Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 560


Chapter 551 The Dead Forest Reappears (Subscribe)

Far away.

A dark jungle.

The old dilapidated temple.

Air leaks everywhere, whining.

Inside the ancient temple, a bloody mass of resentment was lying on the ground, and one after another stinky aura radiated continuously from under this mass of resentment.

Five days in a row, the terrifying diarrhea finally stopped.

As the Devil of Death, one of the three major curses, it has been completely stunned.

Five days ago, it was raging in the northwest, replenishing its vitality, and didn't know what happened, and began to have diarrhea. At the same time, its body shape was also changing, from invisible to visible, with a wide body. Fat, like a big lump of fat, difficult to move...

This is not the most terrifying. The terrifying thing is that when it has diarrhea these days, there are constant lightning strikes at it.

It pulls all the way and escapes all the way, no matter where it escapes, the thunder and lightning will never stop.

Now it finally stopped...

The Devil of Death gasped for breath, and his body gradually changed from form to formless again.

While it was trying its best to transform, the sound of breaking wind suddenly came from outside, and two resentful breaths roared from two different directions at the same time.


The Devil of Death suddenly opened his eyes and stopped drinking.

"Big brother, don't panic, it's us!"

A weak voice sounded, and two groups of resentment, one gray and one black, flew over from a distance and landed in the hall. Unnei.

The devil of cruelty!

The devil of fear!

"Second, third, why are you here? What are you doing?"

The Devil of Death asked with a look of alertness.

But it soon discovered that the state of the demon of cruelty and the demon of fear seemed to be a bit wrong. The resentment was extremely chaotic, and the breath was sluggish, almost the same as when he first got out of trouble.

After they got out of trouble, didn't they have to replenish their vitality, why are they still so embarrassed?

Have you encountered the same thing as yourself?

"Big brother, you... how are you these two days? I don't know why, I have been suffering from diarrhea for the past few days, pulling out as much as 60% of the source of my body, and it finally stopped this morning! "

The Demon of Fear said bitterly.

"Big brother, so did I. I was pulling for five days in a row. I was chased and chopped by lightning, and I almost fell weak to death. We panicked, so we came to help big brother!"

The cruel demon wailed.

The demon of death on the ground started and said, "What? You guys have diarrhea too? I'm the same way. It's over!"

"Big brother, who is stalking us? You must pay attention!"

"Yes, although it has stopped now, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not happen in the future. Continue to curse us again, and then pull it down, we will die!"

The two demons said bitterly.

"Damn it, I don't even know what to think! Our body is a curse, and it stands to reason that any curse is impossible to curse us, but now it is cursed for life, this is absolutely It shows the strength of that person. Profound mystery!"

The Devil of Death cursed.


Suddenly, a strange laughter sounded in the broken temple.

Three magic complexion changed, all turned back.


A group of white light floated from the outside and turned into a majestic and huge throne, with two eyes on it, with strange rays of light Staring at the three demons, said with a smile: "The three ancient demons, hehe... It is rumored that you have already died, but unexpectedly you have gotten out of trouble?"

"It's you!"

"Boneless, why are you looking for us with this chair?"

The three demons showed their vigilance.

White Throne with a Faint Smile said: "I heard that you are cursed, I came here this time to save you."

"Save us? "

The three demons were puzzled at the same time, and said, "You have such a good heart?"

"Hehe, I have a spirit refining pot, one of the ten ancient Evil Artifacts, in my hand. Not only can it break all curses and killing techniques, but it can also make your soul stronger and stronger, as long as you do one thing for me, this refining pot will be yours!"

Block said with a slight smile.

In the middle of its body, white light flashed, there appeared a silver white jug, unfathomable, dotted on it, surrounded by all kinds of strange rune.

The eyes of the three demons narrowed.

"Spirit refining pot?"

"What do you want us to do?"

They opened the mouth and said.

"Simple, as far as I know, you escaped from Zangshi Mountain. Zangshi Mountain is also the tomb of the Great Ancient God, and there must be a lot of funerary objects in it. You take me in. The past once, as long as you enter Zang Corpse Mountain, this spirit refining pot is yours!"

The Bone Unmanned Seat said.

"Enter Zangshi Mountain again?"

The three demons looked at each other with a trace of fear in their eyes.

For them, it's more terrifying than hell.

When they escaped, they swore that it would never be the same again.

But this bone chair wants them in again?

"There is no seat, what do you want to go in for? It's not a good place, it's very terrifying, very terrifying!"

The cruel demon said in horror.

"What are you going to do, you don't have to ask. You have been trapped inside for countless years, and you have always been very familiar with the environment inside. As long as you bring this seat in, not only will you have the refining pot, but I will also There are other benefits for you!"

Boneless Said with a smile.


The three demons were struggling rapidly.

After a long time, the devil of death suddenly nodded and said, "Okay, we can promise you, but now our breath is disordered, and our strength has dropped by 70 to 80%. You have to wait for us for about a month."

"One month is too long."

The Bone Unmanned Seat shook his head gently and said, "I have three Yin Zhuan Pills here, you can take them!"

Three golden cores of pale metallic luster emerged and rushed towards the three demons in an instant.

"Yin Zhuan Dan?"

The three demons were overjoyed, grabbed it and swallowed it.

"There is no seat, to tell you the truth, that tomb is simply not a place for people to stay, every step is murderous intention, even we are not sure of our lives in it, you still don't go!"

The Dread Demon said with a smile .

"What is the crisis inside, I have my own solution, you just need to lead the way!"

The unmanned seat said with a smile.

The three demons looked at each other again, and at the same time nodded.


A huge rift in the underworld.

Yin Qi Sensuous, dark fog shrouded.

The majestic will in it was sleeping, and suddenly a sense came out, and it suddenly extended outwards.


Flying sand running stone, along with this will, there are seven or eight other wills, all of which are powerful and unpredictable.

A valley hundreds of miles away.

rays of light flickered, and a gazebo appeared.

In the pavilion, two futons and a chessboard suddenly appeared.

Two silhouettes appear above.

One wears a black robe and the other wears a white robe.

After the two emerged, they played chess quietly.

"Undead in the dead forest..."

The majestic will of the underworld whispered, saying: "Interesting, this seat will see what you can approve this time. ."

The sound of chess sounded, and the time was slow.

Suddenly, the silhouette wearing a white robe said to herself: "Three demons gather, five evils chaotic the sky, eight treasures open, and nine holes are in the sky!"

Wearing The silhouette of black robe then said to himself: "Heroes rise from the heads of thousands of people, the blood stains the rivers and mountains and the sun is red, it is difficult to hide corpses in the treasures of hidden corpses, and it is difficult to seal the demons in the underworld!"

The voice fell, the two of them Keep playing chess.

The many wills that came from secretly peeped all condensed and fell into silence.

The atmosphere is surprisingly quiet.

Only the sound of the pawn landing.

Suddenly, the silhouette wearing a white robe spoke again: "Causes of ten thousand years, results of ten thousand years, there is cause and effect, and the cycle of cause and effect!"

The silhouette action in black robe Stopped, this time without speaking.

The many ancient wills in secret are frowned.


Why was the prophecy interrupted this time?

"Immortals in the dead forest, I have something to ask you, come here!"

Suddenly, the majestic will of the underworld rolled over in an instant, whistling towards the dead in the dead forest .

But as soon as they approached, a terrifying force instantly acted on that will, instantly shattering his will.


The screams echoed, extremely mournful.

one black one white The bodies of the two silhouettes gradually blurred, leaving only the last sentence echoing in the air.

"Strange, strange, I see the way to deliverance..."

The two disappeared completely.

The many wills in the dark fell into deep thought, and then quickly retreated.

The Mt.

The treasure land of Taiyin.

There are more and more powerhouses from all over the world, and they gather in the great hall. At the beginning, there were a lot of seats around Qi Yun, but as the powerhouses from all over the world continued to come, soon the whole great hall was full. full.

Another hour has passed.

The sound of footsteps came from outside, and the Chief-In-Charge of the Taiyin Treasure finally came over.

He was a middle-aged man with a broad face and a square mouth. He was not angry and arrogant. He was wearing a black robe inlaid with gold. He was followed by six middle-aged men, all like him. Wearing a gold inlaid black robe, the breath is deep and unmeasurable.

Apart from them, there is a group of youngsters behind them, each with their own conceit.

A few youngsters who clashed with Qi Yun and the others before were among them.

First Prince followed with a respectful look.

The heroes in the hall were surging and got up one after another.

"Everyone, please take a seat!"

The middle-aged man headed with a dignified tone, took his seat in the middle seat of the great hall, and the others beside him. The six middle-aged men also sat together.

The group of heroes thought and sat down.

At this time, no one asked, but all eyes were on the middle-aged man.

"This seat is Yin Wutian, the Lord of the Taiyin Treasure Land."

The middle-aged man's eyes were indifferent, and he said, "Everyone has doubts in their hearts, this seat already knows all about it, before calling everyone this time. I'm here for an urgent matter. I'm going to open the Zangshi Mountain in Taiyin Treasure to get the chance inside.

This time I'm here to gather everyone's strength. Zangshi Mountain has an ancient seal. My ancestors once said that if you want to open the Zangshi Mountain, you need to gather Life Power to open it. You are all the first-class forces in the continent. They have been in business for countless years, with a solid foundation, deep and unmeasurable. This seat will not let you. All your efforts are in vain, and when the Zangshi Mountain is opened, you can let everyone take one of the treasures inside!"

Everyone stirred up.

Treasure can let them take any one?

Many people have thought.

But when I think about the mystery of Zangshi Mountain, my heart will soon be lost again.

Suddenly, the ghost Venerable asked: "Fellow Daoist Yin, the curse in my body, I wonder if it can be solved first?"

"This is natural, even if you don't say it. , this seat will also be arranged!"

Yin Wutian said in a flat tone, "Bring the Hua stone platform!"

Two youngsters in black clothed came quickly outside, Carrying a huge stone platform, lightly placed in the great hall.

Everyone looked at the stone platform suspiciously.

"This is my Divine Object of Taiyin Treasure, called the Stone Platform. You only need to cut your palms and stick them on the stone platform, and the curse in your body will be cracked naturally!"

Yin Wutian's tone was light.

Everyone looked at each other.

Soon someone stood up, cut their palms, and started to try.

As the palm fell, a mysterious radiance suddenly poured out from the stone platform, pouring directly into his body along his wound.

Soon, the brilliance stopped.

The man took his palm away, looked at the palm, and said in amazement, "It's cracked, my curse is really cracked?"

Other people came forward when they heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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