Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1444: As if seeing, the **** of killing

Without saying a word, the guards wanted to fire a machine gun.

Yun Jian didn't speak, but she found out early that there was a surveillance camera directly above the gate of the dungeon, and there were surveillance cameras along the way.

But the road just taken is the only way to go, there is no other way to choose.

Or to put it another way, Yun Jian knew from the beginning that the guard had brought them here on purpose.

By this time, the guards had picked up machine guns.

"Mu Ying, take them away!"

When the group of guards were still loading guns and intended to point the muzzle of the machine gun towards Yunjian, Yunjian screamed. She grabbed a few people in front of Ge Junjian and went to the guard who had just held it. A group of guards rushed over!

In this scene, An Zhengliang, Weigel and others almost didn't freak out.

Lin Wei frowned, and shouted at Yun Jian, who rushed over there: "Little girl, come back! You will die!"

Alone to meet the group of guards carrying machine guns, is she dead?

Lin Wei was purely concerned about Yun Jian, so he reached out and wanted to hold Yun Jian's clothing corner. However, Yun Jian's response was so rapid. She dragged the guard who was holding, dragged a person, and could run. So quickly!

Only in the blink of an eye, Yun Jian had come to the guards carrying machine guns about five or six meters away!

As soon as Yun Jian rushed over, the guards originally planned to solve Ge Jianjian and others around Yun Jian before solving Yun Jian, but because Yun Jian was so rushing and fast, they had come to them!

When the guards saw this, they directly turned the machine guns intended to Ge Junjian and others to Yun Jian who rushed to the guards!

All machine guns were directed at Yun Jian!

She, firing the machine gun for Ge Junjian and others, met the machine gun shot by herself, but she must die like this!

Even Ge Junjian, who has always been confident in Yun Jian and knows Yun Jian's identity, is frightened and yells at Yun Jian: "Xiao Jian is back! Danger !!!"

Ge Junjian shouted, people have chased to Yunjian, but he has n’t waited for Ge Junjian to chase after him. The people who stood in place, Ge Junjian, An Zhengliang, Hei Mei, etc., saw a terrifying scene ——

Yun Jian at that end didn't look back at all, she rushed over there, and the group of guards with anti-machine guns had someone loaded the gun and pointed the muzzle at Yun Jian. The sound of "bang bang bang bang" issue.

Yun Jian dragged the guard who just led the road, she immediately blocked the guard in front of herself, like a wall of meat, and the bullets fired from the machine guns hit the guard heavily.

Before the death of the guard, his eyes widened, because he couldn't make a sound. Before he died, he yelled twice and died in terror.

Yun Jian dragged the guard's body without stopping.

The machine guns in the guards can shoot through human flesh!

After this shot hit Yun Jian's body in the guard's body, he paused twice before penetrating Yun Jian behind him.

If you change the position of Yunjian to any person present, it is estimated that you will die now!

But for Yun Jian, this pause is enough!

When Yun Jian stopped firing the machine gun in the hands of the guards, she directly flung off the guard's body, and the man fluttered to the side and jumped.

She had already come to a guard, and the next moment Yun Jian slammed her elbow on the neck of the guard standing next to her, and immediately twisted the neck of the guard.

At the same time, she snatched the machine gun directly from the guard who broke the neck first, without even thinking about it. She grabbed the machine gun and swept towards the group of guards around her.

Shooting while running.

The guard over there immediately fell a blockbuster.

But the alive still launched an attack on Yun Jian, who avoided the bullets and fired back at the guard.

The flexible figure seemed to be familiar with the battlefield of such a rainforest.

Living away is like a general who survived the battlefield of life and death!

In the distance, An Zhengliang, Hei Mei, etc. stared at their eyes, silly.

But when Yun Jian on the other side resolved the last guard, he dropped the machine gun in his hand directly on the ground and came back to the crowd.

There was no trace of blood on her body, but she smelled of gunpowder all over her.

The moment he turned around and walked around, Gao Mawei shook left and right. At this moment, everyone had a kind of trance!

They seem to see the return of the God of Killing!

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