directly.

The surrounding shouts of killing suddenly escalated to a higher level.

It seemed that the participation of the violent demons in the battle stimulated the disaster side. An extremely terrifying force rose in the valley, and the entire valley was trembling.

The prompts on the panel light up in front of all players.

[Warning: The gold-level boss is about to appear, players please be prepared. 】

The excitement among players has once again reached a new level.

Boss! It's actually the boss! He killed the brothers for the first time in the server. With fifty thousand of us, can't we kill him? Oh!



Then one player pulled out a bugle out of nowhere.

When the charge horn sounded, the Datianchao players present suddenly felt a wave of blood driving their steps, making them rush forward.

In the eyes of countless confused players from other countries around them, they picked up their weapons and started pushing directly.

The originally evenly matched battlefield suddenly reached a climax, and the situation began to show an overwhelming advantage.

Regardless of their gender or profession, they all seemed to be on top and only knew how to move forward and charge forward.

magic? No, isn't the staff just for hitting the head?

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