Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 621


Chapter 609 Ancient Feng Clan (please subscribe)

Feng Lingtian turned pale, howling in horror all the way, from Escaped in mid-air, the crisis of life and death has always loomed over his mind, and the only thought in his mind was to escape this pursuit desperately.

At this moment, his mind was full of fear.

Today is unimaginable!

He was going to marry a Princess of the Shui Tribe, but he stayed in a big secular city for a while, how could he provoke such a terrifying enemy.

There are four Spiritual God-level experts chasing him!

He is the young elite of the ancient Feng Clan. He has always been the only one to hunt down and kill others.

Especially the four Spiritual Gods!


The four Spiritual Gods behind him were not chasing him, or just fell behind him, neither speaking nor revealing murderous aura, but the more they did, the more terrifying he felt. .

Because of all the forces encountered along the way, as long as they can be talked to by him, they are basically all dead.

I was slaughtered by the four people behind me.

This journey is accompanied by endless blood and rain.

Seven or eight Demi-God Level experts were pointed to death without humming.

Feng Lingtian's face was pale, bitter, and he was deeply fearful.

What are these four going to do?

I just slaughtered some ordinary people, why did they follow me?

"Several seniors, stop chasing me, please, stop chasing me, I know I'm wrong!"

Feng Lingtian howled mournfully.

But there was still no response from behind. Qi Yun and the three perverts had indifferent expressions and hung quietly behind him, neither fast nor slow, as if they were not worried that he would escape.

"Damn, if I can get out of trouble today, I will definitely pay back all the humiliation a hundredfold. Spiritual God is amazing? Spiritual God can humiliate me wantonly like this? I am from the ancient Feng Clan. Seven or eight ancient Old Ancestors, all of them are Spiritual God-level experts, I am the most beloved of several Old Ancestors, and when I escape back, I will make you all die!”

Feng Ling Heavenly Eye God Redness, gnashing teeth, mad hatred in the heart.

He continued to flee towards the ancient Feng Clan at a furious speed.

In the past, the area that trifling could reach in two or three days, this time seems so far away.

In the blink of an eye, another half day passed.

There was a constant roar behind him, and blood exploded all the way, pitiful yell reaching the Heaven.

As before, three more middle forces attached to them were fall after killing. The Demi-God Old Ancestor in the clan didn't even have a chance to speak, so they all fell after killing.

Blood and rain all the way.

Finally, a huge azure mountain range appeared in the front, endless, and the top was filled with a faint azure wind, distorted space, unfathomable, exuding peculiar power.

Feng Ling's Heavenly Eye was red, her breathing was short, and she was so excited that she almost burst into tears.

Finally home!

He was worried all the way, nine deaths and still alive, and he finally got home!

None of the four Spiritual Gods behind this one can escape!

He wants revenge!

Let the Spiritual God Old Ancestor in the clan take these four.

He wants to shave all four of them.

"Old Ancestor help!"

Feng Lingtian howled mournfully and burst into tears, rushing towards the front, instantly submerging into the mountain range in front of him, disappeared .

Qi Yun and the three perverts stopped directly at the periphery of this mountain range, and Divine Consciousness swept out, covering the entire mountain range with a cold expression.

Ancient Feng Clan!

It turns out that this is the site of the ancient Feng Clan.

No wonder Demi-God Level experts pop up along the way.

But even the ancient Feng Clan, he is not afraid.

Since he dared to chase and kill this young Young Master in such a just and honorable way, he would naturally consider all the consequences.

Nowadays, Celestial Court has become the No. 1 taboo force recognized by everyone, but his Heavenspan Church has not improved, so he needs to pick a tough battle to fight Heavenspan Church's reputation as soon as possible.

This tough battle now seems to have just landed in this place.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, he said that even if it wasn't for the expansion of Heavenspan Church, he would not let go of the ancient Feng Clan, the brothers of the martial arts gang couldn't die in vain.

Anyway, everyone is a devil, too lazy to talk about benevolence and morality.

"Is there a Divine King in the ancient Feng Clan?"

Qi Yun asked.

"Back to Young Master, in the age of the gods, the number of Divine Kings was limited, no more than ten, many of the strongest experts in the ancient forces were only taboos, according to my memory , a Xeon Old Ancestor of the ancient Feng Clan is a taboo, he was about the same strength as us at the time of Peak, but now countless years have passed, I don't know whether he was robbed or not."

Gu Yi said.


Qi Yun's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Whether it is a taboo or not, the ancient Feng Clan has provoked us, and this seat cannot let it go easily. They, give me a big copper pot and put it outside the mountain gate of Feng Clan, and I will cook the man just now alive."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Three The big pervert grinned at the same time, and immediately began to act.

Qi Yun took out the communication ancient jade, and immediately sent the message to the old lecherous monk and the ancient four, so that they quickly gathered.

Faced with such a huge monster, an ordinary Spiritual God level expert is useless even if he comes, he must know all the High Level gods.

apart from this, with a wave of his palm, the three major curses appeared in front of him.

These three major curses have recuperated within the Ten Thousand Demon Ring, absorbed baleful aura, and became the same as Ghost King, directly breaking through Spiritual God and reaching the realm of inferior gods.

Of course, the real horror is not their cultivation base, but their Immortal Body and strange abilities.

They are all strange Old Ancestors, which have existed since the ancient age. After the era of the gods was destroyed, they were also robbed and suppressed for countless years without dying.

This is almost the same as the four metamorphoses.

"From now on, one of the people here will come out and kill one, and even if they don't come out, they will kill them. In short, they will be killed. I want them to die silently. , go!"

Qi Yun's tone was flat.

The three major curses were instantly overjoyed.

“many thanks Young Master!”

Although they have recovered a lot of strength in the Ten Thousand Demon Ring, it is always too boring there, far from being as free as the outside world, no matter how good it is. The game isn't as fun as killing people.

The three major curses hurriedly drilled into this mountain range in joy, disappeared.

At this moment.

Location at the foot of the mountain.

A huge copper pot has been propped up by Gu Yi and three people. The fire below is raging, and the boiling hot water inside is scalding hot.

Gu Er said with a malicious smile: "Young Master, everything is ready, just catch the person just now, let me go there, it's definitely very easy!"

"No need, how can the thrill of grabbing it directly be stronger than the thrill of giving it out by themselves? Guard this place for me, as soon as any Spiritual God-level expert appears, crush it to death, tear it apart and send it to the pot Inside!”

Qi Yun indifferently said.

"Yes, Young Master!"

All three perverts laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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