Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 622


Chapter 610 Xuan Shui physique (Subscribe)

Within Feng Clan.

Feng Lingtian howled all the way, with tears streaming down his face, roaring towards the great hall at the very front.

In the great hall, the atmosphere is solemn.

In Feng Clan, a full seven Spiritual Gods and dozens Demi-God gathered together to discuss what happened to Feng Clan in the business circle.

"Ling Tian has already gone to the Shui clan. At this time, he should have arrived at the place. As long as he can successfully marry the Shui clan's Princess, we Feng Clan and the Shui clan can officially go to the Shui clan. Form an alliance, when the time comes with the power of our Old Ancestor, working secretly, with a high chance of swallowing the Aqua!"

Said a Spiritual God-level powerhouse.

"Yes, it all depends on Ling Tian's performance!"

"Ling Tian, this child, has excellent innate talent, suave and suave, and is still a unique [Xuanshui physique]. ], hehe, this is simply born to marry the Aqua Princess, but the only downside is that he is too romantic. With his romantic character, if he is caught by the Aqua Old Ancestor, I am afraid that he will not easily find the Princess to match him! "

Another Spiritual God said.

"Third Uncle, don't worry, I have already instructed Ling Tian to be careful and control his desires along the way. He can no longer act recklessly as before. I think he will know the priorities!"

A Demi-God Level expert said with a smile.

"Hehe, Ling Tian is a member of my Feng Clan, but he has given birth to a [Xuanshui physique], and there has not been a single [Xuanshui physique] in the Shui clan for nearly ten thousand years, this is God's will! "

Another Spiritual God said with a smile.

Everyone else had a smile on their face.

The Xuanshui physique is an extremely rare Water Attribute physique between Heaven and Earth. The cultivation Water Attribute Divine Force will be dozens of times faster than others.

And inside the body will also be accompanied by various mysterious and mysterious Divine Ability, the most obvious is that ability.

That's why this kid Feng Lingtian is not honest and romantic.

This kind of physique person has always been hard to come by for the 【Aquarium】 in the Four Great Divine Clans, but I don't know if it is the Will of Heaven toys with the man. Xuanshui physique has not appeared in ten thousand years.

This mysterious water physique appeared in their Feng Clan.

So they are 80% sure that Feng Lingtian can successfully get the Aqua Princess.

"Once we swallow the water clan, we will immediately carry out the next big plan, connecting the Fear Gate in the east, destroying the palace in the west, and then pay attention to sweeping down other Great Influence and gate valves in the south to unify the entire continent. In the south, as much as 40% of the luck in the world will be attributed to us!”

The Spiritual God headed by him said in a light tone: “As long as the more luck gathers, the resurrected ones in our clan will be born. There are more Spiritual Gods. Now those Spiritual Gods who have just been resurrected cannot find a suitable fleshy body, and their strength is difficult to restore to Peak. Even if they find a fleshy body, they will not be able to return to the level of the previous life in a short time. So that they can quickly push to Peak!"


Others have nodded.

During this period of time, there have been more and more Spiritual God resurrected due to the reverse flow of luck.

Shrines are found almost everywhere.

However, although these shrines have been resurrected, most Spiritual Gods have not been able to find their fleshy bodies. They either hid in the families they lived in, or went to find someone who was with him. The person who was born at the same time on the same day of the same month went into body possession.

There are many other gods who went to God World.

When God World collapsed and everything turned into ruins, these Spiritual God's fleshy bodies were also buried in the ruins, so many resurrected people wanted to dig out their fleshy bodies.

Some time ago, they saw a lot of Spiritual God's will wandering around the edge of the ruins of God World.

"Okay, don't think too much now, just wait for the good news from Ling Tian!"

The Spiritual God indifferently said.

Others are nodded again.

That's it!

A sound of howling suddenly came from a distance, extremely shrill, full of terror, and seemed to be greatly frightened.

"Help, Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor, save me..."

The many Spiritual Gods and Demi-Gods in the hall all turned startled, and then suddenly reacted.

"It's Ling Tian!"

A Demi-God exclaimed.

They were surprised and angry, what happened?

Could it be that the Aquarium Old Ancestor didn't want to marry the Princess and hunted down their people?


A group of Spiritual God and Demi-God flashed, all of them exited the ancient palace, and instantly appeared in the great hall, full of breath and unpredictable horror.

The seven Spiritual Gods headed by them stood in the air, their sleeves fluttering, their breaths deep, and their eyes contained terrifying rays of light.

"What happened?"

A Spiritual God-level powerhouse shouted.

Feng Lingtian burst into tears and snot from a distance, fell down in midair, and howled: "Old Ancestor help, I was originally ordered by Old Ancestor to go to the aquarium to marry the aquarium. Princess, I was conscientious and cautious all the way. I didn't dare to mess with anything. As a result, I suddenly encountered four demons on the way. They killed all my followers and chased me. They chased him all the way here. Killing our entire Shui clan, I managed to escape with great difficulty, they are now outside the mountain!"

Feng Lingtian distorted the facts, howling and crying, grief-stricken.


"courting death!"

The seven Spiritual Gods and a group of Demi-God were all furious and murderous-looking.

One of Spiritual God said angrily with a smile: "It seems that I, Feng Clan, have been silent for too long, and the world has almost forgotten us, so that anyone dares to oppress us. Come on, what are their origins?"

"I don't know!"

Feng Lingtian cried bitterly: "Old Ancestor must be the master for me, the ten people who are attached to us along the way. The rest of the forces have all been slaughtered because of their protection, and they have chased and killed them all the way, without leaving a single survivor!"

The Spiritual God and Demi-God were even more furious, their eyes widening. Red, trembling with anger.

This is just bullying them too much!

"Ling Tian, what you said is true?"

Spiritual God, the leader, asked Sen Han.

"Yes, Old Ancestor, I definitely didn't lie!"

Feng Lingtian opened the mouth and said.

"Let's go and meet those demons for a while. The reputation of the ancient Feng Clan cannot be humiliated. No matter who it is, there is only a dead end!"


His body flashed and roared away first.

The other Spiritual Gods and Demi-Gods were all baleful aura and quickly followed with terrifying aura.

Feng Lingtian secretly hates, gnashing teeth, and wants to follow him in a hurry.

He had to see with his own eyes that the group of demons were slaughtered before he could truly feel happy.

After a while, the Old Ancestors captured the demons, and then they cut them with a knife, put them in a pot, boiled them into rotten meat, and then took them out to feed the dogs.

Feng Lingtian flew out of the mountain resentfully.

"Ling Tian, you stay!"

Suddenly, a Demi-God said in a low voice.

"Father, I want to go see it for myself and see Old Ancestor take down all those people!"

Feng Ling Heavenly Eye is fierce and bright.

“It is unimaginable that Spiritual God will fight formidable power, you can just stay and wait until Old Ancestor takes down those demons, and Father will hand them over to you personally!”

Middle-aged Demi-God said solemnly.

Feng Ling Heavenly Eye struggled, nodded and said: "Okay."

The middle-aged Demi-God turned around and continued to fly towards the outside of the mountain.


Off-mountain location.

Qi Yun's face was calm, and the powerful Divine Consciousness had instantly captured a terrifying aura that was roaring towards here, and immediately said indifferently: "Get ready, it's here!"

(end of this chapter)

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