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Chapter 147 Buying an Apprentice

Bai Bian also didn't care about the patient's interruption. This Maku reformer abided by the professional ethics of an alchemist, that is, he would not let patients die in his hospital.

Of course, unless the patient does not intend to pay, the alchemical transformer will be very happy to share with them his highest transformation result, which is themselves.

Yes, normal evil thoughts can be transformed, but you need to add some God's blood and God's sin. The Ancient God's is currently the best, and the others have not been tested yet, because after the Ancient God's blood and blood are absorbed, the evil thoughts have stabilized. ”

Furthermore, the erosion of extremely evil creatures seems to be lower than the erosion of extremely evil creatures.

Bai Bian thought for a while and said: However, absorbing divine blood is not without risks. It may become a kind of bomb. After absorbing the power of God, it directly turns into a divine explosive, wiping out the foundation of evil thoughts and everything around it. Divided into nothingness.”

Blood of God Maku murmured, his eyes flashing brightly: That's it.

The blood of gods contains the highest power in this world, especially the blood of ancient gods.

The ancient gods are the original creatures in the world, and they are also gods who do not need a godhead. Their power can assimilate all living creatures.

If evil thoughts are half-finished products, a very powerful time bomb, then after being assimilated by God, the characteristics of this bomb will either be amplified and become a stronger bomb.

Or evolve, become a divine creature, and become a different kind of evil.

This is indeed a method.

But this method

His eyes changed when he looked at Bai Bie. In this world, there are a lot of flesh and blood tissues of ancient gods and evil gods, but blood is difficult to obtain.

Because after the divine blood is combined with the magic power in the air, it is likely to become an artifact with different functions.

For example, some orbs, jewelry and the like.

Moreover, the artifacts of the ancient gods are different from the artifacts of the new gods. The artifacts of the new gods can also be used by mortals, but no one can use the artifacts of the ancient gods. Most of those artifacts are artifacts with powerful evil effects.

If a mortal wants to use it, he must pay a very heavy price.

If evil thoughts are to be absorbed safely, it seems that the divine blood is absorbed before it is completely combined with the magic power, that is to say, fresh divine blood.

This is my knife technique during surgery. If you think it's good, learn it. Maku's eyes became kinder. Don't worry about how this person obtained the fresh ancient god's blood, but don't offend, just academic exchanges. If so, it's definitely true.

He took out a handwritten booklet with two words on the cover, [Moon Explanation].

Judging from the age of the book's paper, he must have read it frequently.

Bai Bian took over the sword technique and checked it with the panel.

[Name: Yue Jie.

Attributes: Active skills.

Effect: Greatly stabilizes the blade, increases the sharpness of the blade by 30 points, and increases the pain caused by 20% of the damage caused.

Restrictions: The blade becomes invalid if the blade exceeds 20 centimeters.

Introduction: This will be a perfect operation. Your screams are the perfect accompaniment to my operation. Don't worry, my knife is very stable - Maku. 】

Bai Bian's eyes lit up. This knife skill is definitely the core of Maku, because many transformations require surgery, and both flesh and blood transformers and pharmacists also need good knife skills.

After all, they are also very good doctors, and sometimes they focus on saving lives through surgery.

And every remodeler will have the most convenient way to exert force, and this monthly solution is this way of exerting force.

In other words, the magic power covers the blade, the adjustment of the magic power, the usage of power, etc.

These white plagues should also exist, but he doesn't do surgeries often, so he hasn't developed this self-created skill.

However, if this technique can increase the sharpness by 30 points, then the self-created skills can wait until later. This technique will be of great help in combat.

Very good. You are indeed the most powerful alchemist in Sin City. Your sword skills amaze me. Bai Bian said with a smile.

Hahaha, thank you, but academic exchanges can't just be the exchange of knowledge. How about we compare the transformation surgery? Just help those outside with transformation for free, and then let them have a fight. Whoever survives will win. Maku said happily, his whole mood was very good.

Evil thoughts are an extreme form of evil flesh and blood transformers. They use desires to transform them. Although the guy who created the evil thoughts has not left a name, flesh and blood transformers quite admire that guy.

Bai Bian thought for a while and shook his head: No, the secret of a reformer is not whose transformation is stronger, but stability.

Ma Ku was stunned for a moment, then frowned: Stable? You've been transformed by evil thoughts, how can you be stable?

Bai Bian smiled and asked, Will the imperfect evil thoughts talk to you calmly? Or, will the unstable evil thoughts kill the evil spirit just now?

There was thought in Ma Ku's two non-parallel eyes, as if he was thinking about the truth of this statement.

For example, if your transformation is unstable, you will lose the qualification to continue to study transformation. All crazy transformations are failures in my eyes. It is meaningless to blindly pursue strength. Bai Bing said, eyes appeared. A touch of excitement: The most perfect transformation in my ideal should be something like the legendary War Colossus.

Powerful, but obedient, they will follow the ideas set by the Transformer and move forward, rather than being like evil thoughts, which grow very fast, but will be the first to kill the Transformer.

The White Plague's transformation army is estimated to be less than 10,000 people now, and there are still many places that can be transformed. If a more stable and powerful transformation is found here, then who says that the transformation army cannot have an ace team?

Marku thought thoughtfully, then shook his head: No, Mr. White Blight, you are wrong.

Marku said seriously: The transformation of oneself is different from the transformation of the experimental body. The experimental body only needs to be strong. Stability is not necessary, because only by making a piece of technology powerful first can it have The qualification made us work hard to stabilize it.”

In other words, the transformation of experimental subjects mainly refers to the word experiment. We only find the direction of transformation from them, rather than helping them transform.

Bai Bian spread his hands: Have you ever thought about how the evil reformer who transformed evil thoughts died? The emergence of transformations that are too taboo will only benefit future generations. I only pursue stable transformations.

Marku did not refute Bai Bian's theory. After all, what Bai Bian said was the truth.

However, this could not change the mind of an evil reformer. He just said: Then we will be responsible for different parts and start two surgeries performed by two people. I will be the surgeon in the first one, and you will be the surgeon in the second one. Let's see who is the one. more perfect.

Bai Bian nodded decisively: No problem, in which direction should we transform it?

Anything is fine, I only pursue the ultimate, Yue Fang, Yue Fang, where did you die? Have you completed the operation? Ma Ku shouted enthusiastically.

Coming, coming. The voice of a human youth sounded, and an Asian youth wearing a blood-stained white coat quickly ran over. He always lowered his head and did not dare to look around.

Master. He whispered.

Even because of the charm of White Plague-7, he quietly got closer to Maku.

Bai Bian could even hear the man's heart beating violently. He seemed very nervous.

Bai Pei started scanning the panel.

[Comparing the charm attributes of both parties. 】

[Alchemy Demon's charm value is -7, Yue Fang's charm value is 5. 】

[Since you have a negative charm value, turn on the negative charm judgment. 】

[Your charm value is 700% of the opponent's, and you get 100% of the opponent's information. 】

[Name: Yue Fang.

Race: human.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Level: 19.

Personal attributes: Strength 8, Agility 9, Endurance 10, Intelligence 36, Spirit 40, Charisma 5, Luck 10.

Legend level: 3.

Rank: Bronze middle.

Skills: Elementary Alchemical Transformation (2401/3000), Elementary Alchemy and Pharmacy (1003/3000), Full Level Housekeeping (500/500).

Expertise: Absolute transformation: understanding of transformation knowledge +30%, transformation success rate +10%

Potion Specialization: Very sensitive to materials, your failure rate in making potions is reduced by 10%.

Extreme calmness: When you are scared, you will calm down very quickly. The more scared you are, the calmer you will be.

Evaluation: The reformer lost in Sin City may be able to shine in the future, but now he is still an unknown apprentice, trembling in sin, and may die at any time. 】

Bai Bian paused, looking at Yue Fang's heart that was overloaded due to the sense of voyeurism, his eyes thoughtful.

No wonder not even the evil Flesh Transformer killed him. This Yue Fang should only be sixteen years old.

This potential has already reached the SS level. If nothing unexpected happens, if you give him time, he can become an excellent gold level flesh and blood transformer.

Maybe the Transformation Legion needs an honorary hero?

Go, recruit two volunteers, and hurry up. Marku's ugly voice sounded: Just say that I plan to hold a competition and become a strong person for free, but only one can survive.

Yue Fang trembled and nodded: Okay, Master, I'll go right away.

After he finished speaking, he trotted out quickly.

This kid is very talented, but he is too timid and seems a bit useless. Ma Ku commented with some dissatisfaction.

Bai Bian didn't think so. He smiled and said, I value this guy very much and would like to exchange something with you. What do you think?

Ma Ku was a little surprised, then shook his head: Exchange? No need, this guy is still good at cleaning, and he is already my apprentice.

Bai Bian took out a handful of black feathers from the space ring: Exchange for this.

Legendary material, not bad. Ma Ku's eyes lit up, but then he shook his head: If I don't change, I still have feelings for my apprentice.

White plague:.

He thought for a moment and continued: Double.

The space ring shimmered slightly, and more feathers appeared in the air. These were Eugene's feathers, which were very suitable for transforming himself into a pair of devil wings.

However, White Blight has no intention of changing the evil thoughts, which would be superfluous.

And compared to the power of evil thoughts, the devil's power is still of a lower level. The fallen angel's feather is pretty good, but it's a pity that there is only one.

After half a year of getting along, he earned me a lot of materials. Ma Ku began to hesitate.

He was just an apprentice. He was originally picked up from outside and used as a test subject, but he stayed after seeing that this kid could clean. During the half-year relationship, Yue Fang watched him perform several surgeries to transform some mutated mice. , which made him plan to cultivate it.

And now the value of this devil's feather is very high, and it seems to be much more useful than an apprentice.

Add ten soul crystals (large). Bai Yi continued: This is the final price.

Deal! Ma Ku nodded decisively and reached out to take the feathers. He stroked the feathers, which did not deform even when held, with some emotion in his tone: Since you cherish your talent, it is a good choice for him to follow you.

Bai Bian took out ten soul crystals (large) and handed them to Maku together.

He still has more than 10,000 of these things in his space ring, and each one is only 10,000 gold coins, while the two legendary feathers are only 200, and each one is worth 1,000 gold coins, which is only 200,000.

You must know that there are only a few hundred people with SS-level potential among the 800 million people in the Federation. These are the beings who can 100% earn gold as long as they are given time.

I bought a golden strongman for 300,000 yuan, and I made a lot of money this time.

Ma Ku also took the soul crystal with great satisfaction. This thing is a scarce resource. The thirst for this thing in the disaster area, mutation area, and erosion area outside has reached an extreme.

It can even be said that as long as the beings in these three areas know about the soul minerals, war will break out there.

Therefore, for Sin City, the value of soul crystals is more than ten times higher than the price in the Federation.

In other words, if an apprentice sells millions of gold coins, Marku said: This is a huge profit.

Both of them had very obvious joy in their eyes, and bubbles of friendship seemed to have arisen.

Boom, boom, boom.

Master, we've brought him back. A gentle knock on the door sounded, and Yue Fang stood at the door with his head lowered.

Behind him were two human beings dressed in tatters, trembling all over, but unable to hide the excitement in their eyes.

The transformation of golden superiority is free and powerful.

These three words are the best attraction for Sin City residents.

As for whether one of them dies, it doesn't matter. They don't know if they will be able to see the sun tomorrow outside.

Don't call me master in the future, I am no longer your master. Ma Ku looked at the two people behind Yue Fang and said in a voice that sounded like metal friction.

Boom, boom, boom.

Yue Fang's heart beat violently, his brain was thinking rapidly, and then he raised his head suddenly, with mist in his eyes: Master, what did I do wrong? If so, I can change it, You usually need to study and don’t have time to clean or eat. I can only sleep for three hours in the future.”

You saved me half a year ago. Now that I have grown up, I want to repay you. I am willing to stay with Master for the rest of my life and just be a cleaning clerk.

Ma Ku was stunned. There seemed to be some unbearability in the eyes of the two races, one high and one low. Although he had no morals, he still had some feelings for a migrant worker who was destined to grow up. He looked at Bai Bing.

But Bai Bian didn't give Ma Ku a chance to speak, and said with a smile: Boy, you misunderstood. Your master sold you to me.

Yue Fang was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Bai Bian. Bai Bian's evil thoughts were different from when he faced the player. When facing the player, he enveloped himself with blood, so that the player could only see a figure.

When facing the NPC, apart from their temperament, only their eyes turned red. Although they had -7 charm, if perception was put aside, they were not that scary.

But the prerequisite for not being scary is to completely control the evil thoughts like now, so that the evil thoughts don't explode the tentacles randomly.

Yue Fang's brain was thinking rapidly, and his eyes were still hazy with tears. He knelt down suddenly and kowtowed to Ma Ku and Bai Bian: Since it is Master's decision, I can't make it difficult for you. Don't worry, I will Very obedient, you will be my master from now on.

White plague:.


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