Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 619


Chapter 607 Eat Raw (Subscribe)

Holy Land Space.

Qi Yun picked up a bowl of medicinal liquid that he had just refined, raised his head and drank it, running the true essence, dissolving it, and experiencing it carefully.

Soon, he looked satisfied.

After dozens of failures, Fire Dragon Pill medicinal liquid is finally here.

But although not as strong as five Jiazi, there should be four Jiazi.

Qi Yun opened the panel to watch.

Points: 6200

Blood and Qi: 1300 (can be increased)

Spirit: 1000 (can be increased)

Energy: 1200 (can be raised)

He immediately tapped up.

From the top to the bottom, the blood has risen from 1300 to 1500.

Spirit increased from 1000 to 1100.

The energy increased from 1200 to 1400.

The points instantly decreased by 3500, leaving 2700.

Qi Yun turned off the panel and continued to train.

I quickly refined a large pot and divided it into more than 5,000 servings. In exchange for the monster beast, I let them take it one by one.

A full four Jiazi's skills were poured into their bodies, and after taking the monster beast, the hairs of the group rose up one by one, and they were roared towards the sky, surging with bursts of powerful aura.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed.

Golden Core!

This group of monster beasts is about to break into the Golden Core after four Jiazi forcibly.

But fortunately here is the Holy Land space, there is no Heavenly Tribulation.

But as soon as they go out in the future, I am afraid they will immediately attract endless thunder.

"You refining this medical liquid well, there will be a catastrophe waiting for you in the future. If you can get through it, there will be endless benefits that will be fed back to you, but if you can't get over it, there will only be a dead end. Do you understand?"

Qi Yun solemnly warned.

A group of monster beasts are all humanized nodded.

Qi Yun thought for a while, then said one more sentence, saying: "Some magic weapons and the like, if you need them, I can give you here at any time, and you can use other things too! "

A bunch of monster beasts are nodded again.

Qi Yun came outside with the rest of the medicinal liquid, Divine Consciousness spread, bloodfiend Old Ancestor, Fan Mu, Shiyao Star Monarch, Divine Domain Four Demons, Five Elements Corpse, Sky All the mathematicians and the others were called.

A group of demons gathered again.

Qi Yun smiled and said: "Everyone, I said before that I have something for you, so here it is, this bowl of medicinal liquid can be added to four Jiazi by axe. The ascetic practice, after you take, Heaven Grade can enter Demi-God instantly, Demi-God may be expected to break through Spiritual God, try it all!"

A group of demon eyes shined, shortness of breath .

Four Jiazi?

This is horrific!

“many thanks Young Master!”

They hurriedly said their thanks, one after another stepped forward, and started to drink the medicine bowl.

bang! bang! bang!

Soon, the bodies of these people began to burst out with terrifying breaths, rays of light flashed.

Everyone sits cross-legged, refining.

The four perverts stood beside Qi Yun, speechless, watching this scene.

Increasing the power of four Jiazi at one time is simply terrifying.

"You all have a try too!"

Qi Yun opened the mouth and said.

"Yes, Young Master!"

The four perverted nodded, walked aside, picked up the medicinal liquid, and drank it in one gulp.

After they drank it, they immediately began to savor it, and one after another powerful power surged in their bodies.

But their realm is too high, even if they increase the skill of four Jiazi, it is still not very obvious.

It can only be regarded as a small improvement!

It is impossible to sit cross-legged and make realm breakthroughs like bloodfiend Old Ancestor.

Qi Yun saw them and had expected it.

After reaching the High Level God, the trifling four Jiazi must not be obvious, and even he himself only increased blood energy by 100 points.

He looked at the others in the hall and waited quietly.

That's it!


There was an abnormal sound in his arms, and a communication ancient jade glowed brightly.

Qi Yun frowned, took out the communication ancient jade and listened quietly.

[Young Master, help, a group of people of unknown origin attacked Giant Deer City, killing countless people, hurry up and help...]

The urgent scream came from the communication ancient jade.

Qi Yun narrowed his eyes and shot out cold light.

What happened to Giant Deer City?

This is a message that has been sent over and over again!

“courting death!”

His tone sank, and a terrifying aura permeated his body.

"What's the matter, Young Master?"

Gu Yi asked in confusion.

"Follow me, the rest will stay!"

Qi Yun's face was terrifying, and his body swept out instantly.

The four perverts hurriedly followed.

They were very fast, and as soon as they got out of this place, they were like electric currents, piercing the sky in an instant, and galloping away in the direction of Giant Deer City.

The speed of Divine Transformation Realm is extremely fast, so is the so-called Thousand Miles in A Moment.

Qi Yun rushed forward while contacting Liantian. He quickly confirmed Liantian's position and rushed forward.

Lian Tian was covered with bright electric lights, burning blood energy, one arm was broken, and his body was drenched with blood.

"Who the hell are you? The Young Master will not let you go!"

He screamed in agony.

"What bullshit Young Master, even if you call the King of Heaven, it's a dead end!"

The Knight behind him grinned, his speed was maddening, and another terrifying attack , blasting to the sky.


He sprayed blood for a long time, and then was blown into a ball, the bones danced, and blood splashed. If he had not had a Divine Item to protect him, he would have died without a burial. site is up.

He gritted his teeth and continued to charge forward.

The Knight behind him had ice-cold eyes and sent out terrifying attacks behind him, each of which ran through Heaven and Earth.

He didn't expect the existence of a trifling Earth Grade, and he actually carried two Divine Items on his body.

If he can kill each other, the two Divine Items must be his.

Thinking of this, the Knight increased his speed again and hit Liantian.

He screamed again and again, his body continued to bleed, and another arm exploded.

He screamed sternly: "Master Young will avenge me!"

The Knight's face was cold, he ignored it, and continued to kill.

After continuing to chase and kill for about a cup of tea, I finally couldn't bear it for a long time. I spurted blood and was knocked away several hundred meters by a streak of divine light. The mountain fell.


The Knight's eyes were cruel, and his body was full of divine light, and it was about to be completely shattered.

But now!

A long, piercing whistle came from a distance at high speed, as if it were resounding in the depth of one's soul. The first sound made the Knight's mind buzz, and his eyes dimmed. , the Power of God in the body is rapidly disordered and difficult to condense.

He startled and couldn't help but think backwards.

What a horrible powerhouse!

Who is this?

Just when he was hesitating whether to kill Liantian completely, a dive light flashed and his breath was surging.

Five terrifying silhouettes instantly appeared in front of him.

Like teleportation.

A moment ago, there was no silhouette in sight, and the next moment suddenly appeared.

Five silhouettes, each terrifying abnormally, wrapped around baleful aura.

Especially the one at the front, 2.4 meters tall, with a cold face, cold eyes, a body like an Iron Pagoda, a condensed breath and unpredictable horror.

"You...who are you?"

The Heaven Grade Knight startled, said backwards.

"Grab him, little by little will kill him."

Qi Yun said indifferently, turning around and walking towards Liantian.

The Knight complexion changed and was about to flee in a hurry, but suddenly found a terrifying pressure directly enveloped his body and suppressed him.

His body was unable to move.

The four perverts appeared in front of the Knight with grinning grins.

"Spiritual God...You are Spiritual God?"

The Knight said in horror.

Gu Yi grabbed the Knight with a wicked smile, bit him on the shoulder, biting off a large piece of the meat from the belt, and oozing scarlet blood, chewed it in his mouth, and swallowed. down.


The Knight screamed in agony.

Gu Yi just grabbed him like this, treating him like an animal, and began to eat him alive, biting him down one bite at a time. All make this Knight painfully hovered between life and death.

Such a scene is simply terrifying.

"Forgive my life, forgive me, my lord, I don't know if I offended you, don't eat me..."

pu! pu! pu!

One bite Biting it down, it was like biting a chicken leg, and the screams made the scalp numb.

Gu Yi is very happy to eat.

A Heaven Grade expert like this has amazing terrifying life force. Even if his body is eaten up, he will not die immediately, and he will suffer endless pain.

Gu Yi wants to torture each other like this.

The more miserable the other party screamed, the happier he was.

Qi Yun landed next to Liantian, took out a bowl of healing medicine, and poured it directly into him, allowing his injuries to recover quickly.

"Young Master, Young Master, go to Giant Deer City!"

said tragically.

"Don't worry, none of them can escape!"

Qi Yun's face was cold, and he threw Liantian to Gu Si and said, "Send him back to Heavenspan Church!"


"Yes, Young Master!"

Gu Si caught Liantian, turned around and left.

Qi Yun had cold light in his eyes, looked ahead, and said, "Go, go to Giant Deer City!"

The remaining three perverts grinned and all followed. .

Gu Yi grabbed the Knight and was still gnawing while flying, screaming and screaming incessantly, scarlet blood spilled over Heaven and Earth...

(End of this chapter)

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