Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 148 Crazy Transformation

I don't need an apprentice, just call me boss from now on.

Bai Bian waved his hand: Get up, stop kneeling, kneeling is not popular in this era.

Thank you, boss. Yue Fang's tone was full of panic. After standing up, he walked behind Bai Bian, lowering his head and saying nothing.

His somewhat frightened eyes gradually calmed down, and his rapidly beating heart gradually calmed down. As long as he survived, he just wanted to live. As for who to follow, as long as he lived, nothing else mattered.

Shall we start? Marku looked at the two confused humans.

Okay, you choose first. Bai Bian said with a smile.

Marku nodded, and one of his eyes turned scarlet, brighter than the old yellowish light in the operating room.

He looked at it and picked the one on the left among the two humans who looked frightened. The one on the left had a higher level and a higher tolerance for pain.

Without the aid of the patient's screams, Marku always felt that there was something missing in the transformation.

There was joy in the eyes of the human race, and he trotted forward at Maku's wave: Sir, my name is Steel Snake, and this year.

No need to introduce yourself, just go up and lie down. Marku said, pointing to the operating table that was still covered with minotaur meat.

Steel Snake paused and looked at the corpses. He still had a smile on his face. He nodded and ran over and lay down with the corpses. The smell of blood filled his nostrils, but he felt that this smell was terrifying. , it is so sweet at this time.

This is the tragedy of the weak. After all, the existence outside the three major federations, including some temporary gathering places for intelligent beings and this sinful city, always pays attention to only one rule.

Law of the Jungle.

Compared to being powerful, what is this impact?

Another human race raised his head carefully, looked at Bai Bian excitedly, and whispered: Sir, my name is Feng Wuwu~

As he was speaking, he felt his mind suddenly loosen, and he fell to the ground in a panic.

Bai Bian withdrew his mental power and said calmly: Yue Fang supported him, raised his head and watched carefully. Learn as much as you can.

Yue Fang paused and raised his head in surprise. He didn't get this treatment when he was with Ma Ku. He could only come in when he needed to hand over materials. At other times, he was either picking up patients or doing surgery and cleaning [Crazy Doctor] Museum].

After all, he needs to make himself useful so as not to be used as an experiment by Marku.

This is why he is not sure that he will transform the mouse before his batch of materials is used up, and why he only sleeps five hours a day but still has to find ways to make various delicacies and keep the shop spotless.

He had a feeling that if he didn't do that, he would die.

And now, the person who holds his own destiny this time, although very vicious, seems to be completely different from Marku?

Tell me about the increase in your transformation this time.

Bai Bian took out his extremely evil blade, thought about it, and found that it was not suitable, otherwise the experimental subject would bleed to death.

He changed to an ordinary scalpel and stood opposite Marku and asked.

Self-created transformation, frenzy, can be achieved with the current materials. The strength is at the middle gold level, the endurance is at the middle gold level, the energy is at the lower gold level, and the speed is at the lower gold level. The spirit remains unchanged, and the sanity is temporarily absent.

Marku couldn't help but frowned as he said: But I can go even further. Even if the materials are not perfect, I can make him enter the golden middle position in all aspects except spirituality. But then it will not be a beast, but a rampage. Pattern, can you catch it?

Bai Bian has a lot of experience in transforming evil thoughts, and his transformation science has also reached the master level. Although he is definitely not as good as Maku in front of him, he is good at suppressing the collapse of reason.

However, the Steel Snake on the operating table is only in the middle of bronze, and jumping more than fifty levels is outrageous.

From the increasingly obvious excitement in his eyes, we knew that he was also looking forward to it.

Yue Fang, who helped Feng Wu get closer, was also a little shocked. The golden middle position was a level that was out of reach for him. If he could reach the golden middle position, it seemed that he wouldn't need to be treated as a commodity, and he wouldn't have to please anyone. .

It doesn't matter, just try your best. Bai Bian smiled and said, I can catch it.

Crazy? If he can stabilize his sanity, it seems that he can form the Golden Army. Although this may be a fantasy, it is not without a chance.

For a perfect operation, at least a little proficiency will appear on the panel. By then, with more skill points, you may be able to find a way.

Okay, let's get started. With a wave of his hand, Marku made the minotaur fragments on the operating table fly up, along with some fragments on the ground, and piled them at the door.

The materials to be used this time include three drops of the power of the abyss, the flesh and blood tissue of the abyss monarch, the heart and eyes of the violent demon, the tears of the golden wolf king, and the brain of the honey badger.

Marku took out one material at a time, and soon a lot of materials were piled randomly on the ground.

Zero: [The materials have been collected, 50% of which are taken from angry creatures, 20% from the spirit of resentment, 10% from desire, and 20% from a strong foundation.

According to the existing database, materials such as the heart and eyes of the violent demon and the heart of rage are used to increase strength, the tears of the wolf king and the brain of the honey badger are used to increase body energy, and the abyss is the foundation and is The upper limit of rank.]

Zero is absorbing more and more information from the Internet, and it is also absorbing whatever Bai Ying watches. Now it is obvious that he is a qualified assistant.

It can help with combat, experiments, surgery, city management, and more.

As everything was taken out, Marku decisively stretched out his scalpel and cut off the patient's spine and the nerves controlling the body.

He didn't touch any pain nerves at all. He even cut off the brain's self-protection mechanism and the emergence of adrenaline, and strengthened the pain nerves.

After a few strokes, the patient's excited expression shattered, and the intact vocal cords exploded with power.


clank clank.

There was a red light flashing on the scalpel, and the blade of Yuejie flashed crazily.

Bai Bian raised the scalpel unhurriedly, and when he replaced it with the Heart of the Violent Demon, he said calmly: The Heart of the Violent Demon will make living things go crazy, but you can add arctic ice to it as a neutralizer. Now If you don’t have that kind of material, then take a sedative, which can temporarily suppress the irritability.”

But it's not a long-term solution. After the effect of the drug wears off, the experimental subject will still move closer to the character of the violent demon. At this time, compressing the essence of the Ningshen Grass into crystals and putting it into the heart of the violent demon can also play a certain role.

Bai Bian said, taking out the extraordinary tranquilizer material [Ningshen Grass], compressing the terrifying mental power, and suddenly a light blue crystal appeared.

The white plague scalpel waved, and suddenly, amidst the screams, the heart of the violent demon, which was three centimeters larger than the human heart and beat three times faster, was cut open, and then the light blue crystal was cut open. put in it.

Suddenly his rapidly beating heart slowed down.

Ma Ku was stunned for a moment, a little confused, but after taking a look at Yue Fang, he understood.

Undisturbed, he began to crazily transform amidst the patient's screams.

Yue Fang was stunned. He looked at Maku and then at Bai Bie. The only person present who was awake was a golden flesh and blood transformer, and he was also the master of Sin City.

It was obvious to whom Bai Bian's words were addressed.

An inexplicable look flashed across his eyes, and he carefully wrote down every word Bai Bian said.

The screams, the evil doctor's transformation, the careless explanation, the apprentice's serious study, the subtle twitching of the comatose person, and the spread of blood.

It all combines into a bizarre yet eerily harmonious picture.

Whenever Maku transforms a place, White Blight will tell the effect of this thing on the transformed body and what combination it has with the previous materials.

How to suppress side effects, how to operate to achieve this effect, and even what effect the combination of inhibitors and inhibitors will achieve are all explained in detail.

When Sin City was completely plunged into darkness, Marku dropped the last drop of the power of the abyss in his hand into the patient's heart.


A heavy beating sound began to appear, and the crazy breath spurted out crazily, with a shuddering pressure that made the medical center begin to tremble.

Yue Fang's body trembled, and his heart began to beat rapidly. He could feel that a deadly monster was about to awaken, and he had to leave here.

But looking at the two doctors who were not moving in front of him, he didn't move either, just looking at the presence on the operating table quietly.

Ahhhhh. Roar~

The modified body roared crazily, and stretched out its frantic tentacles, making the operating table crackle, as if it would lose control at any time.


But suddenly, within the body of the modified body, a faint blue light began to bloom, and light spots representing tranquility filled the body of this frantic creature.

The tentacles growing on its body are slowly retracting, and the roar in its mouth is weakening, as if the madness has been suppressed.

[Ding, you assisted Maku to complete a crazy transformation, the experience value is +20000, and the additional experience value is +20000. 】

Succeeded? Marku looked at the operating table. Except for the black and red skin, the experimental subject was almost the same as a normal person, and his tone was a bit incredulous.

No, it's just a temporary suppression. Once a fight occurs, my suppression will be broken. Even if there is no fight, he can only calm down for a year, and he will return to his original appearance after a year.

Bai Bian answered, the power of the panel appeared in his eyes.

[Comparing the charm attributes of both parties. 】

[Alchemy Demon Charm -7, Steel Snake Charm -5. 】

[Since both parties have negative charm, the negative charm judgment is turned on. 】

[Your charm attribute is 140% of the opponent's, and you get 95% of the opponent's information. 】

[Name: Steel Snake.

Race: Frenzy (modified creature)

Occupation: Frenzy (modified creature)

Level: 65.

Personal attributes: Strength 460, Speed ​​450, Endurance 463, Intelligence 417, Spirit 9, Charm -5, Luck? ? .

Skill: Frenzy is not perfected and cannot learn skills.

Feat: Frenzy: The angrier you are, the higher the attributes increase.

Body of Chaos: A group of people who are irrational and doomed to chaos. Before death, their attributes will not be reduced by any curse or poison.

Temporary Specialty: Illusive Sanity: Falling into a state of confusion, unable to take subjective actions before being attacked.

Evaluation: A very good war weapon, but unfortunately, it cannot distinguish between friend and foe. 】

That's it, I can think of it. So what do you think of this transformation? Marku was a little disappointed, but still asked.

It's very strong, and even has a system, but you completely deny the existence of reason. I believe that you can use all legendary materials to create gold-level or even gold-limited madness.

Bai Bian said: Have you ever thought about how to perfect it? It's not even a living thing now, how can you suppress it?

Marcus shook his head in thought: But the materials I just used were all high-grade gold materials. Although the improvement is huge, it is already the current limit. I think there are still some things missing.

Bai Bian smiled: You win this battle, but you can take a look at this transformation.

Bai Bian's mental energy surged out, and he gently placed the frantically transformed finished product on the ground, and then glanced at Yue Fang, who was full of thoughts.

Yue Fang has already moved Feng Wu to the operating table. Living in Sin City has given him the ability to observe words and emotions.

You can increase its strength at will. This transformation is simple but perfect.

Bai Bian took out his scalpel and started a quiet L-shaped transformation.

Marku stepped forward thoughtfully, took out his scalpel and a lot of materials, and waited for Bai Bian's action.

Flesh transformation allows multiple people to work together, but there can only be one chief surgeon. The experienced reformers will fill in some pre-discussed or the most extreme additions according to the chief surgeon's transformation direction.

Bai Yin's surgery is silent, and although it is very bloody, with the blessing of full proficiency, the surgery is very fast, and the knife skills are also very silky and smooth.

Yue Fang's eyes are getting brighter and brighter as he watches from the side. He seems to be able to understand this transformation without having to memorize it by rote, although there is no explanation this time.

During the process of White Epidemic's transformation, Marku frantically added things according to the upper limit set by White Epidemic, but he became more and more silent.

Because before the upper limit of the power reserved by White Blight is reached, no matter how violent he adds, he will only maximize the various values, rather than pursuing a certain extreme.

If the upper limit reserved for this transformation is sufficient, it seems to be a stable and ordinary transformation.

Zero: [The materials added by the evil alchemist Marku have been recorded. The total value converted into federal currency: 1.36 million gold coins. 】

Zero: [To record the high-value materials you used, converted into federal currency: 500,000. 】

Panel: [You and Maku have created new knowledge of flesh and blood modification. 】

[Name: Unnamed.

Attribute: Flesh Transformation.

Effect: Obtain stable and ultimate physical attributes, with constant strength of 300, constant agility of 240, constant endurance of 300, constant intelligence of 200, and constant charm of 0.

And gain specialties: rage, powerful self-healing, body dominance.

Modification requirements: Bronze mid.

Note: This transformation requires consuming all the potential of the person being transformed.

Introduction: It is led by the master of alchemy transformation, and the master of evil alchemy transformation is his deputy. The stable transformation produced unexpectedly. Perhaps it has reached the gold level. Although it has consumed its potential, it is undeniable that this is a powerful war weapon. 】

[Named X-type transformation. 】

When the nervous system was connected, this being, who was a terrifying six meters tall and had muscles exploding all over his body, had confusion in his eyes, but it could be seen that his sanity was not affected.

Ma Ku was a little silent. He looked at Bai Bing with eyes full of thoughts, and finally frowned: You don't seem to be developing, but specializing in research to transform others.

Bai Bian smiled: Yes, but after your strengthening, its combat power has obviously reached the gold level. This can be regarded as an evolution, although the price is a bit high.

Marku thought for a while and shook his head: This is not what I am pursuing. Our concepts may not be suitable. What I want is something ultimate and powerful, rather than doing good things and doing good things.

Bai Bing said gently: This is not a conflict. If there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of this kind of information, you can learn from each other's contents and study new things. It will definitely not be like madness and evil thoughts. Just as out of control, but as complete as it appears.”

Ma Ku frowned, waved his hand, and his breath began to feel dangerous: I'm not interested. I'll wait until my madness comes out, and it won't be any worse than my evil thoughts. You can leave, we don't have the same ideas.

Bai Bian was silent for a moment, leaving behind the method of creating evil thoughts and walked out: Yue Fang, let's go.

Wait until Bai Ying and Yue Fang leave.

Ma Ku looked at the book left by Bai Bian, picked it up, flipped through it twice, and then put it away. The dangerous aura on his body gradually disappeared.

He shook his head. He originally thought that the perfecter of evil thoughts would be an equally ideal alchemist, but he did not expect that this person was actually a sheep in the order.

Alchemists like them who grew up in the wild are different from those who grew up under federal protection.

Every suture on Marku's body is a fatal crisis. They will only pursue the ultimate and more extreme things.

For example, the evil thoughts that the white plague now represents.

In his eyes, this is the most perfect thing, not something stable but mediocre like L-shaped transformation.

However, he did not regret showing his research results to Bai Bian. Although the boy deceived him, it didn't matter. The method of creating evil thoughts could give him more inspiration.

This is a precious thing, similar to his madness, but somewhat different. The evil thoughts are even more extreme than the madness.

Blood God of Gods.

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