October 2.

1 p.m.

In the sky west of the puppet town, the summoning army led by Qian Xiaoye suddenly attacked.

"Up!" In Qian Xiaoye's shout, the land summoning beasts sitting on the body of flying summoning beasts jumped towards the town below the ground without hesitation.

At the silver level, the number of summons he can control has made a qualitative leap, and he can currently summon 500 cyan quality summoning beasts.

Of course, these 500 cyan quality summoned beasts, all replaced with blue quality summoned beasts, the number will be a little less, all replaced with lower cyan quality summoned beasts, the number will be more.

Under the various qualities of summoned beasts, Qian Xiaoye has summoned 400 summoned beasts so far.

"So handsome!" Qiu Annuo, who was standing on the meat bun on the side, showed an envious look.

Next to Qiu Annuo, there stood a heroic elf holding a long sword.

This elf is the flower language she bought for a lot of money.

Flower language, the swordsman of the flower elf family.

After seeing that Hua Yu was a flower elf, Qian Xiaoye understood, he understood why Qiu Annuo would rather give him 21 orange treasure chests and exchange it for this summoning skill book.

Although he understood, he did not regret it, after all, he also got 21 orange treasure chests from Qiu Annuo.

As for how Qiu Annuo learned successfully, Qian Xiaoye could only say that she was too proud....

After obtaining the Flower Language Summoning Skill Book, Qiu Annuo did not hide it, and directly took out a bottle of potion in front of Qian Xiaoye to increase the lucky potion.

In addition to potions, she also changed into various equipment that increased her luck.

When he saw this scene, Qian Xiaoye silently lent her the crown of wealth.

Really borrowed, he didn't ask for anything!

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Annuo successfully learned the flower language summoning skill with the increase of a bottle of potion and various lucky equipment.

In fact, Qian Xiaoye was very puzzled, wondering why Qiu Annuo wanted to learn the Flower Language Summoning Skill.

He originally thought that Qiu Annuo was for other people, but he really didn't expect that Qiu Annuo actually learned it himself....

In the absence of the Resurrection Summoning Skill, learning the only Summoning Skill, he really didn't understand.

Although he didn't understand, he didn't ask, he didn't ask, of course Qiu Annuo wouldn't tell him the reason.

At that time, Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye, who was full of doubts, just smiled and didn't say much.

Then, they came here after a few hours.

Qian Xiaoye, who was surrounded by stars, began to release his summoning skill.

Three seconds later, more than a hundred huge new beasts appeared in the town below.

Qian Xiaoye took out a bottle of energy potion and shouted at Qiu Annuo: "Release the group amplification skill!"

"I understand!" Qiu Anno held the book in his hand and decisively began to release.

"Get ready!"

"Medium group attack speed increase!"

"High-level attack and defense integration!"

"Rock solid!"

"Swift Wind!"

Qian Xiaoye lost the two-shot group amplification skill, and Qiu Annuo lost the three-shot group amplification skill.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the soaring power in his body and said to Rabbit Ye: "Find!" Find the brightest place and let's kill it!

"Leave it to me!" Rabbit Ye appeared on Locke's shoulder, and a silver light flashed in his eyes.

Sweep it all over, turn it on!

The next moment, Rabbit Ye pointed to the left front and shouted: "There!" The light is dazzling there! "

Kill the past!" Qian Xiaoye commanded the summoning army and killed directly in the direction pointed by the rabbit master.

Although there may not be a lord over there, good things will definitely not run away!

Qiu Annuo looked at the enemy troops coming from all directions below, and couldn't help but wonder: "Are these really puppeteers?" It feels like a person! "

Just look at the introduction." Qian Xiaoye said, throwing a probe at a fierce puppeteer below.

"Yes!" Qiu Anno also lost a shot.

[Puppet Captain] (Elite)

Level: Level 27

Rank: Silver

Attribute: Fire / Wood

Quality: Blue


Introduction 1: He was a human before his death, but at the last moment of his life, he was made into a puppet captain by Tao Muxiao and became a new species.

Introduction 2: Unfortunately, his memory gradually dissipated over a long period of time, and he forgot his name and became a real puppet captain.

"Uh..." Qiu Annuo finished reading and was silent.

"Kill." Qian Xiaoye glanced at her, raised the thunder staff, and struck a thunderous blow towards the puppet captain below.

With a bang, the puppet captain turned into powder under the thunderous blow.


"I don't know if I'm alive or dead! Here you are! The

sound rang out and the ground shook.

With the violently shaking ground, tough wooden thorns rushed out from the ground and struck towards the summoned army.

"Boom, boom..." The

collision sounds of various wooden thorns and summoned beasts sounded around, but unfortunately, in the case of the powerful defense of the summoning army and the dispersion of the position, this wave of sudden wooden thorns did not give them much damage.

"Kill them!" At the moment when the dead silence rushed out from the ground, hundreds of withered tree people rushed out from the ground with the dead silence.

At the same time, in the distant sky, flocks of birds and new beasts are coming here.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the tall trees that appeared on the ground and exuded a terrifying aura, and threw a probe.

Soon, he looked at the panel with a bunch of question marks and said to Qiu Annuo: "He is the lord of the Dead, Dark Grave Forest. "

What about information?"

"A bunch of question marks."

Qiu Annuo looked at him speechlessly, and said with a smile: "Look at me!" "

[Dead Silence (Wilt Giant Tree Spirit)] Lord

Level: Level 35

Rank: Gold

Attribute: Dark / Wood

Quality: Orange


Introduction: The ruler of the Dark Grave Forest, one of the four generals of Tao Muxiao, known as the withered general.

"This introduction is rubbish at first glance!" While Qiu Annuo spoke, he shared the silent panel with Qian Xiaoye.

"Orange is not weak." Qian Xiaoye told the main information of Silence to Rabbit Master, Ye Xiu, Lei Zhi, Luo Ying and Fierce Wind who were fighting with Silence.

They can communicate with each other.

In fact, there is still a rock mountain, but now the rock mountain has been fused with the night cultivation.

After Qian Xiaoye finished passing the information, he said to Qiu Annuo: "What about your sucking?"

"Don't worry, I'm about to release it!" With a wave of Qiuannuo's small hand, a ray of light rushed out from the book and hit the silence below.

Immediately afterwards, her little hand waved again, and another ray of light rushed out from the book, only this time it was not towards Silence, but at the rabbit who was fighting with Silence.

All things absorb - energy, intelligence!

Feeling his gradually rising energy and intelligence, Rabbit Ye couldn't help but turn his head to look at Qiu Annuo, and was surprised: "Your skill is so cool!" Qiu

Annuo looked at the surprised gaze of the rabbit master and shouted, "Look at what I do?" Bang!

"I'll fight again!" The rabbit master appeared behind the dead silence, and it was a sword swing.

"Roar!" Feeling that his energy was being slowly absorbed, he suddenly raised his head and shouted at Qiu Annuo: "Kill her for me!" "

How do you kill?" The rabbit master turned into a dragon tide and slapped him towards the dead silence, fanning him towards the night repair.

Ye Xiu looked at the flying silence, holding the giant sword in both hands, jumping up, and slashing downward.

With a bang, the giant sword slashed at the arm that appeared above the head in time for Silence.

"Give me death!" Ye Xiu looked at the branches under the sword and roared.

Yanshan, who fused with Ye Xiu, silently condensed his head on Ye Xiu's chest, opened his mouth, and a thunder cannon was shot out by him in the gaze of silence and despair.


With the roar, a red light flashed in the dust.

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