Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1442: Let the guards give them their way

I saw Yun Jian tumbling silently to the side of the two guards. Instead of reaching for the butterfly knife biting her mouth, she stood behind the two guards.

Because the dungeon is built in the basement, there is no light all year round, and it can only be illuminated by electric lights.

Although Yun Jian moves silently, the light hits the ground, but she can see her figure.

The two guards originally had their backs facing Yunjian. They suddenly saw the light shining. In addition to the shadows of the two of them, another small shadow appeared on the ground directly in front of them.

After all, if someone is close to themselves, in such a quiet place, they will definitely make a sound.

Moreover, the two guards were also very clear that the people locked in the prison cage must break the combination lock if they want to escape.

If you press the password lock three times, the alarm will sound immediately if you cannot unlock the password.

The only person who can unlock the code lock is the horrible guy who escaped to the gate of the dungeon and was shot by a guard with a machine gun!

Therefore, the guards of these two guards were not high.

After a fierce trembling, the two guards wanted to turn around like they saw a ghost.

Something terrifying, such as Ge Junjian, An Zhengliang, Hei Mei, Yu Shaoluo, hiding in the corner!

The two guards turned around!

However, just after the two guards turned around, they saw Yun Jian, Ge Junjian and others who had hid in the corner and headed out of the prison cage. The two guards were shocked when they wanted to yell.

Yun Jian, who stood in front of the two guards, suddenly reached out and pulled out two pieces of paper from their pockets. When the two guards were surprised by Yun Jian and others' escape, they wanted to scream.

She squeezed the tissue in both hands while the two guards opened their mouths, but before they had time to make a noise, they tucked them into their mouths.

Then Yun Jian grabbed the coats of the two guards, and tied them up completely with the guards' coats.

Yun Jian held the butterfly knife biting on his lips in his hand, and pressed the butterfly knife against the neck of one of the guards, and then greeted Ge Junjian who was hiding in the corner.

Ge Junjian came very carefully.

The two guards are also nearby, but in order to prevent accidents, they chose to be careful.

"Yun Jian, why don't you kill them directly! What a waste of time here!" Hei Mei said to Yun Jian with a sullen breath.

Yun Jian ignored the black girl. She looked down at the two guards and whispered to the guards who had held her neck: "Dungeon gate, show the way."

Heimei still had some qi Yunjian not killing people, and wasting time here, but after hearing Yunjian's words, Heimei suddenly woke up.

The dungeon is large, there are many prisons, and they are here for the first time, they do not even know where to go and how to get to the gate of the dungeon.

Heimei now feels stupid what she said.

And Yun Jian's eyes stared straight at the guard who was holding himself against his neck.

But when the guard shook his head desperately, trying to break free, he tried to hit the ground with his feet for help.

Unfortunately, the guard had just made an attempt to escape, and Yun Jian stabbed into his temple with a stab.

With a moan, the guard died directly.

Seeing the blood splattering, the black girl was still frightened. Even the stronger Lin Wei couldn't help but drew his mouth, and murmured, "This little girl is quite fierce."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Jian had pulled out the butterfly knife and planned to plunge into the temple of another guard.

When the other guard saw this, he shook his head and frowned.

Seeing the success of the plan, Yun Jian's red arc ticked, and she said, "Lead the way?"

The guard nodded immediately.

Yun Jian stood up and waved his hands to let Ge Junjian hold the guard.

Generally, the guards in the dungeon are strictly trained, and will certainly not betray Glenn for a while after being caught by the enemy.

It takes months to torture and torture the hostage into submission, but it took Yunjian a few seconds to let the guard obey him?

An Zhengliang and Hei Mei, Lin Wei, Weigeer, and others all ate.

But seeing that Yun Jian on the other side had followed the guard's gesture to point the way forward.

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