Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1443: At the gate and was found

The second to follow was Mu Ying, who was holding a bright pistol in her hand at the moment.

I still don't know where she came from, but Lin Wei just saw it.

Mu Ying grabbed the gun directly from a prisoner who had hidden a pistol while he was still in prison.

Mu Ying didn't finish grabbing the pistol, she stunned the prisoner.

Because Yunjian was too outstanding at that time, no one around him noticed Mu Ying's move.

Lin Wei is one of the strongest in his group, but because he is being challenged every day in prison, it is still the kind of decisive battle that is indifferent, so Lin Wei is very embarrassed at this moment. He is all over It was an injury, and two other special forces were needed to walk forward.

However, Lin Wei was the only person who saw Mu Ying grabbed a pistol, and he was shocked.

He was in a prison cage, enough to save his life.

But Yun Yun and Mu Ying, how about these two female students who came out of Min City Military Academy?

One directly killed the boss of the prison, and the other still grabbed a pistol in the prison!

If this were replaced by Lin Wei, he would not dare!

It would be nice to be able to save your life in a prison cage! Not to mention the other!

Therefore, Yun Jian and Mu Ying's actions were considered to frighten Lin Wei.

The soul returned to reality, Yun Jian walked in the forefront, Mu Ying followed up. Seeing this, Ge Junjian and An Zhengliang, who seized the guard, held him up and quickly followed Yun Jian.

Heimei, Lin Wei, Weigeer and others came last.

A group of men advanced towards the gate of the dungeon under the gesture of the guard.

This way round countless turns, Xu is the guard afraid of death, so he did not meet anyone on the road.

"Here it is, there is the gate of the dungeon." Wegel walking in the end saw the gate of the dungeon, he muffled, but in his heart was excited to yell.

In the end, Weigel was still calm.

How many years! Wegel is a glorious criminal policeman. When he failed to assassinate Glen and was put in a dungeon, he even felt that it would be better to die without a free life!

By the time the dungeon was abolished with one hand, Wegel was planning to die.

No one has escaped from the dungeon here!

Even the horror who was ten times more powerful than the King of War failed to leave here!

Not to mention them!

But Weigel later gave up his death because his good comrades-in-arms, who were locked in here with him, died for him, and yelled at him before he died: "Be sure to live!"

Even the original horror could only escape to the gate of the dungeon, and they did it!

Weigel was excited. At the same time, he made a 100% affirmation of Yun Jian's strength.

This little girl is definitely not worse than the original horror! Maybe they can really leave here!

Several people quickly came to the gate of the dungeon, and a password lock hung above the gate of the dungeon.

This combination lock was more complicated than the combination lock in prison at that time, and ordinary people could not understand the procedures on this combination lock at all.

"Yunjian, quickly untie it!" Hei Mei said excitedly, at the same time her heart held together fiercely.

"It's too late, they're here." Yun Jian squinted, and she looked ahead, the way when she came.

But they saw the dungeon directly opposite, and a large group of guards rushed to Yunjian in front of them, all of them carrying machine guns.

"Ah! How could they find us !!!" Hei Mei was so scared that her legs trembled instantly.

The people present immediately thought that the horror was here and was shot dead by the guard's machine gun!

After many years, the original scene is reproduced again!

It took Yunjian longer to unlock the combination lock on the dungeon than on the prison side.

Now, the guards have each held a machine gun, and the muzzle is facing everyone present!

"That horror was so dead. We were found! It's over! It's over ..." Wegel was paralyzed on the ground, saying these words.

"I'm here, just these machine guns, do you really think we can stop us from leaving here?" Yun Jian hooked an arc and sneered.

Not to mention the machine gun, she was easily avoided when someone bombed her with a cannon.

With just a few machine guns, she didn't even look at them.

Yun Jian's words were just ordinary words in her eyes, but they were heard in the ears of Hei Mei, Wei Geer, and Lin Wei, but the flavor was greatly different.

People, they can survive against machine guns! ?

For the first time, they heard such words! Undoubtedly, Yun Jian's words were very questionable, and even Ge Junjian showed a worried look.

After all, Yunjian is not a god, and people are attacked by machine guns. It is estimated that they are shot and died every minute?

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