Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 620


Chapter 608 Kill all the way, cruel means (please subscribe)

In Giant Deer City.

It was a mess.

The original quiet prosperity was shattered in an instant.

A large number of Heaven Grade Knights raged on the streets, killing and looting, robbing civilian girls, and slaughtering a group of people if they disagreed, and the entire Giant Deer City was instantly panicked.

Hundreds of bodies were added to the streets.

But no one dared to run, and all those who dared to run were wiped out by the group of Heaven Grade Knights.

These Heaven Grade Knights are extremely perverted, and it seems that they are more happy and more comfortable only by watching everyone fall into panic.

The entire Giant Deer City was in a panic, and everyone was shiver coldly.

Within the gang.

The young Master laughed wildly, and imprisoned all the hundreds of women who had been snatched from him.

It seems that all the women were treated inhumanly.

A few Knights were left standing outside the room, all with weird smiles on their faces.

"This city is prepared for us Feng Clan."

"Hehe, it seems that our Young Master can have a good time this time!"

Within the martial arts gang, it was a mess.

The building collapsed.

The ground shatters.

Bodies lay all over the place, hundreds of gang members died, and the rest were all pale and desperate, imprisoned in a small courtyard.

In the courtyard, A'da was covered in blood, her arms and legs were transformed into a bloody mist, and she was coughing up blood constantly...

This scene is a catastrophe!

It is something that no one dares to imagine.

Everyone was terrified.

Far away.

The four streams of light surged at an unimaginable speed, appearing in the sky over the entire Giant Deer City in an instant, and Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness swept away, and every corner of the entire huge ancient city fell. in his mind.

There was no expression on his face, and he was extremely indifferent. He glanced at the other Knights who were raging on the street, flicks to shoot with the finger, and three Knights directly exploded, turning into For blood mist.

The rest of the Knights were all startled and immediately soared into the sky.

“Who you are, dare to kill us!”

“We are from Feng Clan, do you dare to kill us?”

As soon as they shouted, their faces changed again.

Across from them, screams kept ringing.

A thin middle-aged man grabbed one of their companions and ate it recklessly. Pieces of flesh were gnawed down, chewing in his mouth, and eating blood all over his face.

The group of their companions were in pain hovered between life and death, their voices were hoarse, they were howling, and the pain was unbearable. The whole body could be finished except for the cheeks.

At this time, it is still immortal, and it can only endure incomparable pain.

These Knight complexion changed, showing horror.

What monster is this?

devour raw meat and fowl also merely this!

Eat Heaven Grade expert raw!

They sensed something was wrong and hurriedly turned to run.

But an invisible Domain instantly blocked their bodies, like a huge mountain pressing on them, making them all incapable of getting any better.

The Heaven Grade experts were even more frightened and their scalps tingled.

"Spiritual God!"

"Forgive me, we are Feng Clan people, we have not offended you!"

They hurriedly shouted in horror.

"All shatter the Divine Force and abolish the meridian!"

Qi Yun said indifferently.

peng peng peng!

As soon as the sound fell, these Knights all screamed, the Power of God in the body was shaken, the meridian exploded, the ability was abolished, and the whole body was bleeding , wailing mournfully, it was simply unbearable to see.

"Take them and follow me!"

Qi Yun's body flashed and fell towards the Wu Gang.

The three major perverts all followed closely and landed in an instant.

The other Heaven Grade Knight complexion in the martial gang changed, saw Qi Yun and the others descend, and then saw a group of companions left by them, all of them suddenly pupil shrink.

"Impudent, who are you?"

One person shouted.


Qi Yun flicks to shoot with the finger, this person's Power of God was instantly abolished, meridian all over his body burst, and countless blood mists spewed out of his pores, and flew out on the spot, smashing more than ten meters.

The rest of the Knights were horrified.

"Young Master, go!"

One of them yelled.

The rest of the people all rushed towards Qi Yun and the others, wanting to fight with all their might.

However, when the Spiritual God Domain of the Ancient One unfolded, all of these people were immediately imprisoned, as if they had turned into statues.

Then violent power poured into their bodies, madly destroying their meridian, skeleton, Power of God, shattering their Power of God, directly becoming an ordinary person, and then falling down one after another. fly out.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ !

In an instant, these people were all smashed into the distance, screaming and screaming, their bodies were blurred, and they all lost their human appearance.

The depths of the martial arts gang.

The young Master, who was playing with the remaining women, suddenly heard a scream, the complexion changed, and then knew what happened, hurriedly shattered the room, and fled into the distance.

The two Heaven Grade Knights guarding the goal also hurriedly followed and fled together.

But without exception, they just rushed out, and they were all instantly imprisoned by the terrifying Spiritual God Domain.

Then the terrifying Domain pulled their bodies like gravity, pulling them back quickly.

“Spiritual God?”

The young Master Young Master suddenly showed panic, couldn’t believe it, and screamed: “I’m from Feng Clan, seniors, this is a misunderstanding , we must have misunderstood!"

"Don't kill him, let him go, then follow him down to see where their headquarters is, I want to kill his whole family!"

Qi Yun indifferently walked towards A'da and them.

"Yes, Young Master!"

Gu Yi grinned, and instantly let go of the young Young Master, shattering the meridian of the remaining two Heaven Grade Knights and abolishing them ability, tossed aside.

A young Young Master such as the amnesty fled into the distance in a hurry and desperate.

Gu Yiwei laughed, his body swayed, and flutteringly followed.

In the courtyard.

Qi Yun quickly appeared in front of A'da, took out a bowl of healing medicine, and poured it into A'da. A'da's injuries all over his body healed at a speed visible to naked eyes.

"Gang Lord!"

A'da said sadly, her eyes red.

The other guys all fell to the ground and cried.

Qi Yun shook his head lightly and said, "Okay, I will handle this matter, I have already shattered all their meridians of the group outside, you cooked them alive for me, Do what you want, I have to deal with the rest first!"

"Yes, Gang Lord!"

A'da gnashed his teeth.

The other men also all have gnashing teeth, with cold light in their eyes.

They couldn't let the group of Knights die too easily, they had to cut off a piece of meat a day and eat them until they were cut into bones.

A group of guys all rushed out of the place.

Qi Yun immediately chased Gu Yi with the remaining Gu Er and Gu San.

With his young Young Master's speed far behind them, almost instantly, Qi Yun and the others appeared behind the young Young Master at the same time.

The young Young Master looked pale and terrified, his soul was trembling, and he fled for his life.

He thought the other party had let him go.

But now it seems not at all!

The other party is following him!

What is this for?

“Forgive me senior, I am from Feng Clan, I am from the ancient Four Great Divine Clans, there must be a misunderstanding between us, please forgive me, please forgive me!”

The young Young Master howled bitterly.

Qi Yun led the three perverts without saying a word, hanging quietly behind each other.

The young Young Master was even more terrified, begging for mercy again.

"I beg you to stop chasing me, I really don't know how to offend you, please spare me, seniors!"

Gu one after another grinned and bit his hands Knight, said: "Little thing, I will give you a chance to escape, you run to your own house, as long as you can run back to your own home, I will not kill you, but if you can't run back, I will eat you alive. , just like the man in his hand, he ate you alive!"

The young Young Master's face was pale and shiver coldly, and he was terrified to the extreme.

Who is this?

Eat Heaven Grade powerhouse alive!

Even the ancient Great Demon merely this!

This is pervert!

He had no idea how to offend this group of people.

The young Young Master was terrified and fled with all his strength.

Qi Yun's face was cold, and he followed the four perverts quietly.

He didn't want to kill this young Young Master easily.

He wants to let this young Young Master die dozens of times more tragically than the people in the city. He wants to cut him alive in front of the whole family of this young Young Master, and force his whole family to eat. to this young Young Master.

Let's not say how many people were killed in Giant Deer City, hundreds of gang members died within the martial arts gang alone. In the depths, there are hundreds of women who were kidnapped by the young Young Master and tortured to death.

This young Young Master, he must torture him to death in the most brutal way!

Of course, Qi Yun is also selfish.

Because he needed an excuse for Heavenspan Church to expand!

If this young Young Master dares to provoke him, he will take this opportunity to completely destroy the Fang Family and make Heavenspan Church famous in the world.

The young Young Master was so fast that he flew all the way to the south.

The south is mountainous, with rolling hills everywhere, endless as far as the eye can see.

It was sunset and dusk, and a black mountain range suddenly appeared in front.

The mountain range all around is surrounded by large arrays, filled with baleful aura, and skeletons are everywhere.

There are about 300 people with mysterious abilities in this black mountain range. They were cultivating in the cave. Suddenly, they all opened their eyes and three old men flew out towards the cave. The white clothed Young Master in the air greeted him.

"Feng Clan's Feng Lingtian Young Master!"

"It's really Young Master Feng, what happened to him?"

Three people complexion changed.

The white clothed Young Master was fleeing in panic, but suddenly he noticed the three people in front of him, and hurriedly revealed his surprise, yelled: "I'm Feng Lingtian, hurry up, help me stop the people behind, they are chasing Kill me!"

He flew past without looking back.

The eyes of the three old men and the more than 300 mysterious capable people below changed, and they hurriedly looked at the four Qi Yun who were chasing slowly behind.

The three old men looked at each other in blank dismay and were upset.

Feng Clan belongs to one of the ancient Four Great Divine Clans. It has deep roots and is extremely huge in the Southern Region. Their Wushanling is one of the affiliates of Feng Clan.

Now that their Young Master is being hunted down, they really have to ask.

But what is the origin of these people behind?

Thinking of this, one of the old men suddenly flew out, stopped Qi Yun and the others, opened the mouth and said: "Senior, I think there must be some misunderstanding, it's better to give the old man a face, that's all. How about quitting?"


The tone barely fell, Qi Yun popped out with a finger, and the old man in the Demi-God Realm exploded instantly, transforming into a bloody mist, the dead can't die any longer.

"From now on, anyone who speaks on the road will be killed, and if they don't speak, they will be killed as they go. All the way, all those with mysterious abilities will not be spared!"

Qi Yun's tone was indifferent.

"Yes, Young Master!"

The three perverts laughed at the same time.

Gu Er's Spiritual God Domain was the first to unfold, with a bang, Heaven and Earth trembled, and the wind whistled, rolling towards the fiercely below like an invisible giant mountain.

The remaining two old men and more than 300 other mysterious capable people saw Qi Yun popped a finger and instantly killed a Demi-God, all of them showed deep panic, and instantly realized that Feng Lingtian was definitely a Provoked an unimaginable powerhouse.

These people all cried out in horror.

"Forgive your life, my lord!"


The terrifying Spiritual God Domain rolled down, shattering everyone in an instant, and the mysterious abilities exploded like eggs.

Using the power of the High Level god to attack the ordinary mysterious ability, it is simply crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Whoever comes will die, and even the Divine Item has to be blasted.

In an instant, the entire Wushan Ridge blood flows into a river, and the blood mist rolls over. Everyone who dies can no longer die.

A scroll appeared in Qi Yun's hand, and with a slight shake, the bodies of Howling Celestial Dog and the Bone Troll fell directly below, and began to devour the blood energy.

The four of them continued to chase after Feng Lingtian.

Feng Lingtian just flew over the Wushan Mountains. He thought that the three Demi-Gods would be able to support him for a while, but they all died in the blink of an eye.

This time, who did he provoke?

"Forgive me, senior, I beg you, can you forgive me, I'm willing to pay all the price, don't chase me anymore..."

The young Young Master howled mournfully Call.

Three bursts, nearly 10,000 words, looking for a wave of recommended tickets and monthly tickets~~

(end of this chapter)

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