Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 561


Chapter 552 The conspiracy of the Taiyin treasure land? (Subscription)

Powerhouses from all walks of life kept coming forward, their palms were placed on them, and groups of rays of light poured out, eliminating all the curses in everyone’s body without a sound.

"Sect Lord, let's go up too."

Fan Mu whispered.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness quietly observed all this, but found nothing unusual, and immediately nodded gently and said, "Okay, let's go!"

He stood up , to the stone platform.

The people around him followed suit.

I quickly came to the stone platform, cut my palm, and stuck it on the stone platform.


A burst of mysterious power rushed over, Qi Yun could clearly feel that the strange power in his body was quickly being eliminated, and soon disappeared completely.


He retracted his palm, his eyes flickered, he looked suspiciously at the stone platform again, looked thoughtful, turned and walked back to his seat.

Yin Wutian and the six people around him looked calm from start to finish.

After everyone resolved the curse, Yin Wutian said indifferently: "It is really helpless to bring trouble to you this time, please forgive me, I will arrange for you to rest for a night tonight, and tomorrow morning , we'll open the Zangshi Mountain!"

He immediately ordered to let the heroes go down.

Although the heroes had doubts in their hearts, they didn't dare to ask more questions at the moment, so they had to follow the clansman in the treasure land of Taiyin out of the great hall and walked towards the distance.

In the great hall, only Yin Wutian and the six people around him were left.

The eyes of the seven people all fell on the stone platform.

"The last prophecy of the undead in the dead forest said that there will be a fleshy body suitable for Old Ancestor. I hope there will be no fakes!"

One of them said.

Yin Wu Heavenly Eye condensed slightly, and whispered: "The last words of the undead in the dead forest have not been finished, I always feel that they are hiding something, but their words have never been faked, he said. If there is, there will be, let's go, let's go to see Old Ancestor!"

He swung his sleeves, took the stone platform, and left.

Not long.

The bodies of seven people appeared in an unusually cold ancient cave.

Yin Qi Senseless, no sunlight.

Like a giant black hole.

This is one of the absolute forbidden places in Taiyin Treasure Land, Taiyin Cave!

Inside is the sleeping place of a Spiritual God-class Old Ancestor!

They have four great ancestors, three of whom have already woken up, but one of them is so badly injured that it is difficult to recover. If Old Ancestor wants to recover, he can only take another fleshy body.

The fleshy body that is captured must be born at the same time and the same month and the same day as the Old Ancestor. Any more or less moment will cause Old Ancestor's mental breakdown.

This time, the group of heroes was summoned, on the one hand, to open the Zangshi Mountain, on the other hand, to find a fleshy body suitable for him for the Old Ancestor.

According to the calculation of the dead in the dead forest, there is exactly one of the heroes this time!

“Second Ancestor, are you awake yet?”

Yin Wutian and the others respectfully paid homage to a black hole ahead.

A tired and old voice came from the black hole, saying: "Is the Hua stone platform ready?"

"Back to the second ancestor, everything is ready!"

Yin Wutian gently placed the huge stone platform in front of him.


A suction force was emitted from the black hole, and the stone platform was rolled over in an instant.

One after another shone with a strange sheen inside, and the pictures passed by like a slideshow.

Yin Wutian and the others are all nervously waiting for this.

Long time.

The picture inside the black hole suddenly stopped.

The Old Ancestor said wearily: "I found it, the dead man in the dead forest really didn't lie to me, he is indeed among this group of people, you will bring this person tomorrow!"



a streak of divine light flew out of the black hole and instantly formed a picture in front of Yin Wutian and the others.

Inside, the silhouette is clear, the body is burly, and the skeleton is broad, like an Iron Pagoda.

Qi Yun!

"It's him!"

Sixth Elder Yin Wuliang's eyes flashed and he said solemnly: "Heavenspan Church Sect Lord!"

"Sixth Brother, you know him. Him?"

Yin Wutian frowned.

"Yes, he took one of our ancient Divine Ruins pictures before, and then I wanted it back!"

Yin Wuliang's eyes flashed and he said: " didn't expect him to be the one who was born on the same month, same day and same moment as Old Ancestor, well, so I can't let him go, I'll go catch him myself tomorrow morning!"

Yin Wutian suddenly smiled, Said: "You don't need to capture him, tomorrow morning, I will personally invite him, there can be no accident at this critical moment, if he knows that you are going to capture him, he will definitely choose to commit suicide, wouldn't this destroy this fleshy body, Tomorrow, I will personally invite him, treat him with courtesy, and trick him into coming here, then life and death will be up to him!"

"Patriarch said yes!"

The people around him One after another nodded.

The exhaustion in the black hole also sounded, saying: "Everything must be careful, this fleshy body in this seat must not be hurt in the slightest!"

"Second ancestor rest assured! "

Yin Wutian bowed.

Yin Boundless also had to be nodded.

West courtyard.

Qi Yun and the others were quickly arranged.

During the day, the youngster who had conflict with him gave Qi Yun a sneer and left the place with the others.

For these youngsters, none, yin innocent and the others are coldly snorted in their hearts.

"Have a good rest tonight, no one is allowed to cause trouble without my order."

Qi Yun's tone was calm.

"Yes, Young Master!"

Five people nodded and said.

They went back to their rooms.

The night is getting darker.

Dark clouds loomed overhead, obscuring the stars and moon.

The entire Zangshi Mountain was pitch black, and the five fingers could not be seen.

Qi Yun's body flickered, and it had already escaped into the air, and lightly flashed out of the room.

The yin and yang escape, as always, mysterious and unpredictable.

Even on the Zangshi Mountain, you can travel freely.

"Find a Disciple to search for souls, find out the names of their upper classes, and then curse them one by one..."

Qi Yun whispered.

There are many powerhouses in this Taiyin treasure land. The seven people I saw during the day were all Demi-God Level powerhouses, and it is very likely that there will also be a real Spiritual God.

So he wants everything to be stable, and the best way is to find someone to search for his soul.


Qi Yun's body moved away quickly along the air.

The hidden corpse mountain in the dark night was extraordinarily quiet, and there was no sound at all. Yin Qi was surrounded by Yin Qi, which was filled with unspeakable coldness.

Soon, Qi Yun found the traces of those people during the day.

Those youngsters are still obsessed with him, cursing in their mouths.

But after cursing for a while, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Qi Yun sneered inwardly and followed the youngster who had attacked him before.

Inside the room.

Yin Customs went to the door and sat quietly on the bed, thinking of the day's events, still filled with resentment, especially the faint pain in the wrist.

"Damn, you dare to do it when you reach my Taiyin Treasure Land. When you leave, it will be your death!"

He cursed inwardly.


Suddenly, a strange laughter in the room remembered.

Yin Hai complexion changed, looked behind him hastily, shouted: "who?"


Just as he turned around, a black hand The claws suddenly landed on his neck, and he quickly pulled out his life force. The whole person seemed to be leaking air. With a whimper, the life force disappeared by as much as 90%.

Yin Hai's eyes widened, and he didn't even have time to let out a scream. His body was instantly shriveled, he lost all his strength, and fell to the ground, his body twitched, and his eyes were full of horror.


Qi Yun's body was revealed lightly, wearing a bronze-mask, with a weird laugh, squatting in front of Yin Hai, said with a smile: " Yin Hai? Well, very good, let me take a look at your memory!"

He grabbed Yin Hai's hair, and the Power of Divine Sense pierced Yin Hai's eyes instantly.


Yin Hai's weak mental defense line collapsed in an instant, all the pictures and information in his mind surfaced, and Qi Yun peeped.

Soon, Qi Yun learned all kinds of information about the Taiyin Treasure Land. To his surprise, as he expected, there was a Spiritual God alive in the Taiyin Treasure Land.

The Four Great Ancestors!

This is their heritage!

However, for these four great ancestors, Yin Hai only saw one time through childhood, that was when three of them woke up, he saw them.

In other cases, never seen.

And I don't even know the names of the four great ancestors.

Qi Yun quickly read Yin Hai's memory. In addition to these four ancient ancestors, there were actually three Supreme Elders in the Taiyin Treasure Land.

And Yin Hai also didn't know the names of the three Supreme Elders.

Qi Yun's eyes narrowed, he read it quickly, and quickly retracted Divine Consciousness.

It's also a lunar treasure!

Really deep and unmeasurable!

But still, it's enough for Qi Yun.


His finger pointed out, and it penetrated Yin Hai's eyebrows in an instant, killing him, and then throwing the body directly into the Holy Land space to feed the wolf, Qi Yun's body became Flash, yin and yang spread out, and left here lightly.

It shouldn't be spread so quickly about Yin Hai's disappearance.

He had time to curse.

There is another chapter of three thousand~~

(end of this chapter)

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