Qian Xiaoye stepped forward and pointed to the town below and said to Qiu Annuo: "Did you see it?" "

See." Qiu Annuo nodded, and then suddenly looked at Qian Xiaoye, "You mean, the two of us killed in?"

"Yes!" Qian Xiaoye looked at Qiu Annuo, who understood in seconds, and said with a smile: "That town should be a puppet town, and the final boss of the secret realm should be inside..."

Without waiting for Qian Xiaoye to finish speaking, Qiu Annuo shouted excitedly: "Do it!" "

Don't you listen to me?" Qian Xiaoye was slightly stunned.

"You are not afraid, I am afraid of something." Qiu Annuo grinned, "As long as you don't feel sorry for your summoned beast, I don't care, anyway, no matter how strong they are, they can't kill me."

"I'm pretty good at running!"

Qian Xiaoye looked at the fearless Qiu Annuo, shook his head with a smile, "Okay, then let's go down first, this side is too conspicuous." "Good

!" Qiu Annuo flew to the back of the meat bun and flew with Qian Xiaoye towards the cliff, next to the town.

They certainly can't fly straight to town.

As for Qian Xiaoye's summoned beasts, most of his summoned beasts were summoned back by him before he flew.

All that is left now are flying summoned beasts.

As for jumping, his summoned beast is not that strong yet... It's still a kilometer above the ground.

Outside the town, by a small river, after discussing the strategy with Qian Xiaoye, Qiu Annuo couldn't wait to say, "When will you help me open the treasure chest?"

Qian Xiaoye took a sip of fruit drink and asked Qiu Annuo, "How many are there?"

"Not much, that's 1,234."

"Poof!" Qian Xiaoye spewed out, and the water spilled on the ground.

"Haha, now you know that Miss Ben is powerful!" Qiu Annuo looked at the shocked Qian Xiaoye, and she was very happy in her heart, but she didn't say it, but with a smile in her eyes, she spoke: "1234 treasure chests, but I spent a lot of energy, manpower, and got it, you can't regret it!"

Looking at Qian Xiaoye, who was silent, and the rabbit master who suddenly appeared in front of her, she continued: "Don't worry, the Lord of the Raiders Secret Realm, I am the last knife for others to make up, I am a member of your guild, they don't know."

"Of course, after this secret realm, they will have to know."

If you can hide it for a while, you can't hide it for a lifetime.

In this special secret realm, many people have seen her, so when this special secret realm is over, the fact that she is a member of the Miracle Guild must not be hidden.

Qian Xiaoye came back to his senses, nodded slightly, and said to Qiu Annuo: "I'll help you open 100 first."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but show a hint of excitement on his face.

1234 treasure chests, 73 open, no matter how bad luck he is, 100 summoning skill books should be available.

"Good!" After Qiu Annuo finished speaking, he decisively took out a treasure chest from the ring on his right hand.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the treasure chest that Qiu Annuo placed on the ground, and quickly said, "Wait!" Let's find a cave first, open here for easy to find! "

They set a time of 1 a.m. to start the battle, and there were few people in the early morning, so they could play.

As for now, it's only after 9 p.m., so there are still many hours to rest.

Ten minutes later, instead of finding the cave, they found a dilapidated log cabin covered in vegetation around.

After clearing the weeds around the dilapidated log cabin, Qian Xiaoye ordered the summoned beast to sweep nearby, and then walked into the log cabin with Qiu Annuo.

"Dust removal!"


Qiu Annuo threw two skills directly into the messy house.

Soon, she looked at the much cleaner house and nodded with satisfaction, "This is much better." "

Treasure chest!" Rabbit Ye appeared in front of Qiu Annuo, his eyes full of excitement.

"Don't worry, I'm not about to take it!" Qiu Annuo smiled and took out a small stool from the space ring and sat down.

After sitting down, she looked up at Qian Xiaoye, "Do you want it?"

"No need." Qian Xiaoye shook his head, took out a round stool from his backpack, and said to Qiu Annuo: "I have." Qiu

Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye, who sat down, stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "It seems that we are people of the same path!"

"Take the box out, I'll rest in an hour." Qian Xiaoye said, took out some food from his backpack and put it on the ground, and towards the night repair on the side, Xiao Gu said, "It's over to you."

"You don't have to be so polite." Ye Xiu stepped forward with a smile and skillfully brought the food aside.

Immediately afterwards, under the curious gaze of Qiu Annuo, he took out a bunch of cooking tools from the space ring.

"Groove!" Qiu Annuo shouted in shock: "Your little brother can still cook?

"Isn't it normal to be able to cook?" The corners of Qian Xiaoye's mouth rose slightly, and he continued: "Take it quickly, let's eat after opening." "

Bull!" Qiu Annuo glanced at Qian Xiaoye enviously, turned his head to look at the small meat bun lying on the side, and said, "Meat bun, did you hear that?" The

meat bun gave her a blank look, got up, and flew towards Ye Xiu.

She is ready to eat meat whenever she wants!

Qian Xiaoye looked at the small meat bun that flew over, and asked Qiu Annuo: "Skill books that can change size, do you sell them there?" "

Nope." Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye and smiled: "I don't have to sell it, but if you want it, I can give you a copy, I just have it on me." "

Do you have one?" Qian Xiaoye was a little unconvinced.

It's strange that he can believe such a clever thing.

"Occasionally I hear that someone in your district is charging a high price for a skill book of variable size." Qiu Annuo continued with a grin: "When I heard this, I thought of your dragon. When

Qian Xiaoye heard this, he subconsciously looked towards Rabbit Ye.

"Those guys collect things from various districts, but the transaction is a little troublesome, and you need to wait for a special secret place that can cross regions." Rabbit Ye shrugged, "It's risky, but it's also expensive."

Qian Xiaoye listened to Rabbit Ye's explanation, and said to Qiu Annuo: "Send?" "

Send!" Qiu Annuo took out a skill book from his backpack and threw it to Qian Xiaoye, "This book was originally prepared for you.

Qian Xiaoye took the skill book, looked at the smile on Qiu Annuo's face, was silent for a few seconds, and said softly: "Thank you!"

Although he didn't say anything, he was ready to leave some good summoning skill books for Qiu Anno later.

"You're welcome!" Qiu Annuo continued with a smile: "I took out the treasure chest. "

Hmm!" Qian Xiaoye nodded, "You take it, I'll go and give the skill book to Long Chao, and I'll come over later." "Good

!" Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye, who stood up and walked towards the door, and began to take out the treasure chest stored in the space ring in turn.

Of course, while she took the treasure chest, Rabbit Master and Aohai were also next to help move the chest.

Outside the wooden house, Qian Xiaoye looked at the dragon tide who was lying there staring at him, showing excited eyes, and said with a smile: "Hear? "

Hmm!" Long Chao nodded vigorously, "That little girl, the person is quite good." "

Learn when you hear it." Qian Xiaoye threw the skill book in his hand to Long Chao.

The name of the skill book is Shrinking, yes, it is called Shrinking Skill Book.

When he got it, he looked at it, and the effect was indeed to shrink his body shape, but it was not infinitely reduced, it was limited.

The limit is simple, that is, it can only shrink to one-third of its original size.

A third, Qian Xiaoye looked at Long Chao's body shape, and one-third was enough.

"I'll learn!" Long Chao, who took over the shrinking skill book, didn't look at it, and directly used the shrinking skill book in his hand under Qian Xiaoye's gaze.

Not long after, the dragon tide, which had shrunk three times, followed Qian Xiaoye into the log cabin.

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