an hour later.

Qiu Annuo was a little confused, and Qian Xiaoye was also a little confused.

What confused Qiu Annuo was Qian Xiaoye's luck.

Qian Xiaoye was confused about the quality of the Qiu Annuo treasure chest.

Qiu Annuo thought that Qian Xiaoye would crook a few, but she really didn't expect that Qian Xiaoye didn't crook any of them!

Qian Xiaoye thought that most of the treasure chests given by Qiu Annuo were green, blue, and a few were yellow and purple, but he really did not expect that most of Qiu Annuo's treasure chests were blue and yellow, and only a few were purple and orange.

As for green, he had never seen green light.

The green light has never been seen, the orange light he opened 7, 1 hour, he opened 234 treasure chests, saw 7 orange light....

It's not that he is slow to open treasure chests, but that the quality of these treasure chests is too high, and the light that opens up blinds his eyes.

Qiu Annuo came back to his senses, looked at the rabbit master who was sorting out the items, and said enviously to Qian Xiaoye: "Your luck is too against the sky!"

"Your chest isn't bad either." Qian Xiaoye took a deep breath and continued, "If my luck to open the treasure chest will be crooked, it should not be normal.

"Indeed." Qiu Annuo nodded slightly, "If you open the treasure chest and still be crooked, you won't have so many summoning skill books." Before

she met Miracle, she had heard about Miracle selling summoning skill books in the Novice Village, and it was also at that time that she became deeply interested in this lucky guy.

It's a pity that this guy doesn't suck her, if he sucks her, she can experience the taste of Ou Huang.

Five minutes later.

After sorting out the items of the 234 treasure chests, Rabbit Ye held a notebook in his hand, stood in front of two piles of summoning skill books, and reported to Qian Xiaoye and Qiu Annuo: "Of the 234 treasure chests, we have opened a total of 36 summoning skill books, and according to our agreement, we can obtain 25.2 summoning skill books.

"Just 25." Qian Xiaoye said.

"Hmm!" Rabbit Ye nodded and continued towards Qiu Annuo: "We take 25 copies, and the remaining 11 are yours."

"According to our agreement, 36 summoning skill books, we will choose first, after selection, the rest is yours."

"Yes!" Qiu Annuo said with a smile: "Choose, just give me the rest." Qiu

Anno didn't say anything, she was satisfied now.

Because the number of summoning skill books opened has far exceeded her expectations.

Her expectation was that 1234 treasure chests would open about 50 summoning skill books, but she didn't expect that 36 summoning skill books would already be opened out of 234 treasure chests!

The thought that she could get far more than she expected was already satisfied.

Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye, who was selecting with a notebook, and spoke: "That kind of only summoning skill book, give me one, I can give you ten copies of the same quality." "

The only summoning skill book is Night Cultivation, Dragon Tide and their summoning skill book.

When Qian Xiaoye heard this, he looked up at her and said with a smile: "Orange quality can also give me ten copies?" "

Uh..." Qiu Anno scratched his head awkwardly.

Qian Xiaoye looked at her scratching her head, and did not speak, but continued to sift through.

Of these 36 summoning skill books, there are 4 unique summoning skill books, and their qualities are orange, yellow, and blue.

Among them, there is 1 book in orange, 1 book in yellow, and 2 books in blue.

Of course, these Qiu Annuo did not know, she only knew that Qian Xiaoye opened 36 summoning skill books.

Qian Xiaoye didn't know before, he only knew when he got the notes handed over by the rabbit master, and he knew that he was really lucky today, and he actually opened 1 unique summoning skill book among the 7 orange treasure chests.

This orange quality only summoning skill book is called the Flower Language Summoning Skill Book, and the flower language body is the Flower Wood Sword Spirit.

He hadn't heard of the Flower Wood Sword Spirit, but the name seemed to know that she used a sword...

Qiu Annuo, who struggled with his thoughts for 1 minute, asked in a low voice: "Is there really an orange only?"

"There is indeed a copy." Qian Xiaoye did not hide it, after all, she would see it sooner or later.

"Is it Hua Yu, or Wood Snake, or Xiu Hu, or..." Seeing

that Qiu Annuo still wanted to say, Qian Xiaoye said directly: "It's Hua Yu." "

Flower language!" Qiu Anno suddenly jumped up excitedly.

"Yes!" Qian Xiaoye said, and said to the rabbit master: "Take it out and show her."

"Okay!" Rabbit Ye turned around, pulled out the last book in the pile on the right, and threw it to Qiu Annuo.

Qiu Annuo took the Hua Yu summoning skill book, looked at the avatar on the cover, and she instantly said excitedly to Qian Xiaoye: "These are for you, I only want this one!" "

Their 73 points, although each quality is also 73 points, but this is also in the case of more than 1 book in each quality, if there is only 1 book, then this 1 book is Qian Xiaoye's.

"Not enough." Qian Xiaoye looked at her calmly and continued, "36 books, 1 orange book, 2 purple book, 10 yellow book, 15 blue book, and cyan 8 book.

"1 orange for 10 others, and it's still the only summoning skill book, I'm not a fool..."

Qiu Annuo shouted and pouted: "Then you set a condition." "

Do you have a red chest on you?"

"There is no Red Quality Secret Realm Lord in the resident secret realm of the planet area." Qiu Annuo looked at him and continued: "There are new beasts of red quality in the wild forbidden area of the planet area, but under normal circumstances, we will not kill them. "

The resident secret realm generally refers to the secret realm that can be entered in the secret hall.

"There are red quality new beasts in the wild forbidden area?" Qian Xiaoye heard a good news.

"Don't you know?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

"Also, it's normal that you don't know." Qiu Annuo continued: "This new beast is generally not killed, after all, it is too strong, and many people will die. And the red quality new beasts that can survive until now basically have a bunch of terrifying little brothers. Qiu

Annuo looked at the interest that gradually appeared on Qian Xiaoye's face, and quickly said, "Don't go now!" The high-quality new beasts that can survive until now are basically forty or fifty level existences, and those are not what you can fight now!

Qian Xiaoye was slightly stunned and nodded, "Then you still have a few orange treasure chests on you." Qiu

Annuo thought for a moment and responded: "Not much, just 21." "

Are there so many Orange Secret Realm Lords over there who haven't killed?" Qian Xiaoye was surprised.

"There are still many new secret realms in our planet area every year, and these treasure chests are not necessarily silver or bronze." Qiu Annuo continued with a smile: "There are also yellow, platinum treasure chests here. "

As long as it is something in the planet zone, it can be traded and used.

It's just up to you how much you can exert.

Qian Xiaoye opened his mouth, and finally shook his head with a smile, "It's worthy of being the eldest miss."

"Hee-hee, of course." She is not a good person.

"Then give it all to me, 21 for 1, I can accept it." He Qian Xiaoye is really a great benevolent person.

If you change to someone else, these 21 orange treasure chests are exchanged for 1 orange only summoning skill book, and there is a high chance that they will not be exchanged, after all, this is the orange only summoning skill book!

But he, he will change, after all, 21 orange treasure chests, he slowly opens, can open 21 unique summoning skill books!

Of course, there is another reason, that is, these 21 orange chests will still open a summoning skill book without using the Hand of Miracle.

If he opens a second summoning skill book, then he needs to give Qiu Annuo a copy, even if he doesn't give Hua Yu, he has to give her another copy, so in the case of a high chance of giving one, he might as well just ask for 21 orange treasure chests!

If a quality only opens two summoning skill books, they must give one to Qiu Annuo, which is the rule they set before opening.

"You're so dark!" If Qiu Annuo didn't know Qian Xiaoye's luck, then she would be very happy, but she knew now, and in the case of knowing, she felt so dark.

"I'm not dark." Qian Xiaoye explained with a smile: "The probability of the only summoning skill book being opened is much lower than that of ordinary summoning skill books, not to mention that this is the only summoning skill book of orange quality.

"The higher the quality, the lower the chance of opening, you should know that, right?"

"If you say so... You don't seem to be that dark either. Qiu Annuo listened to Qian Xiaoye's explanation, and instantly felt... It seems to make some sense.

Qian Xiaoye looked at Qiu Annuo, who was nodding and muttering over there, and said directly: "Do you change?" "

Change!" Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye with firm and affirmative eyes.

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